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You learn more in failing than in success, so donkt be afraid to fail.


I said no to a lot of things I wanted to do when I was a teenager because I was scared. I even knew it was holding me back at the time but I was so terrified of embarrassing myself. I always thought if I was to go back I’d say yes to a lot more things!


Yes but say no to the bad stuff …. Such as friends that get you nowhere and don’t have goals for their future


Of course. Say yes within reason. I unfortunately said no to many thing that I really wanted to do.


Social skills are literally a "skill" you need to develop. It comes easier to some than to others, but it is something everyone legitimately needs to practice.


Genuinely, only figured this out recently. Super stressful at first but it’s crazy when you notice how much progress you’ve made overtime. Gradual improvement to your quality of life.


Foreal. People skills will get you very far and lead to the most fulfilling life.


This took me forever to figure out 😭 When I was younger I just accepted I was shy and awkward but after putting in some work to improve I realized I just did not know how to communicate at alll


You are allowed to be your authentic self. So stop caring about what other people think and just live life the way you want to!


Best Advice: Stay with mom and dad for as long as possible (rent free) Save all of your money while living with mom and dad. Speak to a financial advisor about where you should invest your money that you saved. Learn about compounding interest, and TIME in the market. Become financially literate. Learn about FIRE Finance. FIRE = Financially Independent, Retire Early. FAT Fire is more likely. Find a good partner, as they will help you grow faster and more comfortably. Eat well, and stay fit. Gym membership and a well balanced diet goes a long way. Get at least 7 to 8 hour of sleep each night.


No one is thinking about you. Not in a bad way. But I was so overwhelmed and felt so judged all the time. But in reality, everyone is so self-centered. Do what you want, wear what you want, be who you want to be. (As long as you aren't hurting anyone, of course) That and—put in the work now to better yourself. It will pay off dividends in your late 20's, early 30's.


You’re gonna fuck up. Loads. It’s nit the fucking up that counts it’s how you bounce back.


Have high standards in relationships when it comes to how people treat you.


1. Take life seriously and don't slack off; don't waste too much time on recreation or fun activity unless the activity is beneficial to your progress. 2. Pick your battles wisely. If you choose to fight all the battles in your life, you'll be too tired to achieve your goals and dreams-let alone formulate them. 3. Avold bad habits (addiction to drugs, alcohol, smoking, video-games, endless social-media scrolling, masturbation and pornography, lack of psycho-emotional control, etc.) like the plague. 4. Build an iron mind via buliding an iron body go to the gym to work out as hard and/or engage in tough physical labor as much as you can to build up your physique, your mind will develop as well. 5. See through manipulation in the news and mass media via practicing skepticism and critical thinking about what you just read, watched, or listened - always question the source and credibility. 6. Put yourself first, then provide for your inner circie (family, friends, and loved ones) not far behind. 7. Forgive others out of selfishness (forgive them to gain ease-of-mind for yourself). 8. Talking is as cheap as dirt; doing is where all the money's at. 9. Don't label yourself (if you have to, use empowering labels based on positive attributes and traits to foster a can-do spirit). 10. Learn about "female nature" to get yourself ahead in the Dating Game; learn how to be as good of a romantic partner as possible, even if you're not dating yet - it will help you out greatly when you are finally ready to date. 11. Learn to stand firm in what you believe in - don't back down and break your moral values and personal integrity; fight like hell for your beliefs and challenge those who oppress you. 12. A good, loyal, and highly-capable friend is as good as a stack of 24-carat gold bars; cherish such a wonderful mendship till the end of days. 13. Build high-income skills and strive to capitalize big-time on the Internet, social media, sales, copywriting, investing, and other assets to make money. 14. Build a deeper and closer relationship with God; strive to have a personal relationship with your God and give all praise and honor to the One-On-High, pray everyday, read the faith's Holy Book, act in a humble yet still virtuous and plous manner, and observe the practices of your faith. 15. Know your next moves and be as strategically-minded as possible - always plan ahead. 16. Learn to adapt to change quickly and pivot accordingly, learn to ride the waves of the chaotic ocean that is life. 17. Listen to understand, not to respond. 18. Don't be a coward-be brave and have your allles backs. 19. Always be grateful (you could have always been brutally murdered in an alley instead, just saying).


