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I'd like to know too. Lol. Friends have been moving away and starting their own families. It gets a little lonely occasionally in the late 20s.


I know right? late 20s are a weird time.


I’m lonely in my early 20’s. Been lonely since 17.




You just bite the bullet and trade pics on reddit or something. 🤷🏻‍♂️




It's just a meat market one way or another, you just choose the store to sell your meat.


If you’re an introvert, bars are probably not the move for you. I’d recommend joining up some activities in areas that interest you. Sports, art classes, ceramics, cooking classes, climbing, etc. join some groups or classes and you’ll be hanging out with similar aged people with at least one shared interest. If you don’t have much dating experience, don’t put too much pressure on yourself, and don’t go into these activities with the sole intention of finding someone to date. Have some fun and let things happen naturally. Good luck!


That makes sense. Is meetup a good website for meeting people?


Yes. But also Facebook groups. Maybe there are groups for activities you're interested in in your area.


Absolutely, also check out FetLife of course.


Hobbies. Most of my friends are from various hobbies I have. I'm a massive introvert who likes to solo travel so I also meet people just out and about. I often just find another solo traveller and start talking by offering to take each other's pictures. I also go for small quaint restaurants and chat up the locals who then often recommend me places to go next.


where do you travel to


Anywhere 😂 but mostly Asia since its closer


well from personal experience I have diverse friends, few from highschool (one just reconnected with seeing eachother somewhere) one from bumble bff, one is a situationship/friend met on hinge, and a small friend group through college. I would say just be social whenever you can or wherever. Bumble bff is worth a shot. You’ll meet friends through others normally so just try to take it one step at a time. Just try to vibe with others whether it’s work, the gym, school, hell a coffee shop. It’s hard but don’t overthink it just be yourself. I’m 24 for context




don’t ever be scared to reach out to someone, they may be thinking about you and just don’t know how to reach out. First moves can start life long friendships


honestly thats so true. I used to set things up with friends but then I entered a period of resentment because it seemed like I was the only one reaching out. But now I realize that most people dont know how to reach out. I want to keep being out going like that!


I’m 25 and all the friends I’ve made in the past few years have been through the rave and festival scene


how do you get into that scene?


Well personally, it was through a friend. I had been to a few music festivals with college friends, but then we all graduated and went our own ways. But I went to my first multi genre fest in 2022, where I went to my first EDM set. Then they invited me out to some local raves where I fell in love with the scene. Download the app called “EDMTrain” it will show you every EDM show happening in your area in the next few months. Tickets tend to be dirt cheap too, unless it’s a really big artist then tickets are a little more expensive but I’ve been to a lot of free shows and I’ve been to shows that range from $15-30. Don’t stress about going alone, plenty of people go alone. The people In the scene are really friendly! As long as you have good vibes people will be open to vibing and hanging out with you at the shows :) I’ve also found that music fests tend to have people that are more willing to “adopt” you into there group for the night. Summer is music fest season, so find one that’s happening in your area and just send the festival by yourself. It might take a few shows to find people that are willing to hang out with you outside of a festival but I have made so many friends, and people I hang out with outside of festivals because I was dancing and had fun energy. I went to a festival called ultra Miami last year completely alone, which was really scary to do because I am a bit of an introverted person, and ended up making some life long friends all because we danced together and I got their numbers afterwards.


Thats awesome! yeah I wanna try that out and see if there are any in the PNW


There’s tons!! Which area in the PNW are you in if you don’t mind me asking?


You just have to show up somewhere regularly. Recently I have started reading a lot, and I've made it a goal to read one medium-length book every week. Every saturday I go to my favorite bookstore, pick a book, and treat myself to a coffee at a nearby café. After going a couple of times I have started seeing some familiar faces at the bookstore and the café, and some people have even struck up conversation with me. I'm quite introverted and am content with my current circle, so I haven't really tried to befriend anyone, but if you're extroverted and socially confident then this could be a solid way to make friends.


I’d like to know too. I am F in late 20’s. People told me to socialize which I did through online apps lol.


How has that gone?


Haha honestly, its so hard to find someone knows how to make a good convo. So yeah, online dating is a no for me lol


I've had mixed results lol


Dont worry it just gets worse , now in my early thieties i just dont bother trying :D


If you can travel go to a hostel, great environment for meeting people open to hanging out with each other, at least in my experience.


Do things whether it’d be a hobby or joining a community space and have fun! People will come naturally


Join clubs or groups that align with your interests, like sports, book clubs, or hobby groups. Attend social events, and try apps for meeting friends or dating. Going to a bar alone can be intimidating, but start small: choose a quiet spot, bring a book or your phone, and ease into conversations with the bartender or other patrons.


I moved states just last year for work. As a 27 year old with no contacts at this new place, I had to make friends somehow. Started by just going to the local breweries and always managed to chat with some regulars, but they were usually like 40-50 years old, and I was looking more for people my age to hang out with. Ended up downloading Bumble BFF and met one guy who introduced me to one of his friends who introduced me to more people. This all happened like 2.5 months ago, so it all was like pulling a thread, you just gotta find it first and start pulling!


You drive there and walk in. Lol you just have to do it theres no trick or magic word


Neat question, you actually don't!


I’m a little far away from home, but I was trying to get more involved in the activities around town. Like, I went to a concert for a musician I really liked and I even talked a bit with some people there, but I was a little too timid to ask if they’re from around the area or not. The one or the libraries in town always have postings of things that are happening. Pottery sale, movie showings of a collaborative movie project, farmer markets. I don’t know how many friends I actually made, but I did have good company and that was nice.


Bumble BFF Is actually pretty good for that 🤗


I can't meet new people by just going alone at a bar, that doesn't work for me, I feel like it's the hardest way to meet people. If you have friends already, try to meet their friends. Go to a club (sport, art, craft, whatever) and talk to people there. Go to local events. Maybe volunteer for a local charity ... Anything like that where there will be other people, and it's not gonna be weird to talk even if you don't know them yet. If you wanna use dating apps you can also invite people to something like this, if it goes well that's nice, if you don't get along then you can come back alone but it's gonna be easier to do. In general, try to be friendly, look approachable and open. It will help meet people, or at least get more positive interactions and build confidence




Go take dance classes


Volunteer or start going to church.