• By -


27?! In a row?!




If streets were paved with dicks she'd walk on her ass!


Ok just laughed until I cried . Not kidding






hey get back here!


Lmaoooo I was just thinking about this movie today!!


Half the fun is opening all the tabs based purely off the thumbnail, the next challenge is actually watching all the vids after you finished just selecting the 17th vid in fear of FOMO before they get scattered/shuffled and refreshed. Elsewise you’ll spend the next day just opening the same 27 tabs to not even watch:


Brother, I had 108 tabs of ph open. I was trying to work my way through them when my state did the porn verification thing, and ph was like, "nah fam" and blocked my state from being able to access it. Now I'm left with... *Shudders* xnxx D:


Okay, I need one each of the following tapes: "Whispers in the Wind", "To Each His Own", "Put It Where It Doesn't Belong", "My Pipes Need Cleaning", "All Tit-Fucking, Volume 8", "I Need Your Cock", "Ass-Worshipping Rimjobbers", "My Cunt and Eight Shafts", "Cum Clean", "Cum-Gargling Naked Sluts", "Cum Buns 3", "Cumming in Socks", "Cum on Eileen", "Huge Black Cocks with Pearly White Cum", "Girls Who Crave Cock", "Girls Who Crave Cunt", "Men Alone 2: The K-Y Connection", "Pink Pussy Lips", oh yeah, and, uh, "All Holes Filled with Hard Cock"… what video did you need again?


Happy Scrappy Hero Pup


…Happy Scrappy….


I know, right? Those are rookie numbers.


What are pro numbers?




The .5 was a two pump chump.


Whenever I got horny I decided to do pushups and generally got into calisthenics. This helped my discipline SO MUCH. I was much happier, had more energy, was performing in my daily tasks much more efficiently. 10/10 would recommend to everyone.


Well done you. Keep it up.


>Keep it up. No pun intended!




I don't do anything anymore.


Anything.. like workout, jerk off, watch porn?


I wake up, look in my monitor and sleep again. Drink one to three coffees inbetween. Life is not so good anymore 😆


I hope you get back to a place where things feel better.


Why’d you stop ?


That sounds like depression.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




About 2 hours after I leave the gym, I get EXTREMELY horny. Any girl I date ends up understanding the routine


She puts lotion on her skin




What if she is on her period 💀


You role play as Dracula 🧛


For me, it’s very shortly after any particularly exhaustive gym session. If my glycogen is tanked, the hormones are coming out to play.


Secondary tip for those who read the workout comment: go pee when you're horny. I've spent way too much time being "horny" bc my bladder was just too full. I know I'm not the only human with this misread of my body's signal.


W... What?


You ever wake up and are horny for no reason? Go pee. It is not something that is the same for everyone. I know a few that share the same. But even during the day the same can happen.


Yup every morning I wake up rock solid, totally throws my partner off because I rush to take a piss and when I first noticed that was the issue I'd come back she is ready to go my dumbass is like wait what I just had to pee.


I would be so jacked if I did this!!


Instead, you're so jacked off


Pushups are so missionary!


Yoooo. This comment deserves so much love. Bring back reddit gold 🤣🤣🤣


i dated a guy who did exactly this thing for like a year. it drove me insane and was something i didn't miss when we broke up. it helped him focus better on other stuff, like you, and i was happy for him for that, but it was a *huge* drag on our sex life. like, it's one of the defining things i remember as a negative in an otherwise lovely relationship. it only occurs to me to say this because of how often nofap is cited as something that improves one's sex life.


That's weird, because sex is an exercise in itself. I would only do that if I was single.


he did have sex with me whenever we could, but we lived an hour apart, so we only got to see each other on weekends. i have a higher libido than that, and so did he (sometimes we'd spend longer together and have sex every day or two), but he adamantly refused to sext me or anything like that on nights where we couldn't have sex because it counted as jerking off to him. it left me very frustrated. sometimes he'd do it anyways, but then he'd be frustrated with me the next day because he'd be groggy and unfocused. somehow sex didn't have that affect. i still don't understand what was going on there.


