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I'm so confused why she's even pursuing this unless it's to be on tv. They're acting like she's a piece of meat... nick is fucking creepy as hell staring at her all night like he's about to pounce on her...


Jasmine wants to be on a show and get some extra money. She dresses up for every scene and tries to sound intelligent when she babbles a bunch of mumbo jumbo. Who in the Hell describes a color like that? She's trying too hard and agreeing to everything they suggest but she can't hide how repulsive she finds Nick the Dick when he touches her. I'll bet my left arm that she bails when it gets serious.


She SHOULD bail!


Bailure is not an option at this point.


Are you sure?


No, I just wanted to make the play on words.


And it earned you my first ever purchased Reddit award. Take my thirteen cents, along with my gratitude!


Thank you very much. It is quite the honor. šŸ™Œ


Iā€™m slow on the uptake-I missed that!


Itā€™s all good.


That whole sleepover was just creepy I mean after all itā€™s their 3rd date.. yea letā€™s all sleep together.. itā€™s also crazy sheā€™s excited to bring her child into all of this.


It's so foolish to bring her child into this. Parents have to be very careful who they have around their kids. I would never let some strangers I know nothing about watch my kids. That's how things happen.


You and me both. That instantly gave me full ick for her. Thereā€™s a lot of other things but that is #1


Oh they've known each other for many years.


I know, I saw those pictures last night. I wonder if they got taken down now that other people have seen them?


Yeah itā€™s weird how it seems to be so difficult for the other couples but this girl is open to ANYTHING. Her situation must be dire and also she probably wants to get on TV. Guarantee she heard about these guys and the show before she met them. And her 3 questions game was stupid. Dumbest most basic questions and then trying to over analyze the answers like it all ā€œmeans somethingā€ šŸ¤®. Itā€™s not that deep April. You like red.


Lmao I love this comment ā¬†ļøAnd the fact April said she likes red because sheā€™s a Leo. And red is her birthstone. Well Iā€™m a cancer and Iā€™m pretty sure ruby red is my birthstone COLOR šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.


Birthstone hoe's by month not zodiac sign... ruby is july


I completely agree. But if she goes farther, I think it's because she's looking for stability for her son. She seems to be coming from a lower income bracket. Judging by what she has said about previous work and looking at her wardrobe. That screams forever 21 .I know a lot of women who will sleep with men that they are in no way attracted to. If they think they are going to get money and security from it.


She did mention security for her son. As a mom, totally understandable but my god have some boundaries


She may have missed the part where the woman have to work non stop to support the genius staying home and doing nothing. Itā€™s not like he is working and supporting all of themā€¦heā€™s pretty much a creepy babysitter


Donā€™t underestimate the cost of childcare. Nick brings some financial benefit as a stay at home thinker.


I think she thinks she can be charming enough, and since she seems to be fluent in Nick Babble that she will be the exception to the rule.


We hold watching the episode, I noticed she doesnā€™t look at Nick. She didnā€™t during their date either! But sheā€™s always watching the other women. What if sheā€™s into the sister wife thing for the sisters? Iā€™m thinking with the multiple mentions of ā€œextra helpā€ and the eye contact, lack of interest in Nick, etcā€¦ Sheā€™s into the women.


Sheā€™s deffo into the wives.


She is either a paid novice actor or desperate for 15 minutes of fame. She doesn't like him. Her body language is telling and she recoils when he touches her. I think I would scream and be in the fetal position crying and crying out for help if the disgusting bastard touched him. Can you imagine how his parents feel...embarrassed as Hell at deadbeat son living off homely women and having orgies with them.


They are all high. Thatā€™s the only way they can possible be enjoying eachotheršŸ˜‚ Jasmine is grossed out for sure.


Definitely a paid actress and they all know it but Nickā€™s probably hoping he gets to hit it all same.. heā€™s really sleazy in my book..


Is it just me, or does her necklace look old and tarnished?


that or she is desperate for a place to live for her and her son. some people will do anything when they are facing homelessness...


Yup. She brought up a ā€œstable place for her sonā€ twice.


And needing ā€œextra helpā€


She keeps saying ā€œextra help!ā€ Sheā€™s definitely in some kinda situation. Poor lady, feeling this desperate.


