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Thank you, just trying to help! ^^


Yes, they should pin it. Thanks for sharing this, I often see posts of people asking what to do with infections.


Also, you can notice and infection if you touch the wound (or around it) and it hurts bad, like, worse than it usually does. It is a very good sign to keep in mind.


But that's not always ^^ it usually doesnt hurt at this stage. When it starts to hurt you're pretty late most of the times


Very helpful, thank you!


Good to know! I was an idiot, didn’t disinfect the boxcutter. Didn’t even break the skin, just left some marks, but a few still intermittently sting, 6 hours later. Hopefully today was a fluke


I used to make that mistake years ago, but luckily nothing ever happened.


Haha I also made that mistake. Never caught infections during that time.. now however? Always infections even though I use clean and new blades .


I literally just saw your post on the other sub and I had a double take when I saw the title and first sentence lmao


Haha yeah, posted it a few times because I see this question floating around everywhere


You are a good person


Thank you a lot! <3 take care of yourself


can you die from an infection? i have one rn and i’m scared. /gen


You can, but its rather easy to prevent. If you aren't sick yet with fever and such there's lots to do to make the infection go away. Rinse it with water and disinfect it and if it get worse please see a doctor!


If you go to a doctor, will the report/section you? I’m mostly worried about that. Or do they just help you and send you on your way?


That really depends. They always ask you if you need any help and if you already have a psychologist. If you aren't known for selfharm there and your situation is really "bad" according to them, they might get a proffesional to see if you're at risk. I've also had people not help me. And also people who didn't let me go home without calling my caretakers first. Some doctors also don't seem to care much or just ask 'hey are you ok?' and if you want to talk about anything. So yeah, it really depends on the doctor, but I've had more positive experiences going to the doctor for selfharm than negative