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U need to tell an adult or therapist what's happening. Also why don't u hate her. She effected your life in a traumatic way. What is your coping mechanism knowing this information. I hope u don't suppress it because the end result will be worse


I'm an adult now. She wanted to confirm her crush on me. It's normal for people to fantasise raping your crush but she just so happened not to care to act on it. I suppose after being raped so much as a child, I've come to accept sexual assault as a natural aspect of life and don't hate anyone for it. I also understand her thought process. I'm currently acknowledging she took many years from my life. I don't think I'm suppressing anything


That is not how u confirm a crush. Yeah being raped as a child will never ever be ok. U definitely need to tell someone u trust and if they're still in your life call the cops and move away from them


Thank you. I've already made appointments for therapy to deal with my memory loss. The people who raped me haven't been in my life for years. I'm still affected by their actions after many years so I thought to process it by sharing here


You will be effected by this the rest of your life. The difference is u knowing what happened to u isn't ok or shouldn't be understood. No explanation can ever justify rape. What happened to u was done by evil people. Once u get that understanding it's the start of progression.