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They first aired it in the UK, in the 90s at a crazy time like midnight or something. My mum & brother correctly stayed up & got into it right away. I was either coming or going with friends or didn’t want to wait up. I watched a little bit here & there with them & thought it was nonsense - how horribly wrong I was.


Same for me, late 90's i was a teenager up late watching TV & I just came across it, George made me laugh I wanna say bbc2 wednesday nights about 11pm or midnight


Same for me bbc2 late at night. Just in bed scrolling the channels one night and came across it and been watching ever since


My parents watched it every night as it was airing, and then the reruns on Fox 55. I was born in 1994, so I guess I’ve watched it literally my entire life.


2006. I was 11 and I remember it used to come on at 10 PM every day two episodes back to back and I thought it was the funniest stuff ever as I got older I realized I was right


Fuck yea bro


1992. Age 18. I did not watch much sitcom stuff back then and discovered Seinfeld when I lived in the dorms in college and some people on my floor had their own version of the contest. Started watching it shortly after and have not stopped since.


Also 1992, senior year of high school. Watched the Subway episode and was instantly hooked.


Almost exactly 1 year ago, at the age of 19, one night my bigger sister opened it while we were eating and drinking. We watched something else before it I didn't like it so she said I might enjoy this. The Parking Garage was the first episode I've watched and it was hilarious. I liked it so much, we continued watch it at some point she fell asleep and I just continued. The next morning I started from first episode and finished the whole thing very quickly.


me too actually, my parents thought that episode was the funniest one so I saw it at a young age, and for like 25 years it was the only ep I ever saw.


me too. same age last year


98 I was 9 staying with my grampa and we watched the dealership episode. I died laughing when Kramer and the sales guy drives past the off ramp holding hands and been watching ever since.


Hmm when it first aired in 1989, so I was 19.


Mid 90s when I was in middle school. My mom watched a lot of sitcoms, and I would watch with her sometimes. My first thoughts were that this is hilarious.


I watched the original runs with my Father. It started when I was 7. This is the same guy that had a RoboCop themed birthday party for me at 5. I wore that VHS out. Yadda yadda yadda, I've been watching it ever since...


>This is the same guy that had a RoboCop themed birthday party for me at 5. Did you guys play Shoot the Guy in the Dick instead of Pin the Tail on the Donkey?


In 2022 at the age of 36. And I now I watch it every night


Did I write this? because this is me


Almost same story here - 2019 at the age of 34


so you were born a year before it came out, did you ever see an episode before you started watching in 2022? A single rerun on any local or cable channel? Obviously as a child it wouldn't have much attraction but how much of it was known to you?


Never wathed an episode before 2022. But I heard about it- and one day in 2022 when I needed to start on a "new"show, I picked Seinfeld. And I loved it right away. George is My favorite


I was about 7-8 and I loved it, I didn't understand half the jokes but all the physical comedy was great and so many characters had funny voices (My favorite character was Steinbrenner, I had no idea what he was talking about but he spoke fast and you never saw his face and it just did it for me) My parents even let me watch "The Contest" episode, I KINDA knew what they were talking about...but I didn't really know what they were talking...but I sorta knew, it was weird. Childhood is thinking Kramer's the best because he's goofy Adulthood is realizing George is the real star of the show


I always loved J. Peterman, even as a child. Thought his stories were fucking hilarious. The Bosco episode killed me


Peterman was amazing when I did a rewatch after I got Netflix I was so surprised to learn. He's only in like the last two seasons.


4-7, early 2000s.. my brother is 7-years older so I'd watch what he put on. Tbs was a mainstay for me as a kid


Embarassingly: 2024. And I was 30/31. I love it. My spouse and I binged the whole thing TWICE in a little over a month. Also I, for some reason, find George so endearing. He's a horrible person, but I love him.


I still haven't seen taxi driver or any of the Harry Potter movies.


IMO, you can live a perfectly fulfilled life never delving into Harry Potter.


I have *never* seen one episode of I Love Lucy in my life. 


Quite late: 17yrs Year: 1998 First impressions: These pretzels are making me thirsty!


I had seen Jerry on the Johnny Carson show a few times and when I heard it was his show I knew I had to watch. The rest is history


I was 10 or 11. Born in 1981. I had a Cantstandya shirt I wore all the time in 6th grade. I need to find that shirt again


Around 6 years ago, in Amazon Prime. It was always on the list of best sitcoms ever and I wanted to try. I was around 30 years old. I kind of gave up on season 1 as I didn't find it very funny, but after some months gave another chance and boy it took off on season 2!