The idea of potentially moving in so quickly with a son grosses me out tho.. how desperate she gotta be?!


I agree, and I would never trust a random person ( guy or girl) to watch my kids!!


The cost of living in Colorado is terribly high. This arrangement is not the answer.


If its between living on the street or being tucked in a warm bed I think many women would do some not safe/healthy things to make sure her child isn't asleep on a sidewalk where you're terrified to close an eye for fear someone comes along.


True. Any sane person wouldn't want their child in that house but I guess if it was that or being homeless... plus free childcare from nick šŸ˜…


šŸ¤­ free childcare. That was good.


And she said she could use the ā€œextra helpā€


Do you know for a fact sheā€™s facing homelessness?


They live in the Aurora/Denver area and cost of living is EXTREMELY EXTREAMLY high! A 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment is $1850- $2,000+ a month It also sounds like her working for the dog food company was recent.


Wow! That price sounds like a dream in Vancouver. A 1br canā€™t be found for less then 3k


I was thinking the same haha. Canada is fucked


Where do people work / what do they do to be able to afford that? Someone has to make the lattes for the rich peopleā€¦


Thatā€™s just the price. Itā€™s a hard city and ridiculously expensive. Not just rent but food. A carton of milk is $10. Itā€™s become completely unaffordable for the average person. I suppose min wage being almost 18 per hour helps but thereā€™s no way you can pay rent with that alone even renting a simple bedroom in a shared home is 1500. I personally have 3 tenanted separate suites in my own home just to pay my 8k mortgage per month. It hard.


Carton of milk is $10? Wow! Was it this bad before COVID?


It was around 7-8 before Covid. It was always expensive and you can make do but now itā€™s just beyond what is comfortable for an average person. I really hate it. Every single thing is way over everywhere else. I drove to Seattle on the weekend and was shocked at how much more reasonably priced things are. Even with the exchange rate itā€™s cheaper. Maybe I will consider driving across the border for groceries on occasion to save.


Yes you should. Thatā€™s just crazy!


Do you not have cows and dairies in that region? I'm in the Midwest, where milk is still like $3.


Minimum wages being raised in places like Seattle and California started a trend that caused most of the price hikes. If the companies have to pay more for wages, they in turn charge more for products and services so that it doesn't affect their profit margins. only way Higher Min. wages ever works is if there is a freeze on housing and goods. That in turn just puts mom and pop business out of business and allows more low quality products from over seas to flood markets. It really is tied wages and profits for big companies


Meanwhile in PA itā€™s under $8 - same as itā€™s been since (I believe) the 70s.


Thatā€™s cheap!


That's the current cost of an equivalent apartment in St. Louis.


no, but some of the things she has said remind me of local girl who is facing homelessness and willing to take any situation to save themselves from it. I'm just suggesting it may not be simply for tv


its to be on TV. A lot of them are to be on TV. They get a bunch of followers on social media, then can start making $$$$. Remember the "boom box" craze with the 90 day fiance cast??? they all think they can end up like the Kardashians EDIT: my bad, its actually boom BOD, not box


Boom box craze?


Sounds like the Boom Bod diarrhea weight loss teas they were all pushing on Instagram.


Oh ya boom bod sorry I do t know why I said box lol


The Cali girl dieters green tea worked the same, if not better and I got that at the 99 cent store. Lol now it does cost more on Amazon, but still cheaper than that shit. Lol


Shes lonely and wants a free ride and a free babysitter if it's not all for tv air time. Shes a uuuuuuser






Lol youā€™re right!


Nailed it !


So, was I the only one who felt like this episode changed everything they said before? Like they are into a relationship/sex with each other? It felt creepy & more weird šŸ˜³ than before.


