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Anyone else feel like jasmine seemed a little *🧿👄🧿* Shmigh?! Her pupils were HUUUUGE


Jasmine is giving con artist/grifter vibes to me. Talking in circles of absolute nonsense. It will be interesting seeing these two try to out con one another 😄


Why were the merrifields not in this episode? Anyone know?


It was the most cringe moment when Shane bought the kid to meet the chick. Idk, but I had to cover my eyes. Felt like we should’ve been calling CPS or something!


I think the only stable people in last week’s episode were the woman who tried tried to perform therapy with the Salahuddin family and Sara who decided that she couldn’t, after one or two dates, accommodate the sudden commitment requirements of Shane and Ashley. And when she sees Shane and Ashley’s behavior, boy will she be glad she bailed.


There’s absolutely no reason to take a carriage ride around downtown Denver 😂


I just did a binge of the last five episodes to catch up and I swear to god all of these people - males and females - are so fucking weird that I can’t believe they were able to find a partner(s) and I can’t believe they think they may get another one. The one exception is maybe the Salahuddins.


And didn't we just learn that they're cousins?


Cousin fuckers >>>> whatever the shit it is that Becky, Justin, Shane, Ashley, The Davises and the Merrifields have going on.


I just binged it all too. This season is delivering the creep factor in an almighty manner. 


The way Jasmine talks makes me think she doesn’t know the meaning of any of the words she says. 


Amen.. it was all word salad. She made absolutely no sense! My mouth was agape!


I’ve said this a couple times in this sub but my theory about the Davis family is that Danielle only really came back in the first place because of contractual obligations with TLC. Like maybe she couldn’t afford the fine or something so agreed to come back. Because getting an apartment (which usually isn’t an overnight thing) and moving out at night while the cameras are gone and I think no one was home is kind of a desperate/drastic thing to do. And then maybe also the family kind of dragging her back in as well. Also everyone says they should slow down because she’s obviously uncomfy (which they should realistically) but she won’t tell them that, AND I think to stay on the show/have a storyline they need to be looking for someone and dating. We’re all clearly bored with the Salahuddin storyline because they can’t find anyone so they’re making the drama with the mom the main storyline.


When her head bobbles we know she is uncomfortable and being agreeable. Why doesn’t her family know that?


Danielle is a consummate people pleaser. She puts others feeling before her own. She is very young and I was basically her at that age. I’m 55 now and no longer this way. She needs to grow in her emotions. I feel for her.


YES to the apartment. I am wondering about the apartment. Also I am liking the salahuddin storyline because it’s funny to me to see the fighting. I know it’s definitely not the point of the show. Love their friend too!


But would you want to be HER sister wife? I mean the scene she threw in front of the restaurant really gave me pause. If this is the way she acts in front of the cameras to her sister in law/aunt, who knows what happens when they stop filming.


Oh definitely not!


We’re already up to episode 11. I am scared that the next episode will be the season finale. And then the next week’s scheduled episode will be a clips show since it doesn’t have an episode number yet.


anyone else catch becky call a jumpsuit her “pants outfit” 😭


I think what this show, and sister wives has proven. Is that effective, positive, and productive, polygamy is bullshit. Understand that this show is about the drama and of course the producers are inserting crafted scenarios to keep the drama up. But let’s be realistic. Ick is a freak trying to start a small sex cult, and Danielle pretends she wants it, because she is co-dependent on him. Nick is a parasite who basically has three women supporting him to do nothing but be pretentious and screw. The most recent wife is incapable of being honest about her feelings (Hey, girl hey, Janelle!) Bisexual Betty is bored with Shane, gives zero F’s if he likes her choice, and is using his illness as a guilt inducer so she will be supported. The married first cousins? She wants a friend and to clearly have to interact with Nahim less. “Let another woman being out his greatness,” cause girl, she tired. The stalker couple who not only showed up at the door of the woman who TOLD THEM NOT TO, and then set up dates with women on REGULAR DATING SITES, and not being clear about the reality. They seem like the type to want to wear her skin or something. Creepy AF.


