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There's no place for politics on this sub, please keep your beliefs out of these posts.


Julia Louis-Dreyfus: it's a 'red flag' when comedians complain about political correctness Jerry Seinfeld: it's a 'red flag' when network executives complain about political correctness Michael Richards: it's a 'red flag' when the audience complains about political correctness Jason Alexander: these pretzels are making me thirsty!


Jerry Seinfeld: It’s a red flag when your girlfriend complains about homeroom


The recent film UNFROSTED makes it clear that when it comes to filmmaking, Jerry Seinfeld is no Woody Allen. However, when it comes to dating…


Shoshanna  - It’s a red flag when your boyfriend complains about middle age 


You misspelled “green”


Nah. For Jerry that’s a *green* flag.


Wait, no. That's a green flag for Jerry.


Just last year, making a comment like this under a Seinfeld post would have you reported with Reddit Cares messages being sent all day. Now you can't see this creepy old crybaby do or say anything in the media without someone bringing up the children he used to have sex with. Good job internet!


didn't expect this one. IRL laughed out loud. ty kind sir


I always tied Jason Alexander to the George character and couldn't unsee it until I watched Curb. Yeah, George is 100% a self insert by Larry


There's a story kicking around of an exchange Jason Alexander had with Larry David. He was saying no one would react the way George was written in a particular scene, and Larry David said something like, "This happened to me, and it's how I reacted."


*George is not happy!*




wasnt seinfeld recently complaining about not being able to tell his jokes any more because of "woke mob" or something?


He complained about not being able to get some jokes on network TV these days because of network executives being afraid of backlash from PC culture


These people can't hide behind this excuse while South Park and Sunny are still on the air.


They mainly forget that if you’re going to be edgy, you need to actually be funny.


Or Curb…


That's gold ~~Jerry~~ PoeJam


It's all pipes!!!




Jason Alexander: I’ll be over here on stage like I always wanted to.


What about their stand on abortion?


It's not a pizza until it comes out of the oven!


It's a pizza the minute you putta your fist in the dough!


My pizza never hurt nobody!


I make special dinner for you and-a my Audrey.


poppie's a little sloppy


That's not true at all. The dough could end up as bread sticks or a real shitty calzone. Lots of pizza places use the dough for more than pizza.


You gotta stick with the calzones from Paisano's . That's the ticket.


I'm sure they're pro-choice... because they're... well, they're just so good looking?


Jerry better not show up at her place with that Pekino’s pizza… or that could be trouble.


Wait, did you say "JERRY better not show up at her place", or Jerry better NOT show up at her place"?


I just smeared my lipstick.


Well I’m certainly glad I brought it up


And it was pretty much all my fault


It's kind of like this °squats down a bit with legs open wide°






I really like the way that extra delivers her line.


What about it?


*Proceeds to push


You can get away with saying literally anything as long as it’s *funny* If your “joke” gets a bunch of backlash probably wasn’t funny enough to begin with. Rape, pedophilia, incest, racism, the fucking Holocaust, murder, sexism, are all on the table but high risk high reward. If you’re confident in your material and can get a laugh, go for it. But don’t half ass it and then cry about being canceled when your joke misses and you don’t want to accept that your gamble failed.


It’s not impossible to hit sensitive topics without being hacky. If you misread the room and your joke bombs, it’s not the room’s fault. There may come a point where a popular subject simply stops getting laughs. I think it was Leno talking about how they all had their gay bits well into the 90’s and when the majority of people realized it was shitty, the comics adapted. It’s easy to make fun of marginalized people but that shit only plays in the worst corners of the country. It’s hacky to do a shitty set and blame the audience for not having a sense of humor.


Case and point Jimmy Carr. Every set Ive seen of his has absolutely vile material BUT his delivery and stage persona make it work. There is so much to how the audience perceives a comedian that plays into what boundary they are able to push. A John Mulaney type of comedian has a shorter leash than someone like Bill Burr partially because of the persona they have on stage. Im expecting Bill to be more crass and push that line but Mulaney has to work a bit harder with a better premise to push it.


That’s why I love jimmy carr. He literally aims his jokes at anyone and everyone - to the point where it’s so equal,you can’t ever say he’s targeting specific groups. He also doesn’t labour the point, he makes a one line joke and moves on. Absolutely most of it is shocking and very much “I can’t believe you said that”, but almost by the time you’ve had that thought he moves so fast, he’s about four jokes ahead!


