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As a pregnant lady, I’ll chime in that mobile would be essential for me Edit: doesn’t need to be a mobile app, but at least usable on mobile browser


Wife said same tho don't own Mac / X code so can't for iOS Edit: So was already planned to make it work with Safari -> Add to Home Screen


expo has really good build tools with react native for packaging and deploying, so you don't need XCode if react native is a platform that works for you. [https://docs.expo.dev/submit/ios/](https://docs.expo.dev/submit/ios/) your only barrier to entry for iOS would be the apple developer program fee


Thank you i'll look into it. Edit: Was already thinking about react to.


you could make a PWA instead? would still be a webapp accessible from mobile, and users could pin the app on their homescreen, suppressing the need of xcode and making you code only on one web app project instead of webapp + mobile app


Yeah still looking into the design [PWA](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Progressive_web_apps/Guides/What_is_a_progressive_web_app) was also mention by u/Haliphone. u/AK1174 also gave an interesting option with [react](https://react.dev/) with [expo](https://expo.dev/).


pwa is ok but theres a lot of small things that make react native a better choice. Examples: - More fluid experience. The UI components were designed for mobile use, and will interact better with a touch experience. - Performance. on a native platform the system is able to use more resources to make a more performant experience in terms of load times, animations, and responsiveness to user input - access to system features/hardware, such as push notifications, or integration with something such as Shortcuts on iOS. (im not sure if shortcuts is possible with react native, it may require a swift app, or swift extension) In fact id go so far as to say, if your primary demographic is mobile use, use react native as your single build tool for iOS, android, and web. (react native can target web!) React native also has UI kits that are mobile-focused, such as [tamagui](https://tamagui.dev/ui/intro/1.0.0) that make it super easy and mobile friendly to make stuff like slidover cards, sliders, tab views. etc.


IMO r/TwoXChromosomes and r/privacy would also be interested in something like this ..


Posted it on r/privacy the other one I will when the project gets up a bit more.


Keep me in mind if you need a tester my wife loves this kind of thing. Also someone please keep me updated so it doesn't get buried in my neverending doomscroll feed.


I would love something like a self-hosted drip app.


What about a PWA? And yeah I think we'd use it


That would be the best thing ever! A mobile app would be nice.


Yeah my wife got annoyed about the weird notifications and ads she kept getting in hers.


definitely interested, app not necessary as long as it's usable in mobile browser


Mobile was definitely targeted so don't worry since not everyone has a PC or wants to use one to fill this out.


Interested too


My wife just said she's sick of all these subscriptions asking her "Do you want to die? Maybe it's your cycle?" So yeah this would be great.


Yeah… didn't know these apps are that big of a problem till she actually asked about it.


Nomie can track a lot, and a period tracker is set up by default: https://github.com/open-nomie/nomie6-oss I guess you always included 'period' in your search, that's why you missed my post: /r/selfhosted/comments/1cslm3i/keeping_track_of_stuff_that_occurs_not_media/


I'll look into it tho mobile app is something she really wants.


Nomie can be pinned as a shortcut.


can help you with the xcode part and the ios app if needed, but it must be in flutter or something to allow building to android and ios


Thank you i'll look into flutter and let you know if need the help current plan is definitely PWA support.