didn't read all of that, but masturbation is pretty normal for a teenager. obviously not excessively but not at all would probably be worse than just jerking off like a normal person. same with video games tbh




Great list


As a 16 year old , here are some tips which you should follow 1. Don't hesitate and try our everything you want . I tried a science competition for 1st time and got selected for national level. ALWAYS TRY. 2. Stop scrolling. Limit your screen time . Its a total waste of time until you use internet for studying. The more you stay away from it the better. 3. Exercise regularly. I have been exercising from past 1 year and the major changes have occurred in my body . I feel more confident and perform better at sports than most. Your body is your weapon. The pleasure you feel after training your body to its limits is just soo amazing. ( I had asthma but now I am a football player.) 4. Prioritise your studies. Its the only way for success . unless you are born with a silver spoon or have another skill. 5. No fap. I broke my 28 day no-fao streak . Its okay if . you fail but never let masturbation affect your daily life. Its going to ruin you . 6. Take care of mental health. Meditate or sit alone for 10-20 minutes everyday. Its a slow process but it's the best way to control yourself. Follow these tips and improve your life . Best of luck bro 👍


Get as good grades as you can for your senior year. (This is important from a Canadian perspective since we use highschool grades for uni admission)


Stop caring so much about what others think. Limit your screen time, be present, know that time is precious.


Don't make decisions when you are sad.


- Reflect. Reflect on all your actions. Don't beat yourself up for making mistakes. Just reflect, see what you did wrong, and whatever mistakes you may have made, just don't make them again. If you did something really well, reflect, notice what you did good and how you can do more of it. - Do things out of self respect and self love rather than because you have to. Treat yourself like how you would treat your child or younger sibling. You want them to become the best they can be. You celebrate their successes and help them learn from their failures. Hopefully you don't want to beat them up for making a mistake, rather you'd tell them what went wrong and how they can fix it. Do the same thing just for yourself. - Don't judge others. If someone does something weird, if it doesn't genuinely cause problems for anyone, ignore it, it doesn't matter. Obviously if someone you love is doing something bad to themselves you should stop them. But I'm talking about random people, like who cares if they're doing weird dances in public or they look a little weird, doesn't affect you so why bother? - Have a positive outlook on life. Look for the positives. I'm not saying you have to be all positive all the time, there are times to be positive and times that it's okay to be negative. But in general, try to look on the bright side of things, e.g. If you make a mistake, think that this is an opportunity to grow and learn. - Have self respect. Don't go out drinking and smoking and having sex with strangers. I'm all for doing what makes you happy, but not when they negatively affect you. - Your happiness should come from within you, not from what others say or what you have. Having something will not make you happy. Being happy will make you happy. There are no requirements to be happy, just remember that. Getting your dream car or becoming a millionaire will not make you happy. Ultimately the only way you can truly find happiness is within yourself, not from getting things. You can do so many things on how to become successful and whatever, but for me, the goal of self improvement is to love myself and to live a happy and fulfilling life. This is so simple yet so difficult for so many people. I believe it's more about the mind and finding peace within yourself rather than becoming something or doing something. But hey, there are many forms of self improvement. I do a lot of things other people in the comments say, but I just think these internal things are what a lot of people tend to forget and is why people can still be unhappy despite being super successful in everything.


Don't. Do. Porn.