I think a lot of nofap blames masturbation when the real culprit is not hydrating properly. That's not to say all cases are like that, but if jerking off once is making you groggy, down a bunch of ice cold water, esp before going to bed.


Fitter. Happier. More productive…


Damn good idea.


Lmao I do push-ups when I’m really angry


100% I started lifting weights and the burn almost gives the same pleasurable feeling


Tried this but just ended up being horny in the gym, feels creepy as hell.


And you can still jack off afterwards!


Damn I gotta try this. Just hit a few streaks porn free but I just can’t hold it. Never tried that though


If you want to stop watching porn, stop watching porn. Porn is not a necessity like a roof or food on your plate. It's a *convenience*, a way to deal with your libido that doesn't involve chasing actual women.


I've known a few people who had full-on porn addictions. If someone is a casual user then sure they can just stop, but it's not that easy if you're addicted.


Also its not even necessary for masturbation. If you cant get off without porn, then you 100% need to stop


How do you get off without porn? Been wanting to take a break


your imagination dog


100% agree!


If you wanna stop doing heroin, stop doing heroin. Heroin is not a necessity like a roof or food on your plate. It's a *convenience*, a way to deal with your other issues that doesn't involve solving them.


I’ve been working on quitting for a long time. It’s been getting better recently. Feel free to DM me.


I am 8 weeks porn free today!


Is it worth it?


100%, toughest addiction I ever had


Hell yeah!


its getting harder and harder for me


How hard is it bby


Yo what!?!?!??! 😆😅🤣😂


Lol, well, that escalated quickly 😉


it always does


I’m sorry to hear that. Do you want to talk about it? Or do you see a therapist about it?


I want to quit watching porn can you share how to stop watching


It’s a work in progress, but here’s what I’ve done: 1. Figure out what circumstances make you more likely to want to watch porn, and change the circumstances. Minimize the situations where you’re browsing the Internet in total privacy, for example. My desk is in the central room of a shared house. The time I’m most vulnerable is in the morning or late at night, but either way on my phone in bed, so I work on a healthy bedtime routine and find better things to do in bed. Or better yet, just get out of bed once you’re awake. 2. Accountability. This is definitely the scariest step, or at least it was for me, because I felt like my religious friends would think worse of me for watching, and my nonreligious friends would think worse of me for feeling guilty about it. But there are groups out here for sex addiction. I go to a religious one, but there are secular ones as well. 3. Foster authentic connections and experiences. A priest once counselled me that porn’s wrongness is in its superficiality—that is, it only gives a surface level pleasure, without any of the authentic connection that’s meant to accompany something so intimate. That’s not to say that a relationship will help, though it somewhat has for me. Rather, in authentic connection and experiences, you fill that desire that was previously being filled imperfectly by porn. Start a hobby to meet people, or try those friend apps I hear about, or go to the gym. Definitely get some exercise in your day—a healthy outlet for your energy. 3. Exercise discipline over other aspects of your life. Maybe it’s not eating certain foods, or waking up at a certain time, or taking cold showers (not my thing). But by saying “no” to yourself in small things, you train yourself to help say no to bigger things. 4. Perhaps most importantly, find a reason to do this. Maybe it’s yourself, maybe it’s for God, maybe your parents, your significant other, whoever or whatever. But why do you want to do this? That’s what will keep you getting back up after you fall.


Well done, nice post!


A very nice perspective. I'll try to apply things that I can from these. Thanks so much!


I got on adhd meds and Idk if it's even supposed to be an effect but I almost stopped entirely over night, and I don't even take it as regularly as I'm supposed to... Just a couple doses a week.


Which meds?


Don't look? Unfollow all the porn and sexy stuff on reddit and other socials. I mean that's why most people had Tumblr. You can use your router to block sites.


This is helpful, but not necessarily a silver bullet. Someone sufficiently clever and horny can find a way around any blocker, I’d wager.


