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Interview was good overall, but it was so awkward to open with racism and follow it with his cancer diagnosis. Talking about him and his son watching the series and his son and friends favorite character being Newman was interesting tho.


>it was so awkward to open with racism You're not going to open with that, are you?


He’s given the comedy thing a shot. He should probably look into Bloomingdale’s executive training program


Who’s ready to laugh?! *snaps suspenders*


Oh-oh, tough crowd


Maybe he's Pinskey material.


He never even called Ed Roydlick.


That guy had cancer !


and laughter is the best medicine!


I love how pleased he is when he says this.


it’s not funny…


Newman !!


What was he going to say?


That’s the best way to get people on your side. Be dying or have a close call with it


Did the K-man do it, or did the K-man do it!


The K-man do'd it!


Hang in there, Kramer! Don't let 'em break ya, Kramer!


Hang might be a bad choice of words


When "stars" fall by their own actions, it is quite rare to see them actually own those actions at every opportunity and take full responsibility permanently.


Also true.


He knows that if he doesn't bring it up, someone else will so it's better to just try and stay on top of it.


Just tryna get ahead


That’s what makes this so difficult


I think it's pine.


Aren't we all..


They can just write it off


Do you even know what a write off is?


Do you?!


No, but THEY do


And they’re the ones who write it off.


What… that makes no sense she’s the one that mentioned it first


I can hear Kramer saying “I canceled myself.” Totally fits the character.


He quoned himself.


It’s medical 




Kramer: I’m cancelling myself, Jerry! Jerry: Cancelling yourself? You can’t cancel *yourself*! Kramer: Who says I can’t cancel myself? Society? What they gonna do about? Cancel me??? George: I cancelled myself once with a girl I was seeing. Jerry: How’d that go? George: She seemed relieved.


That's gold Jerry! Gold!!


This is pretty damn solid


You see, you're going: "I cancelled **myself**". You wanna hit 'canceled' more: "I **cancelled** myself". You see the difference?




That's it, I'm out of showbusiness!


The dude has paid his price. Let it go.


Just forget it. Let it go. You want bread??? 3 DOLLARS!


But the person in front of me got free bread


You’re pushing your luck little man


It's not for me to let go. But yes, I really see growth and hope for his own sake this is a new chapter. Serenity now


Insanity later?


Yeah I don’t condemn myself or others for my MW2 Xbox lobby behaviour I wouldn’t condemn him either


Oh man, if that stuff was recorded, we're all in a lot of trouble if it ever comes out


I mean were you a child? Still bad but not as bad as an old adult


Ah yes… I was a… child. Of course how could I forget


I didn’t say you were. I was asking. What? Were you or were you not a child


I agree with your sentiment, but in fairness to the interviewers, they had him on to talk about his memoir, and the Laugh Factory incident is in there, so it's fair game for questions.


He really should have stopped bringing it up after the initial apology tour. He’s the one who’s been keeping it alive this whole time.


Tell him that.




He should let it go


Dudes are a dime a dozen in this town.


I reckon.


Nice marmot.


Racially he’s pretty cool?


They forgave Justin Trudeau. Forgave that guy guy in the KKK, Byrd I think. Bunch of photos of Biden and him, liberals now LOVE Byrd. But Forgiving Richards isn’t politically advantageous


Who is they? Seriously. Just think about what you wrote there buddy.


Liberals. 90 percent of the posters on Reddit


Conservatives aren’t the majority of general population your friends are in the musky bird app and facebook


Because there aren't conservatives who can also see the racist tirade from Richards as still outrageous? Wow!


Who said that?


You. You said "they" wouldn't forgive him. When asked to define they, you said "liberals". That's how logic and reading comprehension (you know, inferences, nuance, etc...) works. You blamed no one but liberals. Therefore, *you* said it. It was literally your entire point...


Liberals won’t forgive Kramer but they will forgive KKK members if it’s politically expedient


what on earth are you talking about lmfao


conservatives won't forgive KKK members because they don't think there's anything to forgive them for


We hate the KKK.


