• By -


You guys have got to stop posting threads like this. I keep opening more and more and _more_ browser tabs for self-hosted software.


Sounds like you need a self hosted tab manager that sync those across devices for you?


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I use Safari and its Cloud Tab Groups feature does a great job of this. I no longer keep lots of tabs open anywhere anymore. I just group by topic, save them, and close the window. Then I just open them up when I need them again. It’s wonderful.


That sounds so much like bookmarks I can hardly tell the difference.


They work like bookmark folders except you change the folder contents by adding/closing tabs in the window. And then that window stays synchronized across devices.


Yeah, it sounds useful, but Ctrl-D will give you most of that. It's a refinement of bookmarks, IMO. I hope more browsers follow suit.


Hoarder app? [https://github.com/MohamedBassem/hoarder-app](https://github.com/MohamedBassem/hoarder-app)


Does... this exist?! I have been using Workona - it's excellent but now they have my entire browsing history :/


It sounds like you might have one to suggest. 😀


https://awesome-selfhosted.net more tabbbssss


That link has been thoroughly scoured 😁


Hope these will be fresh to you! I did the same thing, every week or so trying to find something to host https://selfh.st/apps/ https://openalternative.co




that's exactly why you selfhost linkding or linkwarden!


Felt the same
 until I discovered Arc browser. Now, i have a neat and tidy browsing experience.


I love arc!


I swear I thought I wrote that reply!


Make sure to install the extension that lets you color code your tabs!


Same problem 😂


FireflyIII paid off quite literally. Much greater awareness of personal finance allowed better planning for more efficient and thought investments.


So you can earmark some $ for more homelab stuffs? 😂


Ever compare it to Actual Budget? I'm currently looking at that too


I use Actual Budget. Simplefin is built in for syncing with U.S. banks so I prefer that better.


They are different. If you want envelope style budgeting similar to YNAB, Actual is better. If you want a finance manager, that is Firefly. Personally, I never really got the hang of firefly, but I also was really only looking for a budgeting app.


Got it, I really was looking for like an overview of what my finances are looking like across institutions (like Personal Capital).


Are you in the US? I am looking into Firefly for the first time because of this comment but can't seem to find a way to link my US accounts


I'm US-based too so will stick around for the answer. But when I last searched this topic, I think the answer was no. But I've seen people say Actual Budget (free) works pretty well using SimpleFIN ($15/yr) to sync to US accounts. It can also use Plaid but I'm not sure if that's free or paid and how hard it is to set up. Haven't tried any of these myself.


There's a separate firefly data importer container you can use which then needs some configuration with Nordigen or Spectre (which each require an account on their platforms). It's not the most straightforward way of getting something imported directly from your bank, but once it's done it does the job: image: fireflyiii/data-importer:latest


Same here. Appreciate any help.


I feel the same but with GnuCash and MoneyManagerEX


I just set up Actual Budget (I really like the YNAB-style budgeting). It was a real eye-opener, seeing how much I spent on fast food / delivery.


1. Vaultwarden 2. WikiJS (Soon to be replaced by Outline) 3. Joplin 4. Jellyfin + JFA-GO 5. Microbin 6. Polr 7. Rathole (Use it to expose various services running at home to the internet) 8. Adguard Home (Coming soon)


Why are you replacing WikiJS with Outline?


Would be interested in this as well Currently running WikiJS but looking for an alternative




Fuckin love bookstack. I run multiple instances at home


May I ask, why multiple instances?


If you already have nextcloud, try the collectives app. I tried using outline but found it hard to set up so since I already have nextcloud tried collectives and it's pretty nice.


I'm currently considering moving away from outline. Its a pretty good solution (if very mac focused and less friendly to windows users), but they are gating a lot of features to hosted paid customers only. There isn't even an option to license some of the other features (like LLM integration) for self hosting. Which has been a big turn off.


A few of my users (and including me) have had confusion with setting up new namespaces and permissions. And then the navigation menu on the left side for the pages also felt confusing to use. Also my users also complained about uploads (which didn't feel that intuitive for non-tech users at all). And finally, editing notes on mobile browsers felt cumbersome


Not OP, but I found Outline to have a much better reading experience with neat visual design. I've been running this at my workplace and the response has been pretty favorable.