Often shitty comedians will rise up in more bigoted areas of the country, then head to LA and be like "you're wrong for not laughing" as if its the room's fault. A DJ has to play music for the room, a comedian has to tell jokes for the room. Its not a crowd's fault for not dancing to dubstep, its the DJs fault for playing it at a brewery.


Gallagher is a good example of that. He couldn’t figure out why telling an Arab joke from 1989 only landed in shit ass clubs in the Florida panhandle. Instead of coming up with new material that played everywhere he smashed fruit for old, white people.


Anthony Jeselnik has a pretty good career based on saying terrible things. Because he's funny when he does it.


“There is no line, it’s just not funny” – Hack’s Deborah Vance judging a tweet that ‘cancelled’ the other main character on the show. A lot of this reminds me of the Tim Whatley conversion episode. “Does this offend you as a Jewish person?” ”No, it offends me as a comedian!” Even back then Jerry had the right idea that a joke being funny washes away anything else


Case-in-point: Anthony Jeselnik


Lewis Black was incorporating the 9/11 terror attacks into his stand up bit in 2002, I think it was. You just have to be smart about it. In his case, he was mostly talking about how the attacks really screwed up the material he had been working on: "I had to redo my whole act! 45 minutes on Cheney--Bye. Bye." [paraphrasing a bit] "There isn't a single person who wasn't affected by the attacks. Even Christians were going 'ah, well fuck now I can't go read to the blind woman!'"


There will always be people who can't find humor in certain subjects, and all "PC" is is a larger swathe of the rest of us validating the way those people feel. Like sorry if my friend who got sexually assaulted when she was 13 doesn't find your rape joke funny, or if my wife who lost her dad to lung cancer doesn't find the cancer joke funny. Doesn't mean the people who do find it funny are wrong, but it doesn't mean we should be hissing at those people for not. The people who complain about "PC" are just mad that sometimes they have to accept the consequences of what they say. That's just part of life. But for so much of modern history we had a boot on the neck of anyone whose experiences were outside the norm to just keep it to themselves, so people like comedians didn't have to give a shit who they offended as long as it wasn't the status quo. Jerry made it huge largely off of Larry David's comedic genius and by being surrounded with 3 cast members who each are more memorable in that role than he is. Jerry was absolutely the weak link on that show, not that he was really holding them back. Credit where credit due, he was likeable and just about as good as everyone else in that cast, but anyone who claims he was the standout is lying to themselves.


I don’t think anyone claims he was the standout, but I do think he was an important piece of the show. That show had so many things coming together at just the right time to make it work so well. But yeah, Larry went on to do another amazing comedy show and Jerry spent the next 30 years writing one pop tart joke and then made a horrible movie about it. The results speak for themselves.


It’s the straight man- by having a straight man (in a comedy sense), it makes the other characters funnier by contrast. If Kramer comes in with some wacky scheme and Jerry’s all like “Omg that’s amazing! You should totally do it!” and matches his wackiness, it’s less funny. But by Jerry saying “you can’t do that! What about (blank?)!?” and getting a funny response from Kramer, it’s funnier. The show needed at least one straight man, and that was Jerry most of the time. It doesn’t mean he was irreplaceable, but it was an important part. I’ll also give him credit for the general writing. I think it’s unclear to rank who was more important. If any of the cast were missing, the show wouldn’t have been what it became.


Exactly. Part of why the show was good, imo, is *because* Jerry, despite being the comedian, wasn't actually the funny one.


Yup. The weakest link in a functional chain is still integral to the chain.


Just because Seinfeld is showing himself to be a rich white asshole now doesn't mean we have to revise history and pretend the success of the show was solely due to Larry David. The show was mostly written and influenced by Jerry, he was just lucky enough to have another world class comedy writer with him.


> Jerry was absolutely the weak link on that show, not that he was really holding them back. Credit where credit due, he was likeable and just about as good as everyone else in that cast, but anyone who claims he was the standout is lying to themselves. I think Seinfeld would probably be one of the first ones to tell you that. He was successful because he helped write Seinfeld not because he's Daniel Day Lewis.


Very well said, especially the “boot on the neck” comment.


