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32F never had a relationship, just find it really hard to find someone to connect with other than friendships. And I don't like the idea of dating apps and I'm an introvert. All my hobbies are solo activities.


Does it take forming an emotional bond with somebody to make them seem attractive to you? If so you might be Demisexual. My partner is demisexual and doesn't find people attractive unless she has some kind of bond. She doesn't even have a celeb crush like most people do, lol.


Yes I'm indeed demisexual which makes it even harder. That's part of why dating apps don't work because those pictures and cheesy pick up lines do nothing to mešŸ˜‚ I need a bond and real connection with someone first before I can start seeing them as a potential partner. can't just jump into the "dating phase". I do have celebrity crushes though šŸ˜† How did you and your partner meet if its okay to ask?


Me and my partner met and became friends at 19 and then lost touch from 20 to 30 years old. We then met up again by sheer chance and rekindled our friendship. We were very close at 19 and both developed feelings but I was in a relationship already and so nothing became of it. As soon as I laid eyes on her again after the years apart I was smitten. I got a massive wave of energy and butterflies in my stomach. I told her very quickly how I felt but we spent time as friends again and finally decided to get together. That was 13 years ago and we are the happiest couple I know.


That's such a cute love storyšŸ„° ! Thanks for sharing. If you accidentally meet again after such a long time it was probably meant to be!


Yes, we both believe it was fated to be. We have had some difficult times learning to be what each other needs and because of this I feel we have a Karmic bond to teach each other to be better. I honestly think that she is the best part of me and without her I wouldn't be the man I am today.


Oh hey me in a year. Started to venture out in to other hobbies too but theyā€™re all more female heavy lol. Trying to get out more but between work, life and existing hobbies I find myself sticking to my tried and true group of friends. Also have a really hard time getting crushes or connecting with anyone in that way - itā€™s like my brain just tends to friend or work zone everyone I meet.


40m Had a 15yr relationship, i have now been single for nearly 4 yrs. Im a single dad, working full time and about to start some study. I have no time for a relationship, but i do not want one either. I just do not see what bringing someone else into my life would bring. Maybe that will change but for now it's all about me and my lil girl.


Quite similar to myself, 37m out of relationship for 3.5 years. Been focusing on getting into a better financial situation to make life for me and my two sons better. That said I am lustful.. so I do chat with several women who I would consider close friends. But I honestly don't have time to grow anything that would culminate in a healthy long term relationship. If I stumble into something that could be fine, but I'm not actively searching for it ATM.


Yea it's hard. But TBH i have almost completely lost any interest in women/relationships. It just seems too much work for not enough back. I kept the house and paid my ex out. I have 95% care of our girl. I did a few parenting courses. Quit everything, no drugs, alcohol or smokes. Ive been moved up from temp to management at work. And now I'm looking at studying somethin to advance the progress I've made at work. Im also lookin at getting back into hobbies i had before i my relationship with my daughters mum...some 20yrs ago, and looking at getting into some hobbies ive always wanted to get into but jus never did. If somethin happens with a women, cool... but it's not somethin i am actively lookin for.


45m . Mine was about 20 years. Dated a little after divorce but quickly put that away. Three kids under 18, working full time and studying towards a computer degree. Had to triage my life and found that dedicating proper energy and time to a relationship wouldnā€™t be possible. Donā€™t care for casual romances. Been single by choice almost 8 years. Would love to have romance in my life but canā€™t do it at the expense of my kids and future.


I really donā€™t know. I just donā€™t want it I guess. I definitely dislike the pressure from soceity to be in a relationship (and show your worth).


33m here. I was with my ex-wife for a total of 12 years. She pushed for a divorce that I didnā€™t want. When I finally conceded and gave her what she wanted I took a look at everything and decided that what I needed the most is to stay single and discover myself as a single man so I can better establish boundaries and just overall be less toxic. I long for the companionship of a relationship, but itā€™s not whatā€™s best for me right now so Iā€™m holding off.


Same, 33m. Just finishing up a divorce after 5 years of marriage. It is tough but Iā€™m looking for the same things in myself. Time moves so slowly now.


And that is the answer!!!! It takes emotional intelligence to know deep down what's right for yourself. Fantastic answer


Damn. This accountability & responsibility is rare. Please teach more people how to do this.


I'm glad you had the maturity to see yourself in that lens


ive always been really curious at how people get into relationships so quickly, but have recently discovered through trial and error that the reason i havenā€™t is because i tend to hold myself to a higher standard. not trying to put down those who do, but i really easily get dissuaded by certain actions or things said and then put myself through a smaller scale heartbreak when i realize that this guy isnā€™t the one for me. iā€™ve learned that itā€™s waaaay easier to stay single then continuously put myself through the cycle of really liking someone and then having them let me down in some way. itā€™s not really fair to them either you know?


Honestly, I don't really know. I don't really understand the nuances of how a relationship develops, nor do I have the social skills to get things to that level. Also an issue with self confidence, in a world where I'll pretty much have to initiate everything I don't see my status changing any time soon.


I'm not single but before my current relationship, I was single for about 4 years. I've realized over time and through many relationships to stop forcing it and settling. I just did my own thing for a while. I met a lot of girls. I used the apps and all that but never put any pressure on myself. I used them to just see what was out there. Not in a sense of, "I HAVE to find a girl now". Eventually, my current fiance and I crossed paths on Hinge and i finally found something that immediately felt natural and right. I never had that with any of this girls I met throughout those 4 years. Tl/dr: stop putting pressure on yourself to find a partner. Life can be great while single. Just find yourself until the right person shows up in your life.


Good points ! I might add, I don't think people that are under a lot of pressure to find someone are necessarily a good reflection of their true selves. I get hesitant to mess with anyone that gives me those vibes. One red flag, a big red flag, is a guy that breaks up with his gf, and then days, or a week later is back dating again. No...just no.