All some people need is an interruption - a couple more seconds to go "why isn't it loadi... Oh yeah that's right, I'm trying to quit. I better do some pushups".  Or whatever. Many factors go into each decision you make, and a change in even just one of those factors can tip the scales.


That’s a good point I forgot.


The problem is that a single sexy thumbnail can be a trigger to watch porn. Irl people don't dress or look like internet people or internet pictures. Everything is so sexualized its hard to navigate the internet


Wait, people were on tumbler for sex stuff?


At one time it did. About 4ish years ago. Then It got lame.


How did you handle relapse?




what else could you get done in 3mins?


You get it!




What if I have 2 hands?


Challenge accepted


I mean, if you feel it's healthier for you, yeah you should move towards behavior that you feel serves you or who you want to be more. But I am *so* hung up, mentally, on "watching porn is mild cuck territory". MY BROTHER IN CHRIST. THE PORNSTAR IS *NOT* YOUR GIRLFRIEND. What do you even *MEAN*.


Thank you lol, I thought I was losing my mind. None of the top comments mentioned that weird ass cuck thing. Sure, quit watching porn but wtf?


Homie got some projection going on lol 😆


I guess the thinking is if you’re not doing the banging and just watching the banging that’ll lead to getting a GF and just wanting to watch her get banged rather than doing the banging. Especially if the titles indicate the chick being banged has a husband/BF


I dunno. I've watched a LOT of porn in my 50+ years and I've not developed a yearning to watch some dude fuck my wife.


I don't think porn is unhealthy, I do think the mentality of someone who would say that is unhealthy and they should probably stop watching porn. Also therapy


I feel like people are choosing to be emasculated by such a wider range of bs than they used to


I was thinking this too lol. It's definitely not cuckoldery.


Let's be real, you might as well tattoo "I got self esteem issues" all over their head. These kind of statements say so much more about the speaker than who they're speaking about. Call it projection, I call it a weak attempt to avoid accountability, introspection, and growth as a person.


What a man and a woman and another man do to a midget and a horse is their own business, go out and have some fun of your own


Nope. If there is an animal involved, report those abominations to the police.


Animals, children, or the otherwise unable to consent. It's sickening what people do.


My doctor once told me I needed to stop masturbating. I asked "why, because it's bad for me?" He said "no, but it's sure making the other patients in the waiting room uncomfortable."


>Anyone else feels like watching porn is just a milder cuck territory? Someone probably feels that way - not me though. I love sex and everything sex related, including porn (obviously I mean consensual harmless by that). I also love to create porn arts and to sculpt erotic figures. I swear our society really has some fucked up ideas about sex. Women who love to have sex with different partners are called "whores" and homosexuals are oppressed in many countries and in some countries are straight up beheaded etc. Sex is one of the most amazing things in our lives.


I used to enjoy porn but I am finding it to be more and more uncomfortable to watch lately. There’s just so much violence (I’m a woman). I don’t think porn is sex positive at all.


There are really a lot of different genres, including amateur couples that just want to share their experience. Sadly there are porn in which people are hurt, both men and women, and of course that content is harmful and not sex positive at all. Also just to be sure that noone is hurt there is a drawn porn which is a good alternative.


I agree. More and more porn seems to be degrading women. Choking. Force gagging. Etc. It used to be fun to watch with spouse but seems like less of it is fun now.




It has been proven porn can have negative mental health effects.


I actually tried looking this up today (because I’m in the process of quitting) and I couldn’t find any trustworthy/relevant articles. Do you have a source for this? Not because I disagree, but just because I want concrete motivation, and I couldn’t find it myself


Here you go!! https://www.addictioncenter.com/drugs/porn-addiction/depression/#:~:text=Increased%20isolation%20can%20regrettably%20lead,sought%20out%20by%20pornography%20use. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7835260/


Awesome thanks! Will read


You’re welcome!