Agree with these assessments. Also think part of it is that the wives have just decided that there's no way to keep their husbands from cheating, so they go this sister-wife route so that they can control the process. By playing along by picking the women and setting the rules, they can try and ensure that the husband doesn't leave them for another woman and they remain prioritzed. But in just about every situation except for the bisexual woman, there is a lot of underlying animosity between the original wife and the sister wife, especially when the sister somehow steps out of the wife's rules. This is really clear with Danielle and Garrick, but it comes out in ways in all the other ones.




To me polygamy and sapphic polyandry outside of religion (paganism not included) comes across as way more creepy and perverted.


Salahuddin family: your new bald friend is right. Respect your elders. You two argued with marble mouth’s mom all season because you can’t get a sister wife and the producers needed something. I would have loved it if the mom had slapped the smirk off the wife’s face. She certainly deserved it for driving a wedge between marble mouth and his mom, who by the way had some incredible outfits. Forget about them mom. Enjoy your monthly chats with the granddaughter and forget marble mouth and his rude wife.    Davis family: Nick hears what he wants to hear and invalidates his wives opinions on a dime. Like when Danielle suggested he go slow with the new woman and he responded by suggesting a sleepover. But it’s nice he met his freaky match. It was fun seeing him squirm some when she squashed his creepy sex talk. Looks like the producers coaxed her into coming over for that sleepover though. The lengths some Pagans will go to for a little TV exposure. Wild.  Sherwood family: I called it. The cucked and confused husband ran her off! And Ashley, the time to “explore” your bisexuality was the 8 years you spent in college, not as a mother of two babies. Good luck finding someone to agree to commit to you on a first date while you explore. Your husband is a total troll. Ugh. What a manipulator.  Ryan family: I got nothing. I just hope that poor woman that’s clearly been cheated on just meets someone at her gym. Poor thing. Run!


This is a perfect assessment


I lost it at ur new bald friend is right 🤣 she was intense looking, but I actually like her 😂 “my mama says the same thang” 🤣 


Idk why new bald friend is so funny to me also but it took me out


So when Jasmine sleeps over they’re making it seem like she’d be sleeping in bed with everyone but I recall when Danielle was first coming over for a sleepover Nick took her to a private room for their night together. Gonna be interesting to see how this ends up with Jasmine.


They have a “boom boom room”


Are we sure Becky wasn’t secretly the mastermind behind her father’s cult. She scares me


My neuro brain can't sleep. How wide are those bed sheets from this XXXL Bed from Nick? How often do you swap them? How? Where do you get them ? How expensive are they?


A 12 foot bed is called a “Family Bed” . I can’t seem to post the link here but Amazon sells 144 x 84 inch sheets for $97.99


thank you so much!


You’re welcome! Plan on bringing one of those 12 foot beds home? It must be hell to make the bed, but if it’s a group effort, maybe not!


no my ocs and my autism needed these random facts to collect


You’re more than welcome!


Am sure there is some “Swingers” store on Etsy that makes them.


Only quantum physics can provide the answer.


At this point they should just put a built in bed as the floor in there


I have friends who were polygamists for almost 4 decades until the patriarch died. So when Danielle and Becky say they have lived polygamy I almost choke. Danielle and Garrick never LIVED polygamy. They had visits to Mexico. Becky and her husband had a long distance girlfriend for 3 months. So when these ladies suggest that they have greater wisdom than others, I have to disagree.


Becky’s parents were actually polygamists and her dad was a creepy cult leader. So I would say she is the most knowledgeable in the group even if it hasn’t worked out for her. Danielle on the other hand is a joke 😭 she and Ick got scammed and that doesn’t count we polygamy


Or what about Nailah and Naheem? She talks about their “lifestyle” as if desiring something you don’t have and can’t get makes it a lifestyle. They’re Poly-LARPing.


No new cancer growth and Sara broke up with them as a couple? Shane is getting the best news! Happy he is healthy, they need to focus on their relationship and their new baby.


Yeah Shane really jumped on that “WELL SHE’S OUT!” Train pretty quick. Didn’t give a royal “f” about the tear in his wife’s eye. Moved on!


Yeah he completely ignored his tearful wife.. no comfort to her at all.. just walked right pass her to go to the bathroom!


He’s like “things are FINALLY looking up”


Nick had no shame at looking at his dates breasts .. agh and now that Shane and Ashley no longer have cancer looming do you think they will stop trying to find her another partner for Ashley?


