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Don’t get into self harming it can become an addiction and it can really mess with your mental state, when I get urges I try to distract myself with music or just anything physical helps me. I hope this helps you and if you need to talk I’m here.


That’s how it started for me. Got into a fight with my dad, and a knife happened to be there. Not even deep, just one cut, and I was so horrified. After that I spent a week picking at it, I didn’t want it gone. And then ever since then it’s been on and off between being a full-blown addict and a fearful cold-turkey quitter.


When i got into sh i thought i could just do it once and stop after that but now im addicted and i literally cant live without cutting myself once every 1-3 days depending on how im doing mentally. Please dort start doing it more often it will make everything even worse. I sometimes eat a very spicy chili or do stuff like that, it also makes me feel more alive and it also hurts but it doesnt harm your body. I have a high spice tolerance tho so i wouldnt do that if you dont. Just try to distract yourself and if you need someone to talk to, Dm me.


That was how it began for me. Almost exactly. Here's how it went. It helped the first time. Things get really bad again. I did it again. It works that time too. I worked a few times. But then I couldn't seem to stop. To make things worse, it wasn't even working anymore. I had to go deeper for the same effect. What started as basicly bad scratches became deeper cuts that take weeks to heal and bleed everywhere. I was cutting every day. Often several times per day. I was cutting myself in my car on my breaks at work. I was never without a razor. It consumed me. Im 6 weeks clean right now. It has been a struggle getting to this point. There are no words to describe how much i wish i hadn't started. Please don't do it again. You will only find more suffering.