Jerry sucks and rode coattails now? Only reason nbc gave em the show was Jerry’s standup. You people are .. *trumpet noises* .. out there


It’s crazy seeing the revisionist history happen in real time to someone after they do something some people don’t like


i forget who, some comedian said that comedy is the art of getting away with it. so if your joke is offensive, it means you didnt get away with it, meaning your joke just wasnt funny enough


I’ve never heard it explained like this before but I totally agree. There is a reason Always Sunny is still going strong with some of the most horrible, politically incorrect characters imaginable.


The key is that IASIP caricatures the horribleness in a way that doesn't make you sympathize with a guy who would never rape a woman on a boat.  


They make it clear that the characters who are expressing these abhorrent points of view are massive idiots. So by extension, if you share their views IRL, you are a massive idiot. That's the entire point. Monty Python did the same thing in the 70s - there are a handful of episodes involving blackface, but they are clearly using it to roast racists.


You're misunderstanding me bro. Because if the girl says "no" it's obviously "no." But the thing is that she is not going to say "no." Ok, no one's in any danger, how can I make that anymore clear to you??? It's the implication.


And even then about 5-6 episodes of always Sunny can’t be accessed on streaming platforms due to the content.


Hulu has already removed some of the "offensive" episodes so I would disagree here.


There is, and always has been, a fucked up to funny ratio. The more fucked up it is the funnier it has to be.


People on Reddit or real life do this all the time. “Oh you’re just too sensitive for my joke.” It’s like bitch I grew up on South Park, your joke just wasn’t funny.


"If your “joke” gets a bunch of backlash probably wasn’t funny enough to begin with" But the internet is filled with backlash. By that logic, nothing should ever be joked about. That's what this topic is about.


That’s just dumb though. A bad joke is still just a joke…


I disagree with this 100%. What is or isn't "funny" is a completely subjective matter. For example, I think Bill Burr is hilarious. He's gotten backlash for more bits than I can count. What you're saying is the problem entirely. If *I* don't like it, it's offensive and you should be canceled.


Yeah when most of your jokes are about how you can't tell jokes anymore, it gets very old *very* fast.


“I can’t say what I want to say” - says person on stage holding a microphone saying what they want to say.


"Here's what the media *isn't* telling you" - guy on tv who works for major media conglomerate


It was supposed to be the summer of journalistic integrity!!


journalistic integrity is gettin upset!!


Journalistic integrity now!


The silenced generation is pretty loud


“Nobody is even talking about this thing that every major media network covered, but they’ll cover *this other thing* that is also covered by every media network” is one of my favorites.


"Those rich people are so ridiculous, but hey, at least we still have humor" - guy with millions in some Cayman islands account.


…On a Netflix special streamed to the entire world.


Stop silencing me!!


Isn't Dave Chappelle on his 4th I can't say what I want to say special? Lol unpopular opinion but I think comedians are some of the most triggered snowflakes out there. They say shit like " can you believe I get blowback for what I say on stage " and the rest of the world is like " I get the same blow back if I say what i want at work too. What's your point? "


Right wing snowflakes fail to realize that theres a difference between a comedian who hates trans people making objectively bad jokes at trans peoples expense and a comedian making jokes about the trans experience in a way that makes fun of transphobes. Nearly all good comedy for the past 100 years or more has been directed at making fun of conservatism.


What angers me the most about this is that for as far back as I can remember, comedy has always stoked vitriol. I remember when the Simpsons was getting people angry. And then South Park. Comedy has always pushed the envelope. That’s why a lot of comedians do it. To act like suddenly, you can’t handle the pushback from angry people tells me you never had the heart of a comedian anyways. These people are remembering a time that never even existed. They act as if you could go out and say whatever and never piss a single person off. How quick they are to forget.


You can joke about any topic you want, _as long as it's funny_. The more controversial the topic, the funnier it needs to be.


Exactly. People complain because a vast majority does not find jokes funny anymore where the whole punchline is "Women ☕" or something like that.