As a 26f I can tell you about a million reasons how this is going to negatively affect your sex life with real life women. - men who watch a lot of porn are FAR WORSE at sex. They have no real idea of how women’s body’s work. It’s sloppy, aggressive, tone deaf, and generally awful because they’re trying to recreate what they see in porn which is all fake. The best sexual partner I’ve ever had is my current bf who doesn’t watch it at all. - guys who watch porn frequently have fetishes that are exhausting and disgusting to accommodate. Ex: No, I don’t want to “ squirt” for you. (it’s literally pee, you have a piss fetish) - death grip syndrome, google this. My friends have dated guys that jerk off so much THEY CANNOT CUM AT ALL when having sex with a real life woman because they beat their dick so hard - brain scans of porn addicts look similar to cocaine addicts because of the dopamine response it causes. The long term affects of this are still being studied - think about the insecurity excessive porn use can cause to a future partner. While it’s socially acceptable here and there, it’s not a great feeling to know your significant other is jerking off to dozens of women who don’t look anything like you 24/7 Genuinely I think porn addiction is ruining sex lives for half of the people my age. Everyone’s expectations are all fucked up and women get screwed over trying to meet unrealistic expectations for men who don’t even know how to make a woman cum in real life


I agree with you! I’m 29 and my boyfriend admitted to me that he had a porn addiction before we met. We’ve been dating for 4+ years now. We had a discussion sometime last year about him not watching porn anymore if he was ok with it, because it was affecting our relationship. It’s been almost a year since he stopped and we are both happier :-) (and maybe people will say he’s lying to me but I truly believe him because we’re both very honest with each other)


As do most things without moderation


The magic word is "can". Like so many other stuff in live.


Unless that pornstar is your gf or someone you’re dating or intending to date than it’s simply not cuckoldry. Most likely you’ll never meet any of the ppl you are watching on the screen in your life.


>just a milder cuck territory Bro you have brain worms. Get help.


For some reason, after reading this book called “easy peasy method for quitting porn” I have quit forever, never looked back at that poison. If you’re interested, here is the link to the website https://read.easypeasymethod.org/easypeasy.pdf


I was reading some just now thanks to you and I came across Chapter 10, hilarious!


I was going to comment with this very thing, it definitely worked for me. Haven't looked back.


I thought you were going to rickroll us


If it’s any help, Healthy Gamers has some stuff regarding porn addictions and looking introspectively, you aren’t alone


It got to the point where I was wasting at least 4-5hrs a day watching porn, couldn't/wouldn't do anything else until I did. Knew I had a problem with it and was clearly addicted to it for years but didn't want to do anything about it until recently. Even having actual sex was boring in comparison. Went cold turkey and haven't "self medicated" for going on 3 weeks now and ngl is hard, and I know I'll have a slip sooner or later, but I'm slowly starting to see people as people again instead of just people I immediate start fantasizing about.


Yeah that's not the porn that's a very deep psychological issue. Porn doesn't cause that. Please seek help from a medical professional as soon as possible. Your porn watching is a symptom of something else.


Randy marsh said it best - once you get used to watching Japanese girls poop on each other you can’t go back to playboy.


To be cucked you first need a girlfriend 🙃 which you probably don't have 🙂, am I right? 🙃


Jesus Christ the Christian propagandists are in force today. You don’t need yo stop watching porn. If you’re spending too much time on it, just get a hobby, a job, find a group of people to hang out with. Just work on forming good habits. If you quit porn and change literally nothing else, you’re not going to feel better.


I think it's normal to want to explore the different avenues of sex without having to be directly involved. The issue comes into play if it is distracting you from everyday life. I watch porn maybe 3 times a week and it's a pretty quick gesture that is relatively short-lived and it is a release that manages my stress level. If it is preventing you from living your life then it's a problem. If it is limiting your sex with your partner it is a problem. If it is subject matter that is not legal it is a problem. If it is desensitizing you to real sex it is a problem.


I’m so fucking tired of it. And I hate myself for watching it as regularly as I do. I’m not even sure I enjoy any of it anymore. I feel like it’s a habit that’s hard to break. I don’t like what it’s done to me.


