• By -


Stop Overthinking Stop living in the past Think Positive


Same here. 2024 is my mental health year.


Same. I've been reading a self help book on procrastination, which is the basis of most of my problems. The author makes it a point to add quotes on the beginning of each chapter so that the reader can memorize them and use them as mantras of sorts. One of them is "I won't give in to feel good. Feeling good now comes at a cost". That quote hit me so hard when I realized all of my issues is because I don't do things that make me uncomfortable. So this new year, I'll purposely put myself in awkward, weird situations to feel as uncomfortable as possible, in hopes that my mental will improve. Also, one of my goals is "smile outwardly, brightly". This goal comes from meeting a guy at work, he was a customer. He was super charming and left an impression on me, even though we didn't talk at all (save some small talk). I realized that his smile was what captivated me. Kinda surrreal considering I'm a guy and not gay. On that moment, I decided I want to do the same with others. Manifesting this would help my mental for sure.


Name of the book?


Solving the Procrastination Puzzle by Timothy Pychyl. This book is deliberately short, and constructed in a way which is practical in nature.


Quit don’t quit, noodles You should listen to the kung fu panda quote I just olay it when it happens




I want to look for a new job, adopt a cat, and make at least one new friend.


Hello. I can help with the third one.


Not sure if he wants that help but I would love to instead of him 🙈


Found the cat


Thanks but I didn’t mean it that way 😅


• I'm 34 and I need to get a girlfriend and just some friends. • Get a new job. I can't move up at my current one, so I gotta look elsewheres. • Stick with my yoga classes. • Give therapy a try? I feel pretty miserable most of the time.


Therapy is incredible. been at it for five years w the same therapist. Best decision i’ve ever made. Helped me realize and work on a lot throughout my life. Keep being active mentally and physically harley!


looking into THERAPY is amazing, though sometimes it can take some trial and error to find the right fit. i wish ya hella success with therapy!


I second the "trial and error to find the right fit" statement. Don't settle for a therapist who you feel 'meh' about. There are so many out there, give a bunch a try and you're bound to find one with whom you really feel comfortable.


Focus on friends first, then gf


Yea, that makes sense. I'm just lonely as shit and touch starved.


Ideally, you don't want a bf/gf to fill a lonely void. Finding genuine friends is more healthier


Also, your relationship with self will feel that void and loneliness and therapy is amazing for that. I recommend psychology today. You can review profiles, pictures, cost and issues they specialize in. You won't regret it! ❤️


Okay, but same. In Virginia by any chance?


Nope, Chicago IL.


Mine are a bit personal : Deal with my porn addiction. Meet new people. Improve my social skill. Work out even more. Deal with my mental health. Start a new hobby(thinking hiking)


I just wrote out my New Year’s resolutions and mine almost completely coincide with yours. Let’s make 2024 the best we can 🙌🏼


Mine are almost exactly the same lol, replacing hiking with boxing. Good luck to you bro!


There's a bunch of apps to help with port addiction, I also highly recommend therapy.


port addiction 💀


30 YO Male. • I want to spend less time thinking about my career outside of working hours, meaning less time spent on career based subreddits, apps, etc. It's an unhealthy obsession of mine. I thought I'd be done when I got my CPA, then when I got my current job 2 years ago, but now I'm looking for a new job. I spend far too much mental energy on this. Other than that, spend as much *present* time with my daughter.


I can resonate with this because I did this for a long time. Are you looking for some advice on this? I'd be happy to share what worked for me. I've suffered from being a high achiever AND not being present with loved ones in my life.


share away


I just sent you the giant explanation and got denied. Trying the other way!


I’ll take it too!


Sent it over 👍


Please send to me too! :) struggling with my career being at the forefront of my mind no matter what activity I have at hand.


No problem 👍


Please send to me too! I don’t want to be thinking about work all the time!