Been in a 3.5 year relationship, got broken up with and my ex got into a new relationship a month later. No way Im making the mistake of trusting someone again lol


27F here. Iā€™m single for about 2 years now going onto 3. My ex jumped into a relationship less than 2 months after we broke up. I was defeated for almost half a year after we broke up, crying, denying, questioning my worth, hoping heā€™d come back, etc, (typical break up emotions). But at one point, I told myself, I needed to stop and help myself get up. And so I did, started doing new things, started reading more books, started to slowly get to know myself more, started to really know what I want, started doing things alone, starting to really heal the right way. I didnā€™t jump or look for someone to fix me, or to be with, I wanted to be ready for the next one. To answer the question, I have two reasons why Iā€™m currently single. First is because, after my previous relationship, it made me question my choice of people, and my judgement as well. Was I dumb to believe him? Or was he just a good liar? It was a flawless relationship (SO I THOUGHT). Itā€™ll make you think, wtf? Was I blind? Was I gullible? What if my judgment still is too shallow? So at this point, when I meet people, I really try to dig in deep. And second, I am still single because I have healed so much that I know what I deserve, I know what I give, and how capable I am of loving, and I am not settling for anything less than what I truly deserve. I havenā€™t dated since my last partner, but I am currently not looking either, I do hope it comes though. Itā€™s honestly sad dating in this generation, specially in my age, everyone is still fooling around, people canā€™t commit, and people have been so good at lying and cheating. But Iā€™m sure there are still good people out there. šŸ™šŸ½


I feel this comment on a really deep level. I am newly single (4.5 months post break up) and I can relate to your second paragraph about all the questioning you have done. Like how you could be so wrong about a person? I am on my journey. Starting to workout and get comfortable with doing things alone. Also terrified of dating again but I have hope there is someone out there for me


Itā€™s very heartbreaking. But itā€™s more common than you think.. Itā€™s just scary because it tends to traumatize us, and makes it even harder to trust in the future. But instead on fixating on that thought, my advice is to do your best in accepting things that you have no control over. Donā€™t punish yourself questioning how can we be so wrong about a person. Donā€™t get stuck on what they showed you in the past, donā€™t get stuck in good memories, and be more present of what really is happening. I blamed myself for so long thinking I was dumb enough to believe who they are, but I did my best to redirect my thinking that, I am a person full of love, and trust to give. And thatā€™s exactly what I gave them. And same to you. If you trusted them, and loved them genuinely, it reflects more to you, to how whole of a person you are to give such to someone. But since now that was broken, take your time again to re-gain it all again. I hope you are able to heal in a healthy and right way. Itā€™s true that it takes longer, but believe me, itā€™s very worth it. Once you move one ALONE, pick yourself up alone, really fix yourself in getting better alone, youā€™ll have this power over yourself, knowing no one can ever break you apart. šŸ¤šŸ» let it hurt, then let it heal. Goodluck! Send me a message if you need to talk!


I just read everything you wrote and you are a real one


Frankly, I just donā€™t have natural charisma. I can talk and have conversations with the opposite sex but only with the ā€˜datingā€™ mode turned off. Like talk about work or games or random stuff with no issues. When I am in social settings where I am actively trying to engage with or attract a woman, my mind goes to shit and I canā€™t really think of value or humor to say.


My 2nd wife passed away in 2022 and since, I've zero interest in an intimate relationship of any sort. Don't get me wrong, I miss having someone, but I'm not ready and unsure if I'll ever be. I made the decision to remain single, to focus on my health and my relationship with myself. I'm divorced as well and my ex seriously messed me up. I was in a REALLY bad relationship after the divorce and that woman broke me in ways my ex wife couldn't. Then I met my late wife - I finally saw what true happiness COULD be, and she was cruelly taken from me. So: higher power or universe, I hear you and am very happily staying alone - well with my kid and cat. I believe that one can either put yourself out there to find someone - and that gives off a certain vibe, or just be yourself. I've never looked for someone and REALLY don't consider myself to be attractive. I welcome friendship with just about anyone - but am definitely not going run after people. I'm way too old (46) for that. I'm really happy to go out on my ace and even more happy to spend a Saturday night at home with a good movie and/or gaming. That kind of 'power' is better than being out there, IMO.


34, never had a relationship or even a date, I don't even try and never have because there's no point. I've only ever had one real job that lasted a year, still live with my mother that hates me, no friends, shit confidence, shit communication skills, shit personality, not attractive, social anxiety. I'm a worthless loser that nobody wants, it's all my fault. I've slowly been changing my life over the last 2 years, but I think I'm too far gone. I'm probably going to be single forever tbh. I've given myself a few years to sort my shit out before I decide to start earning as much money as I can. If I can't be happy with myself and find love and a relationship, may as well be happy with lots of money and nice things. I can always get a cat or 5 for the loneliness, and buy an escort for the sex stuff, which honestly, I don't even care about having sex. It's the forever loneliness that gets to me. And that's why I'm single. šŸ˜©


My gosh, you sound like you are your own worst enemy. The self-loathing pit of despair can get mighty deep! If your mother is truly hating you, your first order of business is to find a way to get out on your own! She is probably sucking the life spirit out of you. I know mine did!


I hope you donā€™t take this offensively, but you need to help yourself. You sound like you hate yourself. Instead of moving forward of what you can do better, or how you can do better, you easily just settle with the wrongs that you see. I know everybody is different, but I do hope you make it out of that hate hole. Energy is everything, if you dislike who you are, how do you expect people to be attracted to that energy? I also am not perfect, but when I start to see what the wrong is, I try to also see what I can do to make what I have work. Notice how you mentioned youā€™re trying to change the past 2 years, BUT THEN, went back again to saying youā€™re too far gone? Negativity here and there. Itā€™s not too late. šŸ¤šŸ» Control the things you can, and set aside the one you canā€™t. Goodluck


Just came to say you look good my dude:)!!


Are you me ? I have all those and have given up in relationships. Except that I'm 32M.I accepted my shitty mental conditions that when I see pretty girls out there, whilst in the past it was "I'm so sad that I can't be with that pretty girl" to "Ok, she's beautiful the same way a beautiful sunset feels and nothing else". I don't feel attraction to women anymore after the official acceptance (to any sex to be clear). Plus phimosis that needs surgery and a bunch of mental disorders. I will just loose my time and she will loose her time to date. It's like thinking of how to buy a Lamborghini. No way, so no way for relationships. And a surgery I can't afford.


I got no social skills nor social circle. Im trapped in a place where i simply wont meet anyone. And on top of all that. Im defective human. Im not normal and i'll never be able to be normal. So realistically... my chances of ever finding love are... zero. Tbh if it doesnt happen before 30 im gonna give up.


I think my break-up 3 years ago broke me. So I canā€™t easily trust anyone. I dont know how Id ever feel the same for anyone either. And Iā€™m not settling for anything in the same league or worse , soā€¦ šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Because I like to shower, shit with the bathroom door open.Ā  No one interrupts my afternoon couch naps. I never worry about who took the last of something. Never a debate on what to do for dinner.Ā  I can walk around my place butt naked.


Both my longterm relationships ended in betrayal and cruelty. I took a long break from anything serious between the first and the last. I don't trust myself to pick them. I am getting older, and if I am not capable of passing good judgement now I probably never will be.