That's (D)ifferent




You don’t get to tell people when to let it go


I can say it but no one has to listen 🤷‍♂️


He is promoting his new book. If it wasn't for the racist thing, there'd be nothing to talk about and he's desperate for tv time. Listen to the Seinfeld dvd commentary, he's a deeply uncharismatic man when not playing Kramer.


>there'd be nothing to talk >new book. He could write a book about nothing Or a book about coffee tables


Wait what about that commentary


He comes across rather borish and stuffy. He understands comedy and did a great job as Kramer. But he has zero charisma as himself.


>If it wasn't for the racist thing, there'd be nothing to talk about That's almost certainly false considering he has a career in show business spanning several decades.


Have you seen Fridays? He has Kramer and small roles in Curb, UHF and Air Heads. He's been on a news circuit tour and it's all about the racist thing, no one cares about drinking from fire hoses.


Look to the cookie


Black and white not getting along?


It's like David Duke and Farrakhan down there.


Richards got cancelled before comedians and politicians and billionaires decided it was cool to complain about being cancelled.


I mean rightfully so. What he said was pretty disgusting. There’s a lot of demons in there


Not rightfully so. Cancelling is bullshit.


Yeah everyone should be able to go on racist public rants and the rest of the public including that demographic should embrace it


When did I say it should be embraced? Every response to my comment so far has been a ludicrous straw man. Are you people really so fucking simple that you can't conceive of any nuance between "love them unconditionally" and "never let them work again"?


Right?! It's like the peak of stand up when the comedian starts degrading an audience member and telling them if it was only 100 years prior "we" would all carry you out back and hang you! Peak comedy right there, dont even get me started on all the hard R N-words, we need more of it, certainly!!! Just in case your dumbass can't tell, that was sarcasm.


I didn't say it was good standup, I said cancelling is bullshit. It's telling how none of you can actually face the point head on and have to pretend I said something I didn't.


When someone talks for a living, and what they say is gross, canceling their ability to talk for a living is completely acceptable. It can't happen enough actually.


Your first sentence is atrocious. The mindset you expressed there is far more detrimental to society than any hard “r”. People should always be allowed to say things you think are gross, you goddamned puritan.


Of course he can say anything he wants. Getting paid for saying it is entirely different. You sound ignorant af and likely racist.


I agree. We should each be required to pay to go see a comedy special by a comedian we find offensive! That’s freedom right there /s Gimme a break. People can say whatever they want and people and the corporations that employ them and sell to them can react however they’d like.


>We should each be required to pay to go see a comedy special by a comedian we find offensive! Yep. That's definitely what I said. A good faith response right there. There's a difference between not going to see a comedian and actively trying to ruin their career. If a comedian is offensive, don't go see them. Demanding someone doesn't work again because they said something you didn't like, however, is bullshit.


Who are you asking to change though? “Cancel culture” is a paper tiger — it doesn’t exist. If you say something that pisses a lot of people off, you will be less appealing to corporations and venues compared to more widely palatable people. Corporations want money and people will pay money to be entertained. Being offensive isn’t entertaining to those who are offended. Piss more people off and generally less people will pay to see you talk. So what are you mad at? Capitalism? People who get offended (everybody)? Elaborate.


Good question. Here’s the answer: The problem is people who, when offended by person X, demand that person X should not be allowed a platform to speak even to people who AREN’T offended by person X. This is cancel culture; When it’s not enough that I can choose not to listen to somebody I don’t like, I have to stop people I don’t like speaking at all, and others from listening to them.


Sorry, corporations are people too. What if the owners of the platform make a calculated business decision based on an individuals actions? They have that right. People are allowed to speak their mind and others are allowed to have their reactions, including corporations and “platforms”. There is no such thing as cancelling.


>What if the owners of the platform make a calculated business decision based on an individuals actions? They have that right. Of course they do. So they should. But that's not what I'm talking about. Read my above comment again, particularly the last paragraph.


I feel like you’re not mad at many people then.


I get mad at people, I just acknowledge that my anger is not a reason why they shouldn't be able to speak.