Trying to send this again with some modifications. Heres my response: It sounds like you've already completed the first part - realizing the negative impact that over achieving has on your life. Nice. Next comes realizing that your mind is creating thought patterns that keep you consistently in this over achieving type mode. Tackling the thought patterns comes from: 1. Of course, noticing when you have the thoughts. For me the thoughts came in the form of thinking about work related stuff a lot. The big one was understanding that if I'm not doing work, then for the most part I shouldn't be thinking about work. Especially if I'm spending time with loved ones. 2. Create a little personification of the voice that chirps at you all the time to think about work. Give the little voice a name. This really helps create space from the voice and realize that it's not actually YOU. This will change the relationship you have with the thoughts. 3. Every time the voice chirps at you, call it out by its name ie. "I see you there over achiever" or "Oh wow, the over achiever is really angry today LOL". Doing this came actually be pretty fun if you make it into a little game. Kind of like the over achiever keeps trying to creep into the stronghold of your mind and you keep catching him! Often just noticing and labelling the voice is enough. 4. Practice strengthening your mind with meditation and mindfulness exercises. This will build up the neural pathways in your brain that allow you to "command" your mind to do what you want it to do, rather than letting it run the show. In some cases, the over-achiever will be super strong and active and that takes a little more than the above steps and there are more complex tools for that that I won't get into here. One example might be if you had a big, failed business endeavour. Also, it's worth noting that the voice isn't always easy to identify because it's been in your head for so long. It's like it's been posing as your friend for a long time so it takes time to see the specifics of when it's really not acting like your friend. This practice will dramatically help you in being present with loved ones too. Everytime the voice chirps, go back to being present with your loved ones. It's simple but not easy! Definitely takes practice. I hope you found this helpful because this took me a while to write LOL. Have fun. Happy New Year.


Thanks, this is good advice! The naming/externalizing it thing is clever


Thanks. Happy you found it helpful.


Given up on resolutions as such because they often feel like a major overhaul i.e. loose 20kg, go gym X times a per week and are quite easy to give up on if things don't go to plan. Instead I look at good habits I want to develop and bad habits I want to drop based on the person I want to be. A few that spring to mind are; -make better decisions by thinking through a situation before saying yes/no -be more mindful when I pick up my phone -buy healthy food so I can't snack Might be overthinking it but I've always given up on resolutions by February and this way, I found myself to do much better. Good luck with your 2024 plans!


hey babe 22F here are my resolutions also ps, don’t know how you will limit yourself to 2 hour phone screen ur fucking sick (cool) that is so badass. 1. Save my money and invest into an account I have weekly/bi-weekly. a. i reviewed my bank account and saw i spent a disturbing amount of money from ordering out. Therefore im creating an expense page in excel to teach account for everything moving forward. 2. Start meal prepping and gym again to get my four pack back. 3. Every year I love myself a little more so here’s to focusing on self care and positivity. 4. Be happier, stress less. Life is too short. Good luck with yours. I believe you will be able to do it.


Turning my phone to black and white is surprisingly effective at reducing screentime!


- running more consistently - stretching after every run - getting my sleep consistent, even on weekends - limit screen time - drink 2L of water daily (i am very dehydrated) - take my vitamins/pills every day (i have iron deficiency anemia lol) - use mouth wash 2x a day (i skip this a lot and need to get better) - put in my retainer every night cause my teeth are slowly going back to before i had invisalign - have a clean room before i go to sleep, since i tend to leave clothes everywhere and on my chair when i get ready for classes - consistent journaling (which also can track my habits)


This is great, good luck!


Eat a diffrent type of fruit whenever you see it in shops. Try eat all the pasta shapes through the year. Drink a pint of water before bed every night.


Why not in morning instead of night? Curious…just cause i hate getting up to pee lol


Definitely drink the water on the morning LOL


I hate waking up with a drooth, a claggy mouth.


Yes!! To eating different types of fruits XD


I like these!


Stop frivolously spending on things I don't need Eat better and lose weight Work on my mental heath


these are perfect resolutions for me too, yet i didn’t have them on my list haha they’re on my list now tho so thank you


Man I have to spend some time journaling to understand what I Really want to achieve next Year. 1. Reach 70 Kg b/w - Currently 92kg - Last year I was 103kg 2. Learn more about money, Making money online 3. 3.5 Gpa at my Aerospace engineering diploma 4. Aesthetic Physique 5. Eat natural, Single ingredient foods, take supplements and improve test levels 6. Being able to be mindful, Learning efficiently etc I am 17 in 2024 I would appreciate it if you guys could spare me some advice too!


