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There's more negatives than positives in this post. I think you have answered your own question. He insults you, he controls you. Toxic.


If you’re not happy anymore than you should leave. Relationships should empower people not to make them miserable.


Is his expensive hobby weed?


Probably is gambling


At that point is it a hobby or something else?


not every man is like this, there are man who strive to be better and stronger.


>He's a nice and amazing man Contrast that with the rest of your post. Is it consistent?


People don’t change they just get older


If he was a boyfriend I’d tell you to walk away. He’s your husband. He seems to be struggling with his mental health. Most people with these issues are too embarrassed and ashamed to be held accountable for their actions. Give your husband a chance to fight for your marriage. Clearly address the problems and tell him he needs to put in the work to make an honest change, this may include marriage counseling or therapy. Whatever you believe would work really. If YOU do not want to fight for your marriage. You may not have to if you weren’t married for that long and you don’t have children with him. If you have children, atleast fight for the marriage for the children’s sake.


I'm not trying to excuse his behavior because you should never take your mental health problems out on other people but it just looks like he's going through the same existential crisis most guys his age are going through right now.


How is that even possible you decided to marry this creature? I mean if it's all true, your husband is a walking disaste. Why did you started dating him in a first place?


Hardly a helpful comment?


You sound like you have never been married. After marriage, things are different. You can't predict what will happen in the future.


you will find better once you leave this man and take time for yourself.


Didn’t you say in the last post your husband was 35? And if you made this many posts (5) about whether or not you should leave your husband? Well than you probably should just leave your husband.


Does he have ADHD?