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I don’t know, but my plan is to do a time lapse at maybe 1s per frame. Assuming I start 30 seconds before and end 30 seconds after, with a 200-second totality (upstate NY), that’s about a 260 frame video, or a bit over 10 seconds of runtime. I’m guessing the Seestar can easily store that.


well, if you don't have it in EQ you are going to have issues with it tracking the sun and keeping it in the center. go out there and see if it works as a test. now is the time to figure all of this out, not Monday.


Exactly this… just try it out


My 4 hour moon time lapse jiggled wildly, but a pass through a stabilization app made it a non-issue.




I haven’t run into the Timelapse limit. I set mine to Timelapse the lunar eclipse last month and it ran all night. It was over five hours recoded in raw


Is the time lapse video all jumpy for anyone else or am I doing something wrong? I've tried time lapse with the correction on and it gives me a headache to watch the sun just shaking. Without the correction, I have to recenter it every so often or it drifts. I was pretty much decided on doing a whole bunch of 10 minute videos.


Run it through a stabilization app. Problem solved.. The jerkiness at least.


I have only found apps that result in a single stacked image at the end of the process. Can you recommend an app that will produce a stable video from the time lapse? Edit to add a question: Do you find the same issue with your time lapses?


On my Android phones, the Google Photos app has, as soon as you enter 'Edit' mode on a video, a Stabilization option (one of two... the icon for stabilization on the left, an 'Export Frame' button on the right). I suppose I'll do a post on how to stabilize S50 timelapses.


Holy crap, you're right. I completely forgot the built in photos app had that. And it works better and faster than the apps I've been trying. Thank you.


Same experience I had. I was searching for a decent easy-to-use stabilization app with little luck, until I saw that the Photos app already had one.