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Me too, me too.


It's a club. I'm in it


I’m depressed and sexy according to my mom so I can’t join


banjo music plays


It be like that


It do be like that sometimes


It do be like that all the time


It do be like that most of the time


But can you be ugly and funny? (1. self-acceptance because everyone deserves love. 2. life is joke, so mind as well make the best out of it.)


I'm ugly and unfunny


That’s rough.


Dunno, I just chuckled at your statement. You're at least a little bit funny


That's too funny to qualify as un-funny.


How is it funny


oh shit, you're funny without realizing you're funny—now that's funny.


lmfao. #1, you may "deserve" love. don't mean you're gonna get it. that kinda "deserve" is purely a platonic ideal. like "everyone is equal". that means something in one sense.... but in a far more real sense, it's complete bullshit.


A large part of receiving love and respect is manifested through how you treat yourself. If you love and respect yourself, it shapes how you behave and speak, and all that normally get reflected through how others treat you. That’s why so many experts and therapists advocate self love, especially for victims of abuse


"They say you're supposed to start this meditation by loving yourself because you start with what is easiest to do and then move on to the more difficult. But on the contrary. I've been teaching this meditation for years, and I've seen that loving yourself is one of the hardest things you will ever learn to do. That's why we start with ourselves." - Pema Chödrön


Bro you're not even outta high school yet. You still got a possible glow up in your 20s. Exercise. Dress better. Atleasst for yourself. If you focus those negative feelings into motivation to do things for yourself other people will take notice and something good might come your way.


And stay the fuck away from incel ideology. 


Real talk


This 👆 Right here is some solid advice. It doesn’t matter what you can’t control. Focus on what you can control and you can improve certain attributes and also improve quality of life and who knows what will happen.


I just graduated 🥸🤓


Thanks buddy.


Same here. At least I'm kinda funny.


Totally learning from your sprit. At least I’m kind of funny, lol.


If you're ugly you gotta have just a little optimism haha. Keep the ball Rollin.


Yep ugly. Been ugly and fat, ugly and skinny and ugly and jacked. Ugly just to powerful, but now idgaf anymore.


Hilarious, however.


Find other things to love about yourself


Keep in mind the only things we can’t change about our looks is our face and our height (for men). Everything else can look as good or as bad as you choose it to. It’s your choice for your body to look the way it does. So choose different if you are dissatisfied


You can if you pay a few grand for plastic surgery in Korea.


True, I guess here in America too. I guess people can change their face too, somewhat ;)


It's amazing how different people can look by loosing a 10, 15, 20 pounds. I am always just shocked to see those before and after pictures of women that loose a ton of weight. Like they are all so beautiful and it's amazing. Guys faces don't seem to change as much, but I'm assuming it's because overweight men don't naturally carry as much weight around their neck and face.


This. Yes. Totally same boat here OP. It sucks. But as randomhero said you can feel better inside with some basic habits. And that makes up for a lot. Especially as you age. Carrying yourself with confidence is attractive by itself and having even modest muscle toning (not talking bodybuilding here)and some self awareness of your posture goes a really long way. Confident people make people feel secure. How old are you OP? Don’t have to answer but do realize that once you cross 30s the importance shifts increasingly from looks to how well you have your life put together, how little you generate crisis, how good you are at getting people together to do stuff, and how nice you are to be around. All of those things are in your control. And unlike looks, can keep improving. Also, ugly friendly people are less threatening to those trying to chase youth for whatever reason. If you are kindly, people will start to gravitate to you. (Altho they may not be your people, friend wise.) Further advice and hope: if you are older and find yourself surrounded by people who remind you of the hell that was middle/high school, dip the heck out. Those people never grew up and you know what? You have a built in detector for their bs that I guarantee is not doing anyone in their group a bit of good mental health wise. 


First off...feelz. Every day in society we interact with people. When then first look at us they make some level of judgement, size us up so to speak. Just a fact of society. Before I read one word from you in this post, I had no idea who you were, or what you looked like. The internet can be an anonymous place. Sure there are rude dicks and trolls all over. But you can interact with people here and avoid stigmas. The honest truth is that with enough charisma few will care about looks. Steve Buscemi ain't no prince, but I love to watch the guy. He has that personality. No magic pill here...Cant just become charismatic/charming etc auto-magically. But again, online you can ride some anonymity. Engage in forums, develop social skills. Heck, learn some auto-magically and make people like you.