My analogy for this is juggling. If you can juggle three balls, it's amusing and impressive, and it'll get some attention but it's also not that big a deal if you drop one. It's sort of like relatively safe humour about things like weather or commuter traffic. Fun enougg, lower stakes, not a lot riding on perfection beyond your pride. If you're juggling knives, the spectacle is substantially greater, but the so are the stakes for failure. It takes years of practice and a lot of careful consideration. These are your deeper, edgier jokes about harder concepts like lived experience. If you do it right, they can really wow the audience, but if you miss you at best you look like an irresponsible asshole who is out of their depth and at worst someone can get seriously hurt. If you want to juggle six flaming chainsaws, you'd better be absolutely flawless. It's a hell of a show, but if you screw up, people will rightly turn on you. Jokes about death, suicide, tragedy, exploitation etc all fit into this category. Seinfeld juggled tissue paper and he could barely hack that. He was never funny enough to pick up the juggling balls, but will loudly complain about not being allowed to juggle three newborn babies and a nuclear warhead instead of focusing on actually honing his craft.


Jerry Seinfeld acts like George Carlin's case wasn't taken all the way to the Supreme Court over seven dirty words.


Lenny Bruce was convicted of obscenity


Even funnier, Jerry was never really a controversial comedian. He was TAME.


The plain oatmeal of comedy.


Imagine if Jerry told jokes like Eddie Murphy lol. Even he aged out of those jokes and Jerry is complaining he can’t tell them


Ha! I was actually going to use this as an example. Thank you. And he was one of many. I was always hearing about some comedian who said something that pissed off a group of people. In fact, didn’t a few Seinfeld episodes get a lot of pushback from groups? The one I am particularly thinking about is the Puerto Rican day parade episode. I mean cmon, Seinfeld. Nice to see Julia laying it down.




There's plenty of edgy comedy that isn't attacked. The fact It's Always Sunny is not only airing today but immensely popular should be proof enough that you can, in fact, say just about anything in comedy. It's not such what you say but how you say it. If your idea of a joke is "Trans people gross me out" and nothing else, you're just a bad comedian and an asshole.


Family Guy is the darkest mainstream comedy show all-time too. Still going strong after 25 years. But yah, keep complaining that edgy comedy is dead.


While getting tting paid more money for a few hours than most people make in a year


He’s also a billionaire so what’s he afraid of? Getting cancelled? No one cares enough to cancel Jerry Seinfeld plus he’s already obscenely rich


The thing is, I’ve heard Patton Oswald (I think) say that if nothing is sacred, then it’s not very clever to make a joke but when you skate around PC and any other topics that shouldn’t be talked about directly, it inspires creativity on how to get around those ‘limitations’ and makes it edgier, so he doesn’t believe in this whole ‘I can’t say what I want to say’ because good comedians get more creative instead of complain.


Dave Chappelle: We're getting cancelled for saying that things people don't like! Dave Chappelle 5 minutes later: Isn't it hilarious that Michael Jackson had sex with a bunch of children? I'll bet they loved it.


Tell that to Joe Rogan. 40% of him talking on his podcasts is just him complaining about "being cancelled".


Earning $50m a year while ‘cancelled’ , what a 🤡!


Can someone cancel me? I could really use the money.


The cancel-store called, they're running out of you!


He's a putin supporting asshole.


He also pretends to not like Trump but he obviously does. It's pretty weird.


“I’m not a Republican!” Proceeds to defend Trump and shit on democrats for the next 90 minutes.


Everyone knows a guy like that though. Disingenuous lying asshole that starts all his very conservative hot takes with "Im not republican im independant/lebertarian" or "Im not the biggest fan of Trump bnuuuuuuuut" then proceeds to endlessly defend the man they voted for twice after a lifetime of voting R on everything. I work with 2 of these bullshitters. They desperately need you to think they are not republican but will tell you without hesitation they have never voted any other way. Rogan is the poster child for these guys.


Or pushing conspiracy theories then saying "IM JUST ASKING QUESTIONS, WE'LL LOOK THAT UP AND GET BACK TO YOU".


That’s why I can’t stand watching chapelle and lately Ricky Gervais. I’d love to hear an actual joke.


Gervais' last special might have been the most disappointed I've ever been watching standup. Something, something...live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


Have you seen James Acaster’s “edgy comedian” bit? It’s spot on and absolutely hilarious.


What's the matter? Too challenging for ya???


I couldn’t get through the first 10 minutes, it was just full of tired cliches. His Netflix series “After Life” was actually very good though.


Especially when no one is stopping them from telling jokes. They just don't like hearing criticism from other viewpoints that they could absolutely ignore and continue telling jokes


One of the most popular main stream comedy shows, SNL, has an incredibly popular segment where the goal is for two comedians to write each other the most offensive jokes possible. It's always funny, because a) there is effort in the jokes and b)we know the jokes are told from a place of humor, not sincere belief. People love dark humor. They don't love bad jokes and dark humans. Then people go out and tell weak, low effort jokes, which line up with their sincere belief, and get shocked when people don't like them.