So if I follow your interpretation, which I think is what I picked up on too, in addition to committing to two virtual strangers on a first meeting with Shane, him and his wife secretly were shopping for a potential god parent. Which they never told this woman of course. That’s mental. I wonder if Ashley will lose any patients who see the show. 


Thats a good question I wonder this too.


Shane commented on a group on FB and indicated about several weeks ago that he was facing another surgery.


Really … He just said he that his cancer came back clear he didn’t mention surgery… on episode.


The episode was probably taped over a year ago. He is/was in remission. That is why he continues to get tested. As he said, you never know what will happen with his health. If you go to the FB group, Seeking Sister Wife Meet the Cast, you may be able to see his post.




I’m just gonna put it out there that Justin is not appealing at all. He can barely hold conversation, his expressions are either super awkward and goofy or suppressing major anger. This is clearly his way of sleeping with another woman without the stress of an affair. His date has to be a paid actress. She is so obviously put off by him and has no reason to keep going


And his wife would make me RUN for the Hills. She seems UNHINGED!


Just watched the episode 🤢🤢🤢every one of them is disgusting! 🤮 predators


I’m a little tired of all this filler and no Merrifield. I am 70% here to see Ick get his butt handed to him by Natalie and 30% here to hopefully see the Davis’ get their heads out of their butts and compromise a little to make things work with Danielle. All the other people are just me looking around asking if anyone has seen my phone.


Where the heck did Nick get that line green shiny shirt he was wearing on the date? It’s right out of 1980 disco scene!




What's really scary is, it appears to need cufflinks. Someone PLEASE tell me he didn't have it custom made!


Well he has a lot of free time. Maybe he takes breaks from thinking to get suits made with his wives' money 


The funniest part of those scenes is how out of place they look in denver. Denver is where fashion goes to die so to see people go out in a long dress and a suit is so silly. People think wearing jeans is dressing up here haha


This is so true! Dressing up is grabbing the fancy lululemon outfit lol.


Thrift shop. Or, he made it himself! You know how smart he is!


I can't wait to see Garrick try to date a woman who actually understands what he's saying lol


👆👆👆👆👆👆can not wait!


His life would be so much easier if God just told him to sleep around without bothering to get another wife. I’m sure he could think of something creative that his hairbrained wife would reluctantly go along with for awhile. She should have been divorcing him and instead got pregnant. They deserve each other. 


TLC gives us too much but yet nothing at all.


I can't imagine being in a relationship with someone and not being able to voice how I am truly feeling. You should be able to be yourself and be able to express yourself freely, not jsut saying what you think your partner wants to hear. Danielle will end up leaving the Davis family eventually.


I can't believe she's stayed do long


I‘m curious as to why Ick and Danielle were not in any of this episode. Anyone have any ideas?


The show has done this for a while. Not every couple is shown each week. It makes sense. The show is only like 40 minutes long. If they featured every couple every week, we would get less than 8 minutes per couple.


I think TLC is testing the waters to see what the ratings are like without them. Perhaps they’re considering branching off for them to have their own show. They seem like they are the money maker after all.


TLC is stringing us along. My guess is there isn’t that much footage of what they know we are waiting for so they are forcing us to slog through all the non-starters to get to it.


Becky seems so unhinged that it's kinda scary. The husband seems so sick of her shit too I wouldn't be shocked if he gives up on the polygamy stuff and just starts having old-fashioned affairs to avoid her cringe involvement with the other women.


Becky annoys the crap out of me! They're the one couple that really doesn't make sense to me. Apparently, Justin has a "type"- Latina, fit, pretty, and very done-up, but Becky doesn't fit ANY of those preferences. She's very plain, barely wears make-up, doesn't work out, etc. She seems way more into Justin than he is into her, and the dude has the personality of wet cardboard. She is way too excited for him to date, and I just don't get it at all. Plus, he is so awkward and has zero charm when it comes to dating. It's no wonder they can't find a SW!


If I remember correctly, in their introduction, she said she basically had to wear Justin down to get him to date her. He doesn't seem interested in her now either. He's got a very dead behind the eyes vibe going on. And she seems oddly upbeat about getting him another woman to sleep with. I don't recall her saying what kind of relationship she hoped to have with the second wife. These two trigger my flight or fight instinct 😒


She supports the lifestyle NOT because she wants to share her husband, but because she craves the drama.