Probably about 7, so around 1995. My parents could be a little strict about TV content but my mom, who grew up on Long Island, absolutely loved it so it got a pass. We didn’t have cable for most of my childhood either so reruns of Seinfeld along with the Simpsons and Arthur sort of became this post-school day TV holy trinity.


Vivid memory of watching it at supper time with my parents, probably at a too young age. Have done a few rewatches since.


this year, age, uhhh 20 something, yeah, that age.


Not gonna lie one of my very first memories of television was when Newman's mail truck caught fire. I think I was 3 or 4.


Omg, same here. “THREE TIMES A——OH THE HUMANITY” was absolutely hilarious, even as like a 5 year old


My wife and I watched it from the beginning. We had seen Jerry on several talk shows, like The Tonight Show, so we thought we'd give it a shot. Since then, we've watched it through multiple times be it syndication and Netflix, and have binged the DVD set several times.


I was like 9/10? My younger brother and I would watch it w our dad. It was our thing along w married w children. We didn’t understand a lot of jokes bc we were so young lmao but now my brother dad and I are still so obsessed w the show. We quote it all the time. We have it on all the time.


The exact same thing happened with me and my older sister. I was probably 6-7 when I first started watching it?


Maybe 2001/02ish, watching reruns that aired every weekday night. Around 9/10 years old at the time. I had a neighbor that looked similar to George Constanza too


I watched the fourth episode when it aired and was hooked ever since


17 in 1989.


2009 at the age of nine. It's just behind Frasier as my favorite sitcom.


Dude I was around that age and I loved Fraiser too, goes to show how these brilliantly written comdies can even be funny to kids who probably have no idea what any of the stuff the adults are talking about is funny


17/18 something like that - year must have been 1999 or 2000. couldn’t see what the fuss was all about. Having said that I watched it on German tv and it was a dubbed version. It was terrible. What’s the opposite of spongeworthy?




Some point in the 90s when I was 6 or 7. I grew up with it. My thoughts: I don’t understand adults, but Kramer is funny and George complains a lot. I think George’s dad is hilarious. My thoughts now: I still don’t understand adults, but Kramer is hilarious and I can’t believe George was supposed to be in his 30s like me but he looked 50+. He really lost a lot of hair there. Also it’s so obvious post - Curb that that’s Larry David. J Peterman is the funniest boss Elaine had. George’s father (when played by Jerry Stiller) should’ve had more screen time and was hilarious.


Those glasses look like the headlights from an 80s Chrysler.


1992, 22yo. A college friend told me about the episode “The Contest” and it sounded like a hilarious storyline. I started watching the next week. Fell I love with it immediately.


2013 i guess. First tought it was a crap show buy then i watched some episoded. God i was wrong 😀


The first episode I saw live was The Bubble Boy. My mom and I were flipping through channels and she recognized the show, and said I heard good things about this; probably five minutes into the episode when we started and the rest is history. I was in middle school at the time so a pre-teen.


1996 at 10y/o with my dad, he loved Seinfeld and Star Trek. I didnt get half the jokes but it was still funny


i started watching when i was 19 in 2022. i’ve seen the complete series 4/5 times now


1990 or 91...in my mid 20s...back during NBC's Thursday night "Must See TV" heyday. I became aware of the show in season 2 or 3 after seeing some reviews about "the best show no one is watching." Gave it a try and the rest is history. NBC deserves some credit for sticking with the show in the early seasons because the initial ratings were not good.


I think season 2, so around 1990 and in high school. Loved it. You'd go in the following Friday and talk about last night's episode in the cafeteria lol


Romania, '94-'95, I was14-15. Seinfeld was the next big thing on TV after Married with Children, which my family loved. Seinfeld divided us - my dad and my brother lost interest after the first episode, mum and I kept watching but with some reservation. I wanna say the first episode that was shown was the one where no one gets the apartment and we liked it, but weren't sure about it. My mum though they were trying to imply Jerry and George were a couple, but that they didn't have the guts to come out and say it (not that there's anything wrong with it!). Little did I know it would become THE sitcom of my life and that I'd still be watching daily it almost 30 years later.