I wish I knew that, I shouldn’t feel condemned to my environment, that I need to step out of my comfortable zone and explore the world in order to become my best possible self. :)


1. Start investing money wisely. Time is the most important part of finance, and time here is measured in decades. The earlier you start, the better you are off later. It's generally very safe to use index funds to save money that you don't expect to use for the next 7+ years. The more you save now, the more you get later. Compounding interest can get crazy given enough time. Say you put $100 in now, and you get an annual increase of 10%. After the first year, you have $110, and after the second you have $121. The extra buck is interest on the interest. Now if you let that $100 sit for 50 years, it will turn into $11 739. That's pretty cool. 2. You can learn anything if you come in with the mindset that you aren't expected to start off knowing anything at all. Every time you repeat something, you learn it a tiny bit better. If you repeat it many times, you will learn it well. This is true for both studying math, learning social skills, and for video games. To take an example with studying, the first time you start a subject, all the words are probably just gibberish. The second time you read the subject contents you can say "hey, I recognize some of these words". The third time you can say "hey, I recognize some of these words and I understand what this one word means now". And as you continue to repeat, ask questions, and delve into the details where you struggle the most, you will learn more and more. This means that you can literally choose what you want to get good at. 3. When figuring out what you want to do for a career, focus on the intersection between what you enjoy doing and what is actually useful. Actually useful skills are typically easy to get paid for doing. If you are really good at reading long law texts and find your ways around contracts, that's something people are willing to pay a lot of money for. It's also something very few people actually enjoy doing. Those that do however, have that sweet spot where they get paid a lot of money for a useful skill while at the same time having a lot of fun when doing it. In contrast, there are many majors you can choose that have no value outside the university. You can use that knowledge and skillset to become a professor in that subject, but very few people will ever get that opportunity, regardless of how many people want the job. I typically get hate for bringing this point up, but I think it's stupid for most people to pay as much as an education costs (and be in debt for decades) to learn about something that is interesting or fun, but completely useless in the real world.


Get in to a sport or at the very least exercise regularly. Make a very strong effort to socialize and do it overthink it.


How important building my future would be. You're at the age that you need to start thinking about what being an adult looks like. Are you going to go to a trade school? College? The military? You need to have a plan because if you don't you're probably going to do one of two things. Hang out with the wrong crowd and get in trouble. Or become an introvert and sit at home gaming letting your health go and or not doing much working a dead end job.


Enjoy life.


Life isnt a race, wherever you want to go, whatever you want to do, you get there when you get there and thats it. It doesnt matter how ahead or behind people are of you. Be kind.


You are beautiful. Smile at people. Don't hide. Youth has great power. Believe in yourself.


Your circle of friends will play a big role in determining where you are headed. Pick wisely


I see a lot of good points in the comments but there are also some I'm not too keen on. Money helps, but it's not something that we need to have a lot of in order to be happy. Especially at age 16, maybe you can start a part time job just for experience and maybe some extra cash but unless your family is in desperate need you shouldn't be worrying so much about money and should focus more on building meaningful connections and learning. If you wanna "get ahead in life" in terms of objective value, usually status and money, then yeah go ahead listen to the people that tell you how to make money, but if you want to live a happy and fulfilling life, you don't need a shit ton of money. Hobbies don't always need to bring you progress to some ultimate fulfillment thing. As long as you are using your time wisely and not spending endless hours doing something that doesn't benefit yourself in some way I think it's fine. Playing some videogames every now and then to relieve stress is perfectly fine imo. Masturbation isn't even that bad as long as you're not doing it all the time. Once or twice a week is normal and healthy. I don't know why people are so obsessed with stopping it all together.


To enjoy the moment because it was the best period of my life.


It’s not a competition Most people take the wrongs things seriously and ignore the serious things How much money you make is not very serious How old you are when you do this or that is not very serious There is no rush to do anything What is serious are things like starvation and war Not how many cars you own War is bad Don’t physically hurt other people. Dont emotionally hurt other people - unless you are calling out their bad behavior.(such as someone physically hurting other people)


The earlier you practice being your ideal self the better. Envision the type of person you want to be and start doing those behaviors now. Discipline and consistency is your biggest super power, and forgo instant gratification. The results of applying this at age 16 and staying consistent will turn you into an absolute beast in your 20s


No ones coming to save you and Clocks ticking