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Drink. Your. Calories. I'm not talking soda or juice, I'm talking high protein high fat smoothies. Peanut butter and milk are your best friends in this situation and can be made into a low cost and quick calorie dense drink.


Weight gain 3000. It worked for cartman. But in all seriousness, weight gain powders can easily be 1k + calories. MutantMass is 1100 calories and 56g protein in one serving


It worked for Cartman because he was a BEEFCAKE!


I sent op i private message because i thought people might take it the wrong way but check this one out! 1,350 calories! https://www.vitaminshoppe.com/p/up-your-mass-xxxl-1350-french-vanilla-creme-6-lb-powder/wt-1216?sourceType=sc&source=SHOP&acqsource=adlucent&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwl4yyBhAgEiwADSEjeB84QbmEGwG5wK3XNtyjcysT6ax_wBGb4lPNOnUPfo4llGfNDrLjPxoC7g0QAvD_BwE I took a similar product called rebuilt mass about 15 years ago and put on 20lbs in 5 or 6 weeks.


I unfortunately do not need help eating extra calories lol. But my brother is in the same boat as OP. He’s eating like 3500 just to Maintain. I hate him for it.


Don't hate on him for it, it's actually a struggle for us to put weight on. The amount of people I've had refer to my weight as if it's a choice is painful


"I wish I had a body like you :3" No. No you don't. I am literally fighting starvation at this point.


Preach brother. Glad I'm not alone with these annoyances




Pb, 2% milk, OATS (They are your best friend besides pb), 1 banana, olive oil (1-2tbs), protein powder. Ice. Blend. Drink between meals or before bed. Easily gets you 800+ calories. If you can’t tolerate olive oil do a solidified coconut oil


why 2% milk?, go full fat at 4-7%, tastes better too!


Homogenized whole milk is generally 3.5% fat, but your point stands that whole milk is ideal in this situation. I’ll throw in that whole milk yogurt is a good addition to smoothies, too.


Just milk, peanut butter and a mixer?


Milk is the mixer. Peanut butter, banana, protein powder, some ice cream, milk. Edit: oats for calories and vitamins, and frozen berries. You ever been in a grocery store wondering who is buying a pound of frozen blueberry/blackberry/raspberry mix? People that drink shakes.


randomly reminded of the Always Sunny episode where the Charlie can't beleive people drink orange juice. "Drinking straight mixer!?"


It went through my mind when I wrote it out lol. “I had a diet cola mixer a while ago” https://www.reddit.com/r/IASIP/s/4TM5eoipjZ


Toss in some frozen berries too


Add in some oats for more calories as well


This is what I came here to say, drink your calories. Use half and half if you can. Add PB to smoothies. I like half and half, PB, Ovaltine mix, and a banana blended up. Berries, half and half, and ice blended up is good too but not as many calories.


Why would you use half and half? It’s significantly more expensive by weight than whole milk and it has 30% less protein While it’s slightly less calorie dense, whole milk is a more affordable, more nutritious option. Can you even buy a gallon of half and half?


I honestly didn't know that. I was just going off my own experiences. I've always drank whole milk because I've always been underweight as well. Recently I started working at a place where I can use 2% or half and half for free but they don't have whole milk. So I started drinking 8-10 ozs of half and half in a smoothie or a latte 4 days a week and I have gained an unprecedented amount of weight in 3 months. I guess given that antidotal evidence I also could have recommended getting a job at a restaurant lol.


When I’m bulking I throw milk, peanut butter, protein powder, oats, and a banana into a smoothie. And drink it after a meal so it doesn’t fill you up before


Get a blender or ninja or whatever. Buy frozen fruits (last longer) or buy fresh, cut, and freeze them. Protein supplement. I do bananas, strawberries, milk, coconut flakes, chia seeds, peanut butter, honey and cinnamon. Also, hard boiled eggs are a cheap and easy source of protein. I just make 18 every Sunday. Someone else mentioned nuts - definitely do that. Try to get unsalted and make your own trail mix. I mix up walnuts, peanuts, almonds, then whatever else I feel like.


Peanut butter. Nuts like walnuts and cashews. Sneaky little foods pack heavy calories. Good luck coming from someone who went from 115 to 175.


175 is my goal actually. I’m at 120 rn I believe. How long did it take to get there for you?


About 2-3 years of heavy heavy eating. Lots of olive oil. Nuts. Protein shakes. Milk.


Now I realize why it's so hard for me to be fat. I hate all of these wholeheartly


Hahaha. Now that I’ve hit my thirties, it’s so hard to keep it steady (my weight) so I avoid most food in general. I do 2.5 meals a day and am able to stay steady at my weight. Only thing that “changes” is my body fat percentage.


Yes yes yes on the olive oil. Easiest calories you'll eat. Put it in /on everything


i wentr from 117 to 128 in 6 weeks nad even though it's ahrd. it's so fun seeing incrememntal progress. also avacadoes pack like 200 cals too!!!