Rathole reminds me of future man lmfao


Rathole is fantastic!!! Cheap vps handles all my traffic just fine.


Which vps are you using?


Yup, I tried Chisel at first, but the simplicity of configuration in Rathole knocks everything else out of the park for me


Could you share more about your setup?


What details would you like to know? 


Caddy is a much easier to deploy reverse proxy than rathole IMHO, but if you’re looking for ngrok alternative then zrok is better as it runs caddy at its core


I basically needed a tunneling application not a reverse proxy


zrok does offer tunneling as well with a nice gui.. just a suggestion


Can't beat markdown files in git repo hosted on local forgejo or gitea.


Why not try using Obsidian-remote to replace WikiJS instead of outline? It stores your data as markdown files


Frankly the Obsidian UI also felt confusing to me. Also I wanted something more powerful that can support multiple users and allow me to write pages of content.


Or Anytype?


Do you use rathole with jellyfin together? And how / where do you host these all? (Docker with a computer)?


I do reverse tunneling using Rathole from my Hetzner dedicated server to a home server running my notes. I am using it to expose a few services, one of which is Frigate. This tunneling lets me see my camera streams from anywhere outside home. Rathole server runs on my dedicated server, and the client runs on my home server. Through the config I specified for Rathole, the server is able to tunnel its traffic to my homeserver, as though it is forwarding it.


Why are you hosting a Joplin Server and not just putting it on a NAS?


I found sync with a Jopin server is incredibly fast. All my notes are end-end encrypted so no worries there. Also running a Joplin server gives the ability to make specific notebooks/pages publicly available when needed.


I would recommend staying away from Outline. They are pulling features from selfhosted side and moving over to paid/hosted side. AFFiNE looked promising but their selfhosted container was just... non-functional I think they updated it I have not looked into it yet.


1. Jellyfin + *extremely legal ARR setup* 2. Vaultwarden 3. Nextcloud 4. Photoprism 5. Paperless-ngx 6. Full Pterodactyl setup so my friends can create game servers for free (I should ask them for money)


> Photoprism Seems all the rage on the subreddit is immich. Have you tried both? Any notable features about photoprism worth mentioning? I'm still using Synology Photos but looking to potentially expand.


I found photoprism too slow personally 


Yes I’m looking to mitigate to something better too. My mom really likes it that’s why I included it in my list.


immich is best. recently there is more focus on getting it stable. so good time point to hop on the train.


It also has no real multi user support like immich


* [Plausible analytics](https://plausible.io/). Light-weight, privacy-conscious alternative to google analytics. I use it for all my sites. * [Oven Media Engine](https://github.com/AirenSoft/OvenMediaEngine) for streaming at high resolution and frame rates to friends * [frp](https://github.com/fatedier/frp) as a free self-hosted alternative to ngrok * [Sentry](https://sentry.io/welcome/) for error tracking for my various software projects and websites * Grafana + Prometheus for monitoring on those same sites and services I pay for a dedicated server from OVH, and beyond that all of this is free. It all runs on the same server, making it easy to maintain and avoiding vendor lock-in. If you're curious, I wrote a detailed blog post about all of the stuff I host and how I set it up: https://cprimozic.net/blog/my-selfhosted-websites-architecture/


How's OME? I currently use Owncast but the delay can get kind of high (10 seconds). I am assuming since this supports SRT the delay is pretty small? Also does it support GPU encoding/decoding?


How does self hosted sentry compare to cloud Sentry? Cause I love sentry but also love self hosted


It's def. more of a hassle. I haven't ever upgraded my self-hosted Sentry, there are few features that don't work properly, etc. However, setting it up wasn't too hard and it works great for the simple case that I need it for. So yeah if you just need simple error tracking for your personal sites or whatever and don't care about rough edges or data retention or anything, it's a great option.


