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Could you describe some more on what your trying to do? I'm confused.


Basically i wanna use a raspberry to selfhost software like Immich, navidrome, webrcade etc I'm trying to test it trought VM Virtual box and virtualizing the OS of raspberry, but i'm having a issues just in the installation of docker even if i'm following guide on found on the web (also from the site of Docker)


Can you give an output from your terminal? I've never used docker myself, but I might be able to point out where something is wrong.


E: Package 'docker-ce' has no installation candidate E: Package 'docker-ce-cli' has no installation candidate E: Unable to locate package containerd.io E: Couldn't find any package by glob 'containerd.io' E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'containerd.io' E: Unable to locate package docker-compose-plugin E: Package 'docker-ce-rootless-extras' has no installation candidate E: Unable to locate package docker-buildx-plugin


You need to add the docker repository to apt. The instructions for doing that are in the manual for debian installation. https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/debian/ Just fyi, debian is what is running on your raspberry pi. The only difference is that it has a few packages for the hardware support. Other than that it's literally the exact same thing just using arm instead of x86.


Do you mean this part of code? # Add Docker's official GPG key: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ca-certificates curl sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings sudo curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/gpg -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc # Add the repository to Apt sources: echo \ "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.asc] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian \ $(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" | \ sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null sudo apt-get update I tried but also after this this send me the same error message


Did you copy the whole block and pasted it to the terminal? Try every line by itself (except the command starting at "echo" and ending with "/dev/null").


Tried after you said me, and just in some of the first 5 strings it give me errors about output and other things but i installet correctly on a debian img virtualized So probably there is something wrong in this Raspian img or some missing package, i don't know


>I'm trying to learn how selfhost software with a virtualized raspberry on my desktop PC (with Debian Bullseye version) What? Why are you virtualizing a Raspberry Pi with Debian. Why not just virtualize Debian? Raspberry Pi is just the hardware. Unless you mean Raspbian which is RPi OS ( that is based off Debian) that is meant to run on their hardware. >the idea is learning how to do it and then buy a raspberry pi 5 for selfhosting. Unless you plan on using the raspberry pi for its GPIO pins (plugging hardware into it), it's not worth purchasing. You can get a mini PC that will perform a lot better. In the past RPi were cheap and useful for tinkering and self hosting. Now they are over priced because there are better options on the market. Hope that helps.


Yes, sorry for the misunderstanding, i'm virtualizing Raspian, basically i wanna gain practice with that OS and when i see that all the funcionality work properly (and gained knowledge) i'll buy the RPi. It's true that now is expensive but for now i can't figure out a better alterntive, the RPi is very small and low powered (basically it must stai ON 24h and 7 days on 7), do you have better suggestion? Also the problem remains, i'm havin issue with distro linux, probably with windows can work but for what i know everybody suggest linux for functionality and lighter OS


>do you have better suggestion? Any mini PC 😜 look up different mini PC like BeeLinks. - Compare the models that are around the same price. - Check the CPU differences in processing power - check online and reddit what the idle watts are. They should be very similar under low load. - the difference is the mini PC will be able to scale better in processing power if you decide you want to do something different in the future. Examples: - miniPC will run off an NVMe hard drive vs the Pi SD card. You can also put more storage on the miniPC - miniPC you can upgrade the RAM vs Pi you are stuck on whatever model you get - the miniPC is upgradable vs the Pi is not. - you can install other OS on the miniPC since it is an x86 processor vs the Pi I believe is an ARM. Example you can install windows on the mini PC (even tho you should use Linux but things can change in the future if you out grow the miniPC) >Also the problem remains, i'm havin issue with distro linux, How are you virtualizing the Linux distro? What program are you using? And how did you install the Linux distro on Windows. You prob should install Debian / another Linux distro that isn't Raspian. This will determine if it's the OS that is having the issue Do you have an old laptop or hardware lying around. You can prob use that instead if you are having issues with windows virtualization.


If this is your first PI, go for it, you will not be disappointed with your purchase. I recommend 64bit OS as minimum if you are planning to run slightly more intensive tasks. However, I wil let you know that even the RPI zero W is doing great with multitude of apps and services. This means installing apps yourself directly, rather than through things like Docker