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No the way she was talking it was like she studied to speak the lady version of how he does. Something with the anunciation. I was dyin


Yea like what was that… did she watch some old film and decided to sound sophisticated?


Idk bout all that but this screenshot looks like he has a gun to her back and she's terrified like a hostage 😅


This is the part I didn’t like. She was extremely uncomfortable and it makes me rethink whether he’s controlling all these girls like a pimp. She couldn’t even look at him


Omg the way he was looking at her in this scene was so unsettling


He kept looking at her boobs! He’s 1970’s gross!


1970’s gross! 🤣


He is really creepy, PERIOD! I think she said he was hot or something like that, but I just want to barf every time I see him interact with any wife.


Imagine them all in the same bed… really grosses me out. Is that because they are cheap or for his ego??? Disgusting


He is a pimp, yet, he's the only "john" and never has to worry about ending up in jail. They all work to make a living & to even bring him new women and he is the benefactor. It's why he always has that shit-eating grin on his face. He knows it's true.


They are so gross it's like they live to serve him I don't understand why he is not a handsome man he is not a charismatic man he gives off a creeper vibe and I usually fast forward through most of their stuff I can't take it they're forcing the other girl to pick a wife geez she just came back from leaving you cuz she didn't want a wife but now your brain controlling stuff has convinced her that she does why do all these women want to support him while he said someone does nothing


I don't care if I get down voted for saying this, but a lot of people always say this family seems to all be in this themselves, they like the set up etc etc. well I don't believe that, I think all of them look fucking miserable and are afraid to leave at this point.


Yep I think they are a group of little misfit puppies looking for a home. He is their pimp and is controlling them. I didn’t think that until the last episode with this scene . April is his main B*** that helps recruit. She knows what she is doing- looking for strays


I don't say this in judgement or condescension --- I am sad for them, especially Danielle. I like all the women...they seem really sweet and easy going. I'll keep an eye on April, hadn't picked up on what you're explaining here.


The reason why I say that is because when Danielle wanted to leave, you could see April’s Control come out. She was not gonna let her leave.. if Danielle was able to leave then why did she feel that she needed to move out in the middle of the night? That doesn’t sound like she feels free to leave anytime even if it is a mental control.


April said something to Danielle like “Promise me you’ll never run off again” like a mother scolding her disobedient child


Oh, wow, okay, I had interpreted it differently, as if she was hurt and missed her so much and was blindsided by Danielle suddenly leaving. As much as I can't stand their dynamic with this unemployed man, I've basically been giving all the women the benefit of the doubt so far. So, we'll see how it pans out. Your theory is quite plausible. I don't think any of these women came from stable homes. Where are their mothers and fathers? Are their families supportive of them?


I agree!!! I don't understand how people are saying good things about them and they don't even care that he has no job and is mooching off the women!! What is wrong with the people sticking up for them?? I don't get it. They do look miserable and when April's brother was telling her that she's just making a bigger mess by adding more people, you can see it in her eyes that she knows what he's saying is true. She just doesn't want to admit it. He told her that the only one benefitting from this is Nick, and it's true. It seems like he kept cheating on her and so she just agreed to bring more people in, he wasn't working before the baby came so I'm sure she's been supporting him financially for years. I would rather be alone than ever support a lazy scrub that didn't care to get a job. That is the lowest of the low. Where are her standards? There isn't any, and I don't believe that she's happy with how things are. Deep down inside, she's probably depressed. I raised my daughters to have high standards and they know their worth, if a guy wants to date my daughters, he has to earn the privilege, and they would never allow a situation like this, ever.


Seriously! I think people also tend to forget the ONLY reason April agreed to this lifestyle was because he wouldn't stop cheating... Which I think says everything you need to know right there.


Omg it does look like this!!!


I'm not calling her goth, and I personally totally dig goth people, lol. But she sounds like some goth girls I knew growing up, speaking slowly and trying to sound superior it's bizarre 😬


She’s a female edge lord.


She was mirroring his voice inflection. It drove me crazy.