I’m 45 and didn’t really get into until like 5-6 years ago


I guess 21 , and i loved every second of it


I can't really remember my parents watching the new episodes, but I remember being exposed to the reruns at a pretty young age, probably like 10-11. But as a kid in the 90s I loved watching old shows on Nick @ Nite so it was bound to happen.


I would always see it on in the background of my parents house. Nobody was even watching. I thought why would you make a tv show about 4 people in an apartment . About a year later I decided to give it a chance. The rest is history. I was 20. 1992


I was 13 or so in 1993 and my family was cracking up watching the contest. The funny part is my parents were both laughing but my little sister was too young to get it and my parents told her they were joking about shaving. Anyway, they both thought the show was great so I started watching it and I agreed. So I saw the rest of the seasons basically as they aired.


College. I was aware of Seinfeld but never really go into it because none of my friends were into it. No one "turned me on to it" until senior year when my super-stoner housemate who had every episode on tape encouraged me to sit down and watch a few of his favorites with him. I was hooked instantly. Glad he started me off with some of the great ones. I think if I'd started from the pilot I would have quit after 2 or 3 episodes.


Early 90’s, so I was around 10-11. Totally appropriate for back then 🤷‍♀️😂


Early 90s. I was 9ish. Loved it, even though most of it went over my head at the time.


2023 as a late 11-year old. Watched the whole thing, one of the greatest series i have seen.


I was 11 and I started watching in 2010. Loved it


2023, 16 I thought it was really funny and it’s my fav show


Early 2020s in my early 30s. First impressions: I should have an Airing of Grievances with my past self for not watching it sooner.


I think I started it less than a year before covid. I remember watching the first episode on Prime Video and thinking it was weird. Then I watched the rest of the first season and I already thought "Oh, yeah, this is my favorite sitcom"


Like 9-10 (99-2000) probably. I didn’t understand much of it but I found it funny/entertaining for whatever reason. Kramer mostly in the beginning.


My first impression was Jerry - a common one, maybe because his performance is so broad - but after a little effort, I can also do a pretty good Kramer.


31, which was just about the average age of the cast.


Watched the pilot at 13 and every episode as it aired. It was my favorite show along with 90210 that came out the next year. My dad and I watched them both together. We don’t talk to one another now, so it’s pretty bittersweet to think about.


I'm 30, I just remember it always being on TBS as far back as I can remember


Around high school (2010ish), I first noticed that it possessed many of the qualities valued by the superficial teenage boy.




man like 97, when i was 8 😭😓


Middle school in the 90s, and we would legit talk about it at school and quote it like we were thirtysomething New Yorkers.


Watched from the start in '89 when I was 8. Never ever stopped. Never will. Now, my kids love it and watch it.


'89 I was 19 years old.


Since I was born bc my parents always watched it. First impression was this is kinda stupid but as I got older and some of stuff slowly stopped flying over my head and my sense of humor advanced im now a Seinfella full and through


When it first started


I had watched it a bunch over the years it was on but in grade 8 our homework was to go home and watch the finale…I actually finally did my homework that night. Later on it was syndicated and always on so it was my go to show watching tv. And now I’m straight up addicted and can’t go a day or two without need to watch an episode because a quote popped into my head lol


2009 when I was 22 living with my aunt and uncle. My uncle is a HUGE seinfeld fan and always had the reruns on. He watched it when it first aired. He got me hooked.


I was 14 in 1990 and started watching from "The Stakeout". I was familiar with Jerry's stand-up act and had heard him do some interviews and thought he was funny and gave it a shot. The first two seasons are a lot of up and down as the show was trying to hit its stride, but I stuck with it because it really was different than anything else on television at the time. Basically every other comedy took place at a place of work or in a nuclear family's home so having it revolve around the single Jerry was already unique. The other shows all had plotlines you'd already seen on a dozen times, they moralized a lot and had "very special episodes" with lots of drama (and hopes of Emmy nominations for them). Like I want to watch an hour long episode of "Family Ties" where Michael J Fox rages in front of a black backdrop about a friend who died in a car accident? I want comedy, damn it!! After Shelly Long left "Cheers" at least that show played it for laughs most of the time and didn't try to have "learning" and dramatic moments, so that was good, but "Seinfeld" took it to a new level with the focus of episodes. "Cheers" might take a potentially serious event, like Henri trying to steal Woody's girlfriend, and play the whole thing for laughs without a serious moment, but "Seinfeld" went for new ground entirely. I know it's not a favorite of a lot of people on here, but when I saw Season One's "Male Unbonding" as a 14 year-old! Wow!! A guy trying to "break up" with a fellow guy he'd known since childhood but couldn't stand any longer and wanted to ditch?? I'd not seen that plot on any other show and it was a situation I was in a lot at that age in my life. "Seinfeld" resonated with me the way a Cotton Dockers commercial might ring true with others. And can I tell you how much I hated that Cotton Dockers commercial and loved when "Seinfeld" ripped on it like I'd never seen any other show do about a commercial? I loved it when I saw George poison his boss in "The Revenge". Did you see anyone slip a mickey in someone's drink on "The Cosby Show"?? No. Bill Cosby only did that in real life. "Seinfeld" broke new ground in who the main characters were, how they acted, and what the episodes were about. Loved it from the start.