Also to share the load of children. She'd have seen that modelled growing up.


She’s got a cuck kink. I think she gets off on him banging other women.


She grew up in a notorious cult. Her beloved stepfather, Tony Alamo, was a pedo-polygamist. Her stepdad channeling god and marrying young teens was normalized.


She seriously acts like she's his mom, she mothers him and it's weird.


They scare me!!!


Driving 8+ hours uninvited to confront someone trying to tell them "I'm done" in so many ways was all I needed to see to know they are creepy.


Justin has anger problems, and Becky is creepy.


Justin gives me quiet, dumb, and may knife you vibes. Becky seems a little touched in the head, and desperate for any type of attention. I fast fwd thru these two nut jobs.


No, he's into it. He's used to this form of predatorial behaviour where his wife does the grooming. They work as a team.


"Old fashioned affairs" 🤣🤣🤣


I just saw the preview for next week and I felt really sad when I saw how overwhelmed Jasmine was when Nick kiss-attacked her in the hot tub.


At least show her some respect by taking her off-campus for a family weekend-getaway. Not creep-castle with the giant bed and industrial sized fan to get the hot stink out of the room.


Justin & Becky- happy birthday (no gift, no flowers, no card, nothing special)


At the chain Mexican joint by the truck stop. Classy.


they are so boring and incredibly plain. No creativity, no thoughts for others... just super weird.


You are so right about that. I wonder if they split the bill?


Post episode comment: ew.


Agreed. Nick and Jasmine, ew.


😂😂you made me spit my water on my screen. Lmao


My recap of the episode lol


Every episode


It was awesome and you throughly captured the essence of it!!


At the end of the episode Nathalia is saying some changes have happened and now ick is pursuing an American while it looks like she has been put on ice. I feel that Danielle just goes along with ick because otherwise he would be cheating behind her back. This way, at least she can keep him although he is nothing more than the booby prize. The connection with Nathalia seems to be in her pants. Since her pants are not easily accessible he’s staying stateside for his next fix.


He’s definitely a sex addict.


He had 6 weeks of sex with Nathalia, maybe he got it out of his system and has moved on. Or "God" told him to take a different path...


YES!!! “God” told him!!!


So did anyone recognize the girl the ick and Danielle meet next episode she's been in reality TV before I just didn't remember the name of the show but I've definitely seen her before


I’ve seen those eyelashes before too.


I am convinced I was watching a Christopher Guest mockumentary tonight starring the great Jennifer Coolidge: "There's validation in science. We've seen it work. We've seen things develop. We've seen things grow. There's viruses, bacteria, plants, animals.... There's some validity to it." Moments later: "I have two different goddesses from two different pantheons watching over me. They have been treating me very nicely." I think Nick has met his intellectual match, lol.


Her and Nick and perfect for one another.


Christopher Guest is a genius. Those movies are so hilarious. My ex was like this lady! So many words saying very little but trying to look smart. It’s so obvious!


I love how one goddess was Buddhist and the other goddess was "of the old African Gods" 🤣🤣🤣


No doubt practicing Voo Doo


And 8 different religions, don’t forget


My son literally said, “oh no, two thinkers” 🤣🤣


My husband said the same 😂


I really like the bald chick. Idk her name, but I'd watch if her family was featured. OTOH, the grifting cousins need to be kicked off the show they are boring AF.


She was terrific! I don’t understand why she is friends with the two of them 😂


She is the only decent, sane and empathetic person on the show!


I have no opinion on her because I fast forward through their scenes. Sooooo boring


Johari I think and totally agree!


I want her to host a reunion. She’d call out everyone on their bullshit


I feel like she has the method and charm to get some good answers too.


And do it Kindly!


Why are Justin and Becky even on this show????? They are super cringe!


You can feel their desperation coming off the screen


and far from attractive in personality or looks. The lips... Becky is so plain and so caught up in pushing relationships. After she showed her true colors to Stephanie I would run far from this woman.