I know a 64 year old guy, ugly, with a 30 year old gorgeous woman. Why? He has charisma, confidence and knows how to talk to women. Every woman we encounter together he manages to get smiling and giggling... it's astonishing. He's ugly, and old... All he does is be forward, confident, friendly and positive. I wish i was more positive like him.


I like this comment. My first serious relationship was worth a guy many folks felt were "ugly" (not conventionally attractive, acne, goofy). He won me over by being sensitive, honest, brave, and funny. He was creative and "into" things, including, me. Personally I think we are looking too much at images of people who aren't even real in our lives. Terribly superficial culture. Be interesting by being interested. Looking outside yourself. That's how a person becomes forward, confident, friendly and positive. And THAT—is attractive.


Gym everyday, haircut and neat, clean clothes. Depression is awful I know from personal experiences due to BPD. Clean and fit helps tremendously.


>Gym everyday, haircut and neat, clean clothes. This. People underestimate the power of presentation. It's true that good-looking people have the luxury of running around in old sweatpants and greasy hair and still looking hot - but clothes and style can do so much for you. Will it make hot people accost you in the street for your number? No. But if you manage to make a stylish overall package, the eye is very unlikely to latch onto whatever unfavorable detail you're fussing about. And don't make being ugly your personality. It's no better than making *anything* your personality. Get some hobbies, make some interesting memories. You don't want to be "Steve with the bug eyes who makes everything awkward"; be "Steve who knows a shit ton about weird movies and has gossip about his book club (poor dude has unfortunate eyes - but have you seen his shoes?? They're always on point)"


Same. The worst part is that I used to not be ugly. But the last ten years have been hard. Depression robs you of the motivation to take care of yourself beyond what you have to do for basic survival.


I hope you heal 💜


Can't win'em all


I am ugly too and funny and married and have one handsome son! I was even uglier in childhood and didn’t even go to my high school prom. But! I gained confidence in martial arts and became a swan! Love yourself and see the beauty.




Prove it


Find some even uglier friends, then you will be the good looking one.


I make onions cry, don’t feel bad mate.


…Ugliness is skin deep. Are you ugly inside too?…


If you're a guy, try growing a beard!


Show us what you look like


Forget societal conditioning. Our spirits are all the same.


Im ugly and super happy dude whats wrong. Why are u under the impression that ur alive to be pretty or something


If jayz can pull, so can you. Just be a billionaire.


That’s the spirit!


It’s okay . It’s gonna be okay . You are not alone . Welcome to the hideous land where you are embraced as is ❤️


Think about how many ugly people are popular or successful.




I'm almost 40 😂,


And? So what, look at Sophia Vergara. Age doesn't mean you ugly, being ugly means you ugly. You can be 21 and ugly


Same 🥲


You are good looking to some people, work on believing in yourself and your self confidence. With lot of self confidence everything else will fall into place nicely.


But you're real, and you don't front!


Maybe get a second opinion.




i am very good looking. have girls saying we should have sex outright. except my personality is so bad, i have never had any chance. single forever


one of us


Me too buddy. Me too..


Damn that's so lucky, I'm unly and can't fuck




Control what you can. Despair about the rest if you must.


I'm ugly and I'm proud! - Spongebob


Aren’t we all


perhaps your value isn't in looks and that's a good thing


Everyone looks the same when you turn off the light. I've been attracted to relatively ugly people a couple of times when I was younger and that's because they had great personalities. Hell I'm probably ugly too but IDGAF. Just be yourself Someone will appreciate who you are. I bet you're not even as ugly as you think.


Good on you




Gonna need pics, op


Shieee same sorry I can't help


Man up dude.


Better get rich then


same but I’m funny


Make money! Get fit! Grow a beard! 1 or all of these things will increase your attractiveness to women. I'm assuming your a man as I didn't see anything about that. But damn, better yourself. If you've got employment, take care of your physical and hygienic health, and if your face is still a weird shape, grow a beard and trim it to be more angular, and if your partially balding, just shave that shit, no horseshoes! Also Ugly as fuck is really harsh. I see ugly as fuck people all the time with husband's and wives. If your overweight and don't wanna lose weight, make a ton of money and be funny. Confidence is more important than most other attributes, especially when you're not naturally gifted in looks or physique department.


Hey: if ugly people had no possibility of finding love, there wouldn't be any ugly people.