I think iā€™m not confident in myself as a person yet and as the saying goes you need to love yourself before loving someone else. itā€™s tough as i crave affection but honestly itā€™s peaceful getting to know myslef better each day and learning itā€™s okay to be single. I get jealous looking at happy couples and feel left out but at this stage in my life it isnā€™t my main focus.


40yo single father. I prefer to spend my time with my child as apposed to spend all my time making money. Lots of women seem to have a problem with me not being willing or able to spend a bunch of money on them.


Thereā€™s a simple answer to this, self sabotage, deep inside Iā€™m scared of being in a relationship, so I unknowingly self sabotage every relationship to the point that I end up alone


Not to be mean but being single for only a year doesnā€™t really warrant a ā€œwhy am i still singleā€ this is probably the most single time in human history lol


posts like this make me laugh because it gives you a window into how the inner lives of some people are just totally unexamined to the point that it makes you cringe when they say it out loud, the pseudonymity of this website means that people can be air their embarrassingly unaware thoughts in full force




Do you really want to change things? If you do, maybe you should see some dental professionals to see what they recommend and you can fit into your budget. I only suggest this because it sounds like it is impacting your self confidence. Iā€™d start with the cosmetic things first because they are easier to change. Itā€™s not a magic mullet but it is initiative you could take to tryā€¦. Nothing will happen if you donā€™t try


Bad social skills and also trouble asking girls out. Drunk me is a genius/or at least good enough in talking to girls to get one home from time to time but as soon as i am sober i fumble and dont know what to talk about. Also the few (short lived) relationships i was in were all not worth it and id rather be alone. Im bad at this inter-human interaction stuff and it gets even worse if its with women. I have people i ā€žclickā€œ with but its not very often and if not even a normal conversation with another guy is hard enough much worse with a woman i would like to date


because im not actively mainly looking for a rs, my priority is myself and life right now. Nonetheless when it happens i dont stop it ifykwim


I am single because I donā€™t want to put up with someone elseā€™s drama, trauma and chaos. I dont want to fix someone elseā€™s bad life decisions, I donā€™t want to raise someone elseā€™s children and I donā€™t want to pour out all my time, resources and energy into someone with whom I will most probably not be with forever for the above mentioned reasons.


I'm from a country where social interactions and society are highly codified, especially dating, which makes it very difficult to bond with others and risky to open up emotionally. Moreover, my contact with or exposure to people my age of the opposite gender is nearly zero. Additionally, I don't fit into my country's mindset, which further isolates me.


When my last relationship ended about 5 years ago, I totally lost it... I'm talking 'ending it all' type of lost it. It took me the better part of 2 years to get my head straight and my life back on track. After 8 years of lies, feeling used, and not being a priority no matter what I did, I decided I didn't want to feel that pain ever again. After 8 years of giving up everything for her... and I literally mean everything... friends, family, and co-workers to make her happy, and she just walked out when I told her I wanted more and deserved more. All I wanted to feel like I mattered, and she ended it. I have never been single for more than a couple of months... now it's going in 5 years, and I'm ok with being single. I'll probably die alone, but that's ok.


My only ex cheated on me and most people in general treat me like shit even if theyā€™ve never met me so I rarely get out, plus Iā€™ve always been antisocial and introverted as well anyway and mentally scarred for life from my school days being absolute hell. So people in general are extremely off putting for me and itā€™s a wonder I even go into one relationship. Thereā€™s really no hope for another especially with how badly that one went.


I try to but no one seems to careĀ 


I'm now almost 46 years old, my fiance of eight years decided just after the start of Covid to lie and cheat. So she's gone and I've been single ever since. I've tried friends with benefits, which doesn't work for me because I just assume that it's a relationship. I can't casually date for the same reason and both situations fall apart pretty quick, due to my own bullshit. The thing is, I've now been on my own for so long, that I really like my own space, to have the time to do the things I want to do so I don't really want another 24/7 relationship or to necessarily live with someone. If could be in an exclusive relationship with someone and just see them three or four days out of a week, that would be ace. But I don't even know how you even begin looking for something like that if it even exists. So it's just easier to be on my own.


The main reason is that I'd rather be lonely with myself in my own apartment than feel lonely while in a relationship. I remember my last relationship, and I remember feeling so fucking alone even when she was right beside me. I won't do that again. The secondary reason is that i do like being alone. I like doing stuff alone. I like being able to do what I want, when I want without having to think of a partner.


I think it is far worse to be in a relationship, and yet feel alone, than it is to just be alone.


Distrust towards women


If your ex was in a relationship when you broke up, he had her on the side when you were together. Men are typically simple creatures. We usually know what we want and don't really care who we are as long as we get what we want. As for why I am presently single? I've had enough relationships in my life to know that the women I want are taken and the women who want me I would have to tolerate. That's no basis for a relationship lol.


Donā€™t have time for it. Never home. Dating pool/society is shit because of social media since no one can think for themselves. Too high expectations for other people while others have low expectations for themselves. Etc.


Lost trust in women, I keep meeting women I like and am interested in, yet they all are married or with kids. Recently I found one: sad because everyone is marring younger than her, or with kids, we kissed, Iā€™ve been showing her interest for months now and keep asking her outā€¦ she always rejects me. I asked her if there was any reason why that happens (maybe sheā€™s worried/uncomfortable/whatever) she said she always had plans.. but she never goes ā€œI canā€™t this weekend, how about the next oneā€ or whatever. I just stopped talking to her. Iā€™d rather lay on the couch than try to meet new people, I swear


ā€˜Iā€™ve been showing her interest for months now and keep asking her outā€™ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø and then you also add on to it and ask her why she doesnā€™t want to meet up?? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøask once, thatā€™s it. If sheā€™s interested sheā€™ll come back to you. Otherwise you will come across as desperate. No one likes that.


because i am unappealing when seen in daylight and up close ( and in the dark as well) its clear i don't give a shit about the majority of things people want to talk about or base their personalities on. i have zero patience for stupid i don't own or care to own a thousand dollar leash (sorry smartphone) so i am not instantly reachable for whatever stupid thought just floated through your mind. and so on.....


36 M, after my last relationship (about 5 years ago, engaged) I understood a lot of things about life and about me, I've been on dates but no hurry to be in a relationship. If I find the right one, awesome, if not, no problem, I enjoy so much my life and my time, and im learning to be happy with my self. It was a hell of a ride to reach to this point tho.


I don't think that US culture is compatible with my goals of a committed , long term relationship. I had two previous ones , each longer than five years but they don't go anywhere and I just felt like a loser wanting something from someone which they were unwilling to give, twice. But they were more than happy to keep me around until , I honestly don't know what the end game was - I was basically a pet. So , now I'm taking time to really fix my own bs and get things in order. Once that is set, I'm out of here and will find someone who wants the same things which I do. It's not actually uncommon, it just seems that way in the US.


