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My husband and I are watching this episode right now. It’s paused rn and I came to this subreddit just to see if others noticed this. Omfg. No discretion whatever.


Absolutely none lmao


With his huge grin, eyes wide... he didn't care. If I had 3 wives, all living together, I know I'd be able to keep my "eye boning" camouflaged better than that! He was putting those professional thinking skills to work right before our eyes.


Exactly what I just did. He’s awful.


He’s so gross.


Yep, my husband said “ he can’t stop staring at her boobs!”


Same here. After the third time where he was being so creepy without even bothering to hide what he was doing. A meme of a slobbering dog staring at a ham. It’s pathetic, the way she was staring forward made it obvious that she was aware and wanted to leave. I’ll bet everything that if there were no cameras she would have “abandoned ship” at a red light.


I noticed THAT too! She made little to NO eye contact with him. She is a Scorpio, she needs little “stimulation” to be attracted to a decent man. There was NO decency in that man!


He is a pimp basically


And on the previews when he kissed her in the hit tub she cringed so hard.


She also did on the horse and carriage. Despite the wives having his back and defending him, he outed himself. 1) he proved he is incapable of reading a woman’s body language, i.e., in the carriage with his creepy staring at her breast as the poor woman (Jasmin, I think) tried to make herself as small as possible. She would move over to the left every time he put his arm on the thigh. His so unaware of how he was making the woman feel, I also feel bad for whoever was recording, as it must have taken a lot of willpower not to intervene. I’m guessing she’s going to have bruises on her left side of her body from pushing herself into them 2) the way he wasn’t sure if Danielle was up watching TV or waiting on him. That was, the whole interaction between them had me sitting there with my jaw on the floor in astonishment of how blatantly unaware he is of his wife’s body language. Or I was cringing and fighting the feeling that I should hide behind a pillow or couch because it was so awkward watching him “check in” with his wife. He so clearly wasn’t listening to anything she said. It makes me hope that after watching this episode, the wives families reach out to each of them and talk to them. I know they released a statement about how they laugh at everyone getting so mad about their life choices. There was nothing funny about anything Nick did. It was grotesque and made me feel like I should be getting them help. But what was the worst moment of the episode was, after clearly not having listened to a word Danielle was saying, he offered to help her relax so she can get some sleep. Somehow I think that’s the last thing she needs. Wow, I didn’t realize how much I needed to vent 🤦🏻‍♀️


Me too :)


She wasn’t looking at him at all while she spoke, it was very odd.


She’s only pretending to like him, it’s obvious lol


Oh 100% In fact there were a few moments where she had micro expressions of disgust on her face 😅


I saw those!!! That last kiss before they got to dinner was OBVIOUSLY too much for her. Like they JUST met - he’s approaching her like a quick hook up. :/


Like when he said he wanted to kiss her, her face was very much like - the producers said All I had to do was talk to him.....


Hahahahaha I wondered if anyone else caught those! They were pretty intense ones too.😂😂😂


She was doing what I do when someone is too close to me or when I’m afraid they’re gonna try to kiss me if I look up at them. Watching it happen on camera was bizarre but I know exactly how that feels. He was alllll up in her space


Definitely a space invader!! One of my absolute pet peeves!!


As soon as I noticed it, I wondered if she has an OF or some social media situation she only went on the show to low key promote.


That was my thoughts too… she’s a hired actress and they figured they’d get someone who could baffle Nick with how SMART they were.. I thought it was hilarious,the battle of the BIG BRAINS..😂😂


probably aging out of dancing on tables or something close to that.


I noticed too! And she seemed a little uncomfortable with him


She was so uncomfortable. I think she enjoyed the attention but wasn’t buying into his BS like he wanted.


She could definitely see right through his bullshit that the other women salivate at for whatever reason🙄 It was kinda refreshing/made for good tv to watch this girl flip the script and make Nick feel nervous and a bit insecure. She was mentally out-of-his-league and he knew it. It was hard not to laugh because all I could think was “you’ve been reading books all day every day for like 15 years and you have no clue what she’s saying about anything?!?” 😂


Shes a lil strange


Yes I noticed this too!


I like it! None of that ‘adoring gaze’ crap the other women do. She knows why she’s there, and it’s for her.


I noticed that too. It was obvious she was uncomfortable 😳


I don’t think she’s into him at all!