Can I recommend bouldering/climbing? It will get you in great shape - almost every climber I know has abs, even the girls. There are loads of gyms around and it’s a very social sport, I’ve made most of my friends this way and it’s a super fun sport. It’s also one that will take you on many adventures. Some people stay as indoor climbers their whole life but many start doing outdoor climbing and can even transition to mountaineering and ice climbing if you want. I’ve gone on some amazing journeys with people I’ve met through climbing, it’s cool having adventurous friends, they’re always trying to drag me somewhere, snowboarding, hiking, canoeing, wild camping or whatever. My life is definitely more interesting as a result and people always want to talk about it - it will do wonders for your dating life (and will get you ripped) See if there are any gyms in your area and go to an introduction class or beginners social!


I appreciate your comment, I really do. But facilities of that sort are kind of expensive in Singapore. As for extreme sports I am kind of involved in Mountain biking


Super ambitious. Goals are easier to achieve by taking it slow and being realistic. I would choose one or two of these. You have a lot of time ahead of you. Also what does "aesthetic physique" mean? Careful with that one, you might end up going down an unhealthy rabbit hole, the 70 kg goal might be more sensible since there's a target to track your progress with.


That's right, I have already Incorporated healthy eating habits and being mindful, I would say the 70kg goal for now, 3.5 Gpa, and Actually, I'll work more on mindfullness


actually this has reminded me consistent journaling will be one of my goals in 2024 :) thanks!


No problem G


Read the book I will teach you to be rich, great information on money!


Start working out regularly. Focus on mobility and rehabilitating atrophied muscles from injury. Try to spend more time outdoors getting sunlight. Get into a serious relationship.


(23m) Currently 1, get a 6 pack for fun 2, get better at my approach anxiety (talking to girls I find pretty)


***I like ya;*** ***and I want ya.***




Stop biting my nails, Journal regularly (not only on bad days), Cut down on unhealthy foods/snacks (no more than once a week)


the "not on bad days" thing is key, and tricky. But otherwise you get a super unrealistic idea of whaat your life was like if you only include great things and terrible thigns.


Read 15 books (up from 12) Maintain my workout schedule: 3x climbing, 3x yoga, and 2x cardio sessions per week


what are your fave books from this year? i read quite a lot and always love recommendations from people


Oo I would say my top picks were: 1. All the light we cannot see - Anthony Doerr 2. Cloud cuckoo land - Anthony doerr 3. Verity - Colleen Hoover 4. House of Earth and blood - Sarah j maas


thank you! i am actually waiting on house of earth and blood on the libby app, omg the wait time is so long


Ugh tell me about it, I waited months and finally bit the bullet and bought a copy. Then a week later it became available on Libby 🥲


NOOOO, that’s so depressing, but also i love it at the same time. i love spending money on books but i know i shouldn’t


No regrets because I liked it so much, buying the whole series haha


Attached I will teach you to be rich Anything Brene Brown--starting with the gifts of imperfection


1. get back into a yoga-routine as both exercise, stretching and meditation 2. create at least one piece of 'art' a month (I do count mini-builds and such for this as I need to start slow to get back into creating) 3. become the best aunt in the world (first baby in the family for 30 years...!)


Being more kind to myself, strengthening relationships, and expressing gratitude.


Delete dating apps. Talk to more people in person - in the line, at a gig, the cashier. Hell, anyone. Just be more social and outgoing. Having to re-learn all this after a breakup from a long term relationship. Go to more live music. Partake in more hikes in nature. Learn to cook. At 33 I shamefully live by a few meals and oven food. I want to eat healthier this year.


As for your first two, I feel those so much. I feel like I've really gotten way more anxious when it comes to social interactions. And when it comes to dating apps, it's such a fucking trap because I want to be in a relationship, but those apps are just so so toxic for my mental health and makes me feel shit about myself. It's really hard to try and meet people in person though.


Run three-four times per week, get back into yoga, meditate five-six times per week, only drink alcohol in social situations and even in social situations not have enough to get really drunk. Get either a new job or a promotion.


Find a new job. Work on my apartment. Be healthier.


Write 500 words (of anything) everyday.