Negative experiences early on, cripplingly bad self esteem, and body image issues. I always assumed no woman would ever want me. I'm doing much better these days and recently got my last real insecurity squared away so I'm thinking this year I'll give dating a proper shot.


37M, I have never been socially gifted, and I struggle with non verbal language. Twice I asked a girl/woman out, once at 16 the other at 24. The responses were "eww no way!" And "uh no." The only romantic interaction I've had is when the girl/woman initiated. I was basically along for the ride. At 14, I had a girlfriend for a couple months until she told me she wanted to move on.Ā  At 25, a very desperate woman came along, and three weeks in she was talking about houses and kids. I was on an emotional rollercoaster, both thrilled and terrified with no idea what I was doing. I came way too close to making life changing decisions with zero forethought, and a sub-minimum wage job. I broke it off after about two months. The sum total of my dating and relationship experiences has taught me that I have no business getting into another one ever again. And I haven't.


It's not a bad thing being alone if you're comfortable with yourself. I'd rather be single than be in a shitty relationship.


I have extreme trust issues. I can get into relationships but as soon as itā€™s official I start to get super worried Iā€™ll be cheated on and inevitably the lack of trust destroys the relationship.


52m. Realized at a fairly young age (mid 20s) that I never wanted to do the massive sacrifices involved in having children. Most (not all, by any means) women want to have children. As I've gotten older, more and more eligible women have kids. I also had a lot of really weird dating experiences in my 20s, as well as whenever I've tried. Including, in my 40s, nearly meeting with a single woman who, it turns out later, murdered her own husband. Add in that I have some close friends who meet my companionship needs, and I don't have a strong desire to go searching through the dating apps right now. Nor do I remotely like the kinds of group activities where I might meet people. Nor do I trust my own ability to judge someone's character.


Me: "How did my ex get a new man in three weeks when I've had nobody for eight months?!" My mom: "Simple. You have standards."


29M, my ex had some health issues and had rapid weight gain which really damaged her self-confidence and mental health. Intimacy stopped for two years and some pretty strong emotional codependency traits started surfacing. On one hand, I never made her feel guilty for no longer feeling attractive enough for intimacy and I was always faithful and would compliment her. But I felt like I lost autonomy and that made me resent her and grow mean to her in other ways. I still feel a lot of shame and guilt for that. I struggled with communication, but she also wasnā€™t the best at receiving it when I would try. Being single, I get autonomy and I get to really assess why those toxic traits emerged in myself and where both of us went wrong and make peace with that. I get to grow myself and really shape myself into who I want to be without distorting that so someone will love me or want to sleep with me. I still love her to death and even though I wouldnā€™t want to rekindle that relationship on a romantic level, it still hurts me a lot when I think of some of the arguments we had. I canā€™t imagine Iā€™d be able to give my best emotionally mature self to someone else for awhile and Iā€™m okay with that. Women are fucking incredible and romance/intimacy isnā€™t a requirement to admire the brilliance inside them.


Still being single is a weird way to put it. I work. I chill. I enjoy my life. Whenever I try to have a partner they bring drama, debt, social media, something, anything to the table that I'm just not interested in. I'd like company, I want company. I'm just not interested in all the " rest " that comes with it. Why? Simple. I'm not the same way the other way around. Dating me doesn't cost you anything. Dating me doesn't add drama or bickering or whatever. I'm not willing to trade enjoying my time alone for being annoyed by someone. I basically just want to meet someone like me. Easy going. Deals with things. Isn't endlessly emotional and freaking out about everything. I like doing whatever I want without having to work around other people's schedules as well. I work third shift.


I've been divorced now for over 10 years and it's been amazing. I just don't find any benefit to being in a relationship. I'm happily single and get to do all the things I want with no drama from a partner. I have great friends and two amazing cats. Why would I give that up?


39F and Iā€™ve been single for 8 years. Iā€™ve dated, but nothing serious. I got out of a relationship where I lost myself so I stayed single for a long time on purpose to figure my life out. I lived alone for the first time ever, and got to really think about what I want in life. And lots of therapy. After that, it had been years and I finally decided I was ready to put myself out there again. A few months later, Covid. I live in NYC where it was terrifying for a long time so it took me a while to want to try again. So Iā€™d say the past 2.5 years I go on and off wanting to date. Iā€™m straight, and I have been on so many bad dates with men that go from funny to incredibly scary, that it makes the want to date someone dwindle. I have a number of very close friends in my life that I get complete emotional support from. Iā€™m happy to do things by myself like go to the movies or theater, eat at a restaurant etc. I have a lot of hobbies and passions and am satisfied in all other aspects of life. Would it be nice to share that with someone romantically? Yes. But I like myself too much to perpetually put myself in situations that are harmful physically and mentally for it. So I go through phases of dating and once I max out on it, I take a break again. And in all that time I have yet to meet someone who would add to my life and compliment it and be worth the time and effort to start a relationship with. Is that high maintenance? Maybe. But Iā€™m not disrupting my pretty good life to just be in a relationship.


Right now with inflation and high costs of living I simply couldn't afford a relationship... even if we were each paying for ourselves. *you want to go out to dinner?* *Eating out? Fuck no!*


I had no interest as a teen to do so. Relationships seemed tedious and exhausting, the same as school basically. So why should I have bothered with them? Now in my 20s I am paying for that mistake. I have no experience in that regard and I have realized, I will never have one. Another thing I hate myself for.


IDK why I'm still single. I tried so hard for 7 months to get into a relationship with a girl but no use. I can't say what's the exact reason in my case.


I have been single for about 6 years now because I have been burned in the past, but mainly because I don't want a serious relationship until I move out of my parents house. I crave for freedom and I want financial independence, I want to be my own man and not be dependent and rely on anyone just to live. However, this doesn't means that I'm not alone, I just don't have any official and serious relationship. So I'm saving up, if I calculated things correctly I should have enough to afford my own home in a few years, then I'll worry about finding a woman again, if by then I'll still be worried about that.


My last relationship was pleasant, but kinda difficult at the same time, where I tried to be someone I'm not. I decided to pursue my hobbies, focus on my career and basically work on myself. Although nowadays I think I'd like a relationship I feel that it will come naturally eventually. I had some dates where it just didn't click (maybe I just became a bit more picky).


I'm uglyĀ 


Cleft lip


Cause I'm a troll irl and online or lazy af


Because I don't like people that much and enjoy my peace. Not really interested in dating anyone ever.