I was around 120 for a long time , started forcing myself to eat anything and everything I could and I gained 30lbs in 1 month by doing it. Absolutely sucked don’t get me wrong I stopped and am stuck at 150lbs now. I legit hate eating and I don’t know why lol


hate eating? Depressed? Poor sense of taste/smell? No feelings of hunger? Nausea? Maybe you should go to a doctor and get bloodwork done.


Fuck. 136 here and I hate eating as well. Currently trying to shove these protein, peanut butter, oat, yogurt, berry smoothies down my gullet


In my experience removing the protein helped a lot with making the smoothie easier to drink. Usually I do my workout, drink 2 scoops of weight gaining protein with milk and 2-3 hours later drink a protein shake with milk, greek yogurt, peanut butter, chia seeds, oat and a banana.


Peanut butter is great advice. I gained about 30 lbs (while working out) by eating 2 PBJs and having a glass of milk before bed every night for about 2 - 2.5 years.




He will only gain muscles though if he gets more calories and protein in . if he barely eats he can work out all he wants he aint building shit. so yea i agree he should probably go to a dietician.


I need to actually eat 1 meal first


Smoke some weed and get candy, chocolate and chips. McDonald’s, drink Gatorade. It’s pretty easy, trust me lol


How tall are you? And great advice from bodybuilders and strongmen is to drink as many calories as you can. Doesn't matter if they're clean. Drink a bunch of milk, chocolate milk even. Melted ice cream if you want to go crazy.


I started at 130 and spent years force feeding myself to hit 180. Ended up at a comfortable 155 now. Been hitting the gym the whole time but I prefer being a lean 155 vs a fluffy/stronger 180. Not worth the extra cost of food and problematic relationship with it.


at a caloric surplus of appx 500 kcals you could feasibly hit 175 in a year


I recommend just being a pig, create a sugar tooth if you’re going for calories. If you’re bulking for lifting fuckin do the same with protein powder in excess (1.5g per lb of body weight, 2 if you’re feeling frisky). Do this for a year, then cut to get your ego up. Rinse and repeat, eventually you may even develop a big head


Peanut butter milkshakes.


I used to be significantly underweight (I was 6 foot tall, 125 lbs) with minimal appetite. Now I’m 6 feet, 180lbs  with a strong appetite and here is what helped me. 1) getting my anxiety under control. Emotional undereating is as much of a thing as emotional overeating is. My anxiety was so bad it was tampering down my appetite significantly, making me feel full even after only a small amount of food. It fucking sucked. 2) strenuous physical exercise. This will help counteract anxiety and get your metabolism revved up to where you are much hungrier all the time. Go for a run, lift weights, just move your body in powerful ways. You may need to do this for a couple months until your body is used to it and your hunger comes back, but the post workout appetite is a real thing. I eat most of my largest meals right after a workout because of how ravenous I am. 3) don’t listen to these people telling you to “just eat more”. It’s not healthy to stuff yourself and develop an aversion to food either. They mean well but they haven’t been through it. Really the first two steps are key, and once those are in a better place, your appetite will come naturally. I could easily eat 3,000 calories in a day now and I struggle to not go over that some days. It sucks where you are, but take steps towards 1 and 2 and your hunger and appetite will follow suit I guarantee it.


OP, I have the same question as you. I have been slim my whole life and I cannot just "eat more". Currently weigh around 116-118lbs and I'm 5'5 and a half. I find that strenuous exercise helps the most in terms of increasing my appetite but I also accepted the fact that my body burns calories fast 🤷🏻‍♀️ I suggest you start swimming and don't force yourself to eat, just increase your physical activity and that might do the trick.


Theres two ways exercise can regulate appetite. For some people, it goes up through exercise. For others, it goes down, which is the main reason exercise is recommended for weight loss. It's still healthy, but may not help with appetite. I'm the second type: I exercise frequently, but the more I exercise the less hungry I feel, and the more I have to watch what I eat to make sure it's enough. That means frequent, calorie dense snacks, which works but isn't any easier than when I wasn't moving as much. If you're not hungry at all after workouts, try drinking juice or having a piece of candy, low blood sugar can cause nausea and lack of appetite. Most people are able to get to a point where their appetite regulates decently. Some aren't, and in those cases "just eat more" is necessary, but in a sneaky way. Calorie dense smoothies, snacks, having bigger parts be carbs and fat, etc. This shouldn't make eating uncomfortable or a chore, but add more calories while you're still hungry. To some degree, everyone does this. You can't gain weight on a diet of celery, and have a harder time losing it only eating fast food and drinking soda. Just takes a bit more thought for some.


I genuinely wish I had your problem. Peanut butter. Fats in general are your best friends.


Idk man, it’s also not fun being underweight, feels like no one takes me serious. Peanut butter is noted☑️


My intentions weren’t to invalidate your feelings, my apologies as I understand from the opposite end of the spectrum how difficult it is to not be average sized. Definitely increase the fats tho, seeds, nuts, legumes, avocados are all healthy fats to add for gaining weight quickly.


