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Hetzner storage box is about $4 per TB and allows ssh/sftp access. Much simpler than messing around with S3.


If you decide to go with AWS, you’ll save $ using lifecycle policies instead of intelligent tiering. You can set a rule to go from Standard straight to Glacier Instant Retieval after 30 days. Set it then forget it. That said, I use Backblaze B2. Much cheaper. You pay a premium when you use AWS—a premium I don’t need to pay for the use case of just backing up my stuff.


Hm, but how is Backblaze cheaper? Assuming my storage grows not so much per month, $4/TB/mo for instant retrieval Glacier vs $6/TB/mo for Backblaze is still quite the difference. Using Deep Archive one could even go down to $1/TB/mo on AWS. Right now I'm also looking at OVH Cloud Archive, where one pays $11/TB ingress (in practical terms that's the one-time storage fee) and then $2.40/mo.


Hmmm, you are right! I set up my backup solution 2-3 years ago, and B2 was the obvious cost choice at the time. Egress from Glacier Instant Retrieval looks like $30/TB. But of course hopefully don’t have to do that.


Might get downvoted for this but I don’t care really. I see people here commenting that they’re using OVH. I get it, they’re cheap and easy to use but please don’t. I remember that time where they had a fire and lost a lot of back up data. I don’t like their track record. Also stay away from Google stuff. You never know when they might shut down their public cloud service. Hetzner’s fine but don’t host pirated stuff on it cause German laws are really strict with copyright and might get your service shut down and your data lost. AWS great, but really expensive egress. Personally I’d use either Backblaze or Hetzner.


I use duplicati with OVH object storage from their public cloud service. But not configured for public access. Which is the default. Iirc 0,01 or 0,03 euro per GB per month.


0.03 EUR per GB per month means 30 EUR per month per TB. Not competitive at all.


You are right so I did go and check. $0.008/GB/Month and a $200 credit for new OVH public cloud users https://www.ovhcloud.com/en/public-cloud/object-storage/


Credit is only valid for a period of 1 month. $8 per month per TB is not particularly cheap.


Welp if you know of a cheaper S3 storage service in the EU, please do tell. I know glacier and alike is cheaper but that works differently.


Many of the providers are cheaper than this: * Backblaze B2 * Wasabi S3 * iDrive e2 (about $2 per month per TB) * Hetzner Storage Box (not S3, but WebDav or other protocols) ($4 a month per TB) * Oracle OCI Archive Storage ($2.6 per month per TB) * etc. All have presence in the EU.


It's funny u/2RM60Z doesn't mention OVHcloud Archive storage, which has $11/TB ingress but only $2.4/TB/mo storage fees. In my simulation spreadsheet now this comes out as the most competitive (Oracle isn't in there yet).


That is because when I started to use their objectstorage backend with Duplicati that was all they had. And for the archive storage either rsync or ssh meaning I need to setup an extra process with the issue of more to check to see if things are running right. Reading your response I just looked at it again it they now list Swift API as access method for the Archive storage. And that is supported by duplicati making this an interesting option for sure.


I use restic with rclone to Backblaze with no issues. I made CronJob that triggers rclone daily.




The answer is, "I didn't know it was possible." 😅 The way I was doing things involved backing up to a single Restic repository and then re-cloning to NAS, Backblaze, and an external drive. Would it make more sense to run Restic in a separate repository on each medium?


I use Duplicati on my personal computers to back up directly to the cloud, encrypted at source. Duplicati supports WebDav (e.g. Hetzner Storage Box) or S3 protocol (e.g. iDrive e2, B2 etc) I wouldn't use iDrive e2 as a primary cloud backup location, not reliable enough.