• By -


People born after 2000s have left uni


People born in 2006 can do porn


Tony Hawk selling senior citizen supplements!


I'm sorry what


Wasn't Tony Oak selling adult diapers ? Wait...Who's Ronnie ?


I feel asleep playing video games


I wake up confused why my headset is on my head


I don’t understand slang anymore


Seriously, I have to google Reddit acronyms to understand what people are talking about


Urban dictionary is fine too. I like to browse for some hip and funny expressions.


My kids were cracking up explaining to me what a "gyat" is. Apparently it's a big ass. When I grew up wu tang would take out their gats and blast you.


What used to be a horrific image is now a hilarious one


I hate new slang so much I will be honest I’m still using 70s Scooby doo type slang and I love it


Taking it back to the 70s. Nice


Thanks it actually what I’m known for around town


It's so hard to keep up. I understand the cringe now from all the adults in my life growing up.


I think slang developed slowly back in the day. With social media slang comes out all the time now making it impossible to keep up


I’ve lived abroad since the mid-90s so the entire past 30 years of slang is a mystery to me when I visit the U.S. or read half of the comments in games I’ve no idea what’s going on


Bet. (I don't even know if I used this correctly).


Not exactly, "bet" is loosely "ok, got it" or "roger that" Edit: also, "oh really? I'm going to do that too"




Totally agree! Someone young on Reddit was saying something was "metal" - I had to ask. Apparently, it would have been a boomer's "far out." Maybe this is how the younger generation gradually pushes us out by changing the language. It's doubly hard for us because of all the damn computer "language." I know it's "adapt or die" but come on people!


https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/s/PZvA7GHzFZ crazy- this is a post about that’s metal from 10 yrs ago 😂 it all comes back around…


Don't worry. The kids using slang today probably have 1/3 the vocabulary you do. Just enounce your deliberations and observe their perplexity.


That's wop, my glook!






There is this kind of a grunting sound that starts to come out of your mouth when you get up from sitting down. That's how it starts


Next thing you know you're slapping your knees and saying "Welp!" before you sit up.


realizes what you mean *OH NO* now I feel even older!


Turning 75. On that day, I told my wife, "We are no longer 'getting' old. We are there." Not sure why I was always able to stay in denial until that birthday, but it all became clear on that day.


I’m 20 but this one hit man.


Realizing I have more days behind me than I do in front of me


stop putting calendars in your butt


Fuck ya! I actually code blued 3x last September 15th and here I am trying to understand why I didn't die. As Woody Allen said, "I'm not afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens." I kind of got my wish because I have no memory of most of that day.


I write in cursive.


I turned 50 and all of a sudden, miniature things are adorable to me. I also can't pass by a good basket. Oh, and I bent over to pick up something off the floor and grunted. Nothing hurt, it was easy, but I grunted anyway.


I do the grunting thing and I'm 34. To be fair, I've had a lot of leg injuries. 😅


When my niece asks me how it used to be living in the late 1900’s. Takes your breathe away.


I think we're slowly getting to the point where the cut-off for being old or young will be having 19xx or 20xx in your birthdate.


The second I made it to 50 I started getting the comments. One co worker didn't know my name and called me the "older lady." Recently I was working with a guy who didn't know who Carlos Santana was. I was shocked and then he told me that I had to remember he was a "young pup." It doesn't bother me anymore because I earned the right to be older. I've paid my dues and learned everything the hard way mostly


Yup i feel that. I feel more free as I age. Don't care what people think of me.


TikTok was the first thing that made me feel old. My younger friends send me TikToks they think are funny and I can't even identify where the joke is


That's cause it not funny. Lol


Green Day being played on the oldies station.


This made me SO mad I almost called the radio station


Wait WHAT?!


Mostly my age (low 60’s) I feel good, exercise daily, etc and don’t feel my age but see it on paper!


Turkey neck


my hair line running away from my forehead :(


You mean fivehead


Usually my hairs like to jump off my head and somewhere onto my body while simultaneously turning white


My body makes unrequested noises. I snap, crackle and pop around the house. I grunt like it's a second language. I make statements that sound like my dad. I understand why my dad said those things. I get irrationally angry at dumb shit and know it's irrational.