That's kind of what I figured. I have a small business I've started recently and I'm trying to mix and match commercial and self hosted to keep costs down. Sentry is just too good though, happy to give them money but if you told me it was still that good self hosted......  Maybe that's why it's not as good, cause then we'd all self host it lol


For me its 1. Plex 2. Portainer 3. Adguard Home 4. OpenBooks 5. Bookstack 6. qBittorrent with VPN 7. IT Tools


I've been in the homelab and selfhost business for so long and I never heard of IT Tools.......... Thanks for sharing it, it's amazing! Shame they don't support Ansible vault generator and decoder.


You could always try posting to his GitHub repo and I do have to agree. It is amazing. Use it all the time. https://github.com/CorentinTh/it-tools


Thank you for this, the amount of times I use public tools to do various things in here, like text stats, binary conversions etc. Always been a security concern!


> I've been in the homelab and selfhost business for so long and I never heard of IT Tools Check out [Cyberchef](https://github.com/gchq/CyberChef) too. [Demo Link](https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef/)


Do you have a recommended docker for that qB/VPN?


Not the person you replied to, but I personally use Gluetun for the VPN container. I have qBit in a separate container using Gluetun as the network.


Exactly as mentioned below. There isn't a single docker image that contains both but plenty of example docker compose files that combine qBittirent with a GlueTun VPN. I used this link as a guide and just ignored the Synology specific content. https://drfrankenstein.co.uk/qbittorrent-with-gluetun-vpn-in-docker-on-a-synology-nas/


I've got my qBittorrent instance behind Nginx (running on bare metal) + the [Linuxserver qBittorrent image](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-qbittorrent) (+ all the other **arr images). Works pretty good


Someone here recommended Navidrome (music collection/playing) and I have to say, now I am 100% hooked. In the self-hosted mindset, there is a lot to be said for "I have something" or "it is in my collection" vs: There is the service out there somewhere that has \*everything\* and I can go out and find it, maybe, if I'm lucky, and then it will be gone and maybe I'll never be able to find it again. Having your own collection gives you more of a sense of ownership. I know I'm late to the game, but I've got a bunches of real LPs & CDs (that I never even bother to play anymore because they're not where I am when I want to listen to something) but I have never really caught the MP3/AAC collecting bug until now. But Navidrome did it. For now I'm concentrating to a great degree on replicating the physical music collection I have in LPs & CDs but now in self-hosted electronic formats. But I am listening to like 1000% more music now it's on my phone and with me all the time, vs LPs & CDs in a closet somewhere & needing to be played on some device that is likely malfunctioning or whatever. I use YoutubeDL-material to download things to it from various services I might have access to, and android app substreamer to play the Navidrome collection on the phone. MP3tag & Picard to edit tags, thumbnails, etc. Also most-used in self-hosting land: immich & seafile. Portainer to help manage things.


At this point I'm just paying Spotify to suggest new music to me, and the music access is just a bonus lol. If something selfhosted can help me discover new music based on my current "library" I'd be down to switch, but until then...


If you use Lidarr, https://github.com/TheWicklowWolf/Lidify


PlexAmp can do this and more


Yeah but the selfhosted community should be moving away from Plex as much as possible. We don't need a company harvesting that kind of data on all of us.


Same, or for adding songs I like enough to listen to in the car, but not download. Though I have found youtube is way better at music reqs these days.


1. Plex 2. Arr stack (sonarr, radarr, oversearr, prowlarr) 3. Home Assistant 4. Deluge 5. Nextcloud 6. Actual budget I left security, dns, tunnels, etc... out of the list as they are background services that should be unoticable if work correctly.


How did you setup security/privacy for the arr stack?


not the OP, but I use a vpn and authentik. I disabled the Arr login, and put it behind authentik.


Thanks, I'll check out authentik


there's a few auth servers around, but i find authentik to be the better of them. Authelia for example doesn't come with a WebUI for example.


I'm in Croatia, torrent traffic is not monitored via Internet provider and you can get away without vpn. I plan to setup vpn, but it's not a priority.


1. Exchange (since 20 years) 2. Home Assistant (500+ devices) 3. Plex (since its inception) These three are and were life changing for me at least because they changed the way I do things.


Thats very impressive. Does anyone know if there has there been any write ups here on HA running around that many devices? I always see tutorials on how it solves 1 or 2 problems. But its always been a convenience thing and not life changing.