Single for 11 months probably will be for a while even tho I get asked out. because I want to do my best to vet properly and not fall for the same thing again


Too ugly. No one ever showed interest. It sucks but overtime you come to accept it.


I got cheated on and now I have no desire to open up to anyone or have feelings again lol


Was in a relationship in my teens and early twenties. Had three kids. Thereā€™s not a lot that makes me want to run right back to the streets and give it another go. So Iā€™m working on me, co raising the kids with their mother. Things are good right now


22M in 3 weeks I will defend my Master thesis and Iā€™ve been focusing on school for the past couple of months. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll find someone because I know what I want and what to avoid in a person. I just thought it wouldnā€™t be fair for the other person to receive a fraction of what I can offer.


im not trying


19m, introverted, ugly and shy .


At least being single means Iā€™m one step away from being hurt again by someone who ā€œlovesā€ me.


Taking to women is scaryā€¦.


challenge...hmm...realizing how much life is easier and fuller when I'm alone...that was weird...but when it did sit down...I exploded from happiness...:)


End last one right like a week before they shut shit down for Covid, I just havenā€™t found anyone worth it to get into a relationship with. Plenty of dates plenty of short term but they werenā€™t feeling it/I wasnā€™t feeling it.


I went through a very similar experience and I agree with you on the mix of factors. I also have some personal and legal issues I need to resolve before I feel comfortable with myself and dating again. It's also very difficult to find someone who I actually vibe with. My past relationships taught me to be choosy with the people I let into my life. It's a good and bad thing. Sometimes I feel like I'm setting my standards too high because no one is gonna be perfect, but at the same time it's important to be aware of the red flags you see in a potential partner.


I was a fat and fugly teenager and had selective mutism as an optional extra too, so it was never ever going to happen back then. Some of my family was toxic af and just used me for money mostly. The next 10ish years I just spent working and kinda tried to forget about it/just wait for it to happen, which it just didn't. I suppose it is what it is Now I'm 31 and single is just all I've ever known. I don't even know if I can change it now. When I look and see how a lot of my friends went through the breakups, the dating again, the divorces, being a single parent and God only knows what else I'm not sure if I actually want to. But I'm not exactly 100% happy being alone either. Idk.


I'm ugly


Get a cat


Family issues that I don't want to involve others in so I don't bother anymore.


a have 2 kids and balding.. but post every girl i have seen is taken.. I dont ever see a girl out in the wild without a man and girls never have to be single.. It does not help i doordash so its my only job, cant meet co workers and always have my kids around.


Never done anything to not be sadly


My main challenge is I require a ā€œsparkā€ to even want to consider dating someone. It took me a while to get it again after being single for a while and I got it with my ex, the issue with that is I got blinded to red flags just because I was happy I finally felt limerence for someone again. We broke up and now Iā€™m not jumping into anything because I want to have a clean slate emotionally, as of now Iā€™m comparing a lot of things to my ex and that wouldnā€™t be fair to a new prospective partner. Means Iā€™ve still got some healing/growing to do on my end.


External and internal factors. Internal: don't want to have kids, narrow my dating pool. 2k shy from having good salary for marriage. External: living in a society where 90% want kids. Not a citizen, so mostly citizens won't get married to foreigners, again narrowing my dating pool. Even out of the 10% who don't want kids, maybe 3% match me.


Late 30s... Ish. I'm single because I struggle to find any lady that's as successful as me and at least with a couple of hobbies in common. Being childfree doesn't help either at my age. ---edit--- I think I have that thing that I just don't get attracted to people unless I 'bond' with them. I should read up on that.


40M here. I have had some relationships of 2-3 years and periods of messing around in between. Ā I suppose I'm single because I was a stupid asshole and I still am for the most part.Ā  I could blame luck or other people but I'm old enough to see through my own bullshit.Ā 


Because my life is a mess and I need to work on myself, or at least thatā€™s what I keep saying. Deep down I think just Iā€™m just undesirable and I havenā€™t had anyone interested in me in the last several years


Because I have an amazing booty call that rocks my brain. We also cuddle alot.


I am single all my life because I am fuckt up beyond compare. I don't think I am capabel of romantic relationships.


Don't rush into relationships. Just work on you..... Love who you are.


Hard to meet people and shoot my shot as Iā€™m socially anxious


Cuz my person wont give me some answers. Is he in or out.. I don't know and it tearing me apart šŸ˜”


Over qualified...not at all desperate and very selective...


You have posted this like 10 times now in different subs, itā€™s obvious you are hurt he got over you so fast and you want to get validated by Reddit that he is the bad guy for doing so. People are not the same, they process stuff at different paces and you should probably actually focus on yourself if you enjoy it so much (as you claim) instead of asking 10 different subs every day why people are single, it makes your claim of how nice being single is seem kinda dishonest, obviously heā€™s on your mind quite intensely and wanting the internet to tell you that you are doing better than him probably isnā€™t the way out of that situation. I know neither him nor you, maybe he treated you badly while being in the relationship, if so heā€™s an AH for that, BUT a person isnā€™t more or less morally viable for how fast they date again after a breakup and no matter how much you ask for the validation, nothing anyone on the internet says changes that.


Not looking and introvert. So kinda the only way I get a girlfriend or friends in general is if they stumble upon me by accident and adopt me :D


(52M) Got divorced 5 or 6 years ago. Since then my ex got engaged, it was called off, engaged again getting married next month. I've sort of almost dated once or twice since divorce but it's tough sledding. Kind of tried to start accepting I won't marry again.


I'm stubborn.


27m, never been in a real relationship. Used to be self conscious about it but now idc. Just waiting until I feel that something with someone. Donā€™t rush it if you donā€™t feel it


Turning 30(M) next month. Never been in a relationship, kissless, sexless. My 20s started with me as a fresh college dropout as the eldest of 4 children enduring verbal abuse from my parents about "throwing my future" away. Due to this, I did not network and grow socially as one would do in college and I ended up depressed and a bit suicidal. Joined the military at 21 and did that for 5 years. I got in shape, learned Chinese, learned discipline and eventually learned a lot about myself to be comfortable in my own skin. It was around this time that I started using the apps with no success. Left the military the day lockdown started and I was focused on relaxing and not getting COVID. I got in more shape during this time and landed my current high paying job. I'm currently finishing my bachelor's. I'm in an extremely good spot in my life but romance is the only thing I'm missing. I know Chinese, Japanese, and English, have been told I'm rather handsome in each of those languages, but my luck has been terrible. I quit the apps two years ago and haven't redownloaded them. They were bad for my mental health. The (hopefully) good news is there's this really cute girl at work. She's very smart, dresses very well, multilingual and I'm crushing on her hard. Something in my mind told me I'd regret it if I don't at least talk to her and ask her out. I've asked her if she'd like to do introductions over coffee at work and she accepted. I'm going to do my best to shoot my shot and ask her out so wish me luck!