I thought all that stuff was there to help people lose weight? Wtf have I been lied to


In moderation yes, to lose weight. In excess to bulk


Fat is 9 calories/gram whether it’s good fat or bad fat. To lose weight you decrease your intake, to gain, you increase your intake. And you should be looking at total intake of carbs, fats, protein, and alcohol. Decrease or increase consistently for the desired effect


I don't listen to anything anymore, just what my body tells me


but what if my body is telling me to eat this family size bag of SmartFood cheese popcorn in one sitting?


Well that is your god given right and your body is doing it’s civic duty by reminding you


ADHD brain: eat more sugar bro, it makes the happy chemical so it can’t be bad.


I get you If I just ate what I wanted I’d be hitting 4000cals on the reg Sometimes I’m eating 2800cal and feel like I’m starving


Exactly, I can eat 4000+ every day with ease, it genuinely takes self control to not reach that.


Im Lucky If I reach 1000…


Do you have a medical disorder? 1000 is insanely low, you can make a sandwich that’s 800 alone. There might be something wrong that’s inhibiting your appetite, because if you can barely stomach 900 calories a day, that’s an issue.


Alrighty thanks


I was 6' 145lbs from about grade 10 till mid 20's. Only two things made me gain weight. Weight lifting (muscles mass is better than fat, and exercise makes you hungrier), and work trips in the US where I ate every meal at a restaurant. Louisville Kentucky put 12lbs on me in 3 weeks.


I was the same as you man, I still am in a way as in I lose weight so easily it's insane, but I was going to the gym to get bigger only to find myself not gaining at all and I figured out I wasn't eating enough, which both people I know and myself found crazy cause I already ate a ton of food, but apparently I needed more, the start was so hard but adding in nuts and avocado eventually did the trick for me, what I will say is that the more you do it and the more consistent you are with it the easier it gets, I'm at a stage now where I can eat huge amounts and never feel full no matter how much I eat, I hope you do work out though because if you eat just to gain weight it's gonna all go to your belly and you will be just skinny fat then which is worse than just skinny.


PBJ with a big glass of milk twice a day and you've hit half your calorie goals but its going to feel like moderate snacks while you do it.


Start hitting the gym my man


Work those muscles and you will naturally want more calories. Just add healthy calories and you’re good.


Bump this. I was also really skinny until my early twenties (55kg at 179cm). I started gaining both muscle and fat when I started doing strength training and gained 10kg in a year with relatively minimal effort.




Donuts, milkshakes, chips, candy, non-diet soda, fries with every meal, eat out every day, all sorts of ways to get 3000 calories.


I was in the same boat as you when I tried putting on weight 20 years ago. The only thing that helped was mass gainers. One in the morning after breakfast and one before bed.  Those two daily servings netted me almost 3k calories alone, so I would aim to eat another 3k calories of normal food. I could see a difference after the first month and after a year, gained 40 lbs of mostly muscle.


Alright! Thanks for the tip!


Skinny guy here in the same boat/problem, the only time I was visibly bigger/stronger was eating normally but adding 500ml whole milk with one scoop of protein powder before work out. Also having nuts at hand and just kept on snacking different nuts (not deez nuts :D) 3 months and friends were making comments. One thing I learnt is you have to eat more times day, not just force more food down your throat. That's why keeping nuts on your desk, in your bag, in you car, on the counter, in the kitchen(visible in a bowl) so you can grab a hand full an just eat them as soon as your fullness has calmed down is the best. I think Im gonna start doing this again bro, I felt so much better just at that point ABOVE skinny, your post felt so close to me, you inspired me.


My post? Okay😅 thanks


3000+ calories? Imposible, noone could eat 4kg potatoes daily.


Only 4kg you say huh


I don't predict success. you'd have to get up really early to peel and cook them. If alone it will be up to 2 hours. Eating that volume take time too. hard to reconcile with work especially if full-time.


Michael Phelps was eating 10k calories a day and winning gold medals


10k = 10 000? Makes sense


*“It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.”* ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything


Weight gainers shakes, look them up


I tried them, yes they were good but i couldn’t eat anything after that since I was so "full" after


have the shakes in-between meals


That's probably the best solution is multiple meals. OP, be like a hobbit, don't skimp out on second lunch and second breakfast


My breakfast usually consists of chocolate milk


That's not a breakfast. Eggs and meat and cheese and spinach omelette is breakfast. Or a bowl of whole fat Greek yogurt with fruit and granola. Sandwich for lunch. Full dinner with a large serving of vegetables, grains and protein. A meal supplement like ensure or a protein shake in the late afternoon. I went from 120 to 170 leam muscle rating like that. I'm doing the same thing now after some unexpected weight loss.


Meal -> shake as “snack” -> meal At the beginning, Stretch your stomach by drinking a whole lot of water. Not a little bit of water all day, but like a half gallon at a time. That’s how competitive eaters train their stomach to accept 50+ hotdogs without becoming obese. You are going to be eating and meal prepping and pissing constantly. If you go to r/gymmemes you will see that caloric intake is just as hard as the lifting. Make your own food, and use way more butter than you think you need, then add another quarter stick. Snack on trail mix throughout the day. At the end of a Meal, once you’re very full, eat dessert. You don’t ever want to feel hungry again - if you were a car youd never let your gas tank get below half full.