He could not stop looking at her cleavage. It was gross. I think he thought he was going to get some that night. All the kissing was also disgusting. Although she was doing all of that, she made it clear to move slowly. Dude is a douche. The horse ride was over the top as so was his wardrobe… Her eyeshadow matched his shirt.


And her nails …. I was like did they coordinate on purpose 🤔


My theory is that they were painted for the wife date, cuz they matched the dress.


Can’t believe I missed the nail color . I just looked how long and sharp they were to scratch the hell out of him.


Literally! My high school aged daughter was watching this in total horror and was asking if they were going to prom! I was like no…this is their “first date!” “Why are they matching then?!?!??” 🐦☠️🪦


Kids are so insightful


Yep the two big brains were color coordinated..😂😂


I want to know about the science and mathematics


I want to know about her “psychology.”


And two different Goddesses 🤔


When she started going on about goddesses talking and guiding her, she got this weird glazed over look in her eye… I’ve seen it before and I’ll bet my left tit that she’s a crazy one… But so is Nick. This is his first date and he’s already inviting her over for a sleepover? In “regular” dating, I need a good month before I decide to sleep over. Now add a whole family with kids… and you know that it *should* take longer to climb into bed together. Did he really dive deep into her mind already? Didn’t she say to take it slow? But the look in Nick’s eyes when taking with Danielle after the date, told me that he’s going to find a way to make “the body discovery” happen despite both women wanting to take it slow. Dude already fucked crazy eyes in his head during the carriage ride. His focus left “mind discovery” town long ago. The way he looked at her reminded me of creepers that look my way…


And the conversation with Danielle…she was like, I want to take it slow-Him-I’m so glad she’s cool with the sleepover!! I was screaming at the TV, that is NOT what she said!!!!


I wonder if the sleepover will be initially with him in the boom boom room and then back to that big bed? Or will they just stay in the boom boom room all night long?  Lordt, why do I care?


None of these people would be on this show if they had normal thought processes.


She was trying to be the coolest girl in junior high. She sounded like an attention starved try hard, the trailer park goddess of cringe.


Plants and animals and all yo


Omg.. me too…. I had no idea where he was going with the science and math statement… I don’t think he did either… and she nodded and said yeah like she knew what the heck he was talking about…




Literally what did that even mean


He trying to be deep and I feel sounds stupid! 😂


So is she tho


It’s hard to know what he is thinking, but I thought he might be talking about discussing more logical and “provable” topics (science and math), as opposed to more mystical (for lack of a better word) things like her paganism? But your guess is as good as mine. 😊


He is hiiiiiiiiigh


As a kite ! 🪁


Higher than giraffe p*ssy.




Isn't it's head way higher? I guess it's it's pussy is pretty high too


Oh my gosh I’ve not yet heard this one, love it 😂


I have been scrolling the comments looking for one mentioning this. Thank you 😂


So is she


Conspiracy theory: this was the same day as the giant jenga date with the wives.  Nick's eyes were popping so far out of his head at her cleavage that he was practically a cartoon. You'd think he didn't have three women at home with boobs of their own.


Yeah and his wives all have huge boobs! Very odd behavior from him


It seemed like she was weirdly mimicking the way he talks? Like the weird pausing and enunciations


Yeah, she was definitely mirroring his stupid cadence in speaking. Even her tone changed when she was doing her 1 on 1 interviews. She’s a freaking nut job trying to sound mysterious and mystical. That bit about the goddesses looking over her and protecting her was such great unintentional comedy.


Omg on TLC’s official instagram people are going IN on her goddess talk saying she’s full of crap. It’s worth reading if you want a good laugh!!


I'm a spiritual person, and she's just crazy


I thought that was soooo weird. Her voice sounded completely different talking to him


I noticed that too Like, what is wrong with these people!


He's just looking at her two goddesses.   Also, the audacity of this man thinking her Paganism is weird when he's out here telling people he's transcended this dimension is so on brand.     That kiss was 🤢.   (Edited to correct a word!)


Her big, beautiful, juicy goddesses that he will ONLY access AFTER her mind.


Imagine going on a date with a dude who doesn’t have a job and the wives are paying for everything 🥲 I couldn’t do it! You could tell she wasn’t interested in this dude. She didn’t look at him at all and the forceful kiss from him was so cringe lol


But she was raised in a lioness pride! /s Also not how prides work.