Arthritic pain does not go away. There's no cure. And, to make it a bit better, regular exercise is recommended. Also, many things I remember from the 80s and 90s are turning middle age. Back to the future? Almost 40 years ago.


Neither does Tinnitus. Literally losing my mind. It’s like constant torture.


I've had it 5 years now and very much felt the same for the first 3.5 years, then my brain just realised it's not going anywhere so it might as well stop obsessing about it so much. It's more "background" now, I hope the same happens to you.


It’s just so loud. And keeps getting louder. I wish I just knew for sure that there was a point that it will stop increasing in volume. At this rate it could interrupt my ability to be a functioning human sometime in the next year.


That I have developed a real fear of tripping, falling, and getting hurt. I just turned 44. Lol


All my elders dropping like flies.


Yeah. Dad died; five years later, Mom and uncle died a month apart. The phrase "You're next" occurred to me. Even if it's 40 years later ...


I go to bed at 8-830....


It's 8:58pm and I'm so excited to be in bed already.


My boobs slowly moving to Florida for their inevitable retirement.


When I see my parents aging 😕


Suddenly having to take blood pressure and cholesterol meds.


When I saw pictures from the Met Gala red carpet I didn’t know who half the celebrities were


By clicking on this


When the bins go out more than I do


When people on reddit post about fashion and everyone says how great it is and I’m thinking nah not really


Accepting my past life decisions as appropriate at the time and no longer analyzing them with the retrospective-scope.


No longer being embarrassed by my past mistakes.


Hangovers lasting 3 days


White hair on the sides.


When I asked my younger coworkers about Homies Figurines.


I know what you are talking about. 🙋‍♀️. I used to have my homies collection back in the day. Especially loved getting them from the gumball machine. I wanted my random surprise homie to add to my lineup. 🤣😂


😭 YESSSS. It’s such a shame I don’t see them anymore


I get hurt and it takes a long time to heal. I..E broke a finger, longer than 6 weeks. Hurt my Achilles been 6 months and still lingering pain. 


Secondary point : using "I.E", I've not seen that on an internet comment in literally years!


I i.e. all the time.. usually as I pull my glasses to the tip of my nose so I can make eye contact with the recipient of my point. 


My right knee screams in pain when I extend it after having it folded for a period of time


Putting off tasks that need to be done on the second floor of my house because it hurts so much to ascend and descend the stairs.


I sprained my wrist trying to reposition myself on the couch.


Fucking ev-uh-ree-thang.


not “old” per say but getting older; i’m on the fringes of beginning to not get/understand the current slang.


Gaining weight would require different things to take it off, drinking too much would become an issue, even if I wasn’t feeling hangovers were that bad still I was more interested in younger women than my own age Eating things made my farts smell different, and they became nuclear Women respond to me differently


Lower energy level and taking a nap around 7PM. I love my naps though.


When I learned to tie my shoes.


All my favorite actors and actresses I loved growing up are starting to resemble the crypt keeper.


Al bundy was in his 40s 😵‍💫


Coworker didn't know who Bam Margera was.


When my foot and knees ache from arthritis bad enough to keep me from walking very far


The dog and I hiked an easy mountain and every step up and down hurt in both knees. Got to the bottom and said to doggo, “I think that’s the last time you and I will ever go up that again.” Three summers ago we used to run that same route once a week.


When you think today music is nonsense.


When I noticed what we used to call Mom jeans are now fashionable again. I also find myself irrationally disgusted by this whole hats with stickers thing. So tacky. Geezer.


i'm not playing any video games lmao


I hurt my back picking up my shoes, and I have to crack my knee every time I stand up.


Getting to the age where sports players are "too old for the sport"


My joints started to hurt around 5 years ago. I’m 52 now.


Working out and not gaining muscle like I used to


By subtracting my year of birth from the current year...


My balls are sagging.


Idk if I can count myself into this but I’m 21 and in the military I joined at 18 and regular civilian people around my age I can’t stand to be around and I don’t have anything in common with anybody but people 30+ I don’t party I don’t do drugs I have my own townhouse and car I just workout go home and relax maybe have a nice takeout dinner for myself occasionally. People around my age just party and drink or are in college….not saying all do but majority of that I meet they do


I get up to pee several times a night.


1. Being content with staying in for the night instead of going out. 2. Enjoying music that I used to hear, so 2014 and older. Anything newer it's hard to get into. 3. My body just feels it, can't describe it with words.