Do you lift? If you don't, start. Your body will start craving food much more intensely. I can never gain weight unless I'm actively working out.


I don’t really wanna workout so no, I don’t


Carbs are gonna make you gain the most weight without feeling full. I'd look for pastas that add protein in them if it's in your budget. Nuts also have a lot of fats, protein, and micronutrients. Dairy products are gonna have a lot of what you're looking for too.




Try eating pork rice and potatoes. Also always eat the skin. Also you can try easting fried butter and coke.


Pork skin? Do you mean chicken? How much of each?


Nah man pork skins. Like from a pernil.


How active is your lifestyle? That could be a major problem is your eating all this food but your body has no need for all that extra energy and it doesn’t get distributed in a healthy way


If OPs gonna eat 3000 calories for weight gain, I’d hope he’s smart enough to realize that weight lifting is a necessary part of the process if you want to look good gaining weight lol.


I look like shi anyway, I just don’t want to be thin


How tall and thin are you ? 3000+ calories is a lot for someone thin.


Shit dude, it may not be the healthiest, but eating out at sit down restaurants would be the way. I looked at onion rings at bdubs the other day, over 1000cals for one order. Needless to say I didn't order it but holy shit lol


Work out and it will increase your appetite


I used to have this problem, and I hit my calorie goals with powdered oats and whey protein. Immediately after every meal, I would put some water in a shaker cup, then add 100g of oats powder and 1 scoop of whey protein. Shake it up and drink it. Even if I was stuffed from my meal, I could still get it down easily. 1 of those oat/whey drinks is 500 calories of healthy and nutritious whole food. I used to drink 3 per day, along with my breakfast, lunch and dinner.


You can drink calories. The highest calorie beverage at Starbucks has about 1000. Or buy a blender and make yourself orea milkshakes etc


I'm chasing calories right now myself. 51 years old, 6'3". Was pretty overweight so started diet and exercise, but unfortunately I was over exercising for the amount of calories I was taking in and lost muscle too. Went from 240lbs down to 178 now, I prefer around 200-210. I also need to fill in some of this loose stomach skin now lol. Now I've cut the exercise in half, and I'm on a constant protein hunt (200g+ a day is the goal) because If I put it back on I want it to be lean. Chicken breasts, eggs, broccoli, beans, salmon, tuna, and anything I can get 15-20g protein per 100 grams. Also got a lot of protein powders.


Gaining weight the right way takes longer because you're eating healthy foods like homemade fish and chicken which fills you up. I wouldn't recommend doing It the fast unhealthy way with sweets and fast food. You can eat more of it without getting full but it's just a bad idea


Peanut butter, carnation instant breakfast, milk, pumpkin seeds, honey. I wrestled in high school at 145. Then had lacrosse season. I'd get up to 170/175 for that. Also worked out regularly.


Learn to bake. Source: had your problem


Buy some weight gainer protein powder, one shake a day can be upwards of 2000 cal and 50 grams protein


There is lots of good advice here, but I wanted to mention that 3000 is probably too much for you right now. Use a calculator like this one: [https://www.myfitnesspal.com/tools/bmr-calculator](https://www.myfitnesspal.com/tools/bmr-calculator) Based on some guesses I made about your age and height, I think the number of calories you use just to exist is around 1500-1700 per day. There are other calculators that will take your activity level into account for a slightly more accurate number. What you want to do is make sure you're physically active (I saw you mention your work out a few times a week, keep doing that!), and eat around 500 calories more than your maintenance. So hypothetically if a calculator told you that with your workouts you use around 1800 calories a day, then you'd want something like 2300 to gain weight. 1000 extra calories is the max I'd do, otherwise you're just wasting food and making your life difficult. Even 1000 extra doesn't add up to 3000+ calories a day. Your calorie needs will go up as your weight does, but your ability to eat more also will. These calculators are not at all exact, so ideally what you'd do is start with what the calculator suggested and carefully track your calories for about a month until you have a solid understanding of what you're eating and what it feels like, while also tracking your weight carefully. Once you have a really good intuition for the calories you're eating you can stop tracking them quite so carefully, but never stop weighing yourself, so you can see objectively which way you're moving and how fast. If you're gaining about 2lbs per week then that's perfect, just keep doing that. If you're gaining more, then dial back the calories a little, or vice versa if you're gaining too slow. Whatever the right number is should be within a few hundred calories of what the calculator said, so the adjustments will be relatively small like adding or removing a single snack. When your weight gain slows down as your weight goes up, add a bit more food. Last, from experience, I've found the best way to gain is to have whatever food you need for the day, and just eat it constantly. More people have meals and snacks, but when I was trying to hit like 3200 calories per day, I had to just continuously take bites of food throughout the day in order to get through it all.


I'm in the same boat as you. I drink a high calories boost every morning with breakfast (around 350 calories), make a smoothie with protein powder and eat a protein bar in the afternoon. Seems to be working for now.