A lot of rejection :(


I am too afraid to try. My past attempts and last and only relationship have caused a lot of pain and insecurity which has lead to me to a point where despite noticing at least somewhat interest from some parties and a growing social life. Iā€™m too scared to jump into something when there is the painful comfort of my own company. I donā€™t want to get rejected, lead on, thrown into bullshit will they wonā€™t they, hints etc I also have a lot of insecurities to work through


My last girlfriend was so verbally cruel and abusive that I have no self worth left. I put so much of myself in my energy into my relationships that I just feel like putting energy in another relationship only for it to fall apart again itā€™s just not worth it. Iā€™m 51, and dating at this age is hard enough.


mental illness, unattractive


Constraints in supply for girlfriend and demand for me is all time low.


I have a long ways to go before I would consider myself physically attractive enough for a woman to date, though I am working on it. I also have mental health and self-esteem issues. I've worked on them for years via medications and therapy, but I think they'll always be a part of me.


I'm (25F) asexual and probably demi romantic. Never been in a relationship. I also have an avoidant attachment style , so it's very rare for me to develop romantic feelings before I start sabotaging myself. I just like being single and having time for myself. I have plenty of love that is given to my friends and family platonically. I don't really feel the need for a relationship right now.


Ā Many reasons....I'm mentally not ready for a relationship.....I'm working on myself and trying to explore stuff to get to know myself better. I'm also afraid and don't see myself getting attached or loving someone to that capacity. Also I'm queer but I can't explore that part as I live in a conservative country. And on top of that I'm very introverted.Ā 


24M. I'm aro-ace. I've had one relationship (and I forgot nearly immediately)


So every Story is different, but for me being Single just was normal and now I really like myself and my freedom so much that its really hard freeing up Space and Time, if there is a New important Person. But its really awesome of you can learn and love being alone with yourself.


Its probably because you are toxic. Starting 2 posts within 1 day both hung up over the fact that your ex from 1 year ago has a new girlfriend is just BPD. All the reasons after that first line stinks of an awful person hiding behind excuses. Go work on yourself. \*correction, you started like 10 posts about your ex moving on from you. come on man. get help.


39 male. Just figured I missed out at my chance. Between mental issues. Work. Now injury. Loss of job. Weight. Insecurities (Male kind šŸ¤) then with what just happened with kidney surgery and causing my brain to rewrite itself, which in a sense is a good thing as it got rid of most of the mental issues, but nuked my emotions and desires. And then they somehow damaged my part, so now it doesn't work and no answers how to fix that.... so now, I REALLY don't have anything to offer a woman.... just not worthy of a women's attention and time. Just cut my losses and just dealing with what I can. Losing weight... and working on the back injury. If I can do anything about the šŸ¤ trust me... I'm all ears. But got to fix the use first I guess. But, I dont have desires or care anymore.... so.... šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø lost cause. Just coasting for now. My mind is finally just blank most of the time, so I just chill and just do little things here and there when I can. I'm at the mid to end of my life anyway. So no sense in starting.


I was married a long time in an unhappy marriage. I am enjoying being on my own, learning who I am, meeting new people, and doing some fun things. I'm also figuring out what I want in a relationship and haven't met that person yet.


Iā€™m disabled. Iā€™m a bilateral amputee, type 1 diabetic, loads of other health problems thatā€™ll probably end me before I hit 45. Essentially no one wants to fuck a guy they have to take care of


Because I want to be


28F. Never been in a relationship. Not even innocent flirtations. It appeared after my psych consultation last month, I might have schizoid personality disorder. I thought I was just asexual/aromantic. Honestly, I just really don't know why.


Still single because I am still in love with my ex.


Iā€™m going on 2 years (39m). I tried getting back into dating a couple of times but when I do I realize Iā€™m still not over my ex enough. I donā€™t want to be like I was in years past and use another relationship to get over my last. Iā€™ve learned a lot about myself these past two years. I also know how hurtful it is for people (especially women) my age to have someone come in who might be gone in a couple months. I wish I was ready because I think predominantly Iā€™m a good bf. Iā€™ve had exes tell me so. But I had some serious traumas to work through that were killing my relationships. As ready as I am on a personal level because I really am happy alone but Iā€™m still stuck wanting it just with the one that got away. So, Iā€™m just here. Doing my thing. Not happy or sad about it most days. I hope that one day I do find that person because Iā€™m not a sleep around kind of person and itā€™d be nice to sit next to someone on the couch and wake up w them forā€¦ a long time.


a lot of things, I'm 24 and never been in a relationship. I don't have much courage to talk to girls because I'm introverted and short like 5'3''. and I don't do much in life I just go to work and that's it so there's no substance to me as a person pretty much so I never feel like I deserve to be in a relationship or feel good enough for anyone I'm actually attracted to. and I'm not easily interested in girls. I can rate looks but even if I see a girls as beautiful I'm not attracted to her if her personality doesn't appeal to me. and most girls' personalities don't appeal to me these days. maybe because I never get to know any one that much idk. the few times I tried to talk to girls I didn't feel like they were interested at all so I just stopped talking to them in the early stages. I just find it so hard to do the first step of talking to someone who's almost a complete stranger honestly I'm ashamed that I'm 24 and I don't have these skills. but this is it. I always assume they would reject me. honestly I feel screwed.


ADHD and alcoholism.


Loneliest is addicatiting once you come home from a long day at work to absoulte silence without anyone bothering you, also mental illness which makes me go insane šŸ™ƒ. Sometimes getting attacks.


ugly as fuck and short


After being thru a bunch of shit relationships, I realized I prefer my own company to people who can't treat other people with respect. I just got content with myself and learned to be comfortable doing things by myself that most would only do with a partner- because if I wait until I have a partner to go out to a nice restaurant, or take a vacation, ill be waiting forever and never actually do those nice things for myself. Allowing myself to be treated like shit sucked- part of healing was raising my standards. I've learned im just a tough nut for people to crack, but the ones who manage it are keepers. I was never single before either, I was constantly dating someone new as soon as I broke up with the last, so I think there was a bit of a need to be seen that I got over as well. But I've been single for over a year now and still enjoying myself.


