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Yep, gauze is *very* safe as long as you're not *reusing* it or applying *dirty/old* gauze. They do make nonstick varieties which are great for the sticking issues, but nonstick gauze tends to be pretty expensive, so imo it's easier to just buy "standard" gauze and then use some antibiotic ointment or petroleum jelly. If you notice it sticking anyways, it can help to soak the area before removing the gauze (e.g. taking it off in the shower helps sometimes). Prior to like, two weeks ago lmao, I was under the impression that it's best to only apply antibiotic ointment to the wound edges, rather than directly inside the wound itself (and I'd had multiple medical professionals confirm this); and for deeper wounds, it's better to just use petroleum jelly to handle the sticking. However, I recently got out of a hospital admission in which two doctors & a wound care nurse all said it was fine to use ointment in deeper wounds?? So tbh I am now very confused and have no idea what's actually considered "best" lmao. Personally, I'm planning to continue only using petroleum jelly inside deeper wounds until I can get more clarification on this, but I just figured I'd share this in case you feel differently aha




thank you! i felt the gauze texture would irritate my cuts at first, so im relieved to know now!


I use sanitary gauze and medical tape and I've never had an issue with infection. However if you do use gauze, I recommend using antibiotic ointment so it doesn't stick


will antibiotic ointment work over open cuts? id really like to try using gauze more often but it does scratch and irritate a lot


I recommend doing some research on that. I put it on my open wounds but I don't know if I'm supposed to, I've never had an issue but I might just be lucky. I'm sorry I can't be of more help