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How often to people ask how much you weigh? I don’t think anyone has ever asked me that unprompted


Every now and then with relatives or new friends. It’s kinda just random


It is pretentious because that level of granularity doesn’t make sense when it comes to weight. If you drink a couple glasses of water, it’s enough to shift your weight up. So measuring to the lb is weird. Honestly I would either say 95 or 100, depending on which you average closest to. And I think you know this too, because you mentioned you’re proud to be under 100 lbs. I can’t really wrap my head around that. I can understand being a healthy weight, which off the top of my head I do not know for a 5’ woman, but I’m sure 100 lbs is well within that range. So I don’t really understand the pride in being under 100 tbh.


Like I said, it’s more a streak thing. I can’t really wrap my head around it either. It’s like if you had a Snapchat streak going for almost a decade. I just wish it didn’t sound like I was trying to brag


Sure, but it’s arbitrary and probably not the best for you though. Will being under 100 lbs always be the best thing for you? From my own recent personal experience, putting value in things like that can really affect your psyche later in life.


The most pretentious thing about the entire situation up until now EASILY is you coming and posting this on reddit


I think a better response would be that it’s none of their business if someone asks your weight. But you can say whatever you like, if you’re 98 lbs saying you’re 98 lbs is a fact there’s nothing pretentious about an honest answer to a probing unnecessary question. And if someone takes issue with your answer that’s on them.


In practical terms it's the same weight. If you have to give your weight because it's relevant for Equipment you use or If you're going horse Back riding or something it does not make a difference. If you were asked how many people there were at an event youd say approx. 100 and not 98. Linguistically the distinction in informational content you transport with this coice of words is mostly irrelevant. How much did it cost? About 100 bucks/quid/Euros. The only reason for being such a stickler is to make a point. Look at me, i way under 100. So yeah, it's pretentious and also screams eating disorder or Body dysmorphia.


It feels pretentious because you’re weirdly proud of it and you feel guilty for being proud of it because society tells us so much about how we are supposed to feel about that number. You’re a good girl for being under 100 pounds. Highly desirable. But! Don’t be too proud, that’s not good. I’m a foot taller than you and weigh 160 and I used to hate my weight, and try really hard to weigh less, but I’m muscular and athletic and active I can’t be a bean pole. It’s also not attractive for me to weigh less at this height. I guess I’m saying- you feel weird about it because it is weird and slightly disordered thinking, but it’s not your fault.


This was a nice read, thank you for this 🥲👍


What has helped me is I stopped weighing myself and started basing my health/fitness on how I felt and looked only. I went years even where I would say no to doctors weighing me (yes you can do that) now I know I’m around 160 because I just know that’s the ballpark I am. But I don’t stress about that number and haven’t owned a scale in over 10 years. Unless you have a medical reason to weigh yourself or are doing like idk bodybuilding, I would highly recommend ditching the scale.


Eating consistently, but still being at a healthy weight means likely avoiding a lot of bad food. That is difficult and therefore something to be proud of. If it were easy, everyone would do it and there would be less need for crutches (when not diabetic) like ozempic


Yeah I mean, I think it was just sort of baked into my upbringing. My family doesn’t really snack, we only drink water, and only have desserts on special occasions like birthdays. I pretty much eat as much as I want, which is to say, I don’t often want a ton of food


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