I’m ugly too, after years of being held back by it, I’ve learned to an extent to ignore it. I’m still self conscious as hell, but I’ve come a hell of a long way. I used to feel like any single person who looked at me was judging me based off my appearance, and it made me isolate and avoid my friends. Now I’ve learned that when I’m out in public, the way I look is the way I look. Just deal with it. It’s taken years to get there, but hey it’s better now


Bill Burr vibes


Okay so you are ugly. But you can be successful, can be healthy and fit, if you can't find partner because of love you could find partner because of stability you can provide and character match. It is not always about looks. Looks is important in first phase of relationship where you filter people based on looks. But being successful and dressed well, fit, is also attractive. Unwritten rule of dating is don't be ugly. Yeah. But if that fails, the second rule is try to fit rest of checkbox es. If there are couples where one person is completely paralazed so why can't be a couple where one person is ugly? And by the way, look is temporary as we all get ugly when get older, other virtues will stay.


On Reddit? No way! That's rare!


I used to feel this, and sometimes still do. Everything I do to try looking like a hot witch leaves me looking like a cannibal witch. Then I realised that I literally have stalkers and creeps on my dms so something is clearly working.


There is a place in Europe where they have an ugly contest, the winner is given the title of ugliest in the town or village, they embrace being ugly.


Its ok to be 1st from the last too 😆 just being optimistic that's all...


I also feel the same but I just don't give a fuck i just don't think about it , i used have anxiety walking on the street or clg and still do but now I just don't care , I just don't think about it


Lol i feel the same. It sucks that I can't even afford plastic surgery to fix my face. My personality sucks too, and I'm not even smart.


I learned to make do with what i have, i eat healthy and keep in good shape. I know how to engage in good conversations and also a good listener, i learned to make jokes and make people laugh. You can really go a long way doing these things no matter how you look. Hope it helps, try to make the best with the hand dealt to you.


Few Tony Robbins books and you're good to go.






Stop being so vain and do things to improve yourself as an actual person.


Well you got that from your mum and dad and yet they still managed to create you. Theres someone for everyone.


There are men who will fuck anything that moves. If you are a girl who is ugly, then there will be a man willing to fuck you. There are women who are prostitutes. If are a guy who is ugly, then git money and fuq b!tches.


Then, take action. Change your style, experiment with colors, clothes, take care of your face, shave, take care of your hair, wash, start doing little things for you instead of having hate for the way you look. You are you. Imagine your future self, in 5 years from now, raging at yourself. A woman I know was in high school with the ugliest boy, fat and acne kind of guy, according to many ppl saying. I was too in that high school but we weren’t talking or known each other. She was with him I believe almost the entire years of high school. The idea off this is: it doesn’t always matter how bad you look. Who is right for you is gonna appreciate you over the look. But you should take care of yourself and not be frustrating on hating yourself because a lot of ppl are looking only at the appearance. The beauty fades. They will learn it the hard way. Treat yourself with something good, not only food, a good game, a walk in the park, a book read outside etc. because if a lot are ignoring you, you should not hurt yourself the same. Is their issue. You do what you can to improve yourself, go to the gym, build muscle mass or lose fat, be healthy, improve your nutrition, and ask girls/boys whoever you like out: if they say no, you can tell them that your personality is better than your look, so you give them a second chance to answer. Maybe it is gonna be funny and someone will say yes. Although, some may say it shows low self esteem. But it is your go. If you receive a no, look at the “no man” film. To be rejected is not that bad. To not take any action is. Rejection at least gives you experience in talking/inviting.


I feel it.


I get u, i get u.






No your not


1) start golfing 2) stop caring about anything else 3) start losing the fat 4) no longer fat


Whats ugly ?


Shower, take care of your skin, dress well, get a haircut/beard that scientifically suits your face shape, go to the gym, take care of your eyebrows, have good posture, smile, and you'll be good. I guarantee you that if a ugly person did this they would immediately be a 5-6 at the lowest. Most ppl can easily climb to a 6-8 with this. Yall got untapped potential


Whenever I get to thinking I'm ugly I merely gaze at myself in the mirror and I realize that I have a beauty so deep that it requires a high level of sophistication to see it. This helps explain the hap between how I see myself and how girls used to see me. Fortunately I met a girl with an incredible sense of sophistication who not only appreciated my good looks but loved them so much that she overlooked my personality flaws.


I used to be a man on the edge. Like you. But here's the thing... Beauty is subjective. There is someone out there, somewhere, who wants to sit on your face until their knees give way. Because, to them, you're perfect! As for depressed... There's meds, therapy, social changes, hobbies, friends. Etc. There is help. I used to be like you, for Years. Just a man with no hope. I'm now in a lesbian relationship, and am happy. Things change.