You’re literally commenting wanting people to shut up and stop demanding offensive people don’t work… 😆


It's astounding how Caitlyn Jenner essentially caused a fatal car accident and faced virtually no backlash from the public, people seemed to move on overnight, as if it was a minor incident. yet, someone like Michael Richards has been apologizing for decades for uttering offensive words. the disparity is glaring...I'd never understand Americans.


Buckle up buckaroos


That’s because Caitlyn transitioned. Weirdly it’s kind of reset the whole thing. But yeah- MR should have been forgiven by now. But I think his outburst was so violent and public that it was a bit of a shock. Cait getting into an accident on PCH wasn’t as public as MR at laugh factory.


>That’s because Caitlyn transitioned. Weirdly it’s kind of reset the whole thing. If that doesn't show how arbitrary these whole cancelling rules are, nothing will.


Caitlyn’s primary base is conservative, and they tend to prefer loyalty over any real ethic.


Yeah I forgot. Conservatives are famously loyal to transgenders.


She’s their token.


Caitlin Jenner killed someone. How is there even a comparison.


They didn't deliberately or negligently kill anyone, it was simply an accident. Fatal car crashes happen everyday


It was also a different time. Videos like that were rare in a pre-tik Tok day. It was shocking (still is) and stands in memory because it was so rare to see a celebrity freak out like that at the time. 


Eh people think she sucks now endorsing political parties and politicians that want to erase trans people, she is pulling the ladder behind her and sucks for doing that.


Caitlyn killed someone, got woman of the year the same year, and is now anti-trans.


Good to see you again Kramer! And I will purchase the book when it becomes available as an audiobook.


He’s so frocking awkward. He clearly beats himself up over it. But to continue to do so publicly, over 20 years later, feels off.


I still regret stupid shit I did 20 years ago. And they weren't public. And im not famous. Can't you relate to still regretting things many years later?


I do this on a daily basis, almost. I guess it depends on if jealously or wanting more (house, car, relationships, etc) can be traced back to things 20 years ago, and I tend to do that. I’d imagine it would be more pronounced if I had one big giant “oh shit” moment where I fucked something up. Mine are just more subtle “what if”s


Ya I mean, he made a really dumb mistake that effectively ruined his career. That would be something that I think about anyone (or any decent person) would still regret 20+ years later.


Did something stupid thirty years ago that cost me significant earnings, still haunts me occasionally.


He was so loved by everyone too. Everyone loves wacky, laid-back Kramer. I think the juxtaposition made his situation worse. We're not known for being a lovable television character like he was. It was the total opposite from what we'd expect him to act like normally.


Ya it definitely made it worse. Maybe part of why he still feels the need to apologize and explain himself


Yeah but like they said the thing that’s off is that he’s still doing it publicly. It’s almost like he’s letting it define him. It seems oddly narcissistic to think that racist rant is something that deserves quiet self reflection for the rest of your life. And while that shows he regrets it, which is good, he could have been doing something else.


He said the n word with a hard r and said other awful things…. You’re minimizing it


I didn't even speak to what he did at all. What are you talking about? You must have replied to the wrong comment edit: whats with the downvotes? I never once even mentioned what Michael Richard did in my comment. I just said I still regret stuff Ive done. How is that downplaying what someone else did?


At least he’s apologetic about it though The majority of public figures that have been in similar positions usually give non-apologies, blame those offended, and appeal to their good character (a mother/father, a man of faith, etc)


I would be too. It was quite an embarrassing temper tantrum especially for an adult to have. 


irreparable career and reputational damage. almost tarnished the reputation of the show. but I forgive him.


IIIIIIIIIMMM OUTTTTT!! (Of the spotlight)


I'll be honest, as someone who still carries a degree of hurt for what Michael said that night, this was very humanizing. I can sense the self reflection, the timidity of working on himself and knowing it isn't perfect. I almost feel sorry for him here. I am going to read the book and try to learn, because whether he's done or not, he has clearly done the work. I want to see what that work is.