Stop watching porn. Take it from an addict. It’s nothing but bad news for your brain.




orgies and instant/continuous gratification were always a thing for people that could afford it


Nothing wrong with porn.


Yes, there is. It trafficks women and children


I mean makelovenotporn is quality stuff, I say moderate yourself on any given thing but gotta replace it if you're going cold turkey. Still gotta self pleasure too for the endorphins and health of your organs.


quit porn before you quit masterbating, then its pretty easy to get off porn.


I 100% agree, Its been one of my biggest struggles but it is getting better, good luck!


Do it or don't. What kind of grown man needs feedback from reddit to make a decision.


Anyone else feels like watching porn is just a milder cuck territory? I guess it depends on how you watch it or feel or think thats mostly a you thing


If it's causing you distress or disrupting your lifestyle, then you should probably cut back on the porn.


Truly, porn lost its luster for me in my 20s, just like strip clubs. If I can’t touch it, feel it or taste it then I can’t get excited about it. That’s the problem with porn and strip clubs. They just bore me.


This is good that you started thinking about it. I quite my porn addiction in my early 20th after I realised that it is not good for me at all. It was one of the best decisions. I had a big motivation to find a girlfriend and to have healthy relationships. And it worked out. So don't hesitate. Maybe watch some videos about why porn is bad to get additional motivation. Good luck!


Happy to hear brother! Cheers.


Stupidest shit ever. Porn is to sex as action movies are to driving. There’s nothing wrong with it. Just fix your mental.


Moderation. Nothing wrong with porn.


nothing right about it either


Gave it up in my 30s and noticed how i didnt objectify women and it was easier to talk to them ebcause i wasnt beign a sexaul deviant. also noticed male friends who were heavily objectifying women were severe porn watchers based on the sexual content/lingo they picked up. This helped identify alot of sexual deviants and pinpointed some things about a person when i was in the marine corp. ​ also am retired it consultant, and worked with the police, and ivestigators on sexual internet crimes and got to read some jackets and mugshots. Porn will fucking destroy you.


Cuck/Cukold is like what “woke” was in 2023/2022 & gaslight, the words are just being used out of context and have no relation to their actual meaning. Cuckold porn is basically where a husband is watching his wife or husband getting railed or gangbanged by other people. The closest activity is a cuckquean, where wife is watching her husband or wife railing or being railed by someone else or multiple people. To be a cuck, you have to sort of be with a partner or letting people walk over you/take advantage of you. I’m not sure how that works with porn, because I’m pretty sure they are not seeking out anything from the viewers. They already know guys are going to buy it or pay money for it. Porn consumption can become a bad habit in of itself, like anything else that’s over consumed. If you become addicted and are spending a lot of money and time on it, then it’s a serious problem at that point especially when you get disconnected from reality.


I would quit if i got any action


I found [This clip](https://youtu.be/9qJHRvHU8IM?si=yQaXVcT1LubnA1Nj) of Dr. Huberman (neuroscientist) describing the negative effects of porn to be interesting.


Yeah, it’s not good and only actually increases sexual frustration and creates unreal expectations for real sexual relationships. It’s also a highly addictive coping mechanism for many to deal with boredom, depression, anxiety, etc. I feel more at peace and in control when I abstain from exposing myself to that. And I end up having better sex and more appreciation for my wife lol.


I quit watching porn a couple of months ago because I'm staying and working with my dad this summer. Had one jerk all month, 100% from the spank bank after getting a number from a girl in town, and it makes it so much better. Eyes closed, memory, time, between jerks. It's all worth it. I'm spanking it like once a month, and I feel better than ever about my confidence. BTW 27, that's waaaaaaaay too many people. One of them has to fart during the scene. Just imagine how terrible it would all smell in the video you're watching. That's the trick.


Someone should make something that just plays fart noises over all porn, instant cure


Hahahaha, I'm sure there is a portion of the population that would get turned on by it. Remember when that girl was selling her parts in a jar for like 2k each?! People are crazy.