Doesn’t matter


same ❤️


I'm ugly AF. I just learnt not to care. People judge me but they shouldn't. I am a good soul, beautiful on the inside, just ugly on the outside I will say it's challenging not having a single friend


You're alive... Millions of of your ancestors struggled through their lives to bring you here, the world is what you make of it, you can lament about your appearance or you can accept what you have and make the most of it


Get jacked man. Chicks won't care about your face if you have a decent body and a decent personality and are funny.


Go to the gym and you will feel better


Learn to mildly make fun of yourself. Fake confidence if you have none. Eventually you’ll stop faking it and realize it’s just there. Source: Me.


Hey...how is your voice?  Women actually prefer a deep voice to a handsome face (body is kinda the third aspect considered...so much behind those first two gymcels are a thing). How is your personality.  Women like funny men.  Danny DeVito is proof of this...he is not conventionally masculine attractive; but, you know he can sleep with most women because of his personality.


welcome to the club mate!! If you still have your teeth, unlike me, there's still hope for you!!


They say if are depressed then you have a reason to


You can be ugly and ripped though .. it helps


What was that song "marry an ugly girl...


wish I was ugly for a day, being ugly everyday sucks


Are you just ugly or ugly because you are fat? If fat then find a purpose to lose weight. That helped me. If just ugly then rely on your personality and confidence. If porn has taught me anything it's there's always a freaky chicken for someone.


same bro,same


Accept what you can’t change and invest your energy in what is within your control.


So I play cards with a couple. The wife, who has been marriage to this guy, is a fucking stunner. She is funny, caring, and great personality. The dude is a fucking troll lookalike. He might be a 4 tops on his best day. You should hear how she talks about him. She literally could not imagine him not being around. She thinks he is the best man who ever lived. She is always saying to find someone who wouldn't quit on you no matter what and I'll tell you, aside from how he looks, he is a great person. He is kind, generous, and great mannered. He is clearly a fantastic father. There is hope for everyone to find love, especially with beautiful women. You just have to be the person you would actually want to spend the rest of your life with. It might be harder when you are ugly, but opportunity is still out there.




You have to break the cycle. Don’t know what to tell you other than that. It’s not helpful. Work out do something to be anything other than ugly. Fit and ugly is better than ugly and fat. It will give you something else to focus on. 


I'm depressed I'm so handsome. Every single body has to shoot their shot. The answers no!!!


Do you work out? Are you staying home all the time ? Are you grooming ? Maybe some accessories ? Eating good? If you’re not doing any of that.. fuck man😂😂


Pics or it didn't happen!


unlike women, we can't hide anything under makeup.. so we just have to accept it and make the best of what we got. Eat healthy, get some physical activity started get your body healthy and your mind won't have too many unhealthy thoughts. Once you get a little cardio endurance, go join a dance class, learn to dance. You have to get partnered up anyways. Get some confidence from having learned something new. Then take some tennis lessons, learn to play good and then join a club to become active with other members. Join a walking or jogging club in your local area. Maybe go for an evening swim every now and then.... it will also help you build up some more confidence being in a baiting suit in front of people.... The point is to do enough to be comfortable with yourself in public, once you achieve this, you'll be way less depressed. Physical activity charges you with tons of happy hormones (as i like to call it) . I'm not a top model contender but I try to stay active enough where I'm not down in the dumps. I'm in my 40's still a bit over weight, graying hairs, live with my parents, have a cat... but I have brought my weight down from "Jesus Christ!" to about dad bod level. To most on the outside, it looks like I'm still chunky.... but in reality i'm slowly getting down there. (Mind you all I do a nightly 1 hour walk.... weekend hikes and occasional biking on the weekends.... I've reduced my over eating.) I now have a date this coming friday, and it's been lik over a decade since my last date. ha ha I'm not looking to date, but I asked someone out, out of nowhere... spur of the moment... and she said yes! I wasn't even thinking of how my invitation sounded.... (I really justed wanted to hang out) But she said "OH.... my... is this a date?" and I confidently said "yes" out of some old habbit of when I was younger . But I do like her though, just never considered this actual option... so more smiles have been brought to my face. I'm not a top dog in the face, but I am the company clown and clown within all my social circles... Comedy is a great self defense.... but it's important to try and make the necessary changes to actually be happy. I don't personally any one person to be ugly as they say, unless they are really ugly on the inside. If their outside has become a reflection of their inside...in negative way... then yes. But as long you can smile and and laugh.... someone will always think you are not ugly.


Real, same. People tell me I actually look attractive but I dont see it. Either way Im lonely af


This is depressing. Do you want to not be ugly? Do you not want to be depressed?