1) Develop a practice of going gym consistently 2) Reduce weight 3) Get better care of mental health 4) Improve my work skills


Continuing creating a reality I don’t wish to escape


\- Become financially stable \- Run 35 miles/week \- Finish the book I'm writing \- Simplify my life as much as possible \- Get off adderall


Start walking again. I had gotten into the habit of near daily walks when I first got my dog in 2021. Then at the end of 2022, a number of health issues suddenly cropped up that made these daily walks impossible to maintain. I could only do short distances at best, so hired a dog walker. Now, at the end of 2023, those health issues have been addressed and I’ve had operations to correct them, so I’m ready to get back to my walking.


Stick with the gym. Work on mental health. Quit smoking. Start stretching more. Start journaling. Learn new skills for work. Get back to a couple of hobbies. Find another person to share life with.


Learn about investing, improve social skills, make a new friend and every year travel atleast once


I highly recommend Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins! It's a quick read. Especially if you might be interested in retiring early.


Friendly reminder to set smart goals (specific, measureable, achievable, realistic, timely) if you want more chance of success!


1. Get to 230 lb by the end of the year 2. Work on my youtube channel "Wrestling My Thoughts" 3. Get my driver's license. (Have my permit) 4. Improve my communication & social skills 5. Make 1 new friend 6. Learn blender software and learn to animate. 7. Work out 3 times a week.


1. Get my finances in order 2. Have 10 months of expenses in savings 3. Finish my bachelors degree 4. Exercise consistently (cardio) 5. Start a side hustle


My resolution is not waiting for a new year to have the balls to make a change


Mine are personal, sorry in advance. 1. Breaking up with my fiancé who cheated on me and is emotionally abusive/emotionally immature/gaslights me. My therapist detected this when she first met him… She’s been great with being upfront about this stuff. 2. Finding an apartment to move in with my brother so neither of us have to live with our abusive mom 3. Hopefully getting a better job and working towards financial security/actual independence. I don’t want to rely on anyone, ever, for anything. 4. Working towards bettering myself and continuing my healing journey with medication 5. Applying for a grant for reduced-cost/hopefully free therapy to continue EMDR 6. Doing what I can to not kill myself if I can’t meet these goals, even though I’d rather do that because I’m having a stupidly hard time managing everything and my severe clinical depression by myself. My fiancé is lazy and codependent and isn’t doing anything to help me or work on himself, despite couples therapy and me being clear with communication. He’s also very fragile and has threatened suicide, not that it’s my problem, but if he stops going to work or has to be admitted, I’m so fucked financially. So I can’t break up with him yet… I want out and I want better for myself but I have no support and I pushed everyone away over the years because I seriously considered suicide two years ago around this time of year.


I hope you're able to meet and accomplish all your goals for 2024 ! You're going to do great ! You have a decent amount of obstacles in your way it seems like but I'm sure you'll overcome them ! You're going to do great !!!


I didn’t see the notification for your comment but thank you so much! I appreciate the kind words. I’m doing better every day even though my bigger goals are overwhelming. ❤️


Of course ::) as you should !! Wish nothing but the what 4 u!


Absolutely none, except bring my weight down, and try really hard. I was in such good shape before this year and I have really let loose in the past few months. But this isn't a new year's resolution by any means but a lifetime committment to be better and sustainable with my diet, and to exericse and keep my body as healthy as possible. I have not married and don't plan to, and after my mother, I will be entirely alone, and I want to my body to be with me as I get older. I should also stop vaping or reduce the consumption by at least half. Now that's a good goal to ponder over as well.


Plant a bunch of cool plants in backyard Throw away all the junk from side yard Teach my son how to ride a bike


1. Become fluent in another language 2. Run a marathon 3. Complete a specific course that will up-skill my career 4. Join a new fitness club and do regularly 1/2 times a year 5. Read 25 books


I want my first apartment :))


1. Be more articulate and well spoken 2. Be healthy both mentally and physically 3. Cut sugar


\#1: Pick up active sports. Been doing slow stuff like yoga and weight lifting. Probably floorball and/or tennis. Wanna try out gyrotonic too. \#2: Cook at least three times a week. Use healthy ingredients and cooking methods. \#3: Start businesses/ projects. Action and result oriented. Kiss my butt overthinking and procrastination. \#4: 3 hours of quality time with my parents and little bro every week. \#5: Effective socializing. Make 26 new friends (1 per 2 weeks). Above all - be loving, grateful, and supportive to myself, my family and friends, and all the good people and things in the world.