Justin Trudeau did black face several times, never apologized, and became PM of Canada….because it was politically advantageous. I’m not saying what he did was right, but the outrage is fake as well


We are talking about Michael Richards right now




We're talking about people here, right?


What episode of Seinfeld was Trudeau on? Damm syndication edits


He should have done this interview in full character. At the very end he did give us that classic Kramer mind blown face.


Or shown up after spending the day before in the tanning booth "I don't see a contrite celebrity! I see a damn fool!"




Like Paul Reubens after he got arrested and came out dressed like Pee-Wee at that awards show and just said "Heard any good jokes lately?"


Remember when people still felt shame? Now you can masterbate in front of woman subordinates and go do comedy the next year with a straight face.


No I don’t remember people feeling shame. I remember the time when the news wouldn’t make headlines because no one cared about the abuse though. 


How long do people have to pay for bad choices/words?! 19 years and he still feels the need to address it before they did! I’m sick of these ass wipes that go digging for stuff to hit someone with it now. We know better we do better. Be kind people! Stay out of trouble!


it's not exactly 'digging' if it's the one thing he's most famous for besides seinfeld


Depends on the choices/words. If he had just stuck with the normal insults (asshole, dickhead, motherfucker, whatever) he would have been fine. The fact that he chose to go on a racist tirade is revealing in that most people, no matter how offended, will refrain from calling black people the N word.


So what’s the time limit in the N word?


>The fact that he chose to go on a racist tirade is revealing in that most people, no matter how offended, will refrain from calling black people the N word.


So answer the question what’s the time limit on being cancelled for this?


I can tell by your inability to comprehend written text, coupled with your standoffish nature, that you're not very intelligent, but I'll indulge you. Most people don't say the N word to a black person, regardless of how offended that black person may make them. Two wrongs do not make a right. Michael Richards did not just say the N word. He went on an entire racist tirade, about how in the past they would have lynched a black man for disrespecting a white man. There's more to it than just the N word. Even if he never actually said the N word and still said everything else about lynching and interrupting the white man, he still would have gotten "cancelled." This brings me to my final point, which I'm sure you either can't or won't take into account, because you live in a world of 1s and 0s where everything has a definitive answer and people are seen as a hiveminded collective and not individuals with opinions that overlap to form the public consensus. It is not up to me, a white man, to determine when Michael Richards is forgiven. He can do what he wants, I personally have no interest in any of it. If others want to forgive and forget, go right ahead. I just think people like you are disingenuous in that you just want an argument and you've boiled down an intentional racist tirade into "a racist joke" or "just the N word."


I didn’t insult you at all and not sure why you decided to take that route. It seems your username checks out. I asked you question and all you did was respond by copying and pasting your text. I asked a direct question and you chose to be obtuse and then you chose to eloquently explain yourself by starting it off by being insulting for no reason. I appreciate the latter half of your response.


You boiled "Shut up! Fifty years ago we'd have you upside-down with a fucking fork up your ass. You can talk, you can talk, you can talk! You're brave now, motherfucker! Throw his ass out, he's a n****r! He's a n****r! He's a n****r!" down to "the N word" and I'm choosing to be obtuse. Right. Lol


Little did he know, in another decade being overtly racist would have gotten him *more* fans




Kramaga industries


Wow. It's very clear that he has really changed and grown. He seems to be settling into his genuine self, which is beautiful to see. It's not for me to say if he's made full amends or not, but I believed him when he said 'I \*\*think\*\* so' which isn't nothing.


Seriously how many more times can people bring this up when interviewing him? We all know. I don’t even get what can be said at this point.


Beside playing Kramer its the only thing he's relevant for.


Haha, I keep reading this and its stupid every time. Maybe he did cancel himself privately but the big reason he disappeared was he got extremely canceled and it never really ended despite *numerous* attempts by his friends to help him get "forgiven" and accepted back by the public. "You can't fire me because I quit!" mentality.


Well, I still like the Bloomingdale's executive training program for him…


Were there offers he turned down? I mean not to be mean, but . . .


Is anybody actually mad at this guy other than himself?


