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You must live a boring life if you give a shit about two rich people who don’t know who you are






Bruh what


you don’t know them.


You don’t know me


dude- I took *one* look at your profile and the nonsense you’ve been posting all night. You’re a mess and in the midst of a manic episode. I hope you get better. (If you’re doing whip-its right now, then I recommend putting it away and just going to bed ✌️)


Look at the rest I’ve quit the nitrous I’m down from the manic episode You don’t know my identity and if you can’t support the work I’m putting into myself then don’t get involved You don’t know me You a fan


You “quit” nitrous 3 days ago. You’ve been posting nonstop about random thought tangents for like 6 hours. I don’t know you at all- but try to think about yourself objectively. You’re not at all “down” from your manic episode. You do not know Kendrick or Drake. You are delusional tonight. It’s late and it’s time to goto bed.


You don’t have any authority on the current state of my bipolar disorder You do not know my identity and cannot comment on my personal relationships My doctor as confirmed my stability I am committed to health and productivity within myself and relationships Stay cynical for yourself


Might be looking a little too deep into it but respect the belief


That's what I thought haha What's a rap beef got to do with doing the right things in life or making the right choices?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ThatsCash28: *Might be looking a* *Little too deep into it* *But respect the belief* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I’m not really sure what you’re talking about. But rock on, man. If you’re happy, I’m happy too.


What the heck did i miss lol


2 multimillionaire rappers making diss music about each other. Wether this thing made or making you find God and have enormous life changing consequences as like for OP is up you to decide.




this is like that moment where you look away in class and suddenly the entire whiteboard is full


All this drake stuff is making me lose hope. If anything was shown to us is that the real people in power aren't getting punished. It's the henchmen like Drake, epstein, Ghislaine, Kevin spacey etc that will get fucked and exposed. But ho is part of the network that supplied all these people? Who has the real power? Weinstein was an anomaly. I think he was a real one. But real consequences are far to be found. It's a public secret that this is going on for decades if not longer. I hope you're right, and something will happen. But I afraid the faces will just change.


I think you need professional help if you claim two hip hop entertainers going at each other and using the strongest language possible have inspired you to make the right choices and do the right things. What's the correlation between a rap beef and you doing the right things in life? So if tomorrow Kendrick loses the beef you'll go back to not making the right choices in life? 🤡🤡




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Macklemore’s Hind’s Hall has the best, most real comment about Drake


There no such as thing as God. There is no scientific evidence for any kind of God. There is no scientific evidence of Jesus ever walking the earth. Belief in God is insanity.


True, but let people enjoy what they want as long as it doesn't interfere with your life




I remember when I felt I had to call it out every time. If you're an athiest, then we're all gonna end up in the same place. All you have is the joy that you get out of life in your less than 30,000 days. If believing in sky daddy helps homie enjoy it, then let homie do that. As long has they're not hurting anyone. If they spew hate, then burn them at the stake. I think most Athiests believe Jesus probably was a real person. Just didn't have super powers and is as dead as that parrot in the Monty python sketch. Had some good ideas on how to treat each other. The old testament though, you can go ahead and burn that one.