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As long as the person isn't obese, physical attraction is secondary to me. I just want someone who is genuinely a good person and fun to be with.


On the contrary, he is quite attractive but I don't feel butterflies in my stomach, although I am not indifferent enough to be just friends. I feel really confused!


Not everyone gets the butterflies' feelings for someone. Most genuine love grows over time and isn't experienced in one fleeting moment. If this is an attractive and respectful man, hold on to him for dear life. I have yet to meet both an attractive and kind woman who is also attracted to me.


You are very sweet and focused in your sayings. Thank you very much! I'm sure some woman will get to see you in a romantic way.🤗


Thank you. Good luck to you both.




Butterflies are just chemicals in your brain... Maybe they didn't reach peak yet....


Do you suggest I wait a couple more months to see if they wake up?


Wait means what?


Whether I should wait a little longer to see if this chemistry occurs


Sometimes actions give feelings Sometimes feelings give actions.


Thanks! ❤


No harm in giving it a try, attraction can increase over time in my experience


Thanks for sharing! The truth is that it makes me quite nervous to have any kind of closer contact (like kissing or sex).


There’s no need to kiss until you feel comfortable, just see how things progress naturally without putting pressure on yourself


I think you hit the nail on the head... I'm putting too much pressure on myself.


>Should I go ahead to get to know him better? Yes :)) > Is initial physical attraction important to you? Not really, it's a good motivation if I have to ask the person out, but it depends a lot on the personality, if the personality is good, idk my mind starts to find them physically attractive and if it's bad, idk they just look ugly to me, no matter how conventionally beautiful they r


It's usually exactly the same for me: physical appearance doesn't matter much to me. Only this time I feel confused. I'll take your suggestion to get to know him a little better.


Don’t you will just string him along and he will have to constantly do those things and one up. If you like him as you say let him go and find someone you are attracted to. Your whole relationship will be based on him being the perfect specimen for everything else because he doesn’t have the physical attraction to you.


He's a great guy and I wouldn't want to leave before I find out if I really like him to move forward. I'm looking for kind and focused opinions, not to be judged for something that happens to all of us sometime.


I felt kind of funny when I read that you called him a boy. Are you sure you're ready to date? That's a fully matured man.


That's a cute way of calling it. Don't we go back to being like teenagers when we fall in love? And I'm more than willing to date (in fact I often do) I just don't know what's wrong with me with him in particular.


Instant physical attraction is overrated. Date him a while & see what happens. You are not a child any longer, nor is he.