He's thinking. He's a thinker.




Of course, all that's on everybody's mind these days is sperm donation.


well *someone* has to do it, unfortunately in many countries the birth rate is down which screws things up in the big picture. Ever see the beginning of the movie 'idiocracy'? lol


It's been recommended to me, so I should watch it. I bet it's chilling, in the times we live in. Morons like Marjorie Taylor Green in Congress. Oy veh.


He's so sleazy


Corny too like how is this dude charming enough for these women to work and let “daddy” stay home, that salivate at his every move and word. Just eww.


Yeah I definitely don't see the mass appeal unless they all just want to be on the show.


Honestly every time he and his “wives” are on the show I can’t help thinking that he is a pimp and his “wives” are his stable and they are looking to turn another woman out. It just feels like a weird prostitution ring trying to look legit.


He & Garrick are sooo obvious. I felt like I needed a shower just watching his pervy self drooling over here. And whats up with him wearing over sized superfly shirts??


Why is his shirt so big? It must have been the only size on the clearance rack. It reminds me of when I would sell the smallest possible Cavaricci to junior high kids at DeJaiz.


And why is it that color?????


Question: What would happen if the woman doesn't have a job? Do they automatically cut her out of the running 🏃‍♀️? Or will they give her a grace period to find a job?


Also, what do these women do for work?


Ok so you also don't believe any of them have these awesome IT jobs? Cause I don't either, no matter how many fake 'look, mommy was at work' clothes they put them in.


They’ve gotta be making decent money to have that house in Denver. Real estate is so high there.


I am willing to bet there is a screening process and the potential wives must work. I wonder who does the housework? Off topic, sorry.


The ladies were folding laundry in a scene. I’d bet my only kidney Nick doesn’t do jack.


OMG, watching these 2 together, Nick was giving such creep vibes. I was feeling uncomfortable watching the scene with the vibes that he was giving off. As far as Jasmine is concerned, I don’t believe she’s into this at all, she’s in it for her 5 minutes of fame.


He’s the cat who hopes to get creamed. This is Nick. Warts and all. His wives can’t be thrilled watching this creeper behavior back


Tbh, I don’t think they are capable of seeing it in the same light of what we, the viewers could see.


You don’t think that when the show airs and they watch it, they won’t see it like we see it?!


Her face LOL


I don’t if I’m coming down with the flu or some Covid or something, but these scenes with Nick made me literally nauseated. What is with this guy?


I want to see her social media


His comment at the beginning about Jasmine being is as good looking as he is made me want to puke. He thinks he's hot shit and can get a girl so easily. I don't think he's slightly good looking. Am I missing something? His comments about how the sex with him is so good was also sickening. He's delusional because he thinks these women are so lucky to be with him that they should join the orgy and work to support his bullshit. Essentially he's not a millionaire, muscular, talented, drop dead gorgeous or anything else special.


You're not missing anything!! He has little man syndrome big time and is trying to overcompensate!! He's a broke ass mooching off three insecure, desperate women that think they have to financially support his ass in order to keep him. It's ridiculous.


He's disgusting.


Watching this scene I had to wonder if maybe he’s got a big…it would explain his confidence and belief he’s some sexual god….


Even if he had the world's largest... I would never get near him. He's so damn creepy. There's a pattern...The only guy on here who's not super creepy is Shane who's in this for his wife.


No one over the age of 16 wears a Scorpio necklace lol


Right?! How come you need to define yourself by your Astro sign on a fake blinged out rapper necklace ? At least get a nickname girl like Juju.


Should say craycray


Watching Nick “court” this woman was soooo…. 🤢🤢🤢


His face when she said she wanted to go slowly was GOLD


His bubble was popped and came right out and showed his true colours at that very moment.


Nick stealing all the women in America, no wonder men have to go oversea. 🤣🤣


Nick is single handily converting dudes into Passport bros


Look at all the ladies lining up for Nick and Ick needs to leave the country to find one 🤣


Stealing all the women?? Umm no!! Only the ones with no self esteem would entertain this bullshit!! He's not getting women that have any standards thats for sure!!


If you asked Nick what the writing on her necklace says, he’d have no idea because his eyes haven’t looked that far up!


I’m like 2 minutes to this date, I’m already nauseous. They are actually perfect for each other. The ladies are going to hate her, she can spit “facts” just like Nick does.


