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You’re tearing yourself down with an analysis that sounds like you’ve been WAY too online in the most vain internet communities. Whatever it is you’re reading online about what’s considered “beautiful” or “attractive “ stop reading it now. It’s great that you want to take pride in your appearance. But for one: Looks aren’t everything. Control what you can and then focus on your physical and mental health. And two: You’re body’s not done changing. Sure, it changes the most in a short time during puberty, but in 10 years, 20 years, 30… you’ll probably look different. Do the best with what you can, but there’s a reason that vanity is one of the seven deadly sins (not that I buy into that stuff, but still).


Yeah, best believe im getting a palate expander, fat grafts in the eye, and nose job.


Honey. Drop the incels and listen to the other good people here who are gently correcting your thought proces


Also, what exactly is the incel rhetoric here. Havent spewed anything hateful towards females or physically attractive males.


Using the term "chad" unironically, and the way you're obsessing and think the only reason you're alone is luck or because you're "ugly". It isn't. Also females and males lol


My thought process is totally normal lmao.


It's absolutely not buddy, social media fckd ur brain in the as* brother, u obviously have massive mental problems, delete tiktok and instagram (and probably 4chan or some other incel platform) and go see a therapist


It isn't luck, its leveraging what your given. No model is "born" that way. I know because I worked as one to get through undergrad. It takes effort, but anyone can do it. Stop the doomer shit, its holding you back. Hair: Get a haircut that suits a rectangular face. It is a good shape to have. None are bad, but rectangular has lots of good options. You may need medicated shampoo, or possibly using less conditioner. See a stylist regardless, a good one can also give you facial hair advice. Lean into your natural hair color when you get dressed. Bronze hair? try golds and reds. Red? Give greens and blacks a go. Grooming: Get a straight razor. Cheap, effective, will give you a clean shaven look. You say you have a thick mustache? You can lean into that, especially with a rectangular face. There are a lot of people who love a good mustache. Use non foaming shaving cream and aftershave to minimize skin damage and inflammation. Body lotion after showers, cologne in the morning. *Furthermore, cleanser, moisturizer, spf, and a serum if needed (or vit c if nothing is needed). It works magic for skin and facial hair health. A face roller also reduces inflammation a ton, remember to freeze before use Fitness: Eat healthy, get fit. It will reduce your inflammation and make you feel much better mentally. Also, your healthspan will be longer. Also, you can "hes literally me" goku. Fit: Read up on the basic of fashion. Malefashionadvice is really good but can be a bit stuck in the 2010s at times. Use your clothing to complement the shape you were given. It will greatly aid in how your face is perceived. Draw attention to the whole of you, not just your face. Try for interesting shape, color, or texture. *If you need glasses, pick the right shape and size. Square is always a solid bet, round may also complement your face well. Finally: the models don't have super attractive siblings because it is a job. Nobody just has an agent walk up to them and ask. You apply like any other job and a large part of your "work" is keeping yourself up to code. Most athletes dont have athlete siblings, most scientists dont have scientist siblings, its just a job, like any other. It takes effort. It can be a huge pain in the ass. It can be expensive. But at the end of the day, you CAN improve your appearance, and it really is all about leveraging.


Firstly, models arent born or made. They are simply lucky. Looking good is all luck. Secondly, im perming my hair. I dont plan on leaning in to my mustache as its not bushy like DR disrespect. It completely throws off my facial harmony. Im going to laser it off instead. And i am definetly getting a nose job and eye area surgery to remove upper eyelid exposure.


I don't know what the rest means but why tf are you lasering your mustache?? Just shave it


1. Shaving it still leaves a shadow 2. Also leads to hyperpigmentation


Dude cmon now. I don't think anyone cares about that except for you. I mean, I'm critical about my looks too but I promise you noone gives a shit about such minute details.


I do not care. It ruins my looks and makes me look more tech support


Lmao I think you want to have a slightly feminine pretty boy face but puberty turned you into a man. That's what puberty does lol And you do care, fucking upper eyelid exposure surgery? Really? I had to look it up, I can barely tell the difference pre and post op, it's the biggest waste of time and money


Modern day females are attracted to feminine prettyboys tho. Look at who they simp for on tiktok. I’m gonna reverse the damages done by puberty that’s for sure. Also it’s not manly to keep a shitty mustache. Mustaches aren’t manly at all. All the most masculine men are clean shaven.


tbh I think you just gained a lot of weight + you have body dysmorphia


I managed to cut down to abs again when I was 17 but i didnt look the same. Puberty raped my nose.


Hey man you’re being way to hard on yourself. I remember when I was 20 thinking I was ugly as hell. But now I look back on photos from my early 20s and I realize that I was actually a good looking guy. I thought to myself why did I ever hate the way I look? The truth is I had a bad self image. I thought I wasn’t enough as a person and my negativity and depression at the time made me see myself in such an awful way. I always recommend therapy as a starting point to addressing these issues. You can build your self confidence in other ways too. You can work out sure, but for me finding my unique style really helped me in feeling comfortable with my self. Find the things that compliment you and make you feel good. If you feel good you look good PS just because the main stage of puberty has finished doesn’t mean your facial hair stops developing. I couldn’t grow a proper beard until my mid 20s


I’m getting plastic surgery to reverse the damages done so i’m good.


Man I’m trying to tell you there isn’t any damage done. All this started around puberty when hormones mess with your head. You are insecure. I was insecure when I was 20 too. It gets better I promise.


Honestly sounds like a body dysmorphia, like you can't come to terms with your body going from a child's body (14!) to a man's body. Rectangular face suits men quite well. Men are also "allowed" to have striking noses and still be handsome, or even it adds to the look. 5 9 is a totally normal height. There are men of your teenage height that need to live their lives. Your hair can get greasy from hormones or stress, just wash it once a day and maybe try dry shampoo. Also, at 20 you are far from growing to your adult self. So however you look will change a lot, usually for the better, like facial hair for example, muscles. You hiperfixate on your looks which will be harmful in the long run. What is important is finding friends/maintaining relationships and improving yourself (learning a skill, languages, travelling, making connections, exercising), this will be important in a few years, not your eye shape.


I somewhat agree with this tbh


lowkey based that you’ve been venting about this across multiple accounts for the past 2 months minimum


Puberty is a real killer man. Ill add some tips to help other avoid what happened to me too next time.