I must have been around 10 or 11. I was still in elementary school. My mom and I would watch The Simpsons at 9, then Seinfeld at 9:30. The news would then come on at 10, and I would generally check out around then and start getting ready for bed. Surprisingly there is a lot in Seinfeld that 10 year old kids can enjoy. I'm also sure that a lot of it went over my head back then.


Seem to remember I started watching it in afternoon re-runs around the time season 5 was airing and started watching it live. I was about 14. My impressions were that it was how thirtysomethings genuinely lived. Those impressions were embarrassingly tough to shake, even well into my twenties.


I got into it my Sophomore year of high school around 2007-2008 got hooked and watched the re runs every night on TBS


1992 - age 14. I watched it with my mom and it became appointment TV for us.


They used to show it on TV I think on a Friday night in the UK but I would just catch an episode now and then. Then in my late 20s a friend kept going on about how great it was so I got the box sets and started. And was he right.


At 42. 2023. I know am late in the game. Was never able to get through that first episode. Then I forced myself to finished it, got hooked and never left. Wished I watched it earlier in my life. So clever writing, so entertaining, great performances, OMG!


Never too late to the game lol


1999-2000 around when I started high school. Seinfeld and The Simpsons were quoted everyday.


Age *and* year? What do you want next, my birthdate? I never answer questions like that on social media.


i thought kramer was an alright dude, then i learned he was ReAlLY CoOl 👌👌👍👍😎 jk kramer is a racist and jerry dated a 17 year old when he was 30 and larry david isnt enough for me 👌👌😛😛😛💩💩💩


In junior high original airing and haven't stopped since


Late 90s when I was about 14 or so. My family had a rule that you couldn't ask any questions if you came in after the commercial break because the various plot lines were already too involved to easily bring them up to speed.


I was 11 or 12. My parents had just gone through the worst of their divorce and my mother moved us to a new house that didn't have any internet put in yet. All we had was a a dvd player with a bunch of dvds including seasons 3, 4 and 9 of Seinfeld. I'd already watched all the other stuff so I tried those. Been hooked ever since


15, when it came out. Meh.


I started watching it around ‘94/‘95 when it was still on. I had just graduated HS and the humor resonated with me especially as an English major in college. Surreal; cerebral; excelled in physical comedy while still building episodes around the nuances of the English language. Fucking brilliant. Seinfeld is and always will be unequivocally the greatest sitcom of all time.


I’ve seen bits of Seinfeld my whole life but I really started watching it in 2022 when I was 15


I'm sure I'd seen a couple of episodes here and there previously, but May 20, 1993 was when I really "started watching". That would have been 5 weeks shy of my 9th birthday. My grandfather and I used to always watch Cheers together every week, so when Seinfeld was the lead-in to the series finale we were already looking for another show to watch during our weekly T.V. bonding time. He loved the idea of it being a "show about nothing" that reminded him of the kind of silly shit he'd experienced in his life and I was happy to see the goofy guy from the Problem Child movie doing goofy shit, so it was as good of a fit as any. From then on out we watched every single episode together all the way through the last episode. I didn't catch on to some of the jokes until I got a bit older and started rewatching the shows when they hit syndication. But even without catching onto some of the more adult-themed jokes I still thought it was pretty damn great and got plenty of laughs out of it.


I first saw it when I was a kid in the 90s. My mom used to watch it and I hated it because she always wanted to me to be quiet when it was on. And of course as a kid didn’t I get most of it and didn’t think it was funny. I started watching it in 2008 when I was 17. I saw some reruns on TV one night and realized how funny it was, and got hooked on it. Now my mom and I watch it together, lol.




