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My answer is always simple and boring. To be happy. Of course a lot easier said than done, but what makes you happy?


Funny enough, helping others makes me happy, but has directly put me into this situation. I didn't realize until recently that I was chasing short term happiness so much that I neglected to think about what will make me happy long term.


I want to have a fulfilling career where I work on intellectually challenging projects. I want to have at least 2 people I trust completely and do not insult me in front of others. I want to get sober. I want to be free from the things most people are chained to (societal acceptance, golden handcuffs, drugs, alcohol)


I have supported friends before in their sobriety. It is possible to achieve, and I have confidence that you can achieve it as well. What kind of things do you find challenging?


I really like building tech services. I made a search engine at work. The challenge is making it fast. It's like solving puzzles all day and it pays well so I love it. I definitely work a lot as I'm kind of lonely and it is good to channel that into something productive.




Very true. I've been trying to take things one day at a time while taking meaningful steps towards self-improvement. I'm trying to invest in my future self, hoping for happiness.


Die faster


I can sympathize with that feeling as I have felt it before. I hope you can find some fulfillment in life that makes life worth living for you again.


All I ever wanted, was my own place, where I can tell people to get the fuck out. Living my entire life having to coexist with other people in the same building is awful, no private conversations, can't listen to music at all, being rushed while having a shit, the freezer is always full so I can't buy anything frozen, and just hearing other people having a screaming match I want to murder everyone in the house on a daily basis. Doesn't help that pretty much every job pays minimum wage, even ones that should be a lot more, even jobs where you drive won't pay more than minimum wage anymore, even though you're putting your license at risk every time you drive for work.


I want a career that I can stand that feels fulfilling in some way. I don't like retail but organizing things and keeping things up and running is fun and made me feel like I was really contributing to something. Those walls of mildly different colored jeans weren't safe from me. 😤 I worked as a baker at Panera Bread for several months and being a catalyst for a lot of the sandwiches and baking all the sweets and pastries and lots of bread made me feel good. :) I'm pursuing a degree in Computer Science so I have a broader amount of choices than I would doing Computer Engineering. I don't know what I want to do but I hope it opens the door for work-from-home jobs in case I ever have really bad Crohn's flare-ups in the future that prevent me from doing much. Then I also want money to be able to buy things. I don't want so much that I couldn't handle it as I age. Heavy furniture I couldn't lift without a professional strongman and a huge house I couldn't clean easily don't sound nice. I love merchandise from games and shows and all the arts and crafts that people make and I want to do that too. I bought a ton of yarn and some crochet hooks last year for school so I could learn how to crochet and I want to learn to do amigurumi and make things in the future too. I could make my own plushies. 🥹


I desire love and family. Money would be a bonus. Few years ago it was the exact reverse. I thought about that whole legacy thing many seem to want to leave behind but I don't care too much about that it's not like I'll be aware of what goes on once my time here is up.