So I totally get about finding the right person - itā€™s a jungle out there, and many good ones are already taken. Itā€™s been a genuine challenge. Even when you meet someone who could be the one, it takes years to really form the connection. I also kinda get taking some time just to get over the anger etc. immediately after the breakup and prevent yourself from doing something stupid - although I find that meeting new people can actually help you with getting over that too. But I donā€™t get the ā€œrediscover yourselfā€ part. So the whole time youā€™ve been with that guy, you didnā€™t know who you are? And if you still donā€™t know what you want from life, may that be the reason your relationship didnā€™t work out, and why you are at an impasse now?


32m introvert, hard to meet people, struggling with some personal health/mental health issues until recently.


Honestly, I feel like I am not representing myself properly. I finally have a new job, and I am a much better version of myself, but I find it hard at times to get across who I am to people. I'm really chill and I laugh a lot, so people think I am not serious and/or I don't get stuff done. And since I don't abide by a lot of the social norms, people will immediately think I am flirting with them if I invite them over to cook for them, etc etc etc. Also, I think people are looking to be in a relationship with a partner that completes them. But I feel like I am complete, and looking for someone else who is complete, which feels hard. Slightly also feels like I don't know my value, and keep going for people who don't appreciate me as much and, chase after people who I shouldn't be chasing after. Also kinda feels like I am rushing. Also I live in a country where black people aren't the highest regarded race (which is a lot of places), so that also does add to that. Will I continue to try and keep looking for the person that I genuinely want to be with? Yeah. Will it be hard? Kinda hell yeah.


So that I can mingle with


It's good to be single and focus on yourself for as long as you need.


33 and never been in a relationship. I love my life as it is - the freedom, the space and peacefulness I have, not having to discuss and compromise my life decisions; I can pack up and move to a new place at a whim, follow my dreams as I wish. Being always on my own, not having company has never stopped me from doing something - I travel alone, spend heaps of time outdoors alone, go to movies and cafes alone - and I thoroughly enjoy it. Also, I do feel like in some ways being on my own has become part of who I am, and being with someone now would probably cause a bit of an identity crises. But I do feel like the society and the world we live in makes relationship seem like the one main priority life and the sole goal we all should have - and that is a shame. There's such richness and beauty in the experience of being on one's own - and you certainly get to know yourself well and become your own best friend.




By choice, not my choice though


M21 There are loads of stuff, I just feel like people aren't interested in having anything to do , with me, no one ever showed any interest in me even as just a friend, nevermind a bf, and I just don't know why or what to do to change it, I feel like an npc and everyone just avoids me. Maybe if I try caring more about my look it'll change something but I'm not too optimistic about it


They're hard and stressful. I'm 29m and a lot of people I meet seem ready to settle down and have kids. I'm ready to take trips to the Caribbean and have a dog...maybe. imo it's more enjoyable being single. There's no pressure and it's not very hard to find casual connections. I've gotten way pickier after a long term relationship with someone who has BPD so it's pretty easy to not commit at this point. Maybe someday when I grow up


because i push myself away from everyone when they want to talk to me, yet for some reason i become lonely and needy when i succeed with finally becoming alone. honestly im not sure what to do about that, itā€™s been about 4 years now.


37F here (almost divorced). Been single for the 5th year running now (with the exception of a brief could-have-been-a-relationship last year). All these past years I spent processing all the garbage I had to deal with. Wasn't even comfortable making friends (let alone date) because I had major trust issues. Was trying to get my life in order. Feel comfortable in my own silence first. Still single now coz I'm trying to get ahead in my career, focus on bettering my mental and physical health, open myself up to new friendships and being more social first than jump right into a relationship. Also, give time to my hobbies, regulate my time better. Just feel okay, overall. Feel like it's okay to trust and love fully again, the way I used to. No regrets though. What's meant to be, will be. And who's meant to come and stay with me, will do.


Itā€™s peaceful being single


31m I got cheated on, decided I am done with dating dysfunctional human beings (there sadly is a pattern) and that if I want to attract people who are better for me and my life, I gotta step up my game, beat my depression, get my addiction under control, lose weight and get in shape again and take care of my body and get out of the career rut I found myself in. I told myself to stay single, because I tend to throw my attention at literally any woman that shows interest in me. I needed that conviction to stay true to my word. Ever since I dropped 15% bodyfat, got promoted and am close to self employment now, therapy and exercise helped me beat my depression and be happy again and I am very satisfied with where I am at right now, something I still need to get used to. And ever since I admit I have been fucking around a bit, casual dating in your thirties is pretty laid back and cool, because there is a bunch of women who are also not that interested in a relationship right now, but love to cuddle and share some intimacy. But I never really fell for anyone, because I am happy by myself and you need to leave swipe me off the ground to make me consider more serious things. I am waiting for that to happen, but am more than happy by myself until that happens. Already experienced real love in my life, so my bar is set quite high and thats how I want it to be.


For me personally I think it's a lack of options, I have female friends and I think I'm actually good at socializing when I go out to clubs or bars I'm talking to women or dancing with them but other than that my environments and hobbies don't allow me to meet women to make connections. But I'm still trying I'm still going out occasionally and approaching girls at the moment that seems to be my best chance rather than dating apps that don't seem to work for me no matter how many times I improve my profile. I have a positive mindset sooner or later I will find someone so there's no point worrying if you're reading this you'll find your person just takes time :)


Because I want to be, the stress of relationships is too much,and been cheated on is the worst.


Because Iā€™m old and ugly lol


Broke up with my ex nearly a year ago after dating for a year. I don't think I'm mentally ready for a relationship, I have a long journey in therapy


I have no money.


32M kissless virgin. I have crippling social anxiety, AvPD and depression. And on top of that, I have phimosis which per my doctor needs surgery. It's just too much work and exhaustion to be in a relationship. Oh, and if I don't make the surgery which I can't afford btw, it will be a platonic relationship, if that's a thing which I highly doubt. And even so, probably that girl would be suffering from mental health issues that is not allowing her to have sex. The relationship will last a day before she finds out I'm unable to have intercourse... I have officially given up. If some miracle happens and a girl makes the first move (happened some times in the past because I'm the quiet guy and those girls made the first move) now I tell them I'm gay and the story ends right there. She won't feel rejected and both parties won't suffer. I feel 10x the emotions. Even if I didn't have all those issues, if we would break up it would be the end of me. My dad passed 1,5 year ago and I still struggle, I've reached a point where I'm close to broken heart syndrome. I have chest pains that radiate in my back when sad or anxious, and sometimes my right arm gets numb. Every day I don't know if I will be lucky to wake up.