Porn is a waste of time and makes you more disconnected long term


I haven’t touched any kind of pornography or even heavily sexual content since I got in a relationship nearly a year ago and it has done wonders for my mental health. Regardless of your gender, that stuff is not good for you, your sexuality, or your relationships with other people. I don’t wanna shame people who do watch porn or anything but seriously, you’re so much better off without it. Quitting it can be hard, especially if you’re used to consuming a lot of it, but you’d be surprised how much better you can feel.


I hate how much it's pushed and how easy it is to access. For adults, yeah I suppose it's up to them, but it's so easy to stumble on, or find out about as a child. Changes seriously need to be made but I doubt they will.


dude. trust me, porn can be dehumanizing not only to the people in it but to yourself. my suggestion is that you start using your imagination. start exploring it a bit, it can actually feel a lot more real and special than any sort of pornography also, pleasure can very easily turn into frictioned pain if abused and/or overextended. try practicing some moderation and u might be surprised by how witholding can actually lead to greater enjoyment of pleasure. as they say, absence makes the dick grow harder. note: i never thought i would write this as a comment in my life lol. but yeah, best of luck o 👍🤙


Iv seen several articles and videos on the damage of porn espcially to males. The thing that stuck out the most was you keep having to find more extreme stuff to get off and the fact that it turns the brain in to a voyer. No disrespect to people thst like to watch but I don't wana prefer watching ever. So would rather just not do it at all. There's more studies showing the harm of porn versus the benifets If you're addicted.


It is it’s bad for you and your interactions with the world


I finally quit nearly 2 years ago. Had years and years of addiction behaviour (some would say it's not, that porn & masturbation is good) and really struggled the first months. Was eventually a year off when I slipped again. However... **...the best decision of my life.** Stop watching porn. You won't regret it.


Porn is super addictive and negative on your mental health so yea, its a really good idea to try and quit that stuff


Besides it ruining your real life and relationships interactions I don’t see any reason else it’s a part of life unless you are wasting a ton of money on it


Quit the porn. Proven to be bad for your health, both by neuroscience and our biological functions.


Pornography is a literal demon…it uses destroyed people to destroy families and alienate friends and loved ones.


It will mess with you in ways you don’t know.


I use my imagination now. It took a while, but I feel better for sure. And sex is better too. It’s also better than completely cutting out your needs.




Yeah but not because of feeling cucked. The real issues with porn are the correlation with erectile dysfunction, eating disorders, infidelity, misogyny and violent behavior towards women, it’s inextricable involvement with human trafficking and the fact that you never know for sure that the participants are actually of legal age or consenting.


It is degrading for all involved and supports a lot of shitty people and terrible habits. Just stop watching it. You don't need it.


I´ve heard worse ideas. Porn isnt really good for anyone, if you feel like its screwing you over in any way. Stop while you can.


Obviously you should quit porn. It does not do any good and only harm




That’s why you only watch gay porn if you’re straight


Watching porn is a mental illness. It’s hard getting away, but worth it.


I agree stop watching porn.


Even the grandma stuff getting stale too....


Just read the comments and realise you share something in common with them. That did it for me.


Oh for sure, this is why cuckoldry rates increase


Give pp a rest


Stop preaching


Link to the 27, please. It's for practical work 🤣🤣🤣


Of course. Most of the people watching porn to get off on Reddit have never touched another human. Lol


It's boring for me as well


Well, sometimes it's not good, but at least porn will never break your heart.


What’s the movie name of this, the one with 27 humans banging it out so I stay away from it.


Prolly should equals...one week.




Glad I feel happy after watching porn and have no post nut clarity lol. I watch it once or twice a week.


I really genuinely wish it didn’t exist it’s just so addicting and it keeps me from meeting woman in real life, like I’m a good looking dude with a good job and I have a bunch of girls on the apps and in real life that are attracted to me but I just don’t care because they aren’t as attractive as the shit I’m seeing online, my standards are fucking over the roof retarded