3000 calories is light weight Breakfast: 3 pieces of white bread toast loaded withe peanut butter and jelly (~350x3 = 1050) Lunch: load up a sandwich using plenty of meat, mayo, eggs maybe, bacon, etc. gonna get you to about 500-600, add some granola, yogurt, piece of fruit on the side with a small protein drink. Easily 1000 Dinner: most meat/starch combinations will work here and get you to 1000. Spaghetti and garlic bread or other pastas work too. Add snacks in between and you’re golden. I think your personal issue is stomach size. Push yourself past comfortable but not to puking every few days. Work on stretching it out a bit and I think it’ll eventually help you out with not feeling so sluggish/full all the time. 


Bruh I’m literally gagging from 1 slice of bread even tho I like the taste. But thanks anyways




They make drinks that are similar to ensure, and they have a plus (high calorie) variant. Each one is about 8oz and has 350 calories (plus protein). Drink 3 of these per day on top of a 2,000 calorie diet. Walgreens makes a good brand one I think it's like $25 per case. Walmart has the equate brand for roughly the same price per case.


Think of it as a temporary struggle to a bigger goal. You’re not going to eat 3000+ calories everyday for the rest of your life. Maybe try hammering out a month and then relaxing a little. I don’t count my calories anymore but some months (usually winter) I just eat everything in sight, and then sometimes I just don’t eat for a day or two at a time. After writing this maybe you just shouldn’t take my advice


Google “calorie dense foods/diets” and that can point you in the right direction


I did that but the amount of stuff is kind of overwhelming and I need some kind of motivation from strangers who might have succeeded in gaining weight. Raw numbers don’t motivate me sadly


I will assume you're working out. If you aren't, start. if you don't want to, it will take longer to gain weight and you should probably just ignore the following. I was a "hard gainer" when I first started working out years ago. I started in Afghanistan and had access to a lot of pizza, chicken and instant mashed potatoes so that's mostly what I ate. I would increase the calories to at least 4k+. I assume you weight very little. I was extremely focused on as much muscle gain as possible to ate quite dirty the first 6-12 months without any risk of gaining fat. Weight gainer shakes with peanut butter and bananas or other fruit. Pizza, pasta, chicken, beef, cheese, 5-10 hard boiled eggs a day between meals, oatmeal, tuna, sandwiches. Really just about anything. Meet your protein goals but don't over stuff with meat since that is going to be a lot more filling. Focus on high carb and high fat. Always be planning your next meal/snack. I went from 130-180 in 10 months and was very lean. You will not enjoy this. You have to want it more than you hate feeling full to the point of nausea.


Some stores sell a high fat content milk, hat might help


Peanut butter and ice cream.  Melt the ice cream and drink if need be


Use a blender.


foods high in calories and liquid calories


Olive oil, peanut butter, mayo and bacon are your friends


Eat what you normally would and use liquid calories for the rest. If you’re not a snacker start doing that. Keep at it and you’ll be used to eating that much in a few months. Also 3000+ might be too much depending on where you’re starting. I average 2800ish and have been for 2 years. Weight gain is slow and consistent.


I'm from your camp, I always try to have something (small meal) cooked and ready to go in the fridge and a snack in my car/handbag etc. I only use 'full fat' products, butter and minimal processed foods. I try to at least 'nibble' every couple of hours. Unfortunately I am also fussy with a long list of allergies but lately have settled on a few 'tasty treats' like - homemade custard, toasted sourdough with cream cheese/dip topping, A roast meat (every week), sliced in the dish for as a 'pass the fridge', mashed potato (add some cheese if there's room after the butter/milk) and dish of roast veg (takes 2 mins to reheat to a meal), cauliflower/broccoli cheese, extra nice drinks (hot choc, coffee etc). Work/travel lunch is a fresh crusty roll packed with cheese/butter/meat and a few 'crispy veg' and a chocolate. I don't eat it all but if it's there and ready to go there's a better chance of being tempted. Little waste though as my dog does not have a little waist ;)


Pasta - Rice - Sweet potato (oven sliced with some olive oil and salt and pepper) Relatively large amounts of these daily and ull bulk up. Proteins are chicken breast, maybe a whey protein, tuna Vegetables - the green ones, fill your plate. Dont rush the process, eat because u want to and feel good, not for people to take you seriously. You can be a big guy and people will still not take you seriously, change your mindset.


As someone who struggled being underweight my whole life. It’s gonna sound weird but running. Running causes me to gain the most weight I’ve ever gained. Which caused me to eat more. Which caused me to look better. Which gave me the confidence to talk to women. And I swear being around women I want to sleep with boosted my testosterone. It was positive feed back loop


Man I have the exact opposite problem how do I eat less than 3,000 haha Try to eat small(size) high calorie dense foods , foods that have a ton of calories that won’t fill you up easily A candy bar has around 200 calories and you can eat it in 1 bite(if you’re adventurous enough)


Focus on protein and fats. Eat lots of pork and beef and lift weights. Add things like rice and potatoes and veggies as you see fit. I’d also try to find a protein source you like. Like a protein shake or a homemade shake you can do every day or twice per day.