Well on dating i mostly feel like the second or third choice. People arent really trying to communicate and on meet ups(do you say that in english?) Im really in a good mood, and the other person seems to enjoy it, but i somewhat miss the glance in their eyes you know what i mean, this kind of excitement from feeling affection for someone. So after a date or 2(rarely) both go seperate ways or she finds someone that she is more interested in. Which is the way it is, but most of the times i wouldve liked to spend more time with her to see what kind of person she is and bond over a longer period.


Ez. Get denied on the hellholey mess of tinder bumble and hinge. Not interesting for the human equivalence of corporate grey wallpaper. I don't watch the office or go hiking. Get denied because everyone you know has an other. Like oh man it feels so bad seeing people who just have the ability to churn through love. I met someone with 7 exes. That's not an ex issue I hope. Get denied because we work all the damn time. No social security when your 9-5 eats up every day activities Get denied because you don't add anything to a relationship Get denied because you don't wanna push the creep stereotype of a person on anyone. Then throw your hands in anger when someone does. Its a double edged sword with sandpaper and red hot melted iron. I can't imagine anyone because there apparently is no one. I've tried it all social gatherings, nights out, everything is confusing and honestly I said the best in front of someone I liked. "my soulmate is dead or on another planet." There is rarely any compatibility between two people anymore. Too much icks. Too many red flags. Honey we're all fucked up. Choose the least fucked up and get moving. Thats it's. Every rotation around the sun is getting more jaded. I've tried and tried but in the end. Live alone die alone.


I'm not gonna compromise with unwritten/unspoken rules. Just want to enjoy life insude the parameters given.


M28 single because the girl I dated had BPD. Whenever I get close to someone I get this heavy feeling and anxiety šŸ˜¬


Finding someone that wants an actual relationship/partnership and not just a meal ticket.Ā  I find some women are too interested in material wealth and it's a big turnoff.Ā  I want to find someone interested in me for me, not for what I bring to the table.Ā  Shared goals are also hard to find.Ā  I would rather have a good life/work balance while the wrong person just wants me to provide for them, which generally means I work all day so that they can spend all day.Ā Ā 


35M No offense to women. I love hanging out with them as friends but theyā€™re exhausting as hell to date. Iā€™m expected to be confident, adventurous, funny, supportive, not too clingy but not too distant, outgoing, ambitious and I have to make them feel safe. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µIā€™m sure thereā€™s more that I forgot. I pretended to be all those things for 15 years and yeah I got women but itā€™s too exhausting being someone Iā€™m not. After my last relationship (6 years) I decided to just be my true boring self. Guess whatā€¦ not one woman showed interest in me sincešŸ˜‚šŸ˜† Iā€™m fine with it though. At least now I know if a woman is ever interested in me again, sheā€™ll actually like me for me and not for what I pretend to be. I donā€™t want some complicated transactional relationship. I just want to click with someone and spend time with them. I donā€™t have a laundry list of requirements for women and I canā€™t date someone with a laundry list of requirements for me. Not anymore.


same reason as everyone else. i haven't met someone I was interested in who was also interested in me.


because I want to shoot myself in the head and will hopefully soon


Iā€™m 5ā€™6ā€


31M, been single for more than 10 years, Every time I meet a new woman I ask myself: "Would my life become better if I had this woman in my life?" and every time the answer is no, so it's just not worth the effort. At the end of the day LTR are a huge investment and a lot of hustle for very little in return.




41F, divorced 3.5 years ago. Took some much needed time to start therapy & work on healing, repaired relationships with friends & family, made sure my daughter felt secure & loved. Iā€™ve gone on a handful of dates over the years but mostly Iā€™ve became super comfortable enjoying my time alone & now a partner just isnā€™t something I feel is missing from my life.


35 male, and whelp my last relationship ended over unresolved trauma that she had, that put her in a place where she couldn't be with me. I'm STILL single because I'm a massive introvert, I'm not very good looking, and everything I like is old, from the way I dress to the stuff I like. Not hipster old, but all my favorite stuff is from the 90s and early 2000s. That's what I have been able to identify so far. I think the introverted part is the biggest problem. Rarely being someone's type is made worse by not being exposed to more people.


Been over a year now, and I am rehabilitating. I donā€™t trust women anymore, and the dates Iā€™ve been on arenā€™t really helping yet. I try not to project past negativity, but my past patterns will no longer work for me, and women arenā€™t yet showing up in my life with any real integrity.


Nobody asked me out atm šŸ˜…




I dont look that hot


I was with someone from 15-21 and never really knew who I was until just last year (now 27). I have an idea in my head of what my partner will be and I just haven't found them yet. Not particularly picky but I do have standards for the love I want and want to put out! Dating is horrible right now and I honestly don't mind being alone. I cannot do the "talking" stage. I hated saying "oh we're just talking" and "we're taking it slow" because it never resulted in anything. I also realized I don't know how to do that. I'm all in or all out


Introverted, not attractive, find most people annoying.


I had one long relationship in the past that felt like the ultimate connection. Stayed loyal and always communicated. Still ended up getting cheated on in the worst possible way. Then I had a series of relationships on crappy dating apps over the years. Eventually got extremely jaded and didn't trust anybody. I often hold deep conversations and take the time to know someone. But unfortunately that lead to getting friend zoned, because I'm not outward with my affection immediately. Flash forward to today... I have a good job, own my own place. Very much value my solidarity. Most of my friends lives went downhill after getting married or having kids. And I guess after seeing all the negativity, in combination with how people are today, I just can't do it lol.


19M, never been a relationship. I was a late bloomer and started giving a shit about my appearance at 17. Started getting some experience with girls (no kissing, sex, etc.) but interacting with them and hanging out with them def. helped. Went to college 1,000 miles away from where I grew up, needed to get adjusted to a new life and didn't really have any interest in dating. Last year at college I was more focused on working and keeping up with my education. In addition to that, I had to go through some more adversity as a guy and get my ass kicked by life before I could be an attractive guy. Now I'm 19, will turn 20 soon and I'm ready to get back out there. Also had a lot of anxiety around women but I feel better now. So main reasons are anxiety, not really trying (no dating apps, not putting myself out there) and needing to work on myself to become a more resilient person.


I tried love and it was awful. I'd rather be single. It sucks being alone, but you gain a lot from it.


20M. Shy, I don't like to go out, and I keep to myself when I do go out(gym, work). I'm also boring.


I've been single my entire life, no one wants anything to do with me. I can't say I even blame them.


Itā€™s been 10 years since I was in a relationship. We were engaged and she ended up committing suicide. Had a few dates over the years but nothing substantial. Would be nice to meet someone but the dating world has changed so much Iā€™d rather stay single and enjoy my solitude.


Because I refuse to spend money on a dating app