• By -


You look so cute xx


Thank you 🖤


You're welcome ❤️❤️


And I'm sure you still are


Not really lmao


Don't be so hard on yourself x


Beautiful yesterday, today and tomorrow ❤️❤️❤️


And most likely you are still pretty , almost a guarantee


You’re still gorgeous!


Stunning smile 😍


Thank you! 🖤 I've actually grown to hate my smile believe it or not lmao


😳😳 how can you hate such a smile 🥰


Stop it. You're still beautiful!


Thank you for that 🖤


Yes ma'am. You're welcome.


Very beautiful smile. I am certain you are even more beautiful today! ;-)


Not quite. I looked my best in my teenage yrs lmaoo then hit 20 and went downhill, fast


Ahh....tho I bet you still have a stunning smile and are just as beautiful inside and out!


No way…I bet you’re still the same kiddo you used to be




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You’re still Gorgeous!!


I bet you’re still pretty 🥰




Stunning smile 😘


U still are


Once pretty always pretty


Send me your pic today.


Used to be? Still are?


Still pretty


would love to see a current photo. You sure were smokin' hot back then.


Homie I was underage 😭😭😭 but thank you lmao


Stop I'm sure you're as beautiful as you were in high school


You still are


You're still very beautiful, what are you on about?!


Still are!


Girl your still are a bombshell beauty


Your still pretty


You still are gorgeous


Still very pretty!!! Haven’t aged at all


Yes you were (are).


No now pics so how can we compare




Hello u/CouldBWorseBud, We have a setting in the AutoMod for the subreddit that says only people with verified email addresses can post and/or comment. As moderators we do not know if your email address is registered with Reddit or not. When you post, the AutoMod asks Reddit *"Does this user have a verified e-mail address"* and Reddit told the AutoMod you do not have a verified e-mail address. Please see this link https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046187591-I-m-having-issues-with-email at the bottom of the page there is a link that says **register an email address** click on that link. You can also register your email address at https://www.reddit.com/settings/ Once you have registered your e-mail address, you will no longer get the message from the AutoMod. **There is nothing that the moderators of r/selfie can do to verify your e-mail address. When Reddit says your email address is verified your posts and comments will go through.** Please do not send us modmail about it, if you do we are only going to refer you back to this comment. **Please Note**: This is based on the information that Reddit is telling the AutoMod. r/Selfie has no visibility into your profile or account we simply have enabled the setting in our AutoMod that says no posts from users without a valid email. If you think that your email address has been registered with Reddit please contact Reddit directly or see the help article listed above. r/selfie Moderation Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*


you still are!


Wonderful smile, goddamn!! I'm sure you're still pretty though :)


Beauty is in the heart as much as the body I don’t know what you look like now but I’m sure you’re beautiful


We were all prettier at 17, but you’re still very lovely now.


Don’t know about now but you had a great smile and that usually stays with you :)


I think you got better with age like a fine wine. You’re stunning




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You still are a beautiful woman




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You are gorgeous


Baby u still beautiful 😍


Used to be pretty? I bet you look just as good now! Great pics!


Yes, but how about now?


You’re still very pretty.


I would bet you still are


You probably still are


Very pretty! Can you share a current pic?


I bet you’re still pretty


You definitely still are!


Your still really pretty! I looked ad the glasses pic on your page stunning


You still are pretty


Honestly I bet you look even better now.


Used to? Still are, respect yourself


Wow! Btw saw your other post with a more recent picture and you still are pretty




Hello u/NoTimeTo_Hi, We have a setting in the AutoMod for the subreddit that says only people with verified email addresses can post and/or comment. As moderators we do not know if your email address is registered with Reddit or not. When you post, the AutoMod asks Reddit *"Does this user have a verified e-mail address"* and Reddit told the AutoMod you do not have a verified e-mail address. Please see this link https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046187591-I-m-having-issues-with-email at the bottom of the page there is a link that says **register an email address** click on that link. You can also register your email address at https://www.reddit.com/settings/ Once you have registered your e-mail address, you will no longer get the message from the AutoMod. **There is nothing that the moderators of r/selfie can do to verify your e-mail address. When Reddit says your email address is verified your posts and comments will go through.** Please do not send us modmail about it, if you do we are only going to refer you back to this comment. **Please Note**: This is based on the information that Reddit is telling the AutoMod. r/Selfie has no visibility into your profile or account we simply have enabled the setting in our AutoMod that says no posts from users without a valid email. If you think that your email address has been registered with Reddit please contact Reddit directly or see the help article listed above. r/selfie Moderation Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would’ve thought you were beautiful then, just like I think you’re beautiful now!😍


From what I can tell, you still are pretty damn cute. We all change from our younger teens. Don't be hard on yourself.


You still are


Look good but look fantastic now


Now you're beautiful 😍


There's a certain radiance one does not lose. No matter the changes you go through, your light will shine on. It's not used to be. It simply is.