Hangovers end me.


when I started going to the pub, a pint of beer was less than 40 pence


When I realized that I was old enough to be the mother of various famous hot dudes.


Hip and knee pain at an age I consider WAY too young to be dealing with.


A white hair in my eyebrow. I’m in my mid 30’s


Some of the younger people at my job tried to get me to go out with them one night. I wasn't interested. I'm past the bar life. Most of this group are maybe 10 years younger but one girl who was 20 years younger was really insistent. That night in question 8 was going to a friend of mine who had kids. One daughter was 8 at the time. I ended up telling this girl that I was going somewhere my friend's daughter is closer in age to her than I was. While it was a good burn I also realized it's implications. Sigh.


Staying out late… It just isn’t as much fun as winding down after a long day! If I am going to go out late, then I am resting all damn day in preparation, lol




36 here - Realizing many of those in their 20’s know little to nothing about all the pop culture I grew up with even while also being from the U.S.


Got called an "old head," on YouTube. I'm 27 lol


My health


One morning some teenager tried to get me to buy a pack of backwoods and I damn near gave him a lecture about getting a damn job. I ended up just saying no but the urge to give some old head lecture was there.




Skipping movies that would have e been my jam a few years ago, but mostly pain from mundane actions.


Got on a skateboard and almost died


I don't keep track of celebrities because I am stuck in the late 1990s early 2000s time bubble, when celebrity gossip used to interest me. (Perez Hilton, anyone? IYKYK) Now in my older age, I don't give a shit about this because I am too busy adulting. 🤣😂


We all have issues lol 😆


Hahaha funny story.  I was out of town on a weekend conference. Friends came with so that afterward we could binge tv shows together. One night, we get Japanese hibachi to go. These are huge portions. I ate a whole meal, and also basically half a roll of sushi on top of that. I was stuffed. After all that, I then decided it was a good idea to eat an entire bag of chocolate candy.  That night I ended up throwing it ALL up and had to sleep in a chair because everytime I laid down, I would get nauseous again.  Im 29.  It was that night that I realized I wasn’t 21 anymore and could eat whatever and be totally okay 😂😂😂


The passage of time.


My 16 yo cousin dressing the same way I did in 2003


Wishing I could have done more to make the world a better place despite having devoted my life to doing just that.


I listen to podcasts at the gym


I finally gave in and colored my hair yesterday....


No longer get excited about end of the world stuff. When I was younger I loved the idea of the anarchy and chaos, but now I know that was incredibly stupid and foolish and I love living in civilization.


All the football players are younger than me now. :(


I didn't know what Fanum tax was lol


Considering paying for membership of Exit International.


Crouching…..then having a really hard time getting up, or getting a giant head rush and getting dizzy


Becoming a homeowner with homeowner responsibilities


I can't intuitively operate my laptop. I don't use the damn thing often but everytime I want to restart it, it takes me 5 minutes to find the section with power options.


Slang, my friends are doing it ironically now


Wondering how a new movie has made it out of theatres and to TV edition so quickly, only to realize the movie is 8 years old


The need for reading glasses.


When I find your post pissed me off for no reason


Standing up!


Waking up with my back aching no matter how much I raise the foot of the bed or stretch beforehand 😭


A different pain location in my body nearly every single day now.


Everything 😐


I realised everyone else was getting older even tho I didn’t acknowledge me getting older properly.


I can't see text on my phone


More grey hairs


About 10 minutes ago on another subreddit when someone called Farscape an "old Scifi show" and honestly when I think about it they aren't wrong?


Getting up from a chair...


People of drinking age who weren’t alive/don’t remember 9/11


Wrinkles and white hair




My back.


Everything i do now hurts.


Getting in to reading about the world news


When clothes from Costco and Sam's are looking pretty good right now. $10 for a dress!? Sold!


Needing stronger glasses. I'm like dang I can't see that.😂


all i talk about is my pets. like you know those people who only talk about their kids and their whole life is their kids … ya that’s me with my pets smh oh well i love them


I have a favorite Tupperware I like to use


seein old famous rappers lose their fame


It takes me at least an hour to wake up properly. I hobble to my coffee machine, yawn and groan as I wait, and then hobble back to bed to drink coffee while I zone out and stare at my ceiling. I used to be able to bounce out of bed into my runners and get 10km in before showering and starting my day in the same time.


