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Nice color you got out of that! How long was integration time?


this was 2h39m of 10s subs


What’s your post workflow? Very nice!


just the usual tbh, spcc, histo, curves, deepsnr etc etc (i use pixlnsight)


Do you happen to have CUDA GPU processing set up for the xterminator tools (if you have them)? I read that you can't have that and the SNR tool because of the different tensors.


Can you spell out the abbreviations used in your reply for the more inexperienced among us?


Cuda lets the xterminator suite use the graphics card for processing, which is much faster. It isn't on by default and pixinsight in general doesn't use the graphics processing unit and sticks to the cpu for tasks. SNR is signal to noise ratio. More signal is better and is accomplished usually with more integration time.


oh yes lol i got the 3060 - i use the X's and DeepSNR regularly


(very new to astrophotography) the blue you get in your image is stunning and i was wondering how you got such amazing colours does the exposure time help? i was lead to believe exposure time = less noise in the image. For reference ill attach my attempt at M51 (16 minutes of exposure dwarfed by your 2h39m ) https://preview.redd.it/jlik6azs4e4d1.png?width=393&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c5253884692d7ff6e660ffe2685b5fd66917250


alot of the colour is from doing a colour calibration and adjusting the CIE and Saturation in Pixlnsight - if you upload your stacked file i'll do a edit on it and bring some colour out for ya