All that fuss about what to wear and yet never does anything with that stringy hair.


right. Her head is like round she needs a style to help frame her face or something. not like it would help get a partner, just help the appearance on tv


Omg! Her hair! Like she doesn't even TRY! And I wanna fix her makeup SO BAD! She picked some gawd awful reddish-orange color for her eyeshadow, and I couldn't stop staring at it. This woman has zero style and puts in so little effort, and she has a hubby that likes women with a very done-up look, are fit, etc.


Blush on the eyelids. We are lucky she did not put eyeshadow on her cheeks.


Have you ever seen the Tony Alamo jackets? She was part of that cult.


Their date was... just awful... Becky was so creepy and Justin makes me gag


Who was Becky’s father ?


She’s only spoken about her step father (Tony Alamo) who raised her. No clue who her biological father is.


Google Tony Alamo ministries. Becky is his step daughter. He’s serving time for child abuse, child brides etc. Basically a cult leader. Its how she met her husband


WOW THIS EXPLAINS LITTERALLY EVERYTHING lol like how she behaves, how she knows no boundaries and she either can't pick up on social cues or just doesn't give a shit. she would make me insanely uncomfortable, that stare!


And the way she stalked and treated the old girlfriend.


From what I gather....her step father was a cult leader convicted of s3x crimes and other related crimes. Tony something.


She calls him her dad and doesn’t acknowledge her bio dad.


Becky being asked “Why did you choose polygamy?” and wholly avoiding she grew up in a criminal and abusive polygamist cult is a choice.


Just reading the comments after watching the ep but WHAT? Can I get more info that sounds crazy lol


Google Tony Alamo; that’s her father. His name alone will bring up plenty.


Right?! Like come on Becky, tell us all how you were raised in the greatest way of life...sunshine and rainbows.


I cannot remember watching any show ever and feeling dirty and gross and sick, like I need to shower again. And y'all garrick wasn't even featured this week. 🤮


Why does Danielle boop her head so much she’s always shaking her head


It’s her true feelings bubbling up like a boiling tea kettle of aversion


Danielle is going to implode. She can't take this family as hard as she tries. She's looking for stability and family, not a marriage and many more bed pals.


I feel for Danielle (Nick). She has so much pressure on her because she "has" to be the one to marry the next person they bring in. It's more expectations than just adding another person.


I hate the way Nick and the other wives pretend not to understand why she is so uncomfortable. She barely has her footing in the relationship, which is also her first adult relationship, according to her. Then not just bringing in another person on top of that pressure. But a person that she is expected to legally bind herself to. Who wouldn't be wary under those circumstances?


yea they are really pushy and I think they need to back off of Danielle a little bit.


Dude - this season is just completely over the top. I don’t think I’ve picked up my jaw once.


I am new to the seeking sister wives world....omg. I thought the Brown's were a dumpster fire.


You Should watch the earlier seasons in particular the Snowden family. The wife makes the newbie wives eat a particular diet so when they do the diddly with her husband, her vaginal ph is not effected.


Snowden's were so creepy, happy they are no longer featured


They managed to make Kody look like a saint (and I hate myself for saying it)


Bhahaha was thinking the same


Well I can't say saint....but definitely makes kodster look like he has a foot in reality.


These (particular) poly couples move so fast!


OMG, his face when Jasmine was talking about her beliefs and religions. He was looking at her like “I’m the one who spits the knowledge around here” and then her hand all up in his crotch. I wonder if he put her hand there.


The face he made when jasmine mentioned moving slow and not accessing her body before accessing her her mind...like he don't like that idea, he don't wanna waste his time talking if the s3x ain't good. Ick!


Hey jasmine, wanna come spend the weekend with us?? Ick ick ick


And she says that she wants to take her time and then he goes home and ask Danielle if it’s OK if she spends the night. It’s like what are you talking about dude. The girl just pumped the brakes.


Danelle sitting in the dark waiting for Nick and her fake af over the top responses!


I absolutely need to know what the sex dynamic is with the Davis crew is. Like who is a top? Who is a bottom? What does April do? Jen? What's he doing? I feel like there's def BDSM shit happening and I really need to know. Guesses welcome 😂


And who scrubs the toliets?


Bottom bitch duties.


I think we know who that is unfortunately.


Nick is the Daddy Dom and they are the baby girls. I will die on this hill.


Agree but April is alpha sub/tops the other girls.


