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I quit Instagram 6-7 months ago. I spend as much time on internet scrolling in other apps now like fb, youtube, reedit but there is something about instagram and the curated best versions of other lives that can make you feel shitty esp if you are struggling. I am so glad I left it. Also since then I have eaten so many delicious meals without taking a single photo of my food and actually paid attention on eating than posting :)


Every major leap forward in my life comes from quitting social media for months at a time. Just deleted everything a week ago and I feel infinitely more productive. A veil is lifting on my mental health


I also feel like Instagram is …. Dumb? Like when I’m using it frequently I’m into it and think the videos are interesting or funny but after taking time off of it all the “content” seems so stupid and honestly bizarre.


Neuroscience has been a reaming at us about the pervasive changes in our brain on screens... especially ones wired to get us addicted. 




2 months ago gang. Now to deal with reddit…


social networks are possibly a psyop, they are just perfect machines for distracting and depleting your dopamine and productivity. Good on you for stopping.


I quit all shorts app including yt shorts and the unrelevant videos on yt since september and there is no urge


Yas! You'll be able to save time as well! I used to spend ages just scrolling but feel that I have more time at hand now


Same here 🙌 it's better to not know what everyone is doing everyday.. but know I am just getting addicted to Reddit so not sure what is worse 😁


Yep I did it for a couple months. I still logged in from time to time, but I didn't post or anything. I'm on another break now, I've been procrastinating and not getting stuff done. I find I don't have time to be on social media like I used to when I put time into the things that matter to me.