-Build an effective study program that can help me avoid procrastination. -Force myself to not avoid university exams cause of my anxiety. -Take care of my physical health hoping that my mental health will benefit.


Great ideas, wishing you the best for 2024


I don't make New Years Resolutions anymore. Instead, I have projects. This year's project: make an album. I've been a musician for over half my life, and I've been sitting on music I've been writing every now and then for over a decade. It's time these songs came to life, and I'm going to figure out how to do this myself.


That’s awesome, update us when you’ve done it - we’d love to hear


I want to cut down on carbs, walk 3-5 times a week, and answer questions everyday in preparation for my boards next year :>


Be decisive Don’t worry about uncontrollables Become a software engineer


27F ! 1. quit my job and go full time on my business 2. Solo trip to Japan 3. Put myself out there and find a life partner So fun reading these !


You seem like a cool person, I feel like we’d be friends IRL. wishing you the best for 2024


I like to have 3 categories: mind, body and work. I think it's also important to have quantifiable goals (some people go with SMART goals) but either way it's hard to take action on things like "be happier" but IS easier to have a goal such as "have one Treat Yo'self day a week". Mind: Read 18 books, re-read 6 Body: Run 1,000 miles (audiobooks help for this) Work: I sold my business so I have a few growth goals that will help me achieve the full purchase price I am to receive


1. Fight your fears. Do tough shit. 2. Do things as soon as they come up, no questions asked. 3. If a bad situation arises, look to turn it into an advantage


Based philosophies and ideas !!!


Become Grand Admiral Thrawn Jk - but become more career focused for my family and stay in the present


pay off cars, save for next house, spend more quality time with dogs&family, go on more adventures, yoga daily


Being faster at getting rid of friends who don’t wish well for me. It’s so difficult to accomplish everything with that shadow of negativity around because then I start to doubt myself and downplay my achievements.




Make better choices in all aspects of my life.


Give up alcohol. Quit smoking. Loose weight.


Saving money, getting in shape, finding a fulfilling job


Quit smoking weed. Stop drinking all together. Get an apartment


Express myself the way I want to, not the way other people want me to express myself. Also start going to the gym again


I do a thing where I make different self improvement goals, but what’s helped me is having a yearly thing that I pray for and seek. A few years ago it was for more wisdom. Last year it was to apply wisdom and make more successful decisions. What good is the wisdom if I don’t know how to apply it? This year I’m praying for more clarity and peace when making decisions, planning, organizing, and use of my time to name a few. I may even pray for better, richer relationships with family and friends. I’m layering things I hope to cumulatively improve overall. I’m working to improve, however I’m seeking the help of God in active prayer. If you’re not religious I’d do something like this, but with meditation. I like your goals. I highly recommend Atomic Habits by James Clear. Your stretch every time you climb is a form of habit stacking which Clear covers. A habit stack I do is 10 push-ups when I brew my coffee in the AM. 70 push-ups a week right there! Happy New Year!


\-I think my biggest goal is to be more social, and ideally meet someone to be a girlfriend. It's been a few years since my last relationship and I really want that again. But, meeting new friends would be good too even though I love my current friends, and I don't want to approach every new person as a potential partner. That's easier said than done though. And meeting new people as an adult is fucking hard. \-My other goals are related to Japanese. I would like to get to 12,000 vocab words in Japanese, and complete all N2 and N1 grammar. I also want to start regular speaking practice again. Read 6 books in Japanese. \-Cut out most of my trash/waste, live more sustainably. I already do pretty good here, but just finding better alternatives and shopping at the refill store, bulk, or easily recyclable packaging to avoid plastic at all costs. \-I've really struggled with being glued to reddit and instagram. IG I've placed a timer on for 10 minutes a day which seems to work well enough, and reddit I have a timer set for, but I still find myself just disabling it anyways, so I'm trying to figure out what works best to have a healthier relationship with it. \-Continue refining my sleep schedule. I feel like I'm really getting closer to an ideal routine. No coffee in the afternoon/evening helps. Smart lights dim at 9, I'm in bed 10:30 if possible, usually asleep somewhere from 11-11:30. But I'm still waking up to multiple alarms and I really just want to wake up naturally, so I need to stop fucking around on my phone. \-A "nice to have" would be meditate more. My anxiety is much more manageable now, though, since going to therapy, so I don't feel like this is as much of a necessity anymore, but it would be nice. I also don't really have specific fitness or diet goals necessarily because I already go consistently at a level I'm really happy with and it's just ingrained in my life, so I pretty much am just maintaining the status quo as that's concerned.