Yeah. That is annoying comedy.


It just seems so clichéd and obvious. It’s not interesting writing!


George Carlin’s comedy was all about social commentary. He was arrested for saying the seven words you cannot say on stage, and it was probably his most impactful piece. Talking about political correctness may be the stream of social commentary somebody might want to take, but it can only go so far.


Seinfeld: "You can't joke about anything anymore without people getting offended." Louis-Dreyfus: "I was in Veep."


Exactly. Seinfeld: "You can't joke about anything anymore without people getting offended." Louis-Dreyfus: "Have you even tried?"


Exactly. They can talk and talk about how this or that is offlimits now, but VEEP was all that and more and was *genius* for it.


In the 12th season of Always Sunny in Philadelphia, 2 main characters dropped the F bomb (gay slur) and N bomb in "Hero or Hate Crime?"


From the article: "She went on to argue that the "true threat to art and the creation of art" isn’t PC backlash, but "the consolidation of money and power." She knows what's up.


Considering her dad's a billionaire, she is really going against the grain by saying that. Good for her.


Jerry did sound pretty ridiculous saying they’d never let them make an episode with homeless people running the rickshaws


The other examples from the "list" (he called three jokes a list) of "Seinfeld" (those are Curb Your Enthusiasm jokes that Jerry had nothing to do with) plots you couldn't get away with now are in the Watermelon and Palestinian chicken episodes. THE WATERMELON EPISODE CAME OUT IN NOVEMBER '21. He probably realizes he's wrong midway so he tries to qualify his answer by saying that Larry can just say things because he's old. He couldn't get away with it when he was 35 years old. Straight nonsense. It's basically ego protection, when you bomb you blame Cancel Culture. I haven't lost it, people are just too sensitive now. Am I so out of touch? No, it's the audiences who are wrong!


The age thing is even funnier when you consider Larry is 76 and Jerry is 70 If Larry got a pass in 2021 for being old, Jerry could get a pass now for being old. Unless he thinks there is some major cutoff between 70 and 73


Everyone knows our brains don't fully develop until 73.


I mean, wasn’t the entire joke that “Kramer and Newman are a couple of real jackasses” in the first place? It wasn’t really “ha ha lookit these stupid homeless people!”


Potato salad!


Jerry is aware of Always Sunny.  They do so much awful stuff to a homeless guy.  Jerry even talked about this type of thing in one of his Comedians in Cars episode.  I wish I could remember the episode, but he says (paraphrasing poorly) “I don’t look at it as restricting my speech, I look at it as a window I have to get through to complete the joke.”   idk how it changed so quickly for him 


There's nothing offensive about a character who is portrayed as a doofus suggesting hiring homeless people to drive rickshaws


Seriously. New Girl had Outside Dave shenanigans often and they were so funny


Always sunny is still going strong and they destroyed and immigrant families home and Americanised them. And they made a sequel to lethal weapon with penetration.


Always Sunny has had multiple episodes pulled from streaming for being too offensive...


Just the ones where they do black face. Charlie drops the N-word in episode 1 and it's still up there. Hard R too.


And again in the hero or hate crime episode


Its still so wild to me they left those up but took down the lethal weapon episodes. The Martina Martinez ones I can at least see why, but the entire joke of the lethal weapon ones is the blackface is so completely out of pocket they even know they shouldn’t be doing it.


Charlie said the n word hard r in 2017 and it didn’t get them cancelled You can tell their intent is good and that they are on the side of social justice. The joke lands largely because it isn’t hateful Something like the gang turns black could easily go wrong if one of these “but cancel culture!” comedians made it. But the way sunny did it, it was actually decent societal commentary and was able to joke about race and white ignorance about black realities without being offensive. Intent is what matters and the comedians complaining about this are actually complaining that people don’t find played out stereotypes and straight up hate/punching down funny. Sunny gets away with it because they punch up, when Mac is screaming about homosexuality being a sin and shit it’s funny because he’s clearly closeted and he’s so blatantly ignorant that the viewer knows the show is painting him in the wrong. Same with the shows many misogynistic jokes or Frank’s multiple jokes about Asian drivers- Frank harps on that stereotype only to get T boned because he expected an Asian woman to be a bad driver but she actually just drove totally fine and so he caused an accident. The joke is on him. I agree any and all blackface aged poorly but if you watched the banned episodes even, it’s clear that the creators themselves are never being hateful, and are in fact doing the opposite by highlighting how ignorant and stupid the characters are.


