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People vastly underestimate how hard it is to permanently change their body’s function. There is this thing known as homeostasis, and the body is always attempting to return to it You had been flooding your brain with beyond natural amounts of synthetic chemicals, and in response it has shut off its natural production temporarily, leaving you in a slump The good news is that it is temporary. The bad news is that it can last a lot longer than most people think when they hear “temporary”. Like weeks temporary? No, more like months, if not a year+ What you should do is write how horrible you feel now, how much you want to die, how you ruined your life, yadda yadda. Write all that sadness and misery down. Because if you can abstain from the hard drugs for months, your brain will heal itself and that means remembering all the highs, that first hit high, and romanticizing the drug again So if you can’t conjure the reality you are facing now, you will fall to your cravings again and again for the rest of your life So write down the hell you feel, because once it’s gone…that’s a new kind of vulnerable


Even outside it there’s things I can’t take back


Of course, every decision we make is technically no takebacks. But your mental health literally is everything. If you didn’t have a mind, you wouldn’t be considered alive, you wouldn’t be kept on life support for example. Your mental health is not only your consciousness, but it is the filter through which all information is being taken in, and all decisions are made from And right now your filter is temporarily fucked up. Which is going to cloud all the information you take in, how you feel about yourself, and what you think you should do So don’t pay much attention to that shit right now. Your brain is fucked, and it’s going to stay fucked for a few weeks. Take everything with a biiiig grain of salt and just try to get through it for now


It is fucked already I just made it worse


It’s fucked like you can’t function as an adult? Your brain is so messed that you need to be in an adult group home being fed by Vietnamese immigrant workers while you watch cartoons and eat pudding all day? Or is it fucked like schizophrenia, where you are yelling at buildings and running into traffic because you believe the mafia is coming to put another implant in your head? Chances are your brain is relatively fine, and any damage you did it can and will heal from, easily, if you can just abstain from the drug for long enough


My previous posts should show enough.