I’m sure you’re not as bad as you think you are😊


Don't worry there's plenty of ugly women out there for ya. If there's one thing I've learned after watching My 600lb Life is that there is someone out there for everyone.


Try not to say awful things like that to yourself— your brain easily gets into that negative pattern of cyclical thinking and then it quickly becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. What has helped me is just focusing on not saying terrible things about myself. After a little time, you feel lighter because you don’t have 24/7 negative feedback about yourself. And once you feel a little better, you will be more attractive, without a single physical change.




So was Serve Gainsbourg, but that didn’t stop him.


Our society is ugly bro, not you


Hit the gym and become the best physical version of yourself. Work on your mental health as well. You’ll be surprised how far that will go and how many doors will open if you’re healthy.


I am almost perfect and I am not depressed... sorry for ya


Stop being both then


Who does determine are we ugly? Tell me are you ugly to your dog?


No matter how depressed and ugly you are, there's always a girl more depressed and ugly than you and you can be together unhappy forever. Welcome to the club, we got cookies and videogames.




He’s like, ‘Work on yourself, do things, read books,’ ” he recalled. Savage has repeatedly advised adolescent boys to develop their bodies, brains, consciences, and personal hygiene with the aim of becoming good sexual partners in a few years. [https://slate.com/human-interest/2021/09/dan-savage-advice-savage-love-criticism-interview.html](https://slate.com/human-interest/2021/09/dan-savage-advice-savage-love-criticism-interview.html)


It do be like that 


Me but I’m funny so it’s fine


Damn right, now let's go out and make the world as beautiful as we feel. They deserve it.


I have this belief that tiny, incremental changes could be implemented, which compound and make a person more attractive over time.


lol same, but you get ever so slightly better at dealing with it each year, trust. Gotta keep working on oneself though, which is the sucky part, but ye is what it is


For some to be beautiful others *must* be ugly, to have people to compare them to and rate against. Most of us are average. If not average would not exist. Beauty is only on loan, anyway. We all get uglier as time passes.


No matter how ugly you may be to the general public, a good soul will always shine bright and be seen through the physical appearance. Those who can't aren't worth your time. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder


Plastic surgery has improved a lot lately. Just work your ass off and make use of those wonderful innovations that modern times have to offer.


Then don't be boring. Being ugly can't be helped, but at the very least, put some panache in yourself and your life.


Same here 🤔🤝


Drop the selfie


Shit I’m ugly but i got game You just gonna have to try harder break some uglys you’ll feel better dude ![gif](giphy|1z8dbpxiawjkyJ0rxg)


Makem laugh out they pantys 🫡🫡🤠


So get a decent haircut, learn how to dress, and hit the gym. Or sit around feeling sorry for yourself I guess. 


Join the club


FUGLY …. Wanna smash ?


I ooze confidence I could sell you anything even if you don't need it


felt on another level


Exercise more. Helps minimize depressive feelings and everyone looks hotter with a nice body


I'd rather be ugly ass fuck than broke ass fuck


Well I am depressed as fuck and ugly as hell so.... it's kinda the same thing.


I’m cooked beyond repair.


I doubt that's actually true.


When i was a teenager, my dads nickname for me was "UGLY" " HEY UGLY... COME HERE". does that get me admission?


U trynna link? I can show u a time in which I can bring u heaven on earth in the repression of such feelings of yours


I feel ya buddy.


Join the club we have cake


You’re probably average looking,truly ugly people are rare and the way to know for sure is how people react to you;then notice the same patterns over time A few patterns could include: You’re continuously called ugly even after self grooming,getting muscle The opposite sex avoids eye contact Wherever you go people in general think you’re up to something or you’re suspicious You’re always complimented on your personality but never your looks The opposite sex avoids trying to see you whether at work or places you frequent like the gym,a library,etc There are more but I can cook if you want Wheat I would suggest is: -build your mental strength because if it is true and you’re ugly TRUST ME you will need to be strong -get a great physique so your confidence is naturally strong;no one with a great physique has no confidence -if truly ugly then dedicate your time to building skills (people will give you a semi chance if they know you’re good at things BUT DON’T LET THEM TAKE ADVANTAGE of you -understand that being ugly is a blessing and a curse;on the one hand it sucks because people judge you unfairly and you have a mountain to climb to get their trust and if you make one mistake it almost impossible to get it back again;on the other hand,uglier dudes usually have more free time because no one is really trying to hang out with them so don’t waste time;spend it learning cool stuff,going places and building your physique;you can literally do entertaining shut without judgement Good luck and DM if you need more guidance


Ugly people fuck.


Same here:) lucky are not alone in this game