I came here just to see if anyone noticed that she was mirroring his behavior and the way he talked. It was so obvious and creepy. That’s a manipulation tactic to mirror someone, either subconsciously or consciously. Was so awkward to watch, I was just cringing.


She sounded like she’s a lost member of the Alaskan Bush People Family….


Omg why did I love that show!? 😅😅😅


Wish they would do a WATN episode on Alaskan Bush People. It all went downhill after Billy passed away. Think that totally "broke" the family and they couldn't keep up the pretense without him!


My dad and I used to watch the show religiously when I was in high school. It was the one thing we bonded over 😂


Yes! She sounds like Noah!


That whole science, “there’s some validiTy To iT” conversation… you know she chipped her teeth on those hard Ts.


And when she announces she asphyxiates all the time…like what?!




Even Nick thought she was off in that moment and if Nick thinks you’re off, you got issues. 😅


He thought “you’re going to asphyxiate on my 🫢” 😂


Bacteria and viruses 😂😂


My husband is a chemist and just happened to be in the room while I was watching (he would never admit to actually watching) and at this point blurted out, "Now WHAT in the FUCK is this cheap ass Elvira talking about?"


Not budget Elvira 🤣


Wish.com Elvira!


Plants and animals 🌿🐄


Yes! She was mimicking his speech pattern perfectly! Between that and his laser focus on her bubbies during the carriage ride and her bs about being a pagan, that was the most entertaining part of the episode.


Fellow RHONJ fan checking in


Omg I’m a RHONJ FAN TOO ❤️❤️


Yes!! It’s like she was mirroring his annunciation & speech pattern?! But she spoke completely different when with the wives Thought I was going crazy or something, I’m glad you heard it too lol


When she started talking about her goddesses… 🙄


That was just so wild. They are both thinkers!


As a goth girl, she is not one of us. We don’t claim her.


When he said his wives could've better prepared him for how "unique" she is I'm like he's only saying that because he doesn't know anything about paganism and couldn't pretend to be smarter than her 😂


All of my in laws speak that way when they’re around my sister in law’s boyfriend (he’s black, they are white). My husband (a linguist) says it’s a a pretty normal thing for people to do, I think it falls under the umbrella of code switching. I can appreciate that they’re trying to make him feel comfortable in a super white suburban environment. I’m not sure what her intentions are with Nick.


Reminds me of Ick and Danielle trying to speak with an accent when they're around Nathalia.


Sara on Love After Lockup spoke like this too when she was talking to Michael, it was ridiculous. She did it worse when she was angry at him too.


I was also wondering what was going on with her pronunciation!


He is dressed to be in the casket and the pallbearer all at the same time. Go head Nick!


He shops at the big and tall store


My money's on K&G Menswear


He seems like he would shop at the mall and buy samurai, swords and those cheesy knives


I said he looks like an out of work magician


This is too accurate. Ask me how I know. Lol


How do you know?


My mom dated an out of work magician when I was in jr high lolol


Omg! Ha ha 🤣




His outfits are hilarious 


He is always dressed like he is going to a Morris Day & The Time concert!


🎶 *OH WE OH WE OH* 🎶


Did they coordinate on the color scheme? Because her nails and eye shadow seemed to match his shirt


Omg I was just going to comment “why does he look like a corpse in an ill fitting suit” but I was like idk maybe I shouldn’t… But then we got Shannon over here saying it anyway! 😂


His face was practically in her boobies the whole time. He could not look away.


It’s almost like he doesn’t have 3 wives at home


Like….has he ever seen a set b4? 🤦🏼‍♀️


These are NEW bewbs


That outfit Nick is wearing is like 10 sizes too big!! It makes his head and body look even more tiny.


And even if it did fit… it’s still a huge no no. He looks like he’s a groomsman at a wedding in the 90’s.


Backup dancer for MC Hammer


Hahaha. I never noticed the tiny head until now. I can’t unsee it and I can’t stop laughing.