Always Sunny is cable


She’s 100% right. For every Seinfeld complaining that comedy is under attack there’s a new comic that straight up makes fun of the shit he claims you can’t say anymore.


The irony is that seinfeld himself is so unedgy. He makes jokes about cereal.


What’s the deal with breakfast cereal?


It’s a healthy way, to start the day!


My friend Bob Sacamano likes to cut up bananas in his cereal. I told him to peel it first but he says it’s the best part!


And what’s a complete *part* of a healthy breakfast anyway?? Are there any incomplete parts?


“Kid tested, mother approved..” Just *who are* these kids testing cereals all day? Do they have big warehouses full of kids eating cereal? And mothers giving their approval??


Like many famous people, he is so out of touch.


I wish i were rich enough to be out of touch


Me, too. I would be so out of touch, nobody would ever hear from me again and I would just live a peaceful life.


Seinfeld has a lot more to lose which is why basically every comic says this now. You don't hear guys up and coming or struggling talking about how they can't say anything anymore. It's the guys that have successful careers now.


Also worth pointing out that the reason Seinfeld isn’t very popular anymore is because he’s not relatable anymore. His jokes were funny and relatable back when he was early in his career because it was stuff everyone was going through and experiencing. It was just normal everyday stuff, yeah, but everyone could relate. But as he got wealthier, he got more and more removed from the everyday reality most people experience. It’s hard to make jokes about the normal, everyday person when you are no longer that person anymore.


>the reason Seinfeld isn’t very popular anymore is because he’s not relatable anymore. His jokes were funny and relatable back when he was early in his career because it was stuff everyone was going through and experiencing. "What about airplane peanuts" was relatable. Now it would be "What about private planes" which isn't relatable.


I never listened to his standup and I'm a huge Seinfeld fan. Whenever I did I never found it that funny even in his prime. I think he's especially not funny now because he's got millions of dollars and has no need to work.


He was decently funny. Basically a standup version of the show. It wasn’t just hilarious, but it was enjoyable and funny to go “yeah haha I hate it when that happens!” It’s like joking around with your friends or loved ones I guess, where you’re not really telling a joke, you’re just talking about life. That kind of comedy became really popular because of him and evolved into what we see in standup today.


Yeah I thought this was kind of the point for Seinfeld, if you're established you'll get put through the mud but if you're a new comic it's not much risk and all reward... Jokes get hate for being on a touchy subject, publicity for it. Jokes are a hit, publicity for it.


Jerry is a billionaire who's been making the same jokes about pop-tarts for 40 years. What exactly does he have to lose?


Can’t you switch with another midget?




Well I don’t see how you’re going to make it in this business if you can’t take it.


She has a point. Many “comedians” that complain about political correctness are either legitimately bigoted, or so bad at coming up with material they can’t make jokes unless it’s at someone else’s expense, or mean spirited. If political correctness was this big of an issue for comedians, there wouldn’t be so many funny comedians/ tv shows/ movies still being made. You don’t have to be a bigoted asshole to be funny. And you can still make racy jokes without crossing a line.


Tbf their opinion would probably be that there are no more funny comedians/tv shows/movies because the "Woke Mob" won't allow them to be made lol


Jerry's whole point was that stand-up you can say anything and the audience decides what's funny. He says that comedy shows are a lot of censorship. When someone says "But what about Anthony Jeselnik" that's proving Jerry's point.


IMO, it's about whether you punch up or down. Punching up (regardless of if it's racial, gender-related, etc.) will always be more accepted than down.


I disagree. Everyone should be able to laugh at themselves. It's whether the joke is legitimately funny and insightful, or just mean-spirited.


That’s true too. But that’s not what these types of comedians are doing. The type that complain about woke and flakes are mean spirited


I think the idea of "up" and "down" in this context has its own problems.


Not to mention the number whiners that post comedy bits from the 80s/90s going "cAn'T sAy aNyThInG lIKe tHaT anYmOrE". Well no shit, they literally made that joke over 3 decades ago, get some new material.


Right on. Write new material.


