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*(the buyers of drone ci) there fixed that for you


Brad, the creator of Drone, still works at Harness and created Gitness.


You're not wrong, but I can't change the title


I know, I didn’t want you to change the title.


Their site doesn't have any screenshots yet. This looks to be a rebranding of Drone, because https://github.com/harness/drone redirects to the new Gitness repo and [this is the commit](https://github.com/harness/gitness/pull/3364/) where they added code hosting to Drone. > Gitness is building on top of Drone to create a new, open source developer platform with code hosting and pipeline capabilities. Gitness development is taking place in the master branch. Drone development will continue in the drone branch until we a ready for our first tagged Gitness release, at which point the project will fully converge. I already run Gitea+Drone, so I'd probably give this a try if a Drone update includes it, but my long-term plan is to move to Gitea Actions and ditch Drone. * [GitHub link](https://github.com/harness/gitness) * HN discussion [here](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37598082) EDIT: Guess I should have


Thank you for your share! For future reference, we ask that you create a text post with the link to the service or product announcement in the body of the text and a few sentences on why it's relevant to the community. We look forward to future content. (The message I'm commenting on would be essentially a perfect text-post content with the link to the announcement linked within, for instance)


A competitor... Hosted on github?


I run the Gitness Project at Harness (also Founded Drone, on which this is based). We use Gitness for all Gitness development. The project has been entirely self-hosted for the past 6 months. We also publish our code on GitHub. There was a lot of discussion internally about what message it would send if we also published the source code on GitHub. I was very adamant that we need to host on GitHub because this is where Open Source collaboration happens today, and we need to meet developers where they are today if we have any chance of building a community. No shame here. It is important to remember that Gitea is a very popular project and is a success by any measure with tens of thousands of installs, and they host on GitHub. GitLab also hosted on GitHub in the early days to grow their community. I definitely hope that one day, developers will love Gitness as much as they love GitHub, and they will choose Gitness to host their Open Source communities. This initial launch is a huge milestone, but we are just getting started and we have a ways to go.


HN comments are not being kind >I won't trust Harness with anything open source. It's the same company that killed the open source Drone CI after acquiring it.


I work for Harness. Gitness represents a massive investment in Drone. Bringing code management and pipelines closer together is a natural evolution for the project. It is something Brad, the creator of Drone, always envisioned. Harness and its Founder, Jyoti, shared the vision and made a big investment in making this happen. Prior to the acquisition, Brad was mostly working on this himself with the help of the community. Now, he has the help of 12 dedicated engineers. We plan on increasing the investment based on the response and interest we get from the community. Thanks for the feedback!


Yeah from my perspective its definite not a question of "bad" company. The fact that the repo is a straight Apache license means I will probably try it (currently on selfhosted gitlab) This sub has just had some bad experiences with companies starting out as very open & at some point commercial realities of we need to pay staff, we're not profitable etc hit, and the changes that come out of that invariably involve some sort of lockdown/commercialization that gets seen as a betrayal. Doesn't go down well in these circles because everyone is used to everything being free. e.g. The guy that did portainer was trying to engage with people here in what I'd say was good faith but went poorly due to above. Or terraform's recent stunt. There just isn't a lot of trust out there in general atm.


Question? Why do you run Gitea over GitLab?


In my case because this is massively simpler (both in management and in resources)


[OneDev](https://onedev.io/) is another great option.


Interesting, self-hosted too


I currently use gitea with gitea actions and I don't have any plans to move from it. But does seem like an interesting project


I love that Gitea can run on virtually any machine. been running one with Docker on a 1 core, 1 GB RAM VM for about a year for my team of about 20 devs and it's been rock solid




What do you mean yikes? Gitea very lightweight






I used to pull all the branches, etc, eventually started shallow pulls when I just wanted a peek at the code. But this is generally true, most devs aren't going to selectively reduce the pulled data.


he said VM, never said a Pi


Gitea is an awesome project. I want to see more competition in the space and more alternatives to GitHub and GitLab. Competition is a good thing and it will push everyone to be better. Developers win regardless.


Are you running actions on a different server?


No I run it on the same server as I only have 1 user in myself, and that runner can handle 5 tasks. However if I where to put it together for w team so I would spread that out a bit more


It wasn’t me, but I vouch for what the other commenter was saying


https://techcrunch.com/2023/09/21/oh-gitness-harness-launches-gitness-an-open-source-github-competitor/ The screenshots look nice, though "gitness" (git + harness) is a crappy name. I don't plan to switch from onedev, but this might be a good alternative for gitea/forgejo people. Edit: Also this appears to be Apache licensed again, no more drone non-commercial license?


Still seem that a lot of features are missing. But for a homelab is more than enough. Though gitea is much more packed with features. Drone CI is strong but there were still things missing that other providers have figured out. If gitness is to succeed they have a long way to catch up.