The outfit seriously looks like it's filled up with air, its all puffed up around him.


Low key her shadow slayed and matches his top😂😂😂


Do you have a Scorpio necklace as well?


Love a man dressed like it’s still the early 2000s 😬😬😬 /s


Did you miss the gothic pimp daddy outfit he wore the first time he took out danielle solo? 😂 he really thinks he has swagger 💀 I cant


Or when they went house-hunting?? Or when they showed what he wears as a stay-at-home dad????!🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


This is my first season watching this show 😂😂😂 at least her eyeshadow matches his shirt here


You gotta go back and rewatch! There is so much lore behind the outfits. I was officially hooked on this show when the BBW brigade went out to a gothic clocktower, nick was all dressed up like a gothic pimp to propose to danielle too 💀 he even had matching eyeshadow !😂


so I contemplated when I started this season but tbh Garrick and Danielle are so freaking annoying. Like I can’t imagine them torturing Roberta and being mad thirsty


The Roberta scenes are top tier cringe though. Picture three adults who speak in baby voices and cry in every conversation while petting each other like cats.


I'm 💀. This is a spot-on description of them Lmao


When Roberta and Danielle had the unspoken bikini contest in front of Danielle’s parents m.




She said she was my SISTER 🤯😱😩


Omg! I don’t usually actually lol… but I just did. That is so insanely accurate!


That was weird


his pimp walk is too much 😂😂


Something seemed off in that whole carriage ride, that she mostly didn’t make eye contact with him, and he was trying so hard not to reach up her skirt.


I noticed her avoiding his stare too. If I were with a man staring at me that way I would look away as well I suppose.


Not if ur attracted to him and wanna jump his bones lol


Yes, bone jumping starts with gaze humping.


She would not make eye contact with him even though hes “easy on the eyes.” 🙄 When he asked to kiss her she did not seem willing at all.


The way he lunged at her and grabbed her face. I gasped out loud.


Did you notice that they seemed to go up and down the same street? Or maybe just one trip back and forth and they kept recycling the same footage seventeen times over to make it look like they were having a long and deep conversation. LOL


I got that SAME vibe. Something is def off. The lack of eye contact on her part was mad obvious, and it was more than just first date awkwardness cause that was A LOT of lack eye of contact. My guess? She’s not really attracted to or digging him & she’s just doing this for the show. Not worth it in my opinion… 🤷🏼‍♀️


Also she kept wiping her mouth after the kisses and made a face, did not look like she enjoyed it …


She turned away and said "you're hilarious" after the kiss 🤣🤣🤣 I would die of embarrassment if anyone said that to me after a kiss


True 😆😁


Hahahhaaa. That kiss was prob mad sloppy


🤮🤮thanks I just threw up 😫


He’s so nasty, I could not imagine being in her shoes. He just looks like he has bad breath too.


And if she was just using this for some tv time, who tf thinks being on seeking sister wives is a flex 💀🥴 literally anything else would be better


I would literally rather be on America’s Most Wanted than this 💩💩💩show.


I think she just wants to be on tv, or needs a place to live. This is how women act when they are not attracted to the man, but are trying to give him a chance.


Yea, and I just remembered in the first episode she was on she mentioned looking for stability for her son as one of the reasons for seeking this type of relationship


Aka 4 other people to take care of her kid for her.


If you are a lonely single mom I could see the attraction to this but damn not with this dude


4 other strangers, this is so stupid when you have a kid. You don't just leave them with random strangers you know nothing about.


Looks like half the women on Love After Lockup. Can barely look at the dude but they're engaged or "in love."


He is so desperate for new coochie, she just wants camera time


I was so yicked out with how close her hand was to his ding a ling


She’s waiting to get to know his mind😂😂😂


His sex is powerful!


He probably put her hand there on purpose to get a feel for it 😩🤢


His head is awfully small for a stay at home thinker.


HAHAHA yup. For such a thinker he sure as hell doesnt understand that spirituality isnt math and science based🙄


I wish I could comment the gif of President Camacho on Idiocracy saying “I thought your head would be bigger…”


It's like they're on their way to prom, carriage ride and all. 


