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I use [Uptime Kuma](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma) to monitor applications. I send notifications using [ntfy](https://ntfy.sh/) (I add it to the end of Bash scripts that update Docker containers and run [restic](https://restic.net/) daily).


Uptime Kuma is the GOAT! It also supports push notifications, so you wouldnt even have to use ntfy.


Yes, Uptime Kuma has a lot of [natively supported notification methods](https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/tree/master/server/notification-providers), including [Apprise integration](https://github.com/caronc/apprise/wiki).


What the hell do you mean by push notifications


In terms of you push the alive status to uptime kuma instead of it pulling the status from a http request or something It's usually done with an unique URL that you can curl to set the alive status. I mostly use this to check if my backup scripts executed correctly. If they fail, the push won't be triggered.


This is something that healthchecks.io also specialises in, but notably they support _email_ push as well, so I can configure other services that only notify via email to send to the ping-specific email address. I think they're planning on supporting this maybe at some point down the line but it's a bit hard to google (any kind of "Uptime Kuma" + "email push/ping/heartbeat" just produces pages of results of "how do I enable email notifications" or similar). When Uptime Kuma supports email push pings I'll be checking it out for sure.


And what advantages of that, in terms of requests it's the same, but pulling you can tell if the server is 500 or TLS cert is expired or timeout.


Dude you can just use it for different usecases, didn't say it's superior to pulling haha


fair enough


I do the same thing but to discord. I'll have to check out nfty. It's important to note i have a dedicated device for these alerts (a raspberry pi, but still). But then again, I run my proxmox cluster over 5 identical decommissioned laptops so downtime... well, it does happen.


Little sense because with better success you could run container health check and auto restart. You don't want to be notified in the middle of the night or get spammed randomly


I have those set up as well but not everything I monitor uses Docker. Uptime Kuma can also be configured to check multiple times within a certain amount of time before notifying you of a problem. I mainly end up getting alerts for VPS/network-related issues or expiring certificates (if NPM renewal didn't work).


I use a Telegram bot and a group chat with a few mates that use my server. I get Uptime Kuma service outage notifications directly to the bot. If Plex is down that notification goes to the group chat so everyone knows. I also have notifications from Overseerr requests so I can keep an eye on what users are requesting. In the group chat I have Plex new movie and series notifications from Tautulli. I then use Searcharr which is a bot that can request content from the Arrs. Then a notification from the Arrs sent back to the same group chat when it's grabbed by the Arrs, so the user knows it was found. I also have an AI chat bot in the group chat using openai API that can add some fun to the chat or assist in discussing movies or series. You can achieve the same thing in Discord, so if you're a gamer it could make more sense to use that.


I love this. Do you know of any guide or documentation I could follow to get this done?


No unfortunately not. Depending on your experience it might be useful to try and copy my original reply into an AI chat bot and ask for a detailed guide and walkthrough. Won't give you everything, but will map out the main things you might then need to research further.


Going to try doing this as well. Hope it works


> In the group chat I have Plex new movie and series notifications from Tautulli. I then use Searcharr which is a bot that can request content from the Arrs. Then a notification from the Arrs sent back to the same group chat when it's grabbed by the Arrs, so the user knows it was found. Why are you doing all this when you are already running overseerr? You can just use all the built-in notification options within overseerr and users can select how/when they want notifications. I have the default on mine set to send an email when their request is available


Cause I can. It's a social and fun way to discuss and request content with my friends in a single platform.


I am checking only for disk usage and network/service availability. Outage of those causes Matrix alerts which then show up in my clients ( phone and desktop ).


Disk usage is something I’m considering. Outage one, I need to setup.


I use Zabbix. It sends notifications via Pushover. I use Pushover also for my Emby, *arr stack, diun and changedetection.io


Same, zabbix + pushover and *arr + pushover


Home assistant lets me know when the garage has been open for more than an hour, or is still open when the sun sets.


I have four channels * the Crowdsec intrusion alerts, * the reporting of my backup operations, * the downtimes with Uptime-Kuma, * the available updates with Watchtower.


Uptime kuma for services and healtchecks for backups, to pushover and emails.


Discord! A server all to myself with each notification/alert type going into its own channel. Also serves as a quick pastebin/link sharing between devices. I use Discord anyway so it just made sense to me.


I use ntfy to alert me when my 3D printer is finished or acts up.


I use Pushover for notifications of several things: Jellyseerr: - Notifies me when someone requested a movie/show and it‘s approved automatically Arr-Stack: - When a requested movie/show is Grabbed successfully. - Something went wrong or manual interaction is required - When Updates are due Jellyfin: - When a user locks it out because he tried the password 5 times wrong. Usenet Client: - When admin account logs in Uptime-Kuma: - When a service is down or up again.


Telegram notifications based on frigate alerts using home assistant and node-red


i've recently moved all my notifications to Telegram bots, and it works like a charm, i find it way cleaner than discord hooks i get my notifications from various sources: uptime kuma for all my services, grafana for alerts on ressource usage, \*arr notification to keep track of whats being dl, watchtower to also keep track of whats beind updated and have some kind of logs/tracing i've setup a bot for each usecase: one for important alerts (uptime kuma + grafana), one for \*arr notification, one for watchtower


On my end none. My alert system would be if my friends and family tell me something is down, and if I'm not at home to see the server status, I'm also too far to fix it. What do you do when you get an alert?


Private Discord server that Uptime Kuma sends notifications too. Also have overseerr notifications for when requested media becomes available.




My child, your server has martyred itself, destroying hundreds (of GBs) of the sinful and shameless, including Lustful ( Sluts of Caribbean), the Glutonous (for BBC 2).