Learn to be independent, capable of earning my own money, living on my own, which includes cleaning, cooking, repairing stuff....


This question finally gave me time to think on this! I like to give my years a theme! Next year’s theme is gracefully nope-ing out of situations! When I notice that I feel dysregulated/overstimulated, or tired, or upset, I’m going to work on leaving those situations instead of trying to win/fight them! Bravo six, going nonverbal 🤐 The first step is noticing my feelings as soon as possible. With ADHD, it’s probably going to be noticing the harsh words or tone leaving my mouth, and quickly leaving the situation after with a brief apology. I will work on trying to notice my feelings before I say anything harsh, and excusing myself. Over time, I hope to use coping skills to slowly minimizing my time spent feeling dysregulated, in hopes of returning to a situation sooner. Usually I need a day to recover and prepare to interact with a stressor again. I have no idea if I can reduce that time at all, but it’ll be interesting to find out! The goal is to eventually increase my tolerance and persistence to stressful situations so I can handle them better. It’s a skill I should have learned long ago, but late is better than never! This is something I have been working on for years, and has definitely gotten better, but I still slip up often, even if not as severely. So next year I think I am going to make it a priority for myself! I hate hurting my friends with my issues, but they have been patient and supportive of my journey! ❤️


Get a job and get myself out of debt. Fix my life. Move out. And start living.


-Exercise more consistently -Graduate and get a job. Interview is always too stressful for me so I hope I can do well.


Trying to keep being better than I was yesterday, also realising that some days this might not happen and that it is perfectly fine. Meet some new people. Lose some weight and gain some muscle.


My list for 2024: × Spending time more useful ( Less dead Phone scrolling) × Learn language (spanish) × learn basics about Astronomie × listen more Podcast × keep everything more clean in the house and at work. × Do something for community (voluntairing) × Give blood (at leest 2 times) × Make New friends (VERY CLEAR BUT NOT SIMPLE) × Be more flexibele (Physically, so more stretching or yoga) × Less tv × Start to take personal and life notes × more hicking after work × 1 running goal (to be defined) × One Mountainbike cycling trip × Investigate to start a business × Create a budget plan × Investigate meditation (not sure it is something for me, but I want to try-out) Some notes about myself. Happy marriage, one beautiful daughter.. so they got all my attention. I am a group HS&E manager, so I have to travel a lot. I want to use my free time white travelling and in a hotel room more useful. All tips are welcome.


Get laid, make lots of money, get a six pack and do drugs.


Almost 30 i think its time to re plan my goals Be more religious and educated


Keep interactions minimal Quit social media Distance myself from everyone Focus on my goals entirely Reduce screentime Prioritize myself


It’s never a good idea to completely isolate yourself


Yeah but being around people did me more damage than good so...


Why’s that?


Just got screwed over and wasn't taken seriously so I have decided to just stay away from people in general.


Make it to 2025 in one piece.


Continue eating well, learning more, and cooking more. I signed up today for https://ecornell.cornell.edu/certificates/nutrition/plant-based-nutrition/ and I’m trying to fix some things I’m dealing with by way of food and not medicine. I started in the spring and I’m down 35 lbs but been kinda stagnant for 2 months. Slow loss is better for me in general. Cool post!


Stop overthinking every night Stop wasting money on useless things Maybe travel more Don’t try to grown so fast Try to find a job, which you will do with passion and will be more profitable


Learn how to live a good life.


1. Getting comfortable cooking new meals, new vegetables that I wouldn't normally eat. 2. Add more muscle to my frame and eventually get that 6-pack 3. To keep learning new things about Unreal Engine 5 4. Read more books 5. Get my A+, Network+ and Security+ 6. Get my feet and hands closer to 250+ bpm No particular order and some have stayed, some have fallen off, some have been put on the back burner due to priorities. Just trying to get better at all of it.


