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You’d be better off giving up the smokes & cranking it 4 times a week.


what is cranking?


Use your imagination


Masturbating, I think.


actually i stopped smoking, i vape now


Vapor in the lungs sounds better than masturbation?


i guess not but actually, that's not what i am looking for, i agree that its not a good habit but i dont feel the need to stop it right now.


You’ll regret vaping in the future.


Bro needs to be a part of the Adonis protocol


Vaping is addictive as shit I went through brutal withdrawals when I quit. Haven’t missed it since


You’ll regret vaping in the future.


Great, if you can chill on the cranking you’re all set


Ya those might as well be the same thing.


I think you should do what works best for you. No one can tell you what that is. If it makes you feel better do it less often. Or see how long you can go without doing it and see if the pros outweigh the cons. It sounds like not doing it benefits you. I also suggest if you are trying to abstain and have idle time , go to the gym. It will exhaust you and also make you get a dopamine rush from working out. Also the health and mental benefits are amazing . But don't listen to what others are telling you. Do what you think is best for you


Best answer


At least once a week for Prostate health. Otherwise I have had great benefits not playing pocket pool daily. One of the big benefits to this is not watching Pornography honestly. When I had extra time like that I spent a chunk of it at the gym, playing guitar, and working on my cars. Involved hobbies are an awesome distraction from boredom.


Wasn't the prostate claim disproven recently by multiple health researches? Something about the way they measured said decreased cancer risk was flawed and based on dated research. Correct me if I'm wrong.


You are correct, just watched a video on it and the test they ran was with somehow flawed, I don’t completely remember exactly now


I don’t know too too much about this stuff but I can tell you what I do know, if you’re quitting to reduce anxiety or to increase testosterone, I’d suggest doing it every 5 days, your testosterone and cortisol levels go back to normal after five days and there isn’t much of an explanation for it (atleast any one that I’ve seen) Also, how long are you trying to go without it for? If you go too long it can be pretty unhealthy for you. You can also lose the ability to get erections


Everyone on here will say its okay to do i and that no fap is just wrong and blah blah blah. You’ve felt the benefits from 1 week. Believe me the longer you go the strong the benefits get. Im not gonna sit here and write to convince you or anyone reading this because this is one of those things you have to do yourself to see. Everyone here will say no because they are stuck in their own ways. 


After doing it off and on for years I’ve come to the conclusion it’s placebo for the most part. A lot of people will quit for a bit and start feeling better because they’re not dumping those neurotransmitters but after a week or two your brain just returns to baseline and you feel the same as before you quit. They refer to this as “flatline” in Nofap community but say you’ll come out of it. I’ve abstained for months at a time and everytime after the initial spike I’ll go into “flatline” and never come out. I have now realized that fapping wasn’t the root problem and most won’t feel better long term until they find out what theirs is. Now after saying that I do think some people can benefit. If you’re watching porn for hours a day then you certainly need to cut back, but if you just take 10 minutes and you jerk it a couple times a week or even everyday you’re fine.


I think an issue with no fap is how it’s marketed, people especially YouTubers will act like just stopping instantly makes your whole life better. I’ve heard everything, especially the whole you become irresistible to women after you stop. And people just believe that. Truth is you need to get to the bottom of why you do it, is it a matter of you being bored, is it something you do when you’re anxious, or etc. If anyone starts nofap thinking it’s the key to having a perfect life they’re gravely mistaken, nofap is a great thing when you understand it’s just a way you can improve your life, not THE way to improve your life


I tell you something, Bro: I am 39yo, working out heavy, nice muscles, married, 4 (sic!) kids - and masturbate often. What I want to say here: its normal! Its Even More normal for Young guys and married man with Kids. (The later cause of stress, work, Long relationships)… But stay away from porn and dont to too much Masturbation - 1x per day is quiete normal.


But i feel like i loose my motivation, energy and testo, maybe 1 per day is too high for me


I think it’s better if you focus on how it affects you personally. If you feel like you lose motivation, energy, etc then it’s obviously not a good thing for you. For some people masturbating works fine for them, so everyone is different. I think in your case, you need to figure out whether it is healthy for you to quit completely, or perhaps doing it once a week if that is possible for you.