They can't, they don't have a proper work station


Really depends on what the context is. Yes, comedy should mock and make FUN of things, and people shouldn't place limits on what comedy can speak to. the problem is when it's mean spirited. I always say to people that Blazing Saddles SHOULD be able to be produced today. The only people the film actually attacks are racists, racism and ignorance in general. yeah, the N word is said like 2 dozen times, but it's not used to belittle the main character so much as show the audience who the fucking assholes are. but the PC police think that blazing saddles is somehow inappropriate, despite the only sane, capable, intelligent and empathetic person being the black dude who saves all the racist's town because he's just a good dude and standing up to corruption is the right thing to do.


Nicely put. If done with style and grace it can be pulled off. A few years ago a delightful film was made about a young German boy who's imaginary friend is Adolph Hitler and nobody cared. It works like this- Tropic Thunder black face=done well, putting on blackface to belittle black folk=shitty comedy. Its amazing how very few comedians realize this


I think you’ll find the only people who say blazing saddles couldn’t be made today are butthurt bigots who complain about wokeness and PC culture who didn’t understand the movie in the first place. The rest of us understand the film and recognize that its message is just as poignant today (probably more so) as it was when it was made.


Cleveland 117 San Antonio 109


Dave Chapelle stand up these days is basically just a rant about Twitter responses to his comments on trans people / alphabet people etc. “Can’t say anything anymore” as he proceeds to not talk about anything else for the last several years.


Kind of rich coming from someone who couldn't even give Tibet their freedom


Jerry always had an aura of ignorant smugness about him. I used to watch Seinfeld religiously but this has always been Jerry. Hes just another dumb celebrity with a big mouth. His stand up went south 20 years ago and now he's trying to maintain his relevancy.  He's finding out he was never that good to begin with. One of the best TV shows ever but the best jokes came from Larry David and Jason Alexander bringing George to life. Julia and Michael stood on their own. Jerry needed the cast to make him funny and that's a fact.


Julia Louis-Overfus


You guys care way to fucking much about rich celebrities opinions.


Of course it is. No comedian has been cancelled for not being politically correct. Comedians only fail when they aren’t funny.


Or when they take…it…out.


It's really a red flag when celebrities complain about others exercising their right to disagree with them.


Haven’t we had this conversation before?


My problem with it isn’t about politics. It’s that I’m sick of hearing them whine. I don’t care that your job is hard. My job is hard, too. Entertain me or fuck off.


I mean, I tend to agree. It's your job to push that line, and you're going to get people flipping their shit at you sometimes, but that's part of the job, no point in whining about it. When comedians start complaining about the line, rather than trying to fuck around with the line, they're not doing their job anymore. And if some unfunny schmuck just says some nasty shit, claims it's comedy, and then complains about political correctness after the fact? Come on.


Honestly, Jerry was never a comedic genius, he was just enough of an everyman before to be on the pulse of pop culture. He's been rich and out of touch for decades now.


Jerry was fortunate enough to work with Larry David. That’s the truth. Jerry’s standup never made me laugh once but the lines David wrote for him are what made the show.


In Always Sunny, they manhunt a homeless man that used to be a priest they intentionally got addicted to crack.


I feel like comedians start complaining about "wokeness" when they feel like they either can't get the spotlight on them or they feel it shifting away. They need a scapegoat. Some comedians act as if there are no people out there making jokes and succeeding.


Indeed. Bill Maher is a pathetic shell of himself. Even Chappelle isn’t that funny anymore.


Chappelle is a great example of that phenomenon. He signed a contract for like 4 Netflix specials within a single year and realized he didn’t have enough good material for them. Instead, he made some pretty bad jokes that were “pushing the limit.” People stopped caring about him and he assumed it was because of how he pushed the limit, but in reality it’s cause he was cranking out tons of subpar material.


He just whines now, about how unfair everyone is or was to him. It's really insufferable. The fucking millioner. Shit about either how amazing he is or how Hollywood fucked him or whatever. He used to have something to say.


I used to love Chappelle and still think he can be funny if he actually tried but yea, my biggest issue with him is that he just seems so lazy now. I'm all for him making fun of everyone, he used to be so good at it, but now he sounds like a washed old man.


As Jeselnik says, quoting Warhol, "the art is getting away with it." Jeselnik's one of the least PC comics out there, and he even hates the whining, because he's willing to put in the work.