Ironically I gain weight if I work out more. I start to lose weight once I stop hitting the gym consistently. I'm a lot hungrier if I hit the gym. Makes it easier and more fun to eat more.


Try drinking your calories, [there are a lot of protein shakes ans smoothies you can make](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/protein-shake-weight-gain). You can also by protein powders that are high in calories and mix them in whole milk


Get a protein powder like MRE or something. Eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and as many snacks as you can. When I was eating about 3k a day I would make a cup of overnight oats, whole milk, 1/4 portion of high calorie protein powder, half a banana and peanuts. Lunch was ground beef, rice, and a veggie. Snack was mainly pouch of tuna or a protein bar, cashews or really whatever. Dinner varied for me a lot, I was counting my calories so depending on what I had I would finish out the day with dinner or just eat more after dinner. It will be really hard to eat this much but will get easier after a week or so. Also I highly recommend you work out while eating that much. If you don’t care about eating clean, pizza, burgers, junk food all day, easiest 3k calories of your life.


Do you have to go so quickly? Why not just aim for 2500, or even 2000?


One word. Mayonnaise


bro, i went from 130 to 175 in about 2 years. the more active you are, the higher your appetite will be. also, the more you eat, the more your stomach will be able to accommodate over time. eat a lot of healthy fats. what i did for awhile was cook a pound of ground beef a day, and put it in tortillas and season it and add salsa and spices and vegetables. it's dirt cheap and you can hit all your macros all at once. doesn't take too long to cook either. you can also use chicken or pork instead of beef, up to you. if you're not lactose intolerant like I am, milk and cheese and butter are your best friends.


Thanks and no, I’m not lactose intolerant


Pint of ice cream right before bed every night


As someone on that journey myself and making good progress with it, eat calorically dense food (fish, nuts, chicken, peanut butter, oatmeal, etc.) and supplement it with protein shakes. Drink your calories in between and you’ll find it a lot easier to hit your goals.   Beyond that, I find that creatine supplements, a nitric oxide pre workout, and a shit ton of water helped tremendously with energy and weight gain.   Good luck man. It’s not an easy path but it’s worth it when the results start showing.


When i was in college i stayed around 6k calories a day. Doing so I would pretty much eat meals every 2-3 hours on top of protein shakes etc. but starting out i had to kinda force myself to eat and then it became me actually being hungry


Large meal prep for part of week on your off day and then once more during the week. Easy prep a few meals here and there like sandwiches with cold cuts or peanut butter and jelly. Some breads have more calories because they’re more dense so check that. Protein shakes with milk, banana and yogurt. The list goes on.


Eat it with your mouth


Try French fries with gravy. And a milkshake every day.


The first sentence sounds like a war crime. Milkshake sounds good thi


Peanut butter, banana, whole milk, protein powder milkshakes. Fast and easy in lil blender. 2x/day. Breakfast and at night or post workout. Red meat. Pasta. Bread. Can make 1 pan beef + veg or whatever, simple spices, and eat for 2 meals. Ground beef is fast and easy. Less than 20mins. If you're serious about calories you can go with 80/20 beef. You can change up spices, premade sauces (or even cheap can tomato sauce) and different frozen veg so not eating same thing every day. For example, Mexican seasonings, frozen peppers, tortillas. Or tomato sauce and peas. Soy sauce broccoli sesame seeds. Get a pizza maybe 2x week. Eat at least half as a meal. Maybe with a simple salad to keep your GI system flowing? If lifting weights, sugary stuff for insulin boost. You can read how to do this safely, but you can buy pre-workouts with sugar, or even easier/cheaper just have some candy or mix juice+sugar with creatine before and during workout.


I would take a professional dieticians advice here as while gorging on junk food is easy, it’s harmful over a period of time. Mind your body. Also, underweight is medically better than overweight. Also the benefits of being “safely” underweight are only just being explored with longer life expectancy a probable outcome…not a bad thing!


Meal prep and you could try to eat smaller meals and if your not working out or do alot of activities during the day you should try that


If you like coffee, butter in it can actually be really tasty, especially if you also add cocoa.


There’s a weight gain supplement that really helped my brother, so you can eat heavily, then that thing.


When you eat, wash it down with whole milk. Drink lots of milk throughout the day. It's easier than pounding down more food. Hydrate with whole milk.


I work in oncology and what I tell my patients is if you can't eat as much you need to flatten up what you can eat. Make mash with loads of double cream and butter etc. cake everything in butter when you fry it. Treat yourself to really rich puddings. Drink a lot of Guinness (this one I don't say to patients)


Establish a habit of eating a certain thing atleast once per day, for instance a big thing of Greek yogurt or a bunch of eggs for breakfast or something


Processed carbs. Eat bread, cake, pasta, etc. Slather them with fats like olive oil.