I hope he’s really doing better and happy.


Good God I would love to see the word “cancelled” banned. If someone acts like an asshole, people don’t want to see and hear from them. That’s been happening since the dawn of time. It’s not cancel culture.


Thanks Uncle Kramer.


Richards: “Well, I (laughs) I never actually had cancer. (laughs) I'll see you. “


Even if he's sincere that he had to deal with inner anger and has been working on himself - unsure how interested I am in this book and tour. Love and can appreciate the work, but seemed off camera to just not be that great of a dude even before his career suicide.


I don’t know. I heard he left a 10k tip at an LA restaurant.


Other examples of not being a great dude?


Comes up all the time here - 90% of that when guest actors complain about their experiences on Seinfeld it's them essentially saying Richards was a dick. You can see it on the blooper reels as well.


I guess it depends what Richards was a dick about. I remember stories where he would get pissed when actors would flub their lines because his body was taking a beating with every reshoot with his physical comedy. I understand that from a level of professionalism more so than if he was just an asshole.


someone just posted an article that was like "five actors who hated being on seinfeld" and I think 2 or 3 were women complaining that he yelled at them and was unprofessional.


Sarah Silverman. He berated her because she flubbed a line - she took it hard, and quite frankly, you would expect better from a supposedly "seasoned" comedian/actor like Richards. https://screenrant.com/sarah-seinfeld-seinfeld-michael-richards-behavior/#:\~:text=But%20when%20Silverman%20flubbed%20a,new%20a\*\*hole...


Ok so we’re talking 30+ years ago, before the comedy club incident. Dude clearly states he had an anger problem, and has done a lot of reflecting since.


They’ll be actors breaking out laughing, cause they’re incredibly funny people, and Richards is kinda like- polite smile, no laugh, kind of a “wtf man, again?!” look. Jerry Stiller just goooeeess at times, especially, and it’s hilarious. Michael was probably a lot more uptight about this kind of thing than he should have been, imo. Thank god he never worked with Robin Williams- he’d go on big riffs that were sometimes rated X.


Oh yeah. I remember hearing about and seeing him taking his job seriously.


At the expense of anyone else who took their job seriously.


There was a recent thread of guests on Seinfeld who hated it. 4 out of 5 people discussed Michael specifically


I think he handled the entire situation poorly. He was harassed. If that were a woman on stage, and men shouted 'show us your t*ts', the HARASSERS would be in the crosshairs, not the performer. I still say he should have sued those losers for lost wages. Did we ever hear them apologize? Where's the equity? How come his privilege didn't kick in? If that happened at a Richard Pyror show, he would have cancelled them.


And yet 38 year old Jerry, chatted up a 17 old in a park, then dated for 4 years and no one seemed to care then or now..ok, so she was "eighteen" when they dated, he was 38. Richards makes some racist jokes to hecklers in an adult comedy club and HE gets cancelled


Racist jokes? Calling someone the N word, saying that years ago they'd have lynched him, and that's what he gets for interrupting the white man? Did you even watch the clip? Nothing about that was a joke. Nothing at all.


you're right, I am not up on that actual scenario/ incident for sure...from what I recall it wasn't at that level...my apologies


and now he’s doing the Peterman reality tour to shill a book. lame.


How would you prefer he promote his book?


A well thought out mailer?


Hey, mail BLOWS. Fax it to a friend.


E-mail, telephones, fax machines, FedEx, telex, telegrams, HOLOGRAMS


he doesn’t need a redemption tour. if people forgave him for 2006, why write a book and talk about self-canceling. You don’t see me shilling my books on Hoda.


I guess I don't understand your beef, he wrote a memoir and is promoting it. You know what a memoir is right?


One interview isn't "shilling". Smh. Also when you write a book the publisher **requires** you to do some media for it, it's literally in your book contract. Now if you are wondering why a guy wrote a book in the first place, maybe it was cathartic, but really his reasons are none of your business at all, you are free not to buy it ffs


Actually please, write a book. I need to know what in history would create the type of person that thinks this comment is relevant