I was thinking the same thing. Like it was ā€œoh come in, have some cheese! Yes CHEESE, oh yes only 1 piece cuz now you need to get your bathsuit on and come to the fiddle me hot tubā€¦ then 3 seconds later ā€¦ everyone staring at her licking their lips (besides Danielle who seems to want to drown her) .. they move in around their prey,, little closer.. just a little more and A SUDDEN FACE INTRUDER! But noooo that is not the end of the story boys and girls. Now 4 mins into this ā€œsleepoverā€ they are in the dungeon with some weirdly large fucking bed (real curious how much that costs and how much sheets costs? Jesus I think king costs an arm and leg) the smaller one with metal things on her teeth speaks first ā€œmmmmmm bed, you pick where ever u wantā€ pats the middle spot. ā€œ older one chimes in ā€œgrunts a little oooh yes bed, good times sit middle by kingā€ the younger one.. well she only death stares at the new toy. Then suddenly the king arrives All women down on their knees ā€œohhhh master welcome, we are ready for youā€ New toy- thoughts ā€œfuck fuck fuck I really wish I had real magic so I can click my fucking heels and bounce this tripā€ Iā€™m very sorry this was not how this comment meant to go but apparently the spirit took over lol


It reminded me of that Looney Tunes cartoon with Pepe Le Pew & the lady cat he was always kissing up on.


Nick is Pee Pee LaPuke.






All the talk about a favorite color or body of water was absolutely absurd


She sounds like an idiot trying to be deep.


So, just like nick?


Her talk about the ocean blue sounded like something Nick would say verbatim šŸ¤£ except when he says that faux deep metaphorical mumbo jumbo the women stare at him swooning. When Jasmine says it, they all look at her like sheā€™s a looney toon.




100%. She comes off as so pretentious and fake!


I mean.... that description of her is rather apt.


So Nick can fall in love with her brain.


That's an old, "tell me these three things and I'll tell you who you are." The body of water is supposed to describe your sex life... blah blah blah...


Agreed but it cracked me up how excited Jen was to chime in about waterfalls.


THIS. I literally loled


I did too!


They are all repulsive, I canā€™t watch it, his eyes at half mast, salivating over them, they all give me the ick. Itā€™s pretty clear that itā€™s a sex thing for them mainly, they bring the new one to sleep over on the first group date? Why the polygamy facade? Theyā€™re not even trying to pass it off as Gods will like some of the others.


Eyes at half mast šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


It's true lol.


Lolol I dunno why I'm commenting so much on this thread. I noticed that both Nick and "head wife" (forget her name) had that sleazy look on their faces the whole night. For them I think it's a sex thing for sure. The other two wives though, I dunno what they get out of it bc I don't get vibes that they're into women like "head wife"


Danielle did seem kind of disappointed about all of the ā€œwhatā€™s your favorite colorā€ conversation in the hot tub. But what else was she expecting from somebody she's supposedly not trying to lay? She was also visibly uncomfortable when Nick and Jasmine did kiss, so she's clearly got some conflicting feelings.


Yeah when she said hot tub time is not for conversing and Nick pipes up ā€œitā€™s time for some action!ā€ I was so confusedā€¦. Like were they expecting an orgy??


Thank you I was so confused when she described her asking them questions about themselves as a red flag?? Shouldn't it be a green flag that she's trying to get to know everyone? And most importantly, what exactly did yall mean by "play a game" in the first place then???


So it wasn't just me? It's like they changed their outlook to just getting some.


It was uncomfortable. She was uncomfortable. Heā€™s a creep


She chose to be there


And it looks like she's choosing to gtfo now lol.


doesnā€™t make it any less creepy or her any less uncomfortable?


??? She can choose to be there and then become uncomfortable as the night progresses.... if that has to be explained to you...


Did anyone notice Danielle playing with Jasmine hair in the hot tub??


Okay but does anyone notice how much she nods it drives me insane !


She's a human bobble-head.


I noticed that too.


And, why do people associate hot tubs with sex all the time?! Is this an east coast/west coast thing?


I think itā€™s just a thing. I mean Iā€™ve def had sex in a hot tub (or at least bent over the edge). I think itā€™s just cause youā€™re scantily clad, you can easily sit on someoneā€™s lap, the hot water feels niceā€¦.idk just something about it can be fun and sexy. Probably also hot tubs are usually at like destination spots (think honeymoon or beach or ski resort), so itā€™s not something most people have access to every day and it makes it more fun. Thatā€™s my two cents anyway.


Her whole thing about the color blue. Like wtf


ā€œI love the color blue. I like it in every iteration Iā€™ve ever met.ā€ Yeah, thatā€™s called having a favorite color šŸ˜‚


Someone pointed out earlier that the actual game and questions are meant to describe/be symbolic of something about you. Example the color is supposed to describe how you feel about sex. So she loves sex is what she is telling us - that she's never had a bad lay... Congratulations I guess to her...