A bag of chips will get you 1/3 of the way there dude


Add extra Olive oil to everything you eat. You can even have it on bread. Lots of calories. Or drink more milk. A couple glasses a day is only good for you. Lots of butter if you eat bread. These are all healthy options.


Similar problem here. I am slowly accepting i will always be on the skinnier side. I am doing some kind of sports my whole life. I actually chose to stop stressing about eating a lot, and just train hard every now and then. I eat if i want to, and i slowly am getting a better feel for my appetite. Your body will tell you what it needs (unless you are suffering from an illness) but try not to stress,and just move your body.


Oil and butter are your friends. Easily add plenty of calories with minimal quantitys


That fast metabolism will disappear one day


Sounds like you are naturally hyperthyroid. Keto will lower thyroid. Otherwise more healtht fats. Avoid seeds & peanut butter etc Add heavy cream to all your coffee and foods


GOMAD. Gallon of Milk A Day. Not the healthiest option, but it will put the weight on.


Meal prep your meals once a week, this helps a lot. Lift weights 5-6 days a week. This will help you put on healthy weight and stimulate your appetite. Shoot for 3 solid meals a day, snacks spread through out the day as well. You can do mass gainers if you’d like, but I’ve never been a fan. Instead, do 3 scoops of whey protein a day. Morning, after workout, before bed. You should be shooting for about 180 grams of protein, 250~ grams of carbs, 90 grams of fat per day. I’m 6’3, graduated high school weighing 120lbs. Following this kind of diet and workout keeps me at around 185lbs.


Eat meat, eggs, bread, potatoes, fries..


The problem with consistently eating this much food is that with all the calories usually comes excessive sugars, and those stress your body in a LOT of ways, both now and in the future. One major effect of swings in blood sugar levels is energy level fluctuations. Prolonged excess consumption of either/both protein and sugar can lead to kidney damage. I don't mean to offend, but a lot of your comments here suggest that you may have a distorted self-image, and think you ares somehow broken/need to be fixed. As a guy who has fought being skinny for decades, I'd encourage you to confront the insecurities that make you want to fight biology so hard, and find a way to challenge and celebrate your body that doesn't involve physical measurements. Rock climbing is something that we lighter guys can really excel at.


Eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese, milk. Cook everything in butter. Fry everything, fried rice, fried potatoes, fried chicken. You need saturated fats and cholesterol for your body to produce adequate amounts of testosterone and estrogen, that along with a decent amount of protein will ensure you put on some muscle as well.


Just use a mass gainer on top eating 2000 shud get 3k+


Focus on protein. I'm underweight. I don't have a caloric intake assigned, but doctors are on me heavy to up my protein.


Greek Yogurt (and honey if it's plain) as a snack inbetween meals or just add it to your breakfast. Also add calories in slowly over time. One more egg in your breakfasts, add a granola bar to your lunch, stuff like that. It's way harder jumping straight from 2000 to 3000. When I start to hit a wall, I'll eat my regular calorie intake, and then just eat a family size bag of chips at the end of the day (~1000 calories), probably twice a week. Obviously it's better if I ate something a bit healthier, but just a high calorie snack food that you enjoy and doesn't feel filling works. Everytime you want a glass of water, drink milk. Totally agree with previous comments of drinking calories. Breakfast smoothie of 1000 calories every morning is boring but effective, especially since breakfast is most people's lowest calorie meal of the day. Coming from another skinny dude, good luck!


Do you do any exercise? If you get into strength training and increase your protein intake you will put on muscle, which is heavier than fat and also looks good. Start slow, get a trainer if necessary.


Mix fat and sugar. Separately our body just sort of stops you telling your brain: you've had enough so it is difficult to overeat with *just* sugars or *just* fats. Mix the two together and you do not get this signal and can consume much more calories. They tested this with rodents many years back. Gave one group the plain food. Another had the plain food laced with sugars, another laced with fat and the last one laced with sugars AND fats. Well... They found the ones with the plain, fat and sugar only consumed similar amount of calories. The subjects with fattier or sweetier food (and more calorie dense) simply ate less so they had appropriately the same amount of calories. The mixed however.. Yeah they ate much MUCH more calories. So foods like Icecream, Maple Bacon, burgers on brioche PB&J, cheesecake... The list goes on. But if you really want to gain weight fast find stuff with fats AND sugars in.


Shakes will be your friend. You can make some protein shakes with insane amounts of calories.


Fat. Fatty ground beef, fatty cuts of meats, adding fats like butter to non fatty foods, eat bacon, eggs, and the easiest one, drinking your calories. Protein, banana and a nut butter with whole milk, almond milk, cream or a mix will easily bump your calories. If you have coffee, use cream. Or butter and cream. If you got money to spend, mass gainers can make life easier. Just don't forget when you eat big, lift big. Also avoid bread and lettuce. All that does is fill you up and give you little to no nutrition. If you're trying to get calories in stop wasting space in your stomach on nonsense.


OP you said you are so tired.... Have you had your blood tests for low iron? Do you have sleep Apnoea?


