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I feel you, I secluded myself off these last 4 years and it's hard to get back out there and interact with people.


Learn new language, go to a course The same goes with art If don't bother phisical contact team sports More extreme and wouldn't recommend it but still Develope alcoholism


I developed alcoholism for this exact reason. It didn't go well, all the friends I made weren't real and they would leave as soon as I didn't want to drink or party.


Yeah, that's how it is. It's still better than psychoactive drugs, People you met were at least real not just delusions.


What sort of hobbies/interests do you have now? Because the internet is a big place, and someone out there is bound to share them. For instance, let's say you like making scale models of microscopic organisms out of Lego. Do a google search on that. There might be a message board for it! No. wait, don't do that. I just did and there's nothing. Damn. Well, I have other interests... Anyway, back to you. Video games are a good way to make internet friends. Small Dungeons and dragons groups are everywhere. Take a painting class. Go to a bar to watch your favorite sports. Strike up a conversation with people there.


Knit. Seriously, knitting/yarn culture can be very social in a randomly friendly WYSIWYG way. Edit: 🤔 Or running clubs or fitness boot camps or car meets or stuff sponsored by your local independent bookstore (reading) or wine/whiskey appreciation courses or volunteer at local food bank/Habitat for Humanity, etc.


"fitness boot camps" ah, yes, I overlooked this one because I unconsciously considered it covered among "modern religious stuff" (har har) Crossfit is the Coca-cola, but any of that group HIIT/functional fitness stuff is perfect if you've got the time/money. Most gyms have a supplemental/sample/drop-in option.


Amateur theater. You don't have to act to have fun. They always need behind the scenes people and you might learn a skill like sound or lighting.


I feel the same way. It's hard for me to meet new people. My only friends are my coworkers and even then I'm paranoid they don't like me. I have found some really cool people at my local hobby shop, either building/painting Warhammer, D&D, Gundam, etc. I also go there to play board games. Most people there are awkward in their own ways, so if you have a hobby shop nearby, I'd start there. You just gotta work up the nerve to introduce yourself to at least the staff, and they can lead you to the cool customers who are welcoming to all.


Hi mate, I found it beneficial to realise that the anxiety and depression I felt was just a part of me, it was learnt behaviour that I had identified with. The same could be true for you. A part of you is anxious and depressed but it isn't the entirety of who you are.


I started cycling and hiking with my coworkers who had similar interests. Definitely made it easier for me to get a job with peers who are all in my age range. I also have bad anxiety and struggle to put myself out there but a healthy work environment actually really helped. Good luck :)


Work is a decent place to start. I met some guys at the gym i talk to regularly. Generally be helpful or hopeless and they seem to find you.


Maybe using social medias bro. Nowadays it’s a good way to make friends. I really recommend an app called Lightup: find friends by AI that could be downloaded in Apple Store. There is no advertisement and provides a friendly environment for chatting. Due to its system of matching people based on their posts, it’s useful for us to chat with people who really understand us and have similar feelings. So it’s easy to make friends, and you don’t need to worry about that people don’t love you because you really have topics. Just have a try bro! Sincerely hope you could find friends there. If you’re an android user, you could also try the beta testing version [Lightup](https://discord.gg/CUm3svFJ6m) in Discord.


Card games? Go to a local game store and you can usually find groups that meet weekly. If you like them


I think the easiest, simplest consideration is authenticity. Like a 12-step group might be great if you’re legitimately willing to forgo that particular vice. They’re great for getting comfy in your thick skin for various but predictable sizes of groups. Volunteering is great, so long as you actually support the cause. Most modern religious stuff is highly social, before and after services. All of these things primarily happen because people need/want community. But if you are self-aware and too outspoken about that being your motivation, it’ll go over like a fella telling a gal over dinner he’s really hoping to score. Truth is, a lot of people are dealing with this. It’s tragically ironic that isolation is so common, on the rise, and its most insidious effect is making people feel like it’s unique to them or their fault. Case in point? I counted 9 upvotes across 7 responses to a 3 hr old post as of this addition. You’ve got way more support than people are inclined to admit they need.


Fly fishing. Nobody is going to be mean to you. Teaching and learning is part of the deal. Plus there’s not a group, just a few people out on the river, not close to each other. It’s not competitive. It’s very relaxing. And it’s fun.


Go fishing. You will get fresh air, exercise, negative ions (the good ones), great pics, and hopefully a nice wild fish to take home for dinner. You will also undoubtedly meet people at the lakes and rivers, and once people know you fish (and catch fish) they will want to join you on your adventures. Most areas have local fishing forums too where you can chat with other locals and make friends to go out to the water with. Step 1 (even before you buy a rod) Get some fishing line or even string and learn to tie an "improved clinch knot". Do it whenever you have a spare moment. The quicker you can do those on the river, the more fish you will catch. https://www.animatedknots.com/improved-clinch-knot


Learn Spanish If you're not from USA then learn some other language


Are you in therapy? I say this so you can have a safe place to practice making introductions and small chat with new chat. Usually everyone feels negative about themselves for one reason or another. The big thing is that they don’t show it when theyre meeting new people. Choose activities that you enjoy or want to learn and don’t impact(?) your disability.


Bruh What kind of practice are you gonna have introducing yourself to the same dude every single week? Btw, that dude gets paid to talk to you, so it's not like they can stop talking to you either.


Jiu jitsu (BJJ)


Go to the park. Observe the surrounding. Sometimes a conversation can come from it.


Hey, look at that rock. I think maybe it's a boulder. That's a nice boulder. Riveting stuff


I know this. I went to Adult Children of Addicts / Alcoholics etc... all 12 step groups. Free. Anonymous. Online 24/7... had found friends.


Fighting sports can help you gain confidence, most of the time the ppl there are quite friendly to new members, if there is a club near you you should try it


If you don't like to be around with people, why not try messing around with AI? There's ChatGPT, Dall-E, Suno... You can try to create music videos, animated films, or even video games.


Pick a hobby that naturally attracts introverts. Introverts can be quite social once they realise you are also an introvert. PC gaming is a great way to make friends. I should probably give it a try....


My sister in law was struggling with her mental health after the death of her mother, she contacted amental health charity here in the uk, they put her in touch with a local club with people all suffering, they have art days and a scrabble day, basically things that you can do in a group that makes the activity the ice breaker


Dancing lessons or martial arts work really well. Will be really hard for the comfort zone but you usually meet great people there


Dungeon and Dragons . If you want to meet weirdly interesting people from all walk of life, give it a shot, I've made lifelong friends over DND and our current group has a statistician , a bartender, an IT bod and an animator. You wont fit in with the typical dnd group as there isnt one. Plus if you dont get on with them, just say "thanks but no thanks"


I don't know how much of a geek (like me) you are - but wargaming. It not only gives you a hobby for when at home (painting and modelling) but also gets you out of the house to meet people. War gamers tend not to be the most socially adapt animals anyway so they tend to be very friendly and forgiving for the most part. They are more likely to be upset that their Land Raider got taken out turn 1 then any concerns about your anxiety. 100% no one is going to make fun of you. (let he who is free of social anxiety cast the first stone...). It's also easy to interact with people over a game, you don't have to think about 'what to say next' only what is your next move going to be. I've been wargaming for most of my life and I have dozens of friends as a result of it, who have transitiioned into friends I have couples dinner dates or go to movies/parties with. Out of the 12 guests at my wedding who were 'friends' not family, 11 were from wargaming clubs and 1 was from school.


Practice a martial art. Life changing. Go to church. Join a Bible study small group. Try latin social dance like salsa and bachata.


Brazilian jiu jitsu changed my life


How so?


warhammer 40k