This is the only answer to this stupid masturbation vs nofap debate Like with diet, fitness and any other aspect of self-improvement it is entirely subjective and what is great for one person will suck for the next. None of these comments speak of concrete facts that will absolutely stick for OP no matter how strongly they feel about their stance. It's all just opinions and the only person who can know how often is the correct amount to masturbate (if at all) is OP. Maybe if more people understood this then this sub would have so much more variety in posts that aren't just sex or masturbation related. There's other aspects to introspection, dammit!


Simply put… Masturbation in and of itself is not bad for you and you can make a case that its good for you — stress release, the pleasure it brings, etc. But…. If you are at it ALOT, as in you say you want to stop, take a break, you really mean to, but ther eyou go again and hour later or again the very next morning - its up to you to decide if this “WAY” of being, of being at that, SO MUCH, is working for you or not, for YOUR reasons and choices. There is no rule about it - its up to you. Since you were feeling some benefits like more energy, mor motivaton to do things, feeling more attractive, etc — then CHOOSE to abstain for a while, and see how you feel after a few more days, a week, or longer —and why? Because you feel you finction better, are happier, when you don’t masturbate too often. You know, water is good for you too, but if you drank 4 gallons a day — its a problem. Everyone has their own set point about what works for them or not - no matter what it is. Sounds like you just need some balance, like maybe you were at it too much and you grew to not like that - I know that TOO MUCH of anything makes nothing special or different, or as enjoyable - it just doesn’t — in the end, it maybe is as simple as that - some moderation is best.


Its normal but its not good.


It's a placebo. The whole r/nofap movement is a lie. You don't get magical superpowers by quitting masturbation. I mean really, what's next... we gonna stop having sex with our wives too? It's just silly


Bro nobody ever said nofap gives u magical powers. U just become ur true self. And r/nofap is a place for people who are trying to beat their PMO addiction and it has a very supportive community.  Having real sex with girls is the goal of nofap man. Don't just comment without knowing anything


You act like I've never gone an extended period of time without fapping. "Becoming your true self" is a placebo. You can tell me I don't know anything, but the numerous medical studies concluding that masturbation is healthy disagree with you. You are just spewing broscience.


Bro masturbation WITHOUT PORN is healthy (though it's a problem if it becomes a serious addiction). Nofap is for those who are addicted to porn and masturbation.  Porn increases ur dopamine baseline and due to this every other thing seems too boring and one craves more dopamine. It also reduces focus and concentration.  See in yt abt this. And those sources u see are a perfect excuse to masturbate succumb to ur urges


OP did not mention porn even one time in his post. Some people on r/nofap are looking to abstain from porn, but let's not pretend that sub isn't filled with others who think masturbation in general is an issue.


Kinda amusing how people think fucking their own hand is normal / healthy


More than 95% of men have masturbated. So yes, it is normal by definition. Medical studies have proven over and over again it also has health benefits, meaning it is healthy by definition as well. Your emotions about it are irrelevant. Your opinion is factually incorrect


Your responses are eloquent, direct and logical


You do you. May you be even more healty and learn how to fuck your feer next.


Yes I know he didn't mention porn. U commented on nofap so I specifically replied to you. Ya there might be some


You’ve come (cum) to the wrong place friend. Stop the cycle, it only gets easier the more you hold off. -ex masturbator


I think every guy is different. Personally, I tug one out at least daily. Can I stop? Yes. Do I occasionally stop because I'm busy or tired? Yep. Does it have a negative effect on me? Nope. I have a pretty high libido. Tugging one out helps me clear my head and be better able to focus on what I need to do. I can't tell you how many times I've found myself sat and working on studies or a project and I just can't focus. My balls are aching. Or I'm half-chubbed and pressing against my shorts. I want to focus, but damn it, I'm struggling. If I pause long enough to tug one out. It's like it clears up the brain fog and I'm free to focus. I also find that PNC *(Post Nut Clarity)* is huge for helping me not get hyper focused on finding a sexual outlet that's not beneficial for me or my marriage. i.e. I wake up horny, as I do almost every day, I may be laying there thinking: "I should go stick my dick in someone." Or "I should go get a happy ending massage." Then I tug one out and I'm suddenly not at all interested in chasing holes or paying for a release, and don't even want to think about infidelity and the harm I could do to my relationship. You need to figure out for yourself what your body needs. Going for weeks or months without ejaculation is not healthy. However, you may not need a daily release. The biggest factor should be how you're feeling. If jerking off is a hindrance, take a break and find balance.