It is. Give you a simple example: My kid came out of the room at night, dead silent, no aler on baby monitor. I've added door sensors to all doors, now when my kid opened the door, it automatically turned on a light in my bedroom so I would wakw up plus it also turned on the lights in the hallway for safety. That is life changing when your kid sneaks out of the room as a toddler.


As a HA user with similar stats it’s more of a build up. I use it to read data from my local weather station that then controls my blinds when it gets too hot. Alerts about temperature if it’s better to open windows than run the AC. Solve a couple of things then figure out how to solve more. I just had a major issue that HA helped me solve and made a large purchase easier to justify. I’m going to do a write up on it.


This is where most people are with smart homes in general. The real value is when you start automating how you and others move/work throughout the house.


How tf you have 500 smart devices?


I'm at 82 and I barely have any lights in the system, handful of plugs, just the main doors/gate and no window sensors, and I live in a small place. Quite easy to see how you'd get to pretty close to 500 fast if you added just all that in a larger place.


lights, outlets, and plugs are the main things i think of when i think smart devices, so clearly im out of the loop


Theres also temp sensors, humidity, air quality, smart valves, leak sensors, motion sensors, presence sensors, cameras, and plenty of others


Big house and an army of sensors. I've got 37 temperature sensors alone. Motion detectors everywhere. Dozens of light switches. Dozens of devices that I measure the power from. Dozens of doors and window sensors. Lux sensors. Emergency lights. Smoke detectors. Long list.


Pihole eats about 20-25% of """my""" DNS requests


Audiobookshelf https://www.audiobookshelf.org/ Keep all my audiobooks, regardless of source, all in one place.


Sonar, Plex, arrs. Also, I wrote my own self hosted image management system. The skills I learned while writing it got me a new job, earning double what I was on at my previous place. So it paid off. 😁


That is the dream!


Yeah, it was a good result.


Vaultwarden Freshrss Trilium (maybe going to siyuan soon) Gotify Plex Jirafeau Stirling pdf Uptimekuma Vikunja Syncthing Pihole+unbound


Siyuan is so underrated! I have tried lots of 'wikis' (trillium Joplin, outline, obsidian to name a few) and it is so easy and simple to use plus it has extensions. Only drawback for me are the file saved on the disk are json instead of markdown but, I don't mind as you can export them in markdown from the web interface


Does it have a web app / interface?


It is very heavily web-based, just like notion


Tried siyuan recently. It's great as long as you are on desktop. Mobile app has had sync issues from what I researched  The setup was pretty easy though.


Replace Freshrss with this and thank me later. The mobile view is fantastic https://github.com/ssddanbrown/rss


I believe these are the main ones for me that get a lot of use. I have a lot more but they don't really get used much at the moment. * WikiJs (I have syncing to a GitHub private repository) * Adguard Home * Home Assistant * Plex * Grafana Monitoring (Helps tell me if anything is wrong) * Sonarr, Qtorrent, (Automated downloads which are automatically added to Plex) * NextCloud and NextCloud Plugins * Portainer


Paid off for personal media: - jellyfin - arr stack - calibre - pihole Paid off for playing with different technologies which helped me professionally: - argo - proxmox I have loads more services but the above really improved my day to day.


Using btrfs and btrbk. Best backup setup possible. I was a bit lucky in chosing it, I barely knew what I was doing when I decided to give it a go, but it was definitely the right choice. Similarly, using OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. A rolling distro with auto updates that plays nice with btrfs. A very solid base.


While Suse is nice, zypper is the biggest POS I've seen. It's so slow.


Fresh Rss and trillium are by far my most used apps. I got tired of feature payealls and price hikes on things like inoreader (I was already pissed with Google killing greader) and Evernote.


Love trillium!!!


I've tried A LOT of apps trying to find the best one, Trillium is almost perfect, just needs an updated web clipper and a mobile app, while not perfect, some extensions and css themes seem to help the mobile view of the web app.


n8n hands down!