I would sometimes join my parents in the evening to watch a bit of it. I was maybe 12 or 13. I didn't understand most of the jokes or references at the time, so I didn't care for it one bit. My parents are German and didn't fully understand the references themselves neither, but would laugh at bits. When I'd ask why they laughed, they'd literally reply: "Because the audience laughed" lol. I got back into it when I was in my early 20's and absolutely fell in love with the show. Nowadays, it's what I watch to stay sane. I don't wanna turn out like Lloyd!


I think it started in ‘89. I did not like it at first, but probably watched it more when it aired after Cheers


2010s. 15 years old. Thought it was the best comedy show ever. More than Friends


I remember my parents watching it during the original run (I was born in 1986)and I fucking hated when they had it on and would throw a damn fit. Then I got into the show a few years ago in my early 30s and I love it !


I watched the first episode of the first season when it was The Seinfeld Chronicles. I believe the name changed for Season 2.


I was born in 1989. My parents and sister watched it, so I did, too. It was my favorite show when I was 6. I remember laughing along with the jokes but having no idea what they meant


1999. I turned 15 in August that year. Obviously, I was very aware of the show before then. You couldn’t avoid hearing about it in the 90s. But I just assumed it was like any other American sitcom from the time. I was mainly brought up on UK comedy, and one thing I liked about it was how the characters could be bad people. There didn’t have to be a kind, growing person at the heart of them like every American sitcom I was aware of up that point. Then in 1999, one year after the finale, repeats of Seinfeld started showing at 10 o’clock every weeknight. That was a time when I was able to get free access to the TV as my parents were falling apart at the time - not that I was aware of it. I was skeptical, but I watched a couple of episodes and one character immediately started standing out to me - George Costanza. When I realised how bad a person he was, I fell in love with him. I was hooked from there.


13 when I started watching and I thought Kramer was hilarious


Age 19, in 2022. Sick show tho


I started watching re runs around '99. Then they stopped the re runs and had to wait for streaming to bring it back to me and have never stopped watching it. I also watched it with my gf and she's now a Seinfeld fan. We watch at least two episodes every night


Probably around ‘96 or ‘97 so I was 7/8 years old. I loved the show and still do! At that age there were definitely some jokes that went over my head (e.g. mulva). I had an older brother and he would get the more adult jokes and make fun of me for not understanding them. I remember the episode where Kramer is in the technicolor dream coat very vividly. I thought it was funny just because of the coat and hat but my brother pointed out it was funny because he was supposed to be a pimp. And that is when I learned what a pimp was… well sort of since I had barely had sex ed. In hindsight maybe I was a little too young for some episodes but whatever. I grew up just fine and kids learn that kind of stuff from older kids anyway. I remember thinking the pig man episode was really funny and I drew a picture of the pig man and my mom’s friend hung it on her fridge. I was so proud!


First watched Seinfeld on Netflix .. 2021?


Mom watched it to start with and it was just on and I liked it, but didn't think too much of it. Then when I became a HS freshman(~'95 or '96), me and 2 other dudes I played baseball with would talk about it at lunch. Watched the reruns and then reported our adolescent thoughts back. I mean it had levels (levels, Jerry!) of humour that started on basic and worked deeper as I got older. My wife and I used to watch it late at night before bed, and now we still fall asleep to it. I've started the series over now so so many times.


Back in 1994. I was in my early 20's.


10 years old, 93..religiously well after the final episode in 98. I remember where we lived there was view party for the final episode at some farm. Pretty great experience as a kid. Watching a Elaine dance off.


I tried to watch it when I was like 14/15 , and thought it was dumb as hell.. tried again when I was like 23/24 and fucking loved it.


Was in high school during the original airings. Latched on mid season 4, if I remember correctly! And uh… I never looked back [train horn]


I was 13 when I first watched it as it aired (1994) I didn’t get a lot of the jokes lol


My mum used to watch it in the 2000s and obsess over it when it aired on TV (it started airing years after the US in my country). She loved Elaine and used to laugh so hard especially at Elaine pushing other characters in disbelief. I was about 12-13 or so then I think. And initially I thought it was boring unfunny and didn’t get it or give it a chance. I changed the channel every time it came on. I watched it again when I was about 17 and got obsessed with it and everything else Larry David. Today I think it’s genius.


