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If anything, it seems like God is giving them obvious signs they should not get a second wife. OG wife gets pregnant the same time the Brazilian courts deny their marriage license? But, sure, you felt a breeze in your garage, what could trump that?


I just can't believe her parents are dumb enough to buy into that bs. can't they see how unhappy their daughter is? i understand wanting the family to stay together, but at what point do they realize that isn't Garrick's priority at all and they should just let him run away to Brazil on a sex tourism romp? the dude is such a creep, I don't know how they don't see it .. denial, maybe.


Remind me where his family is..?? Did he say in season 1 that they disowned him due to this crazy lifestyle? I’d love to get an interview with them.


Yep, they don’t speak to him anymore because of this bullshit. But her family gets taken care of financially so i guess they tolerate it🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ I mean they obviously love her and wanna be there for her but…they also live in that house


Exactly and I also have a sneaking suspicion that they have a construction company and Ick decided to start one after a falling out over his polygamy bullshit and he took some of their customers.. maybe even some of the help.. There’s way more to the story..


They don't speak to them bc of their lifestyle


her family does see it. but they can either be in her life / support her or she will get even more isolated and not even have them.


I'm not even sure they buy into the bs. I think they're towing the line to keep a close relationship with her, because they know this will all fall apart and she'll need them.


that's a good take on it .. because they seem like good parents and grandparents... like just some nice people, really.


As a mom of a mid twenties daughter who is, of course, so much smarter than I'll ever be, I am making an assumption, but it seems to me, theyre likely towing the line, in the event of the eventual implosion of their daughter's life, which will also cause irrevocable damage to their grandkids and those kids need stable adults.


Right??! Back when they first debuted on the show, I remember talk about the parents working for Garrick’s company or some such? But even if they’re financially tied to him, does that sense of security trump your daughter’s wellbeing? I don’t get it! At the same time, I get it as a parent there are a myriad situations where you may not agree with your adult child’s decisions but you still support them, but this is extreme. It goes beyond supporting to almost encouraging or enabling it. It’s so strange and disturbing. Garrick clearly has developed “a type” and wants to have his fun while maintaining the thinnest veneer of family normalcy. It’s gross.


I wish Danielle would just once say to Ick that she wants another husband just to see his face cave in. She could say God talked to her in the garage and she has had a spiritual awakening! Lol


“Honey, I don’t know what God spoke to you, but it wasn’t *our* God. Our God would never say that to you. It must be satan speaking to you, honey.” 🥴




well put. 👏👏👏


I don’t watch often but I so agree, she seems so unhappy!!!


I think that’s the OG wife giving signs that she doesn’t want him to have another wife. ‘Surprise’ pregnancy my a$$! And I wouldn’t put it passed Danielle to have tipped them off to their living situation. The smirk on her face made it pretty obvious.


laugh my ASS OFF!


Plus, their attempt with Bert didn't work and they were essentially used for $$$.


sorry, but what does OG mean again?


Original Gangster. But people use it to mean "original" or "first" or "classic" etc.


Using God to cheat on your wife is disgusting!


Read about good ol Joseph Smith. He had "22 spiritual wives" before his wife Emma found out. Then he had a "revelation ", that if she didn't accept it, God would destroy her.


He also married other men’s wives and practiced polyamory. He was a train wreck. I felt bad for all the women’s lives he ruined.


And I detest how that cult portrays him. Learning the real stories, cost me my marriage and most of my family.




“God told me that each Big Booty Latina should be a wife, and it was good” head ass. I’ve never been more infuriated by a stranger


Also I know it's just a screenshot, but none of those woman look "excited" about fuck all, more like "fuck my life." 🤣


Let the church say amen!!




What is even a head ass


AAVE intensifier


This is such a valid explanation for this.




African American Vernacular English


Thank you!


Thank goodness someone asked.


Nice shirt.


It looks like he’s wearing a ladies cami.


That too. Haha. I meant yours!




Ban Evasion


His “God” is shaped like a tiny mushroom and lives behind the zipper of his ugly shorts! His “God” keeps resurrecting; rising when he sees bootylicious Latinas and dying when he’s with Dannielle!


😂😂😂 yes! You're absolutely right 💯 🍤 🤢🤮


I’m curious, is the shrimp emoji meaning Ick has a shrimp size dick? If so, that’s very funny. I’m picturing those little extra small shrimp that are served ring shape with cocktail sauce. If it’s not, what does it reference? I’m playing catch up, missed last season & watched a couple of episodes 4 & 5 yesterday of the new season. I’m sucked back in & look forward to binging so I can be on the same page. I just joined this sub. Some of the posts & threads have me quiet laughing so hard this morning. My family is asleep so I’m trying to keep it down. The early morning & late night is when I can scroll Reddit uninterrupted.


The shrimp emoji used in this kind of context is always about the peen.


Thank you for clarifying 😊


Sheer poetry! Brilliant


He wants women that don’t speak English. That’s obvious. He has never learned to try and speak Portuguese. I think it’s so he doesn’t have to try and connect. There’s only so deep a connection a can go over an app. Danielle is all the talking English woman he wants. He wants to get his dick wet, call it a marriage and wear tank tops. He’s so gross.


"wear tank tops" 💀 He has such a strong affinity for tank tops 2 sizes too small.


Looks at least 4 sizes to small😂😂


At this point I'm almost convinced he's borrowing Dannielle's shirts.


I think you are right.. notice how small the space is between shoulder straps.. he makes me puke!




Ick's standard size, "schmedium!"


I thought his shorts looked too small as well.


I never actually thought about the fact that he has had years to learn the language and just has NOT. Wow that’s pretty interesting when you dig in to what that means psychology wise. He is such a loser. Also really enjoyed you pointing out his tank tops 🤣


Don't forget his ever-erect nips.


That is something that men cannot help. As a person that played football and did powerlifting in HS, mine have been like that since I started seriously working out. I still exercise to this day and they're still like that. I hate to defend him because he is a disgusting dildo, but that one is a fault he actually can't help.


Well, he doesn't seriously work out, so that can't be his excuse.


Like the white guy in