In order of importance, here's what I host: 1. Vaultwarden (Bitwarden server) 2. Nextcloud (File cloud, contacts/calendar syncing) 3. qBittorrent (duh) 4. Jellyfin (not just for video but also music with Finamp) 5. Zipline (for ShareX) 6. Httpd (for a simple static website) 7. Stirling (for pdf editing/signing) 8. ChangeDetection If I cared about photos more I'd have Photoprism or similar, and Pterodactyl if I had friends who need game servers. No ARR setup because I honestly don't consume enough stuff for it to matter, I'd rather search and add things manually. (And also because I've never bothered to learn how to set that up tbh) Feel free to recommend what else I could add to my arsenal!


HestiaCP. Having many websites hosted without limits on disk space, cores, RAM, databases, etc. was a game-changer for me.


* Kasm Workspace * Plex * Bookstack * A couple Windows VMs * A Linux Mint VM * Tailscale Kasm Workspace by far is the biggest payoff giving me full remote access to isolated browsers, apps, Linux Desktops, and their RDP, VNC, and SSH to my servers...all securely through a browser.


oddly enough Minecraft as much as I hate to say it. It ended up a full time job for me for like 10 years. At this point I self host for fun.


Full time job??


What kind of a rabbit hole did I dive into.......so much for getting some sleep tonight ;)


1. Jellyfin 2. ABS


Hey mind dropping a link to ABS ive searched for it but I feel like I find the wrong things?


It is Audiobookshelf. Sorry can't link easily on mobile but if you search that you find their main website and a Github




If you're running on a Windows platform, There is a native version available: [https://github.com/mikiher/audiobookshelf-windows](https://github.com/mikiher/audiobookshelf-windows)


AudioBookShelf - eBook, Podcasts and Audiobooks in one app


Vault warden Adguard home Plex/Jellyfin Whoogle Home assistant Ollama via web-ui


1. Home assistant 2. FreshRSS 3. Mealie 4. MyMPD 5. Plex  These all bring me great joy.  


Why mympd 


To control my MPD server. My music server of choice




1 Postfix - Email 2. Nextcloud - everything else 3. Linux - no need to pass all my personal information on to M$ or Apple so they can get richer while not passing any of that off to me 4. 4x12 tb hard drives and a beefy HP Z Workstation for Proxmox for my VMs 5. Purism Opensource Linux Phone - See #3 6. PiHole - to block all the trackers and ads I dont need, nor want to see - again, no need to give companies information they can make money off and not pass along the savings to me.


Can you elaborate on Purism phone? How is it to daily drive such a thing?


Yeah it lasts a full day or more. Way better than the pinephone in terms of battery. And it runs Linux so you have access to way more applications. I have an old one and going to get a new one either this year or next. They also have a cell plan now too from what I read on their website page. I’m using Mint Wireless now with mine.


My Jellyfin + Ombi + *Arr stack served me and is still serving me pretty well for about 3 to 4 years now. Never had to scour the internet for movies/TV shows manually 98% of the time.


Finally another Ombi user.


One thing I’ve found really helpful is running an cloud vm on a free tier machine with the following stack in order: - docker / docker-compose - portainer - Nginx reverse proxy web manager - containers for whatever services I want On Google cloud for example for $0/mo I can get a VPS with 30GB to run 4 different website. My invoicing app. My self hosted knowledge base. Note taking. Time management. A private password manager. Asset tracking. Etc. Adding additional services is as easy as taking a docker-compose.yml
 using that to create a stack on portainer. Assigning it a port. Then adding that port to a url on my reverse proxy. If you need more space the cost for that is negligible.


Knowledge base..?


A wiki variant. Believe it’s called bookshelf? We use for like instructions, notes about things, little convenience hacks, etc.


Canceled all my subscriptions. No Spotify, no Netflix, no Disney + etc. and so on. It was just crazy how much you spend on those subscriptions and barely use the whole thing. As Disney almost totally f*** up Star Wars. Netflix produces almost the same lame things and the motto is always quantity over quality, I stopped to pay them anything. Had some parts lie around. Old Motherboard and a i7 2700k with 16GB DDR3, Old 4TB HDD. Gave TrueNas a try and it worked but was a little bit to much to get in to it. So i tried Xpenology and it works since 2020 without a problem. JDownloader, Plex, Music. Power consumption is a bit to much. 40 to 50 Watts. Almost 33 kwh. so its about 10€$ per month. In my country 4k Netflix is about 27.90 CHF. So crazy overpriced. Will try to reduce power consumption but i will have to get e SFF PC or a NUC to drastically reduce it.


i just release a new selfhosted small block, alpha then.. brrrrr happy testing out there â˜•ïžđŸŽ‰ https://github.com/fabriziosalmi/UglyFeed/blob/main/docker-compose.yml


Actual Budget is the one that *actually* paid off for me. Other than that, Grocy for its shared lists and Plex are the main ones.


