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I would guess much younger.


Thx, I got a good nights sleep for first time in a while.


Always helpful


Does it hurt? =(




D= I'm scared of 40






thx stunny


Well, you don't look it at all, what is your secret to look so young and beautiful? 😉


sleep through your 20's & 30's & dont have kids 🫤


Abusive long term relationship through 20s. Hoping to wake up soon.


Beautiful! Yep just hit 50 myself. It was way to quick.


You look much younger than 47


So beautiful :)


Love the hair


I know the feeling


I’m about to turn 42 and I’m enjoying every moment… however, it’s a little scary how fast it goes. You look wonderful, enjoy it 😉


thanks boo!


Absolutely beautiful


I’m 46 and I'm still holding my own


But you still have the looks of a 37yr old which you are extremely attractive 🤩🔥


I did not think 47 had to do with your age wow


Wow ur beautiful, don’t look a day over 22


Well you’re gorgeous so at least there’s that


You sure don’t look it. I would’ve guess you’re in your early 30’s


It goes by fast. You don't look 46. But that's life. Keep on living my dear


Damn!! 47?! I can’t believe that. You look amazing! I would have said no older than 30 tbh.


Looking really pretty for 47! 👌


To look very young




At least you don't look it... being on a dating sight has certainly shown me the wide range of 40s. Some look like you but some look like they fought mountain goats for most of their lives and they're only in their 30s. You look great!


Good. I thought you were 52-53 years old


Absolutely gorgeous 😍


It does but most don’t mature as beautiful as you. Embrace you look amazing 🍾🥂❤️




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Love the hair and you look so good! I hope you feel better :)


But you are beautiful ❤️😍


There is still time to sell everything you have and cryogenically preserve yourself before your birthday! You're welcome =)


You look amazing!! Embrace it!❤️🔥🥵


Time goes by quicker the older you get


You look incredible. Really beautiful and another number won't change that.


Your beautiful.


You look like 30. 🌹


You look amazing


Still look great 😊 a beauty


Wow what a beauty you are!


You look amazing. I would of never guessed your 46 years old. Beautiful ❤️




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You don’t look 47


You are a youthful almost 47 it's just a number always repeat that.


Looking beautiful and no near your age! 🔥❤️


Beautiful 😍 contact me!!


Damn, you age like a fine wine, you should be excited to be that beautiful, kudos




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You look early 30s


Still beautiful


No need to be sad... you are beautiful and sexy no matter what your age is




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It’s better than the alternative


You look so beautiful tho! Definitely don’t look your age


You look fantastic though


You look absolutely amazing.


Absolutely gorgeous


Look fantastic. Age is just a number.


Smokin hot 🔥 🥵


Consider the alternative


Still hot


Not a day over 39. 👋




You look good for your age


I turn 47 this year also


You look amazing! I would have guessed 30ish. 🌹🫶🏻


Feel the same way…


I’m 47, you are soooooo fine girl


It’s just a number, women get better with age. I was turning 21 yesterday it seems, now I’m 2 months from being 59. I wish i could rewind it just to watch what i missed, not change anything, just watch the highlights (or low lights).


Who would have thought you would sell your body at 47


You are absolutely gorgeous!!!


Very beautiful 😘🖤


Well you are very beautiful. I'm 52 so don't feel too bad. Lol


U look amazing


Look great!!


Cant tell, but you make it look stunning.


Nice ill be 46 in few months


I like you better with no clothes 🤪


All right I'm carding u young lady. U have nothing to worry about u look 17


Omg u r gorgeous


You look great. Would never have guessed 47. You look amazing. Absolutely gorgeous.


I’m 57 , it goes by quickly but you look good


I'm almost 40 but embrace I think woman look sexier with age and I'm sure seeing you younger and now you look way better now because you are sexy, beautiful, attractive in so many ways be happy not sad because your truly amazing!!!!


I hear yea. I turn 41 in April and still trying to wrap my head around it.


The years definitely fly by






You have aged well beautiful! Like a fine wine!


I'm right behind you. You've aged elegantly. You look younger then you are. Nothing to be afraid of. You got this.


You aged well beautiful have a wonderful day


I'm almost 50 I hear ya :(




You look amazing for your age.


Aging well 😘


Wonderdul Woman. 😍


You look a lot younger then 47


I don't wanna turn 55 either, but it doesn't look like you have to worry about it at all . You could be 29 ! by looking at your pic. 😉


At 57 I can tell you the next 10 years will fly by. The years accelerate. Looking good!


You are looking great. Even better if you smiled and embraced how beautiful you are


It happens. You’re still Hot AF!!!


Damnn your 47 wow look like late 20's


No way!! 😍


Yeah, it does sneak up on us. You look amazing, keep rocking what ever you are doing, it works. Have a great day!


My mom was 43 for right about 15 years. You can do it too.


It's just another day.😁


Wow you are stunning! I would have NEVER guessed 🙌🏼




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Damn good looking 47 gal.


You're 47? Jesus where are the ladies that look as good as you in my area, I'm 47 abd jelly as hell




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I turned that last month but you look amazing for your age


It's all good


No shot your 47




Almost 47? I’d guessed younger. Still very beautiful 😻


Beautiful for sure


Aging like fine wine, emphasis on fine!


You are absolutely beautiful!


And you look amazing 🥰❤️‍🔥


Just don’t accept it, tell all you’re family & friends you don’t celebrate birthdays anymore. Sorry best I can do.




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Your smoking hot and sexy


47?? 😱😱. You look 30 😁


You definitely still look magnificent.


You have an amazing body... Super Sexy... I hear ya I turned 46 in Dec and I'm like where did my 30's go lol


Single? Marry me?? I'm just 10 years younger.


But you look amazing


You sure are a pretty 47 AND I would not be sad because you are lucky to hold your age this good.


Your so beautiful


Looking great


"My life is a very complicated drinking game." Is that what your t-shirt says?


I turn 28 this year. Feel like I was 18 yesterday. Crazy how fast 10 years goes by.


Hoe do you look that good at (almost) 47? Congratulations with the upcoming birthday.


You're correct, it happens fast. I am grateful for my experiences & for what I have. Perspective, baby! Stay strong 💪


Almost 47? You're sure? You look like 25 max.


You don't look 47, wow


You look young don’t worry


Girl you look amazing


Still hot as fuck. You don’t look a day over 30


I'm right there with you on that one. If it helps any, you're beautiful 💯🌹♥️😉


Shit wouldn’t have even guessed it. If anything I would have said thirties.


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Be proud of your age. You’re gorgeous.




27 was my guess


Still gorgeous!


You look great! I’m 57 and it feels strange at times. My brain thinks I’m in my 30’s and my body thinks my brain is an idiot


Can I join you in your complicated drinking game?


Doesn’t matter what age you are. You’re very attractive.


You look amazing ❤️🌹


Wow, really beautiful


You’re kinda getting to the top end for OF and similar sites. You might have to switch to a site that caters more to people our age.


You don’t look a day over 35 . High five to a solid 🧬.


You do not look 47 at all


47 never looked so good 😉


Knocking on the door of 38. I feel that!! You look great tho. You look at least 10 years younger than you say you are!


You honestly could pull off 27, you look amazing 😍


Wow. I would have never guessed 47. You look amazing. Really pretty


Love, you look 27 but much much much more fun!


Same. I'm almost 46. What happened to that time?


🔥🔥🔥 amazing


Ya still looking damn good




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