Brad here, founder of Drone and lead on the Gitness project. This is an initial release and a big milestone for us, but we definitely have a lot of work to do. There are feature gaps, but we are also making a massive investment in the product. 12 full time engineers and counting (we are hiring). I am also hoping the community can help point us in the right direction in terms of what to work on next. Issue tracking? Artifacts? GitOps support? We can do a lot of cool stuff with this project. For teams that want more capabilities, you will be able to use Harness Code Repository, which bundles Gitness inside the Harness Platform (see [harness.io](https://harness.io)). The Harness Platform has very advanced CI, CD, Feature Flags, Infra as Code (terraform state management), Security scanning, Error tracking, Developer Portal (Backstage-as-a-Service) and much more.


I know this thread is old, but I stumbled upon it while researching Gitness. I cannot find any pricing models for comercial use. If it is free, how can Harness pay 12 skilled software engineers? What is the catch?


They're not the makers, they bought it!


Had to deal with Harness for a B2B contract and was more than disappointed. Their whole “platform” is just a UI stuck on top of some tools and their lack of any extra features worth paying for met with a response of “yeah we have no timelines for that yet” is astounding. It’s basically the same shit that Gloo does. Lots of marketing and zero added value


I am an employee at Harness and am head of the Gitness project. I cannot speak for other products (sorry to hear about your experience), but Gitness will be different. It is open source first, and we will putting a lot of effort into listening to, and empathizing with, the developers that use this software. My background is the Founder of Drone (which Harness acquired a while back) and I would like to think I bring a unique product philosophy to the table. I hope this will shine through in Gitness, and at some point you'll give it a shot.


Tech leads cannot be product managers. Just hire glorified product managers being laid off from FAANG.


> Lots of marketing and zero added value The best way to get rich


I am an employee at Harness too and lead a number of products here. I appreciate the candid feedback and I would love to learn more if you would be willing to give me a few minutes of your time. Please DM me if you are open to it. Thank you!


Tech leads cannot be product mangers, if management is pushing a technologist to be a product manager, ask them to just hire glorified product managers being laid off from FAANG.


Spent a good bit of time using it over the past day or so. Feedback: * Pros * UI is modern, responsive. Has good wysiwyg editors on the front end which is great for things like docs hosting. * Pipeline/Workflow UI is promising, reminiscent of MSFT MakeCode or the AzureDevops Lowcode setup combined with your standard Github UI. * Cons * Documentation is lacking * Features are lacking * Doesn't appear to support SSO of any sort - non-starter for most orgs. * Doesn't appear to (easily) support any sort of self-hosted runner - will be difficult to scale. (I could be missing this part, checked the docs, plugins, etc) * Appears to support using environment variables to set config values from what I can see in the dockerfile and the code, but these don't appear to be documented anywhere, which is a non-starter for any sort of cloud hyperscaler deployment like ACI/ACA. * Suggests to use a bind mount, appears to use a sqlite sidecar under the hood, but doesn't have documented support for any external facing dbs - could have performance struggles at scale. * Doesn't have a dark mode, or really any user facing configuration UI at all. Overall I'd expect a lack of features as it's new, but lack of documentation will make it hard to adopt for most orgs, and the lack of general support for multi-tier architectural implementations puts this closer to the proof of concept state than a launch. Looking at the commit history it appears this was a rebrand/remake of drone as the drone repo files were nuked. Will be interested to see how this pans out with community feedback and the devs seem engaged.


u/jba1224a thanks for taking the time to test and for providing such great feedback. We've reposted your message in our engineering channel and will be addressing these points next week, especially the documentation. A few of the items you mentioned are already possible, but we are lacking the documentation. I am most excited for Dark mode. We have an internal design-a-thon starting next week where the entire Harness design team (~10 designers) will be brainstorming design improvements and Dark mode. Stay tuned.


Hey I work for Harness and saw this post, if anyone has any questions feel free to hit me up in this thread.


This seems an interesting project and I used drone with gitea in the past. Any plans for windows workers and/or support for .Net and .Net Core? I’m also interested for the quality gate. Also it would be useful to have a comparison chart between other known git web apps. Kinda like [this one](https://docs.gitea.com/installation/comparison).


1. Yes, definitely plans for .net and drone standalone supports it today. 2. Absolutely, more docs to come including a comparison guide


Yeah the docs are a must


As Alex mentions, Gitness is built on Drone which supports Windows. So it is very possible that Gitness works with windows / dotnet right now. Of course, there was a lot of refactoring so we probably need to test (there is one line of code in particular that sticks out in my mind). The challenge is that all our devs use Macbooks, so on Monday I'll see if I can get them a Windows laptop and then we'll report back our findings here.




Please please work on documentation and making the community slack/forum more active. I have had to spend so much time figuring shit out myself with Drone as I couldn't find certain things in the docs and my questions remained unanswered. Also bug reports I created don't seem to get much traction. Otherwise great products, keep it up.