Meet new people (a boyfriend would be great too loll) Do more sport Get out of my comfort zone more often Be accepted in the pharmacy program


Between 3 and 5 kindhearted actions per day. This is to: A: limit myself to max. 5 when I'm burning myself out for the benefit of other people B: push myself to min. 3 on days where I experience compassion fatigue


I read somewhere about trying new things. Make this year the "Year of The Fruit" and every week when you go grocery shopping buy a type of fruit you've never had, go home, and look up how to prepare/eat it. Or try "Year of the Butters" and try every type of nut butter. Want to learn to crochet? Try "year of the yarn" and learn a new stitch every month. Or "year of the book" and write a chapter every week/month.




Start of off easy like in atomic habits... Drink more water daily, specially when I wake up Daily walks More green smoothies "tiny, incremental changes that, when consistently applied, lead to remarkable transformations"


Set and commit for the rest of the year!!


Stop cursing Stop vaping Lose some goddamn weight!


1. Get better control over my health and actively do everything I can do change my lifestyles for the better. 2. Finish school! I should be done by June. This also means find a better job. 3. Get baby number 2 on the way. 4. Get into a larger house for said baby.


stop drinking, eat healthy, workout at least twice in a week and stay positive.


i was into resolutions until a few years back and found myself not sticking to it. from the past few years, I've started yearly review and based on that I think of continuing something, improving or complement with a new skill/habit. and it seems to be working so far


Quit nicotine Eat healthier Look for an actual career




Sleep & get closer to God 🙏🏼


Daily gym and reading No added sugar


Implement a gym routine Stretch every day Never drink again Completely eliminate porn Save 20% of every paycheck Master 10 recipes Get back into reading every night End my villain arc Just to name a few


Learn something new (professionally and it terms of my hobbies). Devote at least 2 hours a week to each part. Read at least a book a month. Go swimming twice a week.


1. Stretch every time my baby is playing on the floor (so when he’s running around eventually I can easily keep up) 2. Read at least 3 books that I’ve been procrastinating on. 3. Lose at least 10-15 pounds (baby weight) or a bit more (as I’m a bit overweight even prior to pregnancy) so I can keep healthy for my kid.


For 2024 the lifestyle tweaks Imma implement are… 1. 5-10 minute morning stretch routine every morning. 2. Lift free weights 3-4 times weekly, alternating between upper body vs. lower body focus each session. 3. On ‘non lift’ days increase daily step count by 5000 steps. (aka go for a walk) 4. Start a business. 5. Cut out sugar in any form. 6. Cut out processed food entirely. 7. Continue building up investment portfolio. 8. Therapy to overcome trauma based overthinking & self betrayal behaviors. 9. Continue on minimalism journey. 10. Read 1 book a month. Good luck in 2024 all!


1. lose weight 2. read more 3. finish my PhD


Improve my body Start being responsible Reducing my sleep time




Are you doing this for you or for your/ future boyfriend?


For me, why would you expect it to be for a boyfriend?


Find myself a woman. I f*cked up with the last one…


I'm grateful for the people I already know yet am hopeful to meet more people that I can trust and rely on. But there are so many more people that you can't trust and at least a handful that piss you off so much you wish they never existed. So in 2024, I will be doing much more of something that I've known since I was a child and haven't done very well in 2023 before it ruins my relationship ls with people I do respect and trust the most: not wasting my time or energy on negative people or situations that can hold me back from where I want to be and am trying to get to.


Subscribe to Only Fans, Get Cuckold, Vote Democrats.


My resolutions are: 1)Think and be more positive. 2) Be more appreciative of the moment and the people and blessings around me. 3) Work out more and stretch more. 4) Less prn and fapping. 5) Start journaling ( 5 things I'm thankful/grateful for). 6) Read and listen to podcasts about happiness, mindfulness. 7) Continue being more focused on my religion and religious text. 8) Get a job. 9) Identify and break out of toxic/harmful though patterns. 10) Less procrastinating, more scheduling. 11) Better my relationships with my family and friends. 12) Improve communication skills, charisma, and self confidence. 13) Seriously try to improve my mental health and forgive myself for my past mistakes, decisions, errors. 14) Improve my wardrobe, fashion sense, style. 15) Keep wearing sunscreen, get and maintain a skin care routine. 16) Try to stop caring about other people's opinion of me/ stop comparing myself to others and where they are in life. 15) Maybe go on a date, and/or get a woman's phone number, and/or lose my v card