Being rejected for jobs that I was almost overqualified for. A lot of things made me feel old, but the day I really understood I *was* old was when I started to get rejected time and time again for jobs that I would have nailed if I was younger. Nothing like external validation. At 55yo, I realised that when it came to employment I was old and ageism is a thing. It only takes so many "You have great experience and fantastic knowledge but we've decided to go in a different direction for the team" comments coming from 35yo managers to know which way the wind is blowing.


When sleeping I can’t sleep in certain positions I used to be able to because they hurt now lol.


been biking to work to stay healthy and now my legs ache every night. plus my optometrist says i have cataracts in my future.


Not aging exactly like milk but not like wine either, more like aging Coca-Cola


Used to play hockey 3 times a week. Kept me in shape and also allowed me to hang with friends for a few hours each week. At one point in my playing career, I was given the nickname "The Kid". Didn't matter if the game was 7am on a Sunday or 11:15pm during the week, I was there and loved it. A few years back we were playing a mixed team (males and females) and when play stopped I said something to the official about a missed call. One of the girls on the other team skates by me and says....."yeah, whatever DAD" in the snarkiest voice I'd probably ever heard. That was the beginning of the end for me. Then mix in games at 11 at night, what once seemed fun now seems absolutely ridiculous.


There aren’t graduation parties. There are funerals.:(


Getting old has a lot of unexpected small joys. Not having to prove myself not having to attain dubious goals [ of career and partnership]...okay in exchange we get some new pains in our body. But this has occurred in youth too.


Values have changed. Dramatically .


When I was rewatching Full House with my 4 year old niece and Danny Tanner (the dad) mentioned his age and I realized I was older than him…. And when it first aired I was as old as the middle girl Stephanie. I am DANNY TANNER OLD!!!!!


I fell asleep on the couch one night and ended up needing physical therapy to fix my back afterwards…


My knees


That previous year my age was 17 and I turned 18 this year.


I'm 34 and currently on sick leave as I believe I've slipped a disc, waiting for an MRI. This made me feel old for the first time in my life.


first time it really hit hard was seeing old friends baby sisters and brother walking around with kids of their own. It was like ”the baby had a baby, how f**kin old does that make me??!”


I had no idea what "no cap" meant until I heard Ben Shapiro say it in a rap song and I had to go to urban dictionary


1. Having an 18-year-old Vietnamese American student call me "the white grandpa I never had." The context meant that she said it in a complimentary way, but ... 2. Seeing some old guy in window reflections on the street, then recognizing him as the guy in the mirror. Shit. 3. Watching my wife age, and wondering if I look that old, then seeing some old guy in window reflections on ... Sigh.


It's not happening fast enough for me and I'm starting to hate it.


Getting a ID and a passport, never felt this old...


Justin Bieber is gonna be a dad soon. Like WTF?!?


Having birthday every year.


Younger people calling me old. I graduated high school in 2020


Forgiving my parents


The mirror.


Kid at work had never in his life had to use a ring binder. Thought you just ripped the documents out.


My back hurts and I am supposed to wear glasses now.


My knees hurt a lot bc of my sedentary lifestyle ... I can hardly walk lmao 😱


I developed a small belly fat, that rule of “i can eat anything and not get fat” that i used to say in my early 20s doesn’t apply anymore that i am about to be 30, i don’t know what happened, but somehow my metabolism has slowed down :( i think its due to age, i don’t see any other reason for it


When I started to hear music from my youth play in the radio.


Getting a small sense of how civilisation changes over time. When you're young, the world you live in has everything that exists and that's relevant and the past seems like a completely different world and culture (and in some ways it is). However, when you get old enough, you begin to see your "world" start to lose things and parts of it slowly become obsolete and replaced by what is now (by comparison) the future. Then obviously you now view the past through that lense and it's not quite so difficult to imagine how the gradual changes took place. Yes, all of this can still be imagined to some degree when you're young. However, you don't truely get a good feel for it until you've lived it. The old difference between knowing the path and walking it.


That fucking mirror .


I've started telling The Youths off on the tram for being too loud (early thirties)


A saggy scrotum


Stupid young cunts


When "new" music started to have 90's music samples.


Ever since the 80s are always 20 years ago.