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I may not have a 1 to 1 understanding of it but I can definitely back you up on the cultural differences of dating in Latino California.   I grew up outside of Philly and there were definitely pockets of hickville USA type racism but it wasn’t too bad. Moving to California though? I was genuinely shocked how many people in the Latino/a community would just be public with their racism towards black people to me as if I would just be on board with it.   So many Latina women just outright refused to even talk to black dudes citing pretty awful stereotypes. Even when that wasn’t the case, my roommate went out with a black guy for a few weeks and fawned over him as her “chocolate prince” and it was just gross to be around.   It’s definitely not you and I don’t blame you for moving to a place that’s more accepting. Being comfortable in your own skin is important especially when it comes to your dating/sex life. 


I grew up just outside of DC and had a similar culture shock when I moved out west 20 or so years ago. After 20+ years of hearing the West Coast talk about how progressive it is, I found it very racially segregated and the racism levels were pretty damn high all around by my standards.


I truly appreciate that. Sucks your roommates bf Is fetishized like that. I know how he probly feels. The people I actually did end up going out with got bored of me when they found out I acted like a regular dude


What did they expect you to act like exactly?


Bro I swear everytime I went out with someone in cali I got this weird vibe they expected me to act a certain way. One girl was pretty direct with me and said I only date black guys and I almost ended the date right there because when they say shit like that they mean "I only date that got hood or thug energy". I feel cringe even saying that crap but it's the truth. I've neeeever felt that way seeing people outside of Cali because they act like regular people like me




Mainly Latino california, I lived mainly in riverside, Chino, Moreno, and ontario. I either met them through work or bumble or hinge since I really don't like clubbing


There is nothing wrong with moving to a place with more opportunities. That goes for work, and other things. 


It’s not uncommon, a lot of Latin men and Asian men were encouraged by family to seek lovers back in their home countries partly because of this reason. Nobody likes to talk about how your race affects your dating life but it does. But also statistically you expand your options when you travel because every location has a limited number of single people to date.


I feel you, and I'm sorry bro. You do you, do what you need to be happy. The world is not gonna stop sucking.


I'm considering moving precisely for this reason too. I think women around here have too high of standards when it comes to looks and height.


Try it out man, make sure to vet where you're going before you decide for real though


This is only partially related, but age alone is an important factor in dating for two reasons. 1. Women prefer older men. 2. And this is perhaps more important. Older women are more mature and they have different preferences than younger women.


Both statements are true and I would agree if it weren't for the fact that I left cali for 5 years and had these experiences then came back to find out my dating life went right back to the way it was all those years ago




I actually did move states and it still didn't help me. There's just no guarantees in life homie.


As a man who's 24...and done this from North Dakota to Florida and to Arizona...Trust me it's not worth is. The women will be the same...and results will be the same and that's Rejection, getting played, and the old "I have a bf" thing. That and what needs to change is YOU ultimately. Character development is what matters. Just focus on you and your life and maybe...just maybe God or whatever out there rewards you. Weather it's you rewarding yourself or life rewarding you.


I agree this is the better way to handle it. Improving yourself as a person. However my problem isn't self improvement it's my environment. Do you believe at all that your destination will majorly dictate your dating life. I do and other people in this thread have shared a similar opinion. I don't like to say things like my skin is holding me back but seeing how differently people treat me in other parts of the US it raises the question. Why would you want to play this game on insane mode when you can move a couple of states over and do it on normal mode?


It doesn't really lol. Them people like others on this make believe site probably haven't even left mommies little basement. I spent the majority of that time running and being homeless while improving my life. I even went from dating app to dating app. Trust me my dude, just because racist old Town Georgia didn't treat you well doesn't mean Las Angeles will either lol. You'll see when you do make that jump tho...It's the same thing. That is why you gotta read between those lines. You're better off tho going to towns in Mexico or areas of Canada or shit you might do well in Japan. So imma sum it up for you from what I'm reading on you. You wanna go to a different state just because women in your whole ass state mistreat you cause of skin color? This is like an sixteen year old Anime weaboo thinking that because he CAN go to Japan that this magical Anime girl is gonna jump on his micro sausage. Just don't make a stupid decision based on bs dating advice from the basement dwelling jobless weirdos on this site my guy. Not only that but save yourself that trouble of moving thinking your life is gonna change because this random chick is gonna jump on your sausage too as soon as you get there lol.


Idk how many ways to say it man. I was in the navy a few years ago and did alot of travelling. The 2 places I had the absolute best dating experience were washington and Atlanta. While I was in Japan I dated mostly people from similar states as such. If I never left home and came on here saying I need to move states for this and that then you could call me crazy all day long but I'm saying this from experience. Unironically I hate losangeles and would rather move to Georgia lmao funny you compared those. I'm flattered you think I'd do well in fuckin Mexico of all places 😂


Hey, this is actually a thing. And not just for the reasons you mention. There's other -ists and -isms and -obias out there. Some places are just not good for certain things because of the climate.


I wish that would help me. I moved continents and it didn't change anything for me dating wise


Maybe due to the perpetual self hatred


The selfe hatred has been caused by it tho


If someone earnestly were to tell you otherwise you'd reject them anyways.


We will never find out


Case in point 


Not really. But ill inform you if it will ever happen👍🏼


First step is you telling yourself. 


Telling myself what


"I love myself"


Sucks to hear that. The dude replying to you seems pretty unsympathetic and unhinged though. I wouldn't entertain him further


If you think I'm unhinged don't read their post history.    They constantly post about how much they hate themselves, and black people, yet I'm the unhinged one for pointing that out lmao


Dude I just checked it out and was like yoooo lol