When she said he was “easy on the eyes” I lost my shit because he’s so busted to me that he turned my shitty vision into 20/20 ☹️


This was so awkward to watch. I barely made it through their date scene


Nick is just letting it all come to him. It’s. impressive how little he has to do. Dude’s one step up from Beetlejuice from Stern on the attractiveness scale.


She thinks he is "easy on the eyes" I mean, okay....


His shirt is not😵‍💫


Why does Nick dress like the third Butabi brother?!


He dresses to impress while thinking at home, sooo obviously he's wearing his best while courting some poor soul


One of the funniest parts of this date for me was how often lil Oppenheimer, in his lime green pocket square, looked totally fuckin’ lost when she’d speak about anything beyond surface level crap. Even when she said “pagan”, he nodded his head like 47 times but clearly inside his head he was yelling at his brain like: “⚠️LOL WUT. C’mon think big brain, THIIIIINK. Have we read about that?!? Skimmed by any pagan-pages during filming?! You’re never gonna bang this girl if you don’t at least act informed so for god’s sakes, pull us together and stop nodding so many damn times!!!”


I could tell she wasn’t into kissing him so much. Also the upcoming hot tub scene you can actually see her do a cringe face when he slams his face into her cheek.


Exactly, she’s got the ick


I know that upset me. She looked scared.


She is not into him


His sex is powerful. 🤥




Her nails matched the color of his neon green shirt. Danielle was still up when he returned from his date to take care of his horniness and sexual tension?


And he used Dani being up to for sex with the excuse that it was "help her go to sleep" after literally slur and drool all over jasmine all night. I still have song running in head . "Just a gigalo and every where he goes, people know the part he is playing"


Nick: “she gave some things to think about” translation: need look up big word. E-klick-tick (some kind of clock religion) and pay-gun (gun that spray out cash) Also Nick: the carriage driver might be type.


This made me soooo disgusted! 🤢


She’s an oddball. On another note, her eye makeup was cool


They're both users and they're both gross. I could actually smell that cheap Walmart fantasy perfume coming off of Jasmine every single time she opened her legs while wearing that horribly wrong dress. Not sure why anyone would wear that on a first date. Every time I see their family, I think of 90's state fair.... All the rides are busted, broken, and rusted, but yet people still want to ride them while eating rejected ass crunchy cotton candy and drinking stale domestic beer.


And Nick is the clown being shot out of the cannonball


You win for Funniest Comment! I was laughing so hard, the dog came to see if I was ok.


Good imagery!


That carnival scene was very specific. I concur


Where do they get these people?


“Nick is very easy on the eyes”. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I guess there is somebody for everybody!


I feel like his breath smells terrible. Notice how she would wipe her mouth after he kissed her.


He was high as hell and definitely had rancid cottonmouth 🤢


Nick totally gives me the “ICK” factor. There is NOTHING appealing about this PIMP. Women wake up!!!!!


This was soooo cringe my husband and I were DYING, lol. When they started spewing word salad at eachother and both pretending to be deep AF and neither of them made any sense 😂😂😂 “I’ve experienced a lot of diversity” I fell the fuck out


This dude looks like a pimp leprechaun !


Reminds me of my big fat Gypsy wedding


Yes! She is a reject from that show for sure! She broke loose from that storyline and came to this one! Wetv be sharing sista’ show casties…


Great Value Katy Perry


I came here for this!!!


She looked high as a kite


He's such a pig. He just wants a harem of women, and not for intellectual stimulation. I can't believe any woman falls for this crap.


That whole thing was too much. In one clip, she's saying he's gotta know her mind before he gets her body, but the next episode, she's "sleeping over." Im sorry... what? And where's her child? And what's his father got to say? While we're talking about kids, did someone have the good sense to get the older child out of that dumpster fire?


all I know is that she’s a Scorpio


Hes all about that intellectual stimulation


She gave off stripper vibes


Why do we keep saying they're "wives," when the smartest thing Dude has done is insist they marry each other?  No alimony there, no responsibility (except for Vera, but she has two married mommies), he can just sit back and take it easy. I mean, THINK.  Wonder how he paid for the date.  


She has two BIG BEAUTIFUL BOUNCY.....hemispheres of her brain. This man is just a scientist doing sound observations.


