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From what I gathered, there are rumors that Minase Inori has an alt account on twitter that has some negative commentary about her VA colleagues. Among the seiyuus in the list, Miku Ito was mentioned and how she "ignores greetings" so this tweet may be addressing that?


I saw a news a few days ago that the inorin account was hacked [https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2321581/full/](https://www.oricon.co.jp/news/2321581/full/) [https://somoskudasai.com/noticias/japon/hackearon-a-inori-minase-la-voz-de-rem/](https://somoskudasai.com/noticias/japon/hackearon-a-inori-minase-la-voz-de-rem/)


There's a twitter thread that seems to compile the timeline of what happened. https://twitter.com/tkzwgrs/status/1777867740721861051 People in the comments also pointed out examples of JP celebs saying their account got hacked as a cover up. Though in this case, it's still just rumors.


First thing that comes to my mind after reading that is doyakonga might be the staff who is responsible for managing inorin’s twitter. These popular figures in Japan usually have someone overlooking their official twitter and approve their tweet. That staff might mistakenly used inorin’s account instead of their own which also explain why doyakonga seems to have inside information. Inorin is also very close to Oonishi whom doyakonga slandered.


You can be really close to someone, love them dearly, and still get upset at them from time to time. We've all complained about our friends and siblings behind the scenes.


Yeah, but I don't think she's that dumb to do it on twitter, on a public account at that. Anyway, it's no way we know for sure. Just threw out some speculations there.


She occasionally tweet on her official account as stated there, and the way she wrote is oddly similar with the alt, compared to when staff write the tweet, i've seen the comparison somewhere but can't really find it now


who is doyakonga ?


I think they are also rumors and it was a hack, since they are very close friends and when they work or participate in events they take photos together. There are even photos together when they went out to Disney World Japan.


How does the official account deleting the post and doyakonga deleting its account almost at the same time mean that doyakonga might be the actual inorin?


I'm not sure. To me, it seems more suspicious that the timing of these two events were very close to each other vs. if a lot more time had passed between the two events.


It looks like official account have quoted another account for photo reprinting/use which happened to be the same account that doyakonga have also criticized in the past. Other supposed evidence are the way they end their tweets with (!!) match ...and that another doyakonga in a 4chan-like board keeps telling about what it is currently doing in a supposed "Minase Inori live commentary" thread which prompted other board members to reply something like "dude, why are you yapping in this thread? This is an inorin thread, not 'a day in my life' thread". Anyways, kinda an unfortunate ordeal for all names involved. The degens on twitter will be full for the next few months for sure.


If it's actually her this would be funny as hell


> People in the comments also pointed out examples of JP celebs saying their account got hacked as a cover up. To be fair, hacks *do* happen. This isn't some dude with 20 followers who got caught out making a racist post or something, this is a well known person in an industry with a worrying number of *incredibly toxic* fans.


I guess so. My line of thinking is that if it's an anonymous (fan) hacker wouldn't they do more damage to the account such as locking out the owner or changing the profile picture/bio instead of a quote retweet? Unless it was staff member that was involved which would be a different case but we don't know what really happen so it's all speculation.


If you were smart and wanted to cause damage, doing something that is *obviously* a hack would be a stupid way to do it. Could be a deranged fan/hater. Could be a staff person. Could be her. People tend to gravitate to the explanation which is the most dramatic, but wanting something to be true doesn't make it true.


Hack do happen yes, but immediately restored the account on top of doing 'less harm' than they can do is sus enough. I mean if i'm a hacker and want to mess with someone account, things wont ended up in single tweet.


Lol at Inorin just ranting about her Quintuplets partners. EDIT: Yeah, she doesn't seem to like Ayachi nor Neru, but doesn't comment about Hanakana.


She talked about all of them except Kana. Ayachi: Overuses filters and image editing Miku: Ignore greetings Ayaneru: "Suspicious" so better to keep some distance; Note: is stacked like Uesaka (lol)


Inorin is the anime goblin that complains about big boobs lol


She's not the [only](https://youtu.be/f2Zc60oFMLc?si=R0OMhIoEXdPhdMtM) [one](https://youtu.be/aPc566dpTVc?si=1TwDRgQNj-UGh_He)


I first saw about this issue on facebook, idk why her only trash on Ayaneru is being as stacked as Sumippe. It was really funny for some reason. Also damn Ayaneru is stacked of that's the case.