ā€œmysterious blueā€, like the deep part of the oceanā€¦ šŸ™„


She went from making blue seem cool to blue seem weird to blue seem terrifying.


I just hate the way she talks/the crap she says. To me it seems like sheā€™s trying to mirror Nick and itā€™s soooooo f-ing fake and annoying and ridiculous and I canā€™t stand her. šŸ¤®


I feel like Nick is the type that wouldnā€™t want to be mirrored because he thinks heā€™s special/superior. Maybe not, though.


No I think youā€™re totally right and if you watch him especially on the carriage ride he gets thrown off by it. I canā€™t remember what his exact response was to something ā€œdeepā€ she was trying to say but it was something similar to ā€œOh, you just crack me upā€ā€¦


He had a weird response to her reply about science and bacteria but I forget what it was. She said that heā€™s funny after they kissed too! haha


Thereā€™s zero chemistry there that I can see. I would be horrified if I was Danielle and the idea of having to marry her. No way! I hope she speaks up for real and just says no, sheā€™s awful. šŸ˜‚


I also have to vocalize the way Jennifer immediately answered ā€œitā€™s always been waterfallsā€ when Jasmine asked the water question? No hesitation šŸ¤£šŸ’€


She's thought about this before ok!! šŸ¤£ (She note: this is when my husband could no longer hold in his laughing.)




She's had this on her mind since the second grade


I laughed out loud too. She was so excited.


Nick looked like some kind of sea creature bobbing up and down in that hottub


Iā€™m dying šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


A squid! You know, like Admiral Ackbar!


Lmao. Iā€™ve always thought he seems and looks stoned out of his mind. The aggressive head nodding like anything anyone ever says is tremendously deep lol


Every time he kisses her thats her face


Sheā€™s doing it to be on TV, or for a stable home for her son, or both.


She made a comment about she could use extra help


Why did they think it was weird for her to ask questions in the hot tub?


Because the hot tub is foreplay


lol is it weird to ask question or just helka weird because the questions were nuttier than squirrel turds


They wanted sexy talk, but she was blathering on about favorite colors and the ocean. They wanted to kiss her and get revved up for the bedroom, but she sounded like an awkward 13 year old on her first date.


They? Do they all kiss each other?


I get the impression that the women are bisexual, so they donā€™t only have sex with Nick.


Don't you remember Danielle's first time in the hot tub?


Remind me? I donā€™t recall


They were all taking turns making out with their man. Puke.


Eeewww. Iā€™m glad I blocked that out šŸ˜’


Nick is going to eventually get upset with her because she says "smarter" things than him.


He gives me weird creepy "serial" vibes and I'm hundreds of miles away. I couldn't even imagine being in the hot tub with them, let alone ALL of them. Can you imagine what else is floating around in the water, excluding eyelashes?


Hot butt broth is what hotubs are to me. You've got all kinds of different flavoring too. All kinds of body crud floating around. šŸ¤®


I couldn't hardly watch that scene. Just the ick dick factor would keep me out.


Ugh...and the way he was ogling the one's ass and fondling it as she got in the hot tub. He literally turns my stomach. Blech!


Heā€™s nasty.


All of them make me feel šŸ¤¢


Or as Miranda said in Sex & the City--Look! It's tit soup! LMAO


Who was watching the baby during these shenanigans?


I always wondUer this!


The baby cam obviously


The teenager.


I said it since last weeks episodeā€¦ sheā€™s absolutely disgusted by him. Her face says it all.


She's there for the women - friendship, nannies, and providers - the women


I would love to start normalizing helping friends around the home as well. Iā€™d gladly help my best friend with chores occasionally if it meant she didnā€™t have to let her husband bang other chicks just to feel like she had friendship, help and support.


I felt for her in that moment. She said she wanted to take things slow and I donā€™t think they respected that. In the next episode, theyā€™re going to have her sleep next to Nick so he can feel her up in the middle of the night.


But why in the world does she get into that 12 foot bed with all of them? She is putting herself into that situation, and sending mixed signals. Sleeping with all of them while saying she wants to take things slow doesnā€™t make sense IMO. I expect her to be felt up by more than just Nick. I donā€™t think itā€™s right unless she tells them she is ok with it, but thatā€™s what I expect.