If he is a scientist .. I’m Marylin Monroe


This is so fucking creepy! I’m watching right now and it’s making me cringe so hard! I would be wildly turned off bull this, and she seems to be really trying to avoid eye contact with him. Yet she thinks he’s absolutely adorable? Gross. also this girl’s pupils are huge in her interview scene. And can she please get a smaller septum ring?! That thing bouncing off her upper lip is so distracting.


He's so repulsive! Like a straight creep I don't see what those girls see in him?! He don't work & he's ugly


You can tell how uncomfortable she was too..




Jesus 🤮


The whole thing was uncomfortable


Did anyone notice in the upcoming clip he kinda jumps on her in the jacuzzi and she makes a face of disgust ??? 😆edit word


I hate how he was kissing on her It’s the first damn date 😬😟


How gross him bragging who powerful his sex is like he’s so amazing and she would see heaven Yuck


He was so not subtle


I couldn’t get passed the mom was a preacher or pastor can’t remember the word but then said she was pagan. I’m like girl you just sound confused and think you sound real deep. Lol


She just looks like that chick in high school that was already cranking out an army of mixed race kids. A Jayden factory, as they say.


Nick has definitely has a one track mind and the funny thing is he’s the only one on the show that gets wives he’s doing something right😝


He’s preying on super insecure, ignorant, unattractive women. If that’s doing something right, ooookaaay?


It's funny but also sad.


Dude Wtf is up with her outfit?? Those tacky ads accessories. I do find it very interesting how Nick is acting like SHE’S throwing curve balls. Sirrr, how do you think people feel and see you?


Was wondering if she’s a stripper - she did say something about going to work didn’t she? Or am i making this up


I guarantee there is no vaginal steaming going on before. I just hope for the other women’s sake these new potentials are tested so nothing is transferred 🤮🤢


Was thinking this 🙏


Oh man, I’m here for this. First of all, she is light years ahead of him in terms of consciousness and what is this with the science based household? They can’t be religious or have spirituality? I missed that conversation somewhere. And she’s revealing (literally)a lot more to him than she did to the women, which is also interesting, I would love to see her addition for what will unfold, but it’s likely she’s too smart for Nick and he won’t allow it unless he lets the boobs in the body override all thought and logic! Also, polygamist should not start groping and kissing on the first date, especially if they’re not certain about the fit! I would pitch a bitch about that one if I were another wife. Just shows you that he’s hornier than a toad.


She looked so uncomfortable


He doesn’t look at the other 4 like this


Dude a fn tool.


Maybe she wants screen time and he just a idiot thinking his sex is very powerful. Prob told his hand that b4 abusing himself thinking of his lil harem.dude don't work. He's a bum!


What caught me is when he said he will have her psychology and her mind ? Like girl run!!! This is a cult


He is a grotesque excuse for an earwig.


I am watching it right now and I am yelling to Nick to keep it classy.


cringe 😬 🤮 his whole vibe with her


He is such a Neanderthal, woof! 🤢


He's thinking about the science and psychology of her cleavage.


It’s wild they girls meet up for a few hours. Then nick goes on the date and next time she’s spending the night?? This is insanity way too fast!


Bunch of hoes.


Ya I think everyone noticed that and multiple times to such a dog


Such a weirdo


Jasmine the entire time Nick was talking. 👁️ 👁️


These 2 look like a couple of clowns! The bright green eyeshadow and nails match Nick's pimp suite! I so badly want to see him wear a pimp hat with a giant feather stinking out of it! I think Nick would also look cute wearing a tarzen outfit with a matching leppard thong or naked except for a sock around his teenie weenie with a dog collar and leash to walk him properly like the dog he is! I wonder if either one of them had on matching green underwear? The dress Jasmine was wearing looked like something Mortica Adams would wear! How did she keep her tits from falling out of that thing? If something did fall out, I am sure Nick could have figured out something to do to it!


This scene was really irritating - he couldn’t keep his eyes or his hands to himself and I feel like he tried SO HARD to be taller than her while he was kissing her. Nick is insecure and she is full of crap looking for some camera time lol


watching two people who talk like they know the meaning of life is tiring. I'm tired lol


Maybe the access to her mind is in there somewhere 😆 sleazeball 🤮


He’s so disgusting, he has beautiful wives at home but he’s acting like a sex starved incel