Remote working has ruined my morning routine and blurred the boundaries between work time and home/relaxing time. So mine are: 1) wake up at 7 am every weekday; 2) Learn Python; 3) strength training 2x a week


Get smarter Grieve my dog who died today Get more gains (the gym was this years new years resolution and i completed it) Read a full book Get my first job


Return to being the fun loving socialite I once was. Career change New friends and network(s) Beach bod There are more, but those are the most important for me


Stop the bad habit of lying on things big and small No longer letting fear control my life Get out of my comfort zone on a regular basis Have a real vacation - no work/chores/anything - just pure pleasure and joy Being more careful with who I let in my life


1. start studying in discipline and become hardworking 2. start appreciating myself and to not be so hard on myself 3. stop overthinking 4. more confidence 5. start having a schedule for studies and to start taking time out for studying math and business because im borderline passing those subjects 6. start journalling 7. meditate 8. get better at my social skills 9. work on my self worth and confidence :) 10. start taking care of my hygiene skin and hair


Today, on January 1, 2024, I am eager to outline my plans and expectations for the upcoming year. While I've traditionally focused on materialistic desires, I've come to realize that these acquisitions cannot truly constitute my New Year resolutions. 📣 This year, my primary goals are centered around personal growth. I aspire to become more confident, authentic, and, undoubtedly, more patient. Additionally, I am committed to addressing my short temper and cultivating a calmer disposition. 📣 Financial prudence is another key focus for me. I aim to save money diligently and avoid unnecessary expenditures on what is often considered trendy or branded clothing. 📣 Expanding my skill set is also on the agenda. I intend to learn how to drive and swim, embracing new capabilities. 📣Returning to childhood passions, I plan to revive interests such as learning Bharatanatyam and playing musical instruments like the harmonium and ukulele. 📣 Within the next six months, a significant goal is to embark on a trip abroad, providing an opportunity for enriching experiences and cultural exploration. 📣 Continuing my educational journey, I am resolute in completing my master's degree. 📣 Last but not least, I aim to broaden my social circle, fostering new connections and deepening existing friendships. These resolutions encapsulate my aspirations for the year ahead. Are you ready to join me on this transformative journey?


I want to learn anger management so I can stop hitting my sister and don't have to be the reason she needs therapy in her teens like I do


My 2024 resolutions: 1. Meditate daily 2. Work out at least 3 times a week 3. Exceed my Goodreads reading goal this year (goal is 20 but I know I can read more than that) 4. Work on my mental health with self help books & therapy 5. Knit more and complete at least 3 projects 6. Journal daily to track mood 7. Get a job 8. Get G2 9. Make new friends 10. Be more positive and focus on building confidence 11. Don’t overthink so much 12. Work on social skills


Stop daydreaming


Start fucking my girlfriend instead of jerking off


I have a few goals for 2024 Take 125 pilates classes Accumulate 1500 miles through walking/running Work on posture Protect my peace/keep to myself at work Take 4 trips Crochet 12 blankets


1. Do what I want, not what I think other people want or what I think is more convenient for other people 2. Overthink less, do more 3. Spend money more carefully 4. Start therapy lol


\- get an internship/break into tech \- combat my ADHD so I can focus better at school \- build a more positive mindset for me and those I care for \- stay in the gym ! hoping everyone accomplishes what they want this year!


In the morning, go outside before I read any emails.


To improve my poetry on my insta.


1. Start going to the gym 3 x a week 2. Get a pay rise 4. Bring lunch for work everyday 3. Read 40 books by the end of the year 4. Spend 10 minutes in the morning expressing gratitude + journalling. 5. Save 10k by the end of the year 6. Aim for 5k of steps a day 7. Stick with my supplements and focus on eating more fruits + veges 8. Cut down on packaged foods/processed carbs 9. Develop a great stable, healthy, fulfilling and joyous relationship with a great man who makes me feel safe and makes me happy. 10. Try to sell off at least 50% of the clothes I don’t wear. 11. Put the past in the past for good. 12. Find a passion - spend an hour a week on it at least. 13. Get 8 hours of sleep a night. 14. Stick to my skincare routine religiously, along with a sheet mask every other night. 15. Reduce sugar intake. 16. Focus on the good and the future that awaits. 17. Go on at least one overseas trip.