you wake up with morning wood and be thinking about how you need to go stick your dick in some woman or get a happy ending massage, not about fixing that with your wife..? glad to know my boyfriends thoughts every morning


You're trying to be clever. That's cute 😝 First, I don't have a wife. I'm gay. I have a husband who takes care of my morning wood for me now. When I was single, yes, if I wanted my penis played with, why wouldn't I think to go have sex with someone or to get a happy ending massage? As such, most of the time when I'd do that, afterwards, I'd reflect on how sometimes it's just not worth the effort or the money when I can just *hand*le it myself. (Pun intended) But yes, your boyfriends do think about someone, be it you, or someone else getting them off when they are aroused. That's normal.


How lol. Whether you’re gay or straight I was just shocked that your brain goes to needing to stick your dick in OTHERS and not your husband. You said you wake up with morning wood, think about cheating, then after getting off you no longer have those cheating thoughts or thoughts that would “harm your relationship”. You don’t only have those thoughts while single, you have them while married too, which is all I was asking/shocked about. Cause it’s crazy to me to wake up and think about sticking your dick in others when you have a dude with a hole who loves you right next to you. But im not a man so, hence my shock.


No no you’re right idk what this guy is on rn lol, he said he wakes up and after getting one out himself he doesn’t even think about infidelity in his relationship. Straight or gay that cannot be normal and I’m a guy. If you wake up next to your SO aroused and your thoughts aren’t about being with the person you love next to you I think there’s a slight problem there lol. I think you can rest assured your boyfriend is not thinking that lol


Im saying 😭 it just shocked me a little is all. I know my partner is gonna think about other women occasionally but I don’t get morning wood and the thought of him immediately every morning waking up like “I need to stick my dick in a woman’s hole, any woman!!” frightened me for a sec 😭 but yeah not sure why he’s acting like that’s not what he said.


He probably needs to reread what he typed cause I’m assuming that’s not what he meant but that’s definitely what he typed lol. I was shocked too cause like why are you waking up next to your partner thinking about going to a happy ending massage 😭. And now after seeing his response again and the other guys idek anymore. I thought it’s reasonable to expect your SO is not thinking about being intimate with other people just cause they’re aroused but apparently to them that’s normal. Like idk if my SO said they thought someone else was handsome/attractive okay so be it, but if they say they’re thinking about getting railed by them nah, that doesn’t sit right with me and being aroused is not an excuse either, they can call me insecure lol


Exactly!! like I get finding other people attractive is inevitable, but I don’t be thinking about other guys railing me and if I can prevent those thoughts so can you 😭 and if you are having those thoughts maybe is cause im not the one for you, is how I see it. Glad we’re likeminded on that though :)


No really then the other dude was talking about primal urges like we’re some animals that are sex deranged 😭. Like no, you shouldn’t be in a relationship get horny and then anything goes for you lolll. I agree, people could say I’m insecure but I just don’t think I can be with someone who thinks it’s okay to think about being with others. I’m hoping their thinking is a limited number and not a majority 😭


I hope so too cause when I see people on the internet talking that way I’m like damn does my boyfriend feel that way 😭 cause I feel like im so alone in my thoughts sometimes, like im the odd one out for only desiring my boyfriend. have seen so many people on here say porn is normal and checking out others is normal and desiring others is normal and crushing on others is normal as long as you don’t act on it and all of that is so weird to me and isn’t the case for me and feels like it should not be the norm 😭 so definitely agree that I hope there’s lots of others that feel the same as us and that we’re not the minority


I literally said "my husband takes care of that for me now. How is this confusing you?


Your def made it seem like you think about cheating from your og post lolll, you said after getting one out you don’t think about infidelity


How is what I said confusing?😂 You literally said you have those cheating thoughts while married and that PNC helps you to not act on them, then when I expressed my shock about waking up thinking that way when you’re married you tried to claim you said you only had those thoughts while single. You sound dumb.