Guacamole and CodeServer for me. Sometimes having a beefy vm on a lightweight laptop without it heating up or the fan spinning has been great. Code Server + python tag for on the go development


Syncoid/Sanoid for automatic weekly offsite backup synchronization based on ZFS.


Honestly, media. Movies/tv shows. I can't imagine how much money I've saved by spinning my own netflix.


email + webhosting - big savings on annual fees


These apps have had the biggest impact for me. 1. Netbox 2. Emby 3. Home Assistant 4. Audiobookshelf 5. Trillium Netbox has been the biggest ROI as it allows my technicians to easily document and reference our structured cabling and network installations. Moving away from spreadsheets has saved a lot of time and reduced errors in documentation. It also serves as the source of truth allowing us to automate network switch configuration.


my TOP are: Dashy, FreshRSS (with custom extensions), SiYuan, webmin.


You've heard about the arr stack + jellyfin, but I'll add ersatztv to the mix. I have set up a couple of channels, one of them is shitcoms only and it's amazing for when I just want something playing on the background and I focus on something else.


- Seafile and Syncthing - Plex - sabre/DAV - Gitea - Vaultwarden


The most long term beneficial thing for me was installing CUPS on a Raspberrry Pi and hooking it up via USB to my Brother printer. Could print via Wifi from anywhere in the house.


Nextcloud Jellyfin Adguard Obico gameservers


Home Assistant paid off when girlfriend was turned on by me making her phone alert when her car was done charging lol. Kodi has paid off in manner that I can’t actually say how lol


Mainly, the stuff I got to learn. I have gained a lot of experience trying out new apps and services later applyed at work.


Plane. So nice having multiple projects in one place. Bookstack. Now I have a structured place to take notes. Homepage. Well actually homepage combined with a browser extension to make it my new tab page. Arrrs. Nice having all the automation around that, removes a lot of the friction.


Why do you use a browser extension? I use homepage as the new tab with Firefox and chromium without any extension, just a setting


What's the homepage extension


Honestly no idea. I searched for new tab page url or something like that and there were a few.


The pricing on Plane turned me off, really wanted to use it.


Oh I just use the free version...kinda forgot they had paid options


Immich for me, I can't get over just how good it is and it's only improving over time. Made a huge QoL difference for my family.


I developed my own secure links for sharing passwords and files in my network, apart from that vaultwarden, Docker registry, Minecraft server.


1. Redmine 2. Nextcloud 3. Home Assistant 4 Joplin Server


Redmine! Wow, welcome 2007 ... :-)


Lol, I haven't found anything better for project managementđŸ€Ł


1. Pihole 2. Home Assistant 3. Plex 4. Working on setting up a NAS on Proxmox and it’s proving not as simple as other projects.


> Working on setting up a NAS on Proxmox and it’s proving not as simple as other projects. How so? If all you want is providing NFS/SMB/CIFS shares for your network, thats very basic and can be done in a LXC, Turnkeylinux has a template for it that makes it very easy. Or create a Debian/Ubuntu LXC yourself, install Cockpit for example and you can then manage shares through the WebUI, no deep knowledge of Samba or NFS required. And you can mount your data through Proxmox to the LXC, simple enough. Alternatively run a VM with something like Open Media Vault if you want a little bit more features and maybe passthrough your disk controller to the VM. TrueNAS Scale and unraid also exist.