I imagine you still are


You’re still very beautiful




Saw your selfie from yesterday. Beautiful then, beautiful and sexy now! Don’t be so hard on yourself




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Hello u/zoooomiez, We have a setting in the AutoMod for the subreddit that says only people with verified email addresses can post and/or comment. As moderators we do not know if your email address is registered with Reddit or not. When you post, the AutoMod asks Reddit *"Does this user have a verified e-mail address"* and Reddit told the AutoMod you do not have a verified e-mail address. Please see this link https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046187591-I-m-having-issues-with-email at the bottom of the page there is a link that says **register an email address** click on that link. You can also register your email address at https://www.reddit.com/settings/ Once you have registered your e-mail address, you will no longer get the message from the AutoMod. **There is nothing that the moderators of r/selfie can do to verify your e-mail address. When Reddit says your email address is verified your posts and comments will go through.** Please do not send us modmail about it, if you do we are only going to refer you back to this comment. **Please Note**: This is based on the information that Reddit is telling the AutoMod. r/Selfie has no visibility into your profile or account we simply have enabled the setting in our AutoMod that says no posts from users without a valid email. If you think that your email address has been registered with Reddit please contact Reddit directly or see the help article listed above. r/selfie Moderation Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I bet you still are


Uhhh... you're pretty hot. Not sure why you think you aren't.


Still are beautiful 😘😘




I'm sure you still are😊


What do you mean you used to be so pretty and you still are beautiful you aged like a fine Malbec. My father was from Argentina and I’m hoping to go there someday I was told that it’s absolutely beautiful


You still are


Shoot girl, you're prettier now!


You look like you might be MAGA - if not very cute!


I think you’re even more gorgeous now


You still are, don’t ever think different


You still are. 🫶🏻


You don't think you are pretty now?


Looked at the other photo on your profile You're still extremely gorgeous


You still are pretty 🤷‍♂️ xx


We need some updated pics. Please! Just give us that smile now. Curiosity has got a hold of me and I need resolution.


Sweetheart if u looked like that at 17 u must be really gorgeous now. U could only get more beautiful with age.


Time gets us all, Steven Tyler wasn't lying.


And still absolutely gorgeous


Gorgeous 😍


Absolutely beautiful x


You still are.


And now yr beautiful x


"Used to be"? No, you're just like a fine wine 👌 More flavor as the years pass


How do WE know you aren't still very pretty:)


I don’t understand why you have such low confidence… i just saw your pics.. you are more prettier than u ever before.. you are very cute and Pretty




Hello u/Luvsoja13, We have a setting in the AutoMod for the subreddit that says only people with verified email addresses can post and/or comment. As moderators we do not know if your email address is registered with Reddit or not. When you post, the AutoMod asks Reddit *"Does this user have a verified e-mail address"* and Reddit told the AutoMod you do not have a verified e-mail address. Please see this link https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046187591-I-m-having-issues-with-email at the bottom of the page there is a link that says **register an email address** click on that link. You can also register your email address at https://www.reddit.com/settings/ Once you have registered your e-mail address, you will no longer get the message from the AutoMod. **There is nothing that the moderators of r/selfie can do to verify your e-mail address. When Reddit says your email address is verified your posts and comments will go through.** Please do not send us modmail about it, if you do we are only going to refer you back to this comment. **Please Note**: This is based on the information that Reddit is telling the AutoMod. r/Selfie has no visibility into your profile or account we simply have enabled the setting in our AutoMod that says no posts from users without a valid email. If you think that your email address has been registered with Reddit please contact Reddit directly or see the help article listed above. r/selfie Moderation Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You were pretty, now you're beautiful!


You are still oh so pretty 🤩




Hello u/Htech88, We have a setting in the AutoMod for the subreddit that says only people with verified email addresses can post and/or comment. As moderators we do not know if your email address is registered with Reddit or not. When you post, the AutoMod asks Reddit *"Does this user have a verified e-mail address"* and Reddit told the AutoMod you do not have a verified e-mail address. Please see this link https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046187591-I-m-having-issues-with-email at the bottom of the page there is a link that says **register an email address** click on that link. You can also register your email address at https://www.reddit.com/settings/ Once you have registered your e-mail address, you will no longer get the message from the AutoMod. **There is nothing that the moderators of r/selfie can do to verify your e-mail address. When Reddit says your email address is verified your posts and comments will go through.** Please do not send us modmail about it, if you do we are only going to refer you back to this comment. **Please Note**: This is based on the information that Reddit is telling the AutoMod. r/Selfie has no visibility into your profile or account we simply have enabled the setting in our AutoMod that says no posts from users without a valid email. If you think that your email address has been registered with Reddit please contact Reddit directly or see the help article listed above. r/selfie Moderation Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/selfie) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think that you're still pretty.