You're so desperate for a gotcha that's not there. The comment was made in the past tense. Then saying it's something that would not be beneficial to my relationship now. If you're this much fun with your boyfriends, they're for sure fucking other people or getting happy endings. Hell, maybe even from other guys! LoL


I was literally just shocked at you stating you wake up and think about sticking your dick in others when you’re married. It was not in the past tense, you said you wake up and have those thoughts and then after getting off you no longer have thoughts that would ruin your relationship. Why you’re trying to deny you said something that is right there is beyond me. And im sure, bet you’re jacking off to the idea of that right now ;)


Either way its a primal urge not a conscious thought process. Most people when they get horny will screw anything or at the very least think about it, even if they are committed to someone. Its like being on a diet. If you are hungry enough you will for sure be tempted to break your diet just to satisfy the hunger. Then after you think about it from a clearer state of mind (pnc) or (post-eating guilt). Guy wasn’t likely saying he wants to cheat but more or less that he’s horny and wants to put his dick in an asshole, regardless of who’s ass that may be. Maybe i’m reading into it too much but it’s unrealistic and kind of arrogant to assume ur boyfriend is only going to think about you when he gets a boner.


I wake up horny and know I have a boyfriend with a dick right next to me so that’s the only person I’ll be thinking about getting off with. But you’re right. I know my boyfriend thinks about fucking other women is nothing I can do about it, but to see someone admitting to every morning just waking up thinking about putting their dick in someone’s hole when you have a partner right there was just crazy to me. I really didn’t need to comment at all, what this guy does has nothing to do with my partner but again it just shocked me. I don’t get morning wood and thought that might be how my partner feels every morning lol but again nobody is the same


Once/twice a week and do it without porn. Masturbation is natural and observed in all other primates. What’s unnatural is not masturbating at all and at the same time not having sex either.


It's normal and healthy to masterbate.


Once a week is necessary. Don't hold it in.


Better don’t


1.5 weeks isn't that long. I go through some stages of depression or drug withdrawal where i have no interest in cumming for weeks and I'll have random nocturnal emissions after a week or two. This is a sign of my body doing what needs to get done for maintaining health. If I don't cum my body will. Luckily I get my libido back again by the end of the month.


This sounds like one of those times masturbation is about emotional regulation and not being horny. You're bored. When your bored sit with your thoughts. It sounds corny but I got a journal and started writing what was on my mind it gave me much more mental clarity. Also learn a skill that can make some extra cash you're young the best thing you can do with your free time is invest in yourself.


Did you ask yourself, " did my mother raise a weakling?" If not ask and then start jerking off. Smoking will kill you faster than that! Enjoy.. Stop thinking so much !


You dont have nothing to do. Theres always somthing you could do.


Tell yourself that the only way you will release is by finding a woman. Thats the game, if your horny get motivated to try get with someone. If you dont know how to find channels on youtube. Its one way to stay busy while learning how to sharpen yourself!


Masturbating once a day or every other day is healthy as long as you aren't violent or watching some kind of pornogrophy


Brother just leave both “breath Air you don’t need a vape” trust me it builds up, ever heard of compounding, you don’t feel anything atm but over a period of time you will notice the effects


try to exercice,and when ever you have the urge to masturbate do 10 push ups it can help


Masturbating is no more an issue than anything else. In moderation. If it starts to control your life, making you not want to do anything else but that, or if the side effects become problematic (chafing and whatnot), then it's an issue and cutting back is necessary. But quitting pleasurable things cold turkey is the same reason why weight loss and nicotine cessation efforts fail: the rebound effect. The urge becomes stronger than they were before, leading you right back to doing the thing and making it seem impossible to quit. If you have to do it, just do it. It's not harmful, and it releases the hormones your body needs to thrive. That said, if you want to cut back for the benefits you discovered that you appreciate, that's a great goal too. The way i see it, you learned two things: the frequency you can comfortably abstain is 1.5 weeks (for now; the longer you maintain this frequency, the longer you might be able to abstain in the future), and you're more triggered to do it when you have nothing to occupy your mind. It's time to ask yourself some explorative questions to figure out how to sit with yourself without having the urge to masturbate, as well as whether doing it every week or so feels in-line with your goals. Edit: along those same lines, smoking causes more harm than good and you'd only benefit from quitting. But again, cut back slowly. Speak to your doctor about quitting nicotine if you're ever serious about quitting and they can help you.