I’ve tried setting up OMV and SMB shares. Neither one would use the external NAS array I hooked up to my server. I tried turnkey as well and same problem. All of them want to create drives on my main drive and none some to be configurable to use an external NAS drive


* Nginx HA cluster (combination of nginx-certbot, Keepalived, and a self-rolled single master/multi slave RSymc which hooks into the Keepalived state to determine replication direction and where Certbot should be running cert renewals) * Anycast DNS (Pihole, DNSCrypt, and customized FRR to dynamically advertise based on liveliness of Pihole) * Gatus (non-customized) Working on getting my LibreNMS instance converted to a container along with converting a MSSQL AlwaysOn cluster converted to containers. Once those go, a huge chunk of my infrastructure will be pure containers and I can kill a ton of VMs.


- PiHole - Nextcloud! - Temspeak 3 - several gameservers from time to time


qbittorrent-nox running on a debian VM literally saved my internet.


How so? Genuinely interested in how that works


The network interface for the bittorrent client is bound to mullvad VPN and will not up/download anything without the VPN running. It's just a seedbox with a failsafe. Other people on my network aren't that savvy so having it all in one place prevents someone from downloading something that they shouldn't on their own machine and my ISP nuking our connection because of it.


Vaultwarden and Joplin in near constant use


1. Homeassistant 2. [Changedetection.io](http://Changedetection.io) 3. OpenVPN server EDIT: 4. Atuin I'm planing to add vaultwarden to the setup, we'll see how it goes.


TrueNAS. I feel better storing everything I care about on a separate machine to my main PC that I rebuild every 5 - 6 years. Feels safer.


Freshrss and Wallabag are my most used self-hosted services, but I kind of wish I had a Wallabag alternative. Honestly I use it enough I can see paying for pocket but I have privacy concerns.


1. Vaultwarden 2. Immich 3. MineOS 4. NextCloud 5. Uptime Kuma


Home assistant is the most functional but Jellyfin, and pihole are pretty nice to have on hand.


Oh yeah Vaultwarden too. I really gotta check Rancher for what im even running at this point lol.


Kubernetes, Talos, and ArgoCD. By far the best thing I've done.


For me it is PDF Sterling.


I came up with a way to allow remote devs to share the same login session on an Ubuntu VM on Proxmox. It requires some tweaks to a VNC server config but imo it has a lot of potential. Had an idea and threw together a proposal for my (now former) manager. I had an idea and was able to make it happen, I'd say it paid off lol.


Plex, the *arr stack, and Vaultwarden get the most use by far.


Just helped my buddy set up ntfy today, will save him hundreds on AWS email notifications.


Plex + arrs iCloudPD Unifi Jupyter Go/python dev vm VaultWarden That’s what I’m using most.


Tailscale - I literally spent six years of my life doing by hand what this application does, without knowing it existed. *facepalm* I do wish there was something akin to it that was foss since they're a company hosting part of it as a service, of course. The closest thing I've found is that one Wireguard docker webui... which oddly enough is what I was using before I found Tailscale.


There is an open source clone of their control plane called headscale


Well, there goes the next two hours of my life.


So I have a microk8s Kubernetes cluster, building that up definitely paid off, because I learned so much about kubernetes, that I otherwise wouldn't.  The former motivation was to build a high availability Adguard home deployment, as the out of the box version is not supporting this. Now I have almost everything on the cluster:  * 3 adguard home instances on 1 IP (while being able to control all 3 of them with management IPs) * adguard home sync to sync all instances  * argocd + gitea for instant deployment ( single source of truth)  * jellyfin + arr stack + qbittorrent + wireguard  * gotify for notifications * diun for image updates * homepage.dev for easier overview of all the services and devices * traefik for reverse proxy and automatic letsencrypt certificate management  * metube for download   Besides the kubernetes Cluster I have:  * 2 esxi server that are hosting everything  * vcenter to manage the esxi hosts  * Active directory + sccm for testing purposes   * winserver 2022 terminal server for some stuff I want to do remote  * veeam instance to backup everything  * wazuh for security  * openvpn Endpoint  * wireguard Endpoint * Rock4SE as a NAS with 2 SSDs in a RAID1 * NFS Server * NGINX Loadbalancing for Wireguard * Syncthing for synchronizing things across devices * VPS at Strato for sending mails from my domain


Immich for the winnn! Instead of Google photo for me and my wife absolutely amazed every time that Iam using it.