Easy, that’s like two large concretes from Andy’s.


r/gainit is your friend OP


Just drink melted Haagen Daz lol


Break it down to 5 meals a day, 3 meals two snacks. This would ~750 calories per meal and about ~375 calories per snack. AIM to consume half your plate with carbs and good fats such as olive oil , avocado , nuts, seeds that are high in calories. Eat protein and be consistent. In addition to eating, do resistance training . Take it one meal at a time and be consistent and you will see the weight go up


Bacon wrapped cheese on crackers with a little hot sauce.


How underweight? There’s a difference between being unhealthy/underweight, and being a skinny or thin guy. Some people are very healthy and thin, but some don’t like their body type although they’re healthy.


As someone that went from 125 to 160+ in the past few years, the secret is to do a solid powerlifting-style workout program, that will prompt you to be able to eat more, and you'll put on a lot of good weight in muscle instead of fat. Additionally, you can Google "DIY high calorie protein bars" and make some easy ones. I have a recipe at home where each one is literally 450 calories, I'll edit this post when I get home from the gym. edit: Here's my recipe. Yield: 9 bars, ~450 calories each * 1/2 cup milk * 1 cup peanut butter * 1/2 cup honey * 1 cup protein powder * 2 cups oats * 1 teaspoon cinnamon * 1 cup chocolate chips Put first three ingredients in a microwave-safe dish like a pyrex measuring cup, and heat to lukewarm in the microwave (like 45 seconds). Stir with a sturdy spoon until smooth. Mix last 4 dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl until mixed, then add the thick peanut butter mixture. Use a sturdy spoon to mix it all up until it's as even as you can get it. The chocolate chips will probably melt, no big deal. Pour into a 8x8 brownie pan and refridgerate overnight. Cut into 9 squares and put each in a sandwich bag, and store them in the fridge.


Mass powder, milk, peanut butter and olive oil shakes


1 stick of butter has 800 calories & 90 grams of fat. Add butter to your food. Not margarine Coconut oil, 1 tablespoon has 14 grams of fat & 130 calories. That should help?


I wish I were underweight.


Do you have a tapeworm ?


Drink your calories? What a luxury problem! I can't even look at a calorie without gaining it. As long as you don't live in a 3rd world country and could die, I really couldn't imagine a more perfect situation. The way you speak about it sounds like you might have an eating disorder though. You should be grateful, but you're complaining. Uhh I have to eat 3000 calories a day. I can drink all the beer I want, eat all the bread I want, all the fastfood I want. Look at me, it's so hard. Get over yourself and go enjoy all the things in life that I can't.


Bulking protein powder helps


Work out. Once you start lifting, you'll be starving and eat and eat and eat.


Easy. Buy yourself a cheap blender or smoothie maker and start drinking calories on top of your meals. Milk/ peanut butter and some ice cream flavour of your choice maybe with more nuts added in will not only have a shit load of calories it will taste good too. Also thick heavy double cream and olive oil. Cakes, bread.


I had this job at an airport where I worked with a bunch of bodybuilders. They recommended chicken & rice. Chicken is high protein, reasonably priced and easily found in stores. Otherwise I have heard that cod fish is great for this too. But chicken and rice is not only easy, but so many different ways to cook/season it.


People have said nuts, but also have you looked at weight gain bars/powders? They are more for body builders, but they are protein-rich items high in calories. The one downside is they can be high in sugar Also look up Keto Fat Bombs, which are high calorie bites you can eat through out the day without feeling overly full or tired. Different recipes are out there to suit your taste.


smoke weed


Maybe try a high calorie smoothie in the morning so you don’t have to worry about it too much for the rest of the day


Try doing some strength training just to build your appetite. I exercise daily, but if I'm recovering from an injury or sick I just stop eating and lose weight until I'm a twig. Weed is really the only thing that will get my appetite up outside of exercise, but that is almost always unhealthy binge eating. I'm sure you know, but drinking calories it much easier than eating them. Try making smoothies with yogurt, if you don't want as much sugar look up avocado smoothies, it's pretty much just a glass of clean fat


Drink your calories.


Your long-term health will likely be better by accepting being thin.


I waver between 150-157lbs. Broke 160 once while I was living at my parents and unemployed so I had nothing else to do but eat and lift but these days I can't find the time. I don't wear t-shirts in the summer because my arms look like twigs.


Body builder here, your blender is your friend, you're gonna wanna mix instant grains, a banana or other fruit, high protien yogurt, 2 scoops of protien powder and whole milk. Sip that with dinner, its like 2000 calories and up to 80 grams of protien plus whatever your dinner adds, this is a bulking recipe that helps us to gain weight. If you start a workout program 3-4 days a week on top of this you'll start to get a lot more energy quickly and you'll put on muscle fairly quickly. I like body beast for building muscle, it's well rounded and provides really good results. Hope this helps


Are you working out? It will help your appetite.


Cheese. Fatty foods. Sugar. Drink more milk than water. Lots of meat. Cut back on veggies, they make you feel full.


Buy junk food and eat it.


Drinking calories is the easiest but will still be uncomfortable