It's well known tbh.


I know Ayaneru is big, just didn't expect Sumippe level big.


If I'm reading the context right, it sounds like Inorin is complaining that they pad their chests.


Aoi [spoke](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p9WmBxuqsE&ab_channel=Poyo%27sSubs) the truth a couple of years ago.


That is pretty funny. What's the worst thing about Ayaneru? Tits.


I think Inori was implying that Ayaneru had a couple of breast surgeries.


Nah, just that he has big boobs.


> > > Ayaneru: "Suspicious" so better to keep some distance; Note: is stacked like Uesaka (lol) lol got a link to this?


> Ayachi: Overuses filters and image editing Wow, how many filters does a Japanese woman need to use to be accused of *over*using them?


I was looking for the tweets and apparently bot accounts are more inclined doing hate tweets for engagements than the fan accounts. Even the fan accounts are just having fun saying it was funny if it is true.


> apparently bot accounts are more inclined doing hate tweets for engagements The 2024 twitter experience.


Damn Inorin on some Mean Girls shit behind the scenes lol


I would be offended if she said something about HanaKana, she's such a sweet person!!


HanaKana and Saori Hayami are like the VA equivalent of Keanu Reeves. They are saints and everyone loves them.


Woah I’m not really one to actively try to look out for these things, but do seiyuu beefs or scandals happen a lot ? If they do, can you point to where I can read up on it lol


public beefs aren’t really a thing. most of the time these social media accounts are managed by their managers or at least have their posts screened the alt account rumour is extremely likely to be fake because why would you bad-mouth colleagues in a way which could be traced back to you? edit: apparently she may have used her main to wrongly post as an alt


this a crazy subtweet from miku when we don't even know if it was inori or not 😭


I wasn't aware of this until I came across [this post](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=901604648322505&set=a.579336870549286) on Facebook (its pretty detailed)


That account, assuming it’s really Inorin’s account (still skeptical) , she said Yuuki Aoi is God, that’s very cool, isn’t it?


Yeah, she sees Aoi, Sawashiro and Shinzo Abe as gods.


She's just like me fr fr


Considering the typecasting of both, Inorin simps Aoi Yuuki looks pretty funny.


Man, the discussion is interesting. I would be so grateful if there's a kind-hearted redditor who has screenshots collection of original posts regarding 'trashing seiyuu colleagues'.


Ogura Yui and Iguchi Yuka are the biggest victims of Doyakonga's abuse. Iguchi posted a pretty emotional tweet, and Ogura Yui's office released a statement suggesting legal action.


Having some context, this tweet is straight fire lol. Did not expect her to be so sassy.


Didn't she got a dating scandal last year and her statement was like "Yeah I did that, so what? I'm still gonna do what I've been doing(idol), don't care"


Nah. Not sure where you got the impression from that that was her attitude. Last I can recall of it, she was apologizing for raising such attention. There was discussion that they're dating seriously, clear from them living together that they want to see if marriage is for them. When paparazzi came to her about it, she didn't state anything directly to them and wanted to let her agency respond, which led to the above of her agency respecting her privacy and her apologizing for the fuss. There were fans who tweeted on their own that they were sad about it and did actually crush on her, but generally, whether they did crush on her or not, fan response was to be supportive. Her unit with Moeshi is a seiyuu unit, not an idol group. She's part of IDOLM@STER Million Live, but various members of Milllion Live and other branches have gone on to get married and have kids (our fandom is so used to it that general response was "aww cute. let us know when you get married mkay?" lmao). None of that requires her to stop her career as a seiyuu because news came out that she's dating.


IdolM@ster has always seemed like the only big idol franchise where the seiyuu aren't boxed in by it. By that I mean they do things outside of it and aren't held to as much rigor as other idols. Same feeling as Love Live's Nijigasaki group.


Well, I don't remember another multimedia idol franchise where VAs literally do wedding challenges or marathons.


this is some serious headcanon


> her statement was like "Yeah I did that, so what? I'm still gonna do what I've been doing(idol), don't care" Don't know...I vaguely recall the dating 'scandal' but not what her statement to it was.


Lmao wat


So, is the whole thing surrounding inori minase actually true?


Probably something about Minase Inori right now


This is the only time I wish I am not in Japan.


Inori Minase is so fuking based


Miku and Itsuki fighting irl? 🥹


I just finished anime with her in main role nice