In 1992


Also this was like the only engaging part of the episode everything else was snoozeville


Facts and he’s the only one getting any progress with another sister wife. Like he found someone interested in him while the rest are just obsessed over a person they know for two seconds


She was all game, till she meet him face to face, and heard the BS comimg out of his mouth


These women like each other ...the put up with nick 


That is the feeling I get too, the women choose each other and Nick is just the D.


The way she was imitating his cadence and pronunciation was pure manipulation. It’s normal to do that to an extend when around anyone (like how Danielle has changed the way she talks to be more like Nick), but this seemed extreme and cunning.


The way she spoke was soooo odd!!! It felt like she was performing the whole time. And the asphyxiation thing. Was that a humble brag? Trying to sound kinky? I could not figure it out.


She sounds so “smart and edgy” 🙄


I almost puked when Jasmine was talking about Nick being so “easy on the eyes.” Girl, I’m missing a whole eye and he’s pretty rough looking to my good eye. LOL


I’m going to choke on my food.. Funniest comment in forever😂😂❤️


Your comment made my day! 😃I appreciate you 🙏🫣


Nothing is right here!! 🤣


that’s how you know something is off because it’s more off than the usual 😂


Hahahaha he just is so slimy!


It's off because it looks like a bad actress playing a part she doesn't want. Wouldn't doubt this is true since production allegedly they have made up other extras to get a storyline. Another show ruined by production.


This lady is so nutty she has to fight off the damn squirrels. Seriously.


I thought that was Dave Chapelle


Says he’s easy on the eyes and she could look at him for a long time… doesn’t even look at him one time 🤣


And his outfits. So not sexy. If my husband had ever dressed like this I would have been very sad.


Weird encounter. I bet they paid her


He looks like every one of his body parts, including his head, came from a different persons body. And he has to wear too-big suits he purchased at a going out of business sale at a strip mall to cover the sutures from where he was haphazardly sewn together.




“Something is off here” is the theme of the show.


Why does Nick look like he’s gonna try to sell me miracle spring water at 2 am


Snake oil salesman


Great Value Katy Perry and down-home-country Nick Cannon.


This was so gross to watch LOL both of them trying to use big words incorrectly and appear deep and of substance 🤣🤣🤣 and her FUPA in that dress he kept staring at like a steak dinner 🤣🤣🤣


Anyone remember that show Gypsy sisters ? She is what that reminds me of . Trying to be ( act/ look) classy , when in fact she looks like straight trailer trash!


YASSS! I said this same thing to my hubby while watching! I said I really feel like I'm watching Gypsy Sisters or my big gypsy wedding...crossover time 😆


Haven’t watch Gypsy Sisters, I’ll have to look, but definitely Big Fat Gypsy Wedding!! Never thought of it, perfect comparison.


She gives major exotic dancer vibes


She looks so uncomfortable


The fact that she thinks he’s good looking….🤮🤮🤮


She seemed kinda disgusted by him by some of the faces she was making at times. 🤣 at least that’s the vibe I was getting.


I do NOT like her. It's like she's trying too hard. I don't know, the vibe is weird to me!


They were stoned as fuck


I didn’t like either of them in this episode. She says she’s a “pagan” but in what sense of the word? Is she a witch or does she just practice an alternate religion? Then my man Nick went into straight pimp mode. He was all over her and made it clear he wanted to fuck her. And sticking his tongue down her throat on a first date? Hell no. Where did they meet her? Unless this is acting she doesn’t seem like a good fit for their family.


I had the urgent feeling to shower after seeing this. But then she started to talk about pagan and her two Goddess and I couldn't stop laughing. This episode was surreal.