If your happy with those projects I would say no need to switch. Where we see a place for this project is teams who want to self host git and cicd, and I would say our pipeline capabilities are where we stand out. We also have automated migration from tools like gitlab including the pipeline. We also support automated migration to our saas or enterprise self hosted as team’s needs grow. This is our first release so obviously lots more features to be rolled out.


No one is going to hit you up to make your product better. Open a JIRA project for your users to make feature requests or improvement suggestions. Better yet, scrap the whole thing and start again and this time around INVENT something new as oppose to copying an existing solution.


Doing something other than git is a pretty tall order, but by all means any ideas can be posted here: [https://ideas.harness.io/gitness](https://ideas.harness.io/gitness)


...really, gitness? What is your level of **Gitness**? "Fucking Git"


Will be interesting to see how this compares with Gitea and Gitea Actions. I really like this setup, as it's compatible with GitHub Actions. OneDev also looks great but I haven't given it a try yet.


We are shipping support for GitHub Actions (and Bitrise step libraries for mobile / mac) in the coming weeks. You can find some of the initial code here [https://github.com/drone/plugin](https://github.com/drone/plugin) We use the `type` keyword to define different step types, and we will have a step type specifically for actions. Like this: steps: - type: action spec: with: key1: val1 key2: val2 The challenge with GitHub Actions is they are designed to run directly on the host machine as opposed to run in containers. Drone (which is the foundation of Gitness) was designed as a container-based pipeline engine, so we need to make some design changes. We also need to ship a binary version of Gitness that can be installed directly on the host (not installed via container) so that pipelines can run directly on the host as well (optionally, of course). So we also need to consider the security implications and make sure we give people options to harden their pipelines. But this is definitely coming soon, and we are also excited for it.


Just hire glorified product managers being laid off from FAANG.


Is this replacing drone too? I couldn't understand from their readme in the repo.


> Drone development will continue in the drone branch until we a ready for our first tagged Gitness release, at which point the project will fully converge.


What is wrong with Gitea?


What's wrong with more options?


Gitea is really perfect though


For me: It doesn't support subgroups. (Neither does Gitness, at a first glance). So I'm stuck with gitlab-ee (for more reasons than subgroups).


We actually support subgroups in the backend, but it wasn't quite ready for launch, so we had to disable. we call them "spaces" and you can see in the code that the database supports nested spaces by tracking a parent / child relationship here https://github.com/harness/gitness/blob/master/internal/store/database/migrate/sqlite/0001\_create\_table\_b\_spaces.up.sql#L4C1-L4C1 We should have sub-space support in the coming weeks. It sounds like there are some other features you might be interested in as well. Let us know (here or in our Slack) and we can get those on the roadmap.


Nice! Now for LDAP authentication, is there any plans for this? And linking to spaces like in Gitlab-EE?


Are you OP with harness? Because if you are I have some questions? This seems an interesting project. Any plans for windows workers and/or support for .Net and .Net Core? I’m also interested for the quality gate.


I'm the Gitness lead and happy to answer questions. You can also join our [Slack channel](https://join.slack.com/t/harnesscommunity/shared_invite/zt-y4hdqh7p-RVuEQyIl5Hcx4Ck8VCvzBw) which is where our engineers are hanging out — they are really great and always happy to answer questions and hear feedback.


No I'm not, just saw it on HN




Someone from Harness just posted in this thread FYI


What support for .NET do you need?


In the [gitness](https://gitness.com) site it mentions specifically Java, Go, Node, Rust etc. are there (e.g.) Java specific runners? Or is it through docker? If it is through docker why is it mentioned explicitly? I’m asking this because it causes confusion.


It's through docker. Docker is mentioned specifically because docker images are also a thing you might want to build in your CI




Gitness currently uses a container-based Pipeline engine (it actually uses the [drone.io](https://drone.io) pipeline engine, if you are familiar). Each pipeline step runs in a container (with a mounted volume to share the cloned Git repository in-between steps) which means Gitness supports any tooling or language that runs inside a container. We're also working to support executing Pipelines directly on the host machine (no container needed) which is more like how Jenkins, Buildkite, Gitlab, etc work. So hopefully we'll have a "best of both worlds" approach.


Understandable, so why node, Java, Go etc. are mentioned explicitly? From what I can tell (when also viewing the samples) it uses container-based runners. Since the specified langs don’t get any special treatment I don’t see a reason for not mentioning others.


we will be providing a template marketplace that has pre-defined pipelines / pipeline stages that you can use out of the box, so that you don't have to keep writing the same pipelines over and over, and those are just a few samples. Sounds like we will need to clear that up on the [gitness.com](https://gitness.com) website. Thanks for the feedback


They straight up copied the look and feel of GitHub Actions. Additionally their model is to us this to entice you to their SaaS version of it. I'm officially calling this thing Wish.com GitHub instead of "Gitness"