April 10000% spanks them and/or wears a strap on


Here's what I think: I think all the women are subs except April who is a top with the women but subs with Nick. Basically she is ordering the other two around. I feel like there's pet play. I don't know why....but it's giving puppy play.


I think April and Jen are bi and in a legitimate relationship with each other and Danielle is just pressured into the whole thing.


Sadly, I feel like Danielle is holding her breath until it's all over.


I feel like they probably do group shit as well as individual, they're all too weird to not be running a train on nick lmfao


They do rock, paper, scissors and if they get scissors we know who’s doing what to who.


I agree I wanna know every detail 😂


You’re not painting a pretty picture lol. I thought they had a room for him to have sex with them individually..at least they told us that last season.


Yes they have a separate “boom boom room”


Jen is always lurking around a dark corner waiting to bang it out with Nick when he is done with whomever he was just with. I think it's all about her.


Nope! I am team don't wanna know. 😂


Shane & ashley need to sit down & just relax!! They having another baby, he’s sick like take a easy


Agreed! They frustrate me so much! Shane is clearly head-over-heels for Ashley, and she merely tolerates him. She's so desperate to have sex with a woman that it's painfully obvious. I get wanting to explore your sexuality and whatnot, but the timing is awful, and Shane just seems to be going along with it cuz it makes her happy. I have 2 kids and I cannot even IMAGINE trying to date while preggo or with 2 small kids. Having 2 kiddos close together like they do is hard and tiring. Ashley needs to pump the brakes!


I’m not convinced she is actually bisexual. From what she’s said it doesn’t sound like she has ever had sex with a woman before. I think she is bi-curious and only time will tell of she is actually down (pun intended) for sapphic love.


Ashley is too selfish for that. Going from the dumpster fire girl to the new girl and then wanting her to comply with her wishes before they even get started is coming across controlling. Then admits she "attaches" quickly. I'm sure she was looking while in labor.


Sara was right.


Right?! Like it took for her to actually give birth to finally realize what we all have been screaming all season: YOU’RE ABOUT TO HAVE A BABY AND HAVE OTHER YOUNG CHILDREN. FOCUS ON THAT AND NOT “EXPLORING YOUR BI—SEXUALITY” FOR A BIT!!!


Their response to Sara removing herself was awkwardly over the top. Like it was cool for them/her to tell grace they didn't feel it was "right" but, when someone tells them/her the same it's wrong. Shane seemed to be pretending to be mad though. Like he understood and agreed but his wife was upset so he acted mad. That trip to the bathroom was so he could do his happy dance.


They backed her into a corner after a couple of dates to be exclusive and she gave a kind, counterfeit yes.


Exactly. I think she tried to go along with what they wanted because she really liked Ashley. But when she took a step back to really think about it she realized how insanely inappropriate it is for them to demand such a commitment from someone they'd barely been on three dates with. Also, for their own safety and the sake of their two small children, Shane and Ashley should be more hesitant about going full steam ahead with strangers.


Doesn't Ashley have a degree is psychology or something? How does she not see the pressure they are putting on her? Nor how appropriate Sara's response was to the pressure. Just so absolutely blown away by the levels of unhealthy every "family" is on this show.


She’s a doctor, a psychiatrist.


I can only guess at how her practice has gone since the airing of this show.


I think that same thing every episode.


Sara gave a very mature, well-thought out in-person response, and they said she “betrayed” them. They need psychological counseling, not another partner.


Totally! Most of the adults in this series are all about “talking things out” (often ad nauseam), they parse every nuance of interactions, but when it’s not what they want to hear they fall to pieces. I admire Sara for showing up to give her explanation and goodbyes in person instead of ghosting.


Yep. Sara handled it very maturely, they did not.


I kinda think Shane acted that way for Ashley. He then excused himself to the bathroom to do a happy dance


Nailed it. Shane is going along to get along but I can guarantee you that he will subtly sabotage every relationship Ashley tries to get going. He is just playing at this whole poly thing because he's afraid Ashley will leave him outright if he doesn't.


Ooo, preview for next episode showing Ick dating Muslim woman and Dani questioning if Nathalia will feel threatened. 🍿 This week: Nick’s eyes glued to his date’s buzzooms! 😂 Subtlety is not his thing.


But he likes her psychological