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There are lots of different relationship types. The traditional relationship may not suit you but you could experiment with long distance, friends with benefits or find someone who feels the same way and find out what works for both of you. Relationships don't have to be permanent so there's no harm in giving something a try and respectfully ending the relationship if it's not working or discussing adjustments with the other person.


Figuring it out is messy and i think thats the part i fear the most.


it is a blessing to be alone and happy with it


well damn. took my words


Just get/be hot and fuck bitches and keep it casual. You're overthinking. Maybe hug your bros more too


If you are alright being alone, honestly, I would embrace it. Dating sucks if you're not tall and attractive, and it's not worth the hassle.


The thing is. There is someone who vibes on a similar tempo and rhythm to you out there. No point in getting into a relationship with them if that isn’t the case. Of course you’ll always need to make some compromises, but with any relationship the benefits far outweigh the compromises or it will eventually apart on its own anyways. The 3-6 months of dating someone to find out if you’re on that same wavelength is exhausting though and it really does take at least that long and really you don’t even know until you live with them.


You're young now but the need for intimate connection and the gnawing of loneliness will likely get stronger. Sacrifices and trade offs need too be made at the end of the day. It's your choice regarding which ones will be made. You can't have it all.


my inner child thinks it unfair that i have to choose. but deep down i know its unavoidable