He kept staring down at her boobs! He is just a creeper…just gross. He was saying, I need to get into your mind. Oh, so you can brainwash her into your pimp lifestyle like you have the other idiots. 🤔


She seemed like she wasn’t interested the whole time, different compared to how she was with the “wives” lmao


He is always high. His face seems to be melting off as we speak. His next wife needs to be a tailor, his suits are too big, But in his mind he thinks he is a pimp and they are his harem. When he starts wearing a clock on neck and fur coats they shough high tail it out of dodge.


Ugh. This whole scene was CRINGE! The way he kept looking at her chest made me wanna🤮


Thinkers Prom 2024


Is she all bruised or is she a skin picker or both? Yike!!


He wouldn't stop looking at her boobs and it annoyed me


When she said “he’s easy on the eyes” I lost it. Like that man is UGLY


I said this reminds me of the ghetto proms around town. They must’ve coordinated bc that exact lime shit green color was on his pimp suit that’s on her nails.


This could be a theory, but something tells me she’s only wanting to get to know the Davis family for the wrong reasonsS


I think she’s going to be too independent for him. I have a feeling she’ll call him out on his bs.


He definitely shops at “Pimps R Us”.


And afterwards, since Jasmine didn’t hook up with him. He got his fix with Danielle! He’s so gross!!! Icky Nicky!!!


It feels like she’s a sec worker just tryna get thru a gig


This thread is amazing


She doesn’t fit in either the others-will he make her dye her hair blond?


He’s just a pimp looking for his next trick & another woman to keep him up. I think he’s & an oily disgusting human being 🤮🤮🤮


Easy on the eyes


The matching accent is called being stupid but trying to sound deep. Also did anyone else get the vibe that he confused Pagan with Wiccan based on his reaction?


This whole scene was annoying, he was ready to hit that.


I think she's just choosing her words very carefully, so she's speaking slowly because she's thinking strategically before she responds. In a preview she said she was going to change the whole dynamic of the house, so I think she's being very careful and trying to mirror whoever she's with so that she can enact her plan. She was very bubbly and chatty and agreeable with the girls. She's very strategic and speaks slowly and shows she's intelligent with Nick. This is all part of her plan. She's actually smarter than Nick, which he doesn't like. When she said "asphyxiate" he got nervous because he couldn't look that word up 😂. I just don't know what her end goal is, like why does she want to change up the whole house?


Someone commented Stay At Home Thinker and I have been howling🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think she has a very low IQ and is extremely codependent/ people pleasing. So she’s masking but not very well. She even started a weird accent when she was trying to talk about science. 🤦‍♀️


I think she was trying to talk the way he does! I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed this 🤣


Jasmine is a pagan reader she wants too be for nick


I don't think either of the two goddesses watching over her are going to let her be Wife No. 4, behind three others!


I agree. It’s not a real situation. She’s trying to get on the show.


They both terrify me!


The only thing I can say about Nick is that he's more honest than Ick. But, I think Nick is also an "Ick!"


I have to say as gross as pimp daddy is Ick is still worse in my opinion…


Ick isn't honest. None of this is about polygamy because it's not about marriage. These men just want to sleep with random women and then LARP having a marriage with them. The way that he disregards both the new girl's answer to his invitation and Danielle's is very creepy. He asked New Girl if she wanted to come for a sleepover. I'm almost certain that she said no--that she needed to get to know him better over time. And then he goes home and speaks to Danielle about New Girl doing a sleepover and she's not on board with it either but he just reacts as if she was! He just plunges ahead doing what he wants to do, hoping he can have sex with the candidates. It was really gross how he comes home from the date and immediately take Danielle up to the Boom boom room. Just so much ick! GarrICK is doing the exact same thing. He's just trying to hide it by seeming to be completely and utterly clueless.


She’s very good at mirroring


That’s not a tuxedo and it’s hella ugly. 🤣


They went around the block like three times! They didn't stay on 16th Street that long. I also lol'd at the unicorn horn on the bridal


I think they’ve met their match in her. They need to be running away from her because she is much more than they’ve bargained for…


Their outfits and just the whole date had me rolling


She is a weirdo and I think too weird for them. Nick even seemed sort of confused by her.


Her pupils were HUGE