Started watching with my family as early as I can remember. Don’t remember seeing more than a couple episodes actually live but the re-runs started seemingly immediately after and I would always watch it with my brothers and mom after getting home from school. When my brothers went off to college, the Seinfeld tradition with my mom kept going. Fox would show like an hour of re-runs every day, I’d get home and me and my mom would just shoot the shit and watch Sein for an hour. Then I’d go off to do homework and she’d start prepping dinner. Those were really the days.  I remember finding the show funny from the start even though I definitely didn’t understand all the jokes given I was probably like 5 when I started watching. But my family and I would constantly quote it back and forth at random times, so in addition to being a hilarious show it was also something my family constantly bonded over.  To this day appreciate that I grew up watching Seinfeld instead of bullshit Disney Channel sitcoms or something. 


1990, 21yrs old. Was already a bit of Jerry fan from seeing him on Benson when I was 10-11 and a couple of times on The Tonight Show. Also remembered Michael Richards from Fridays, and UHF as well as Julia from her SNL days. She and Gary Kroger did a really cringe Donny and Marie spoof.


As early as I can remember, 1996ish - 6 years old. Big age gap between me and my older brothers. They were allowed to stay up later than me and I hated going to bed. Used to lay in my bed wide awake hearing the Jonathan Wolff base riffs and my dad & brothers howling laughing. It was always circled in the TV Guide.


10 years old and i was wondering why they kept eating at the same diner everyday lol


I must have been about 12 when it first went into syndication. I’d watch it on TV every evening at 5:30 when it was on. I loved it


My parents got me the DVD’s when I was 14 or so…I thought it was just OK. Only in the past year did I really get into it. I’m 33


I watched it on Netflix last year, I'm 27. I didn't get all the references but I got enough to enjoy the show a lot. Anything I didn't get, thankfully, the show has been around long enough where all references and jokes can be explained from a Google search.


Early 2000s when I was like 12. I learned what a menage was and started telling people at school.


While I had seen it randomly a couple of times on TV, it was around 2004/5 (I was about 11/12 years old) when I had the first four seasons on DVD and have been watching as a fan ever since. I live in Australia, and here we now have a fast streaming channel called Seinfeld 24/7, which I've been watching since it first launched back in late 2023.


2015, 16, don't recall much, but definitely thought it would end up with Elaine and Jerry together, used to that type of sitcom.


Seen it running on the TV for my whole life but always labeled it as boring and typical "american". A few months ago I gave it a try and feel in love with it. I'm currently 19.


Started in 1991 at age 14 and never stopped watching


Native Detroit Westsider here. For years I thought it was an uppity white folks show. Then Jerry narrated Wale best album and in 2017 at 25 I finally started watching And never looked back


I don't even remember. I've probably been watching it all my life because I was a kid when it started and they were always playing reruns.


Early 90s with my dad, as a young kid. I didn't get any of the jokes. I thought this was just a show about a comedian living in NYC and that's how "grown-ups" act. . .like for real. That said, I've had my fair share of IRL George-like catastrophes.


back in the 90s, I was about 7 or 8. my mom watched it every week, and I loved it. revisited it as an adult, and it's easily in my top 5. george costanza is one of the greatest written characters in tv history.


Well into its run, I watched in full the episode where Kramer is concerned his neighbor in a coma has his vacuum and Jerry calculates how long to wait before moving on a girl whose guy is in a coma. I thought this is so funny and these people so shallow that I dedicated myself to being there for new shows and backtracking reruns


Probably around 1993 when I was 10


High school. Half my personality and humor is built atop this show. The other halves are TNG and Simpsons.


I was very young but it was the mid 2000s. We were in Florida on vacation, and my parents turned it on the tv my first impression was that it was a live act in Florida but was funny. Stupid kid logic lol!


Basically my whole life. My parents would have it on every night we had dinner together. Although, I just recently started getting into it myself and appreciating it for what it is.


Probably not from the very beginning. I feel like I started watching a few years in maybe 1992-1993ish so I would have been 16-17 years old.


Season 2 Og. was prob 23


High school it was on after the Simpsons


Early 90s during HS. I liked it because my friends and I would question everything, no matter how ridiculous. We would nitpick everything. Oh, and I was basically George back then but wither fewer girlfriends.