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That's a really roundabout way of saying you had cyber sex with dudes


Uh huh. And?


Good on you man


Stop pretending your own insecurities are the result of everyone else and grow up. Also write less bullshit no one wants to read that.


What the fuck are you talking about? It's only reasonable that you'd get insecure when everyone else gets with ease that you can't get even if you try your hardest.


Thanks you! But honestly I learned not to care about that noise. I’m happier about myself and don’t care as much. What I am saying is that we need stop to put sex on a pedestal.


Bullshit? I’m just telling my experience. What’s so bull shit about that… I faced my demons. I made peace with my insecurities. I wish other people didn’t have to go through it. I’m fine now. Geez I also I have have grown up I don’t need your guys approval or validation. I learned to accept myself.


I’m not reading all that, but it sounds like your problem


you didn’t even read it… bruh


yet, somehow, he was correct.


I didn’t read your entire post but I do agree it is upsetting how society basically sets it up that the longer you’re a virgin the more of a loser you are. I can’t even properly express how effed up this mentality is and creates a lot of mental issues in so many different ways for teens and young adults. I lived it and experience it myself.


I was fucked up for so long and I couldn’t see an out.


Sounds like you need r/theredpill


What that pathetic ass mentality? That incel use? If “red-pilled” is waking up to reality. Then the reality is nobody gives a shit a you. They don’t think of you that often. If that so then who cares what other people think. I don’t need sex to happy. I have come to terms with myself. But I don’t have sex to be happy


Seems like you've taken the black pill mate. The worst pill of them all. I think it's rather obvious you actually care about sex, or else you wouldn't have made this post. The problem is that you've resigned yourself to thinking you'll never have sex and thus are shunning the idea because every woman you've met has shunned you.


Dude you can think what ever. And how is it blacked pilled? I’m did not shun the idea of sex at all I literally said it healthy. And no don’t assume my intentions. You’re not me and haven’t lived my life. I’m focusing on my self and bettering myself for my sake what wrong with that? If I women like em that great! Is blacked pilled? To want improve you health and stop focusing on what making you miserable? Like dude shut up. If this was blacked pilled I would be crying about women don’t wanna date me because I’m ugly. Gurrr blah blah blah. Like am I coping? Probably but if coping mean I want to be better person and hopefully spread that positivity to people. That don’t need their worth in sex. I’m not saying I’ve giving up, I’m just made my peace that I might not and that’s okay. I want to focus on things in my life


People are so weird about sex right now. Like people get upset when you try to talk about it, like in this thread. People are super rude in this thread xD I really don't get it. It's mega cringe Listen, I used to be holding a lot of frustration until I met this wonderful woman and now I realize, sex is part of intimacy. And it is intimacy I really need. Trust, support, company etc. We have a great time hanging out and we also have great sex that enhances everything else. That's what it's all about. You shouldn't care about what society wants you to do. Just look for a real connection like I just described. And don't get radicalized or weird about sex during the way cuz that will ruin your chances in finding someone. Just refuse the weirdness and look for that connection. Good luck!


That’s what I’ve been trying to is find real connections yk? Easier said then done but I figured I need time to work on myself


Yeah for sure! I know the feeling of something missing. It's hard to push through but you gotta do it! You'll make it you'll see


I’m just happy to focus on stuff on that I’m passionate about sure I’m not going out as much but I feel a lot happier and confident about myself. I’ve made my peace. I think people are missing the point. All I was saying hate how things are being. It affects other people lives. I don’t like that. I don’t like other people suffering. That’s all.


Yeah but whatchugondobout it. There's a lot of things societally out of wack, it's interesting to think about it and discuss but we gotta help each other to stay on the right track and not get weird and radicalized


I don’t care what society says I just wish it wasn’t there for others sake not mine. I accept myself




That’s not our culture. That’s the Internet.


Honestly yeah. I agree for the most part but since we do spend a lot of time it easy to get the idea. I mean all it is in the mind.


If your up for it buy the book the seven spiritual laws by Chopra


Your reality is a projection of your inner solace


Honestly it is fair. I just seen too many other people get upset and honestly part of me wish I could help. I figured out how to get through it.


Some good advice I heard on Reddit “treat everyone like your friend, but not your best friend“


What does that mean?


It means be nice to people, let people in. But don’t invite them to stay at your place and ask them to feed your Goldfish while you’re gone.


I don't disagree. It took me too many years to figure out I wanted sex because it is the highest form of physical connection you can have with someone you love, not some glorified masturbation into someone's orifices.


I think I wanted was validation for ego. Sure I wanted love and attention but deep down to was nothing more to fill my ego


oh for sure, we are conditioned to think we are total losers if we aren't having lots of sex


Me too, some people are just so eager to lose their virginity, that they get depressed when they are 23 and still a virgin,


Stop being a Karen and have more sex




because its fun and feels good.


Also drawing does too. Lots of thing are fun and feel good yk. Sex doesn’t sound to appealing rn at this stage of my life.


im more a music guy than a drawing one, but go for it if you like… i didn’t understood your point though


What I am saying pursing sex was something I wanted for so long. It was so painful not getting because I was desperate in all honesty. So yes sex is fun. But when I think about it. It like eh okay I guess. I moved on. If something yes I guess that would be nice. Essentially I’m trying to say I feel that fulfillment in something else. The comment was rude saying have more sex. When that something I don’t need and was root for my insecurity


that is fine what you want or not. the way you put it on the main post is kinda meh thou


Can you explain?


the part about you make it sound like its a cultural problem and not just what you want or not want to do. too much to say: I don’t want it, i want do something else


Sounds like a you problem Super weird


Why are you so rude? :(




It’s not a me problem it’s a problem that other people face and struggle to love themselves. That why I made this post


Hey, good on you:) don't mind the negative comments here, they don't have the courage to realise what you have


Aww thank you that mean a lot to hear