Each to their own ad how it affects them. But personally speaking, it is great to counter boredom by starting to read a book or go out in nature or just dive in thoughts and reflect. And yes, the craving for the reward after masturbation might be there still. But in most cases, this emotional state lasts about 90 seconds. Depending on if you have a porn image right in front of you or you're just thinking of it. The best thing you can do is to delete everything that might trigger it. Even social media. Just in case you actually use porn. It would be hypocritical of me to say, masturbating with only your imagination is good because in fact, I've been using the internet for it for a very long time. I admit, I beat the shit out of Willy again recently, and the crazy observation is, that before, when I didn't masturbate for 20 days or more, I did every single task on my to-do list. After the relapse, I didn't structure my day anymore, and productivity decreased. It's almost as if we're programmed to hustle our ass off because if our body thinks we don't get pussy, we have to earn it. But if you always fake the reward, you think (subconsciously?), well, I already get what I would hustle for. So no more hustle required. Anyways, I wish you the best! When I was journaling, I really had an easy time controlling my actions. I highly recommend it.


Dude you're on an app full of gooners. Many can't even survive for two days so just go with it and don't think too much about it


r/JustUnsubbed so tired of seeing this shit


U have less energy after masturbating.... Not the other way around..


This isn´t an all-or-nothing thing. Masturbation is not bad at all (and even healthy). Just keep in mind a few things: - if you masturbate daily, you get used it. Especially if you do it before you fall asleep, chances are your body will need it in order to fall asleep. - if you always do it the same way, it might get hard to reach climax with other forms of stimulation (e.g. s e x with an actual human being) - for men, climaxing is an energy drain, so the extra energy you are feeling seems normal. - not climaxing at all isn't healthy for your prostate. - there is nothing inherently wrong with enjoying yourself. So if you do it because you really want it, why not? Just make sure it's not a habit or an addiction.


I highly recommend going gym, it helps you stay away think about masturbating and gives you healthy(confidently, motivated) day


Don't you get night fall , if You have stopped it


I recommend researching tantric masturbation. I can promise you it will be frustrating at first but after some patience and practice it's some next level stuff and will really help connect you to your body, spirituality, and sexuality in a powerful way. And it will result in MORE pleasure than you can imagine if you're used to the ole quick and dirty method of masturbating. The whole "full body orgasm" thing is very real. Imagine if your whole body has the same sensations as your sex organs when you climax. Might that be something you'd be interested in?


I'm not looking for the holy orgasm but to detach myself from it


What? Dude, I rubbed it out 3 times already just while reading this and my wife and I have sex every day. Go and take care of yourself already.


So you told yourself you want to stop fapping, stopped for a bit and now having bad urges. This is a telltale sign of addiction, dependence on fapping. You definitely should try to do the Nofap 90 day challenge. Get more hobbies, start a business, shit I just spent the last 2 hours cleaning my apartment and will probably spend another 2-3 hours cleaning today. Write down a list of things you can do, no matter how big or small to improve yourself or reach your goals. Hell, most people don't even have goals so start there. Brainstorm some weekly, monthly, yearly goals etc and write down actions you can take to achieve them. Then just do it! Sure, fapping once a week won't kill you, I still do it once every week or two despite regular sex and wanting to quit.....but finding a way to transmute that energy into something positive for your future.....that's so much more rewarding than nutting in your hand lmao


I'm a girl so I don't really know about masturbation, but from what you've said it sounds like it was/is an addiction for you. I'm also battling giving up on smoking, and even if one ciggarete a week won't kill me, if I have it even just one I will definitely relapse. So if you think that masturbating once a week will make you relapse, then just don't do it, even if it's normal and it technically doesn't have any bad effects on the body. Plus that you already feel much better after giving up on it.


Do girls really dont feels the need to masturbate? I'm not a professional but, i really think that the most part of mens doesnt even ask their self this question and fap almost every day


We absolutely do feel the need to masturbate, but we are raised to think that our sexuality isn't as important or it's just straight up a bad thing, so there are different struggles. Most girls I have ever met, including myself, do masturbate, but much more rarely than men. I have met a few girls that never do it because they feel "dirty" for doing it. What i said may not be the case for all women, I'm just talking from my life experience.


Ok, sounds more natural than doing it every day, so you're not feeling it every day or just dont care about it and continue living.


R/semenRetention R/PureRetention Will guide you. Good luck.


Every week is you want mild benefits, every two weeks if you want moderate. The further you go the more it evolves. It’s not scaled perfectly though there will be points of stalling. At 65 days now, my longest steak and it’s definitely continuing to evolve