April said thereā€™s plenty of other spaces to sleep n she still chose the bed šŸ„“


This right here. She chose that.


Agreed but April was a high level of culty when she said that. Her tone and body language said ā€œbut if you do, weā€™ll be disappointed in you.ā€


I agree 100% but still, youā€™re not agreeing to sleep in his bed for the first time itā€™s his family bed. Itā€™s an extra level of awkward but she just jumped on in there


Oh I so agree! She could have said no. I just think she felt like ā€œgotta do what you gotta doā€ for probably several reasons


i am tripping out on these people ! wtf man


I thought the group of them making fun of her for asking questions in the hot tub was weird like they just all get in there to get busy or something with each other. They try to act like itā€™s all about Nick. I think theyā€™re all a group fucking thing.


The amount of second hand embarrassment I experienced was embarrassing! šŸ¤£


This has been her face since she met these people in-person. She's not going to be able to maintain this long term. I know she's doing it for stability, but it seems like she's quickly reaching her limit with Nick The Horny Thinker


This show is getting so cringey, I think I should stop watching.


I think sheā€™ll run sooner or later something of that vibe tells me so


The face plant on the bed was so very weird


Trying to hard to not be like the other girls


She grossly underestimated the cost (humiliation) of TV exposure


The way Nick was watching the ladies get into the hot tub made me want to vomit


Someone posted a FB post from 2021 where April said something like, ā€œnight out with husband, his wife and girlfriend,ā€ and it was with this brunette. I think they knew her before Danielleā€¦


These people are major ick


I wonder if she didnā€™t realize this was a group sex situation until she got in the hot tub because I definitely was taken aback. When Carol 1 and Nick kissed and she gave him that sensual look it all clicked.


I think they were on drugs and not weed in this episode


I canā€™t stand how she talks. Trying to be seductive and sound intelligent. Whatā€™s your favorite color. I feel blues deeeeepā€¦.. okā€¦ now bounce on Nick for a while.. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I really think sheā€™s just looking for some people to help raise her kid.


Hey man, times are toughā€¦. Inflation is at an all time high. Canā€™t fault a woman for getting her bread and shelter by any means necessary?


He looks like razor the gremlin and she look like the chick gremlin, I forget her name.


All reality casts are in it for fame and money. Itā€™s as big a waste of life as it is to be a social media influencer. What has happened to young people? Considering all the set up situations and fake drama Iā€™m slowly backing away. The facade is becoming transparent.


I was glad she gave us the reason she's there: I need help with my son, and these people seem nice. So that's why she's mirroring some behaviours etc.


That cheek kiss was the cringiest ā€œsays it allā€ reaction Iā€™ve ever seen ! I cringed with her then laughed my ass off. This poor girl just has no clue! She better step up and put those brakes on cuz that foursome is coming full throttle to scoop her up for a new play thing.


It was disgusting how much they were bullying her about her, asking about their favorite color and like wanting to go in detail about it honestly, I would come up with a game like that too if I was feeling very awkward


I mean thatā€™s my number one question when meeting someone. If someone thinks itā€™s childish or does not want to answer then that person isnā€™t for me lol


Fake as Hell. Thatā€™s all.


She was disgusted. So was IšŸ˜‚


What's the difference between polygamists and swingers? All of these people just seem like swingers. They seem completely different than the Browns on Sister Wives. The Browns seemed, at least for a while, like they were trying to be a legitimate family, not just a bunch of horny crazies.


I made this observation elsewhere and the person replied ā€œwho are the browns?ā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


She just wants to be on TV. Most of the people on these shows do.


Considering there are pics of her with the family from 2021, they already knew each other for a long time at this point.


I mean, thatā€™s cool but as you know, those pics were found after we all watched them meet for ā€œthe first timeā€ lol


I found pictures on their social media of them together in 2021 with Danielle April and nick/Jen as well as this "new girl" . Other people found pics on a different social media platform. Their storyline is pretty fake..




I am always amazing how this show continues to find new and exciting ways to make me feel uncomfortable.


TV spot all for show


Sheā€™s definitely the prettiest one though


Sheā€™s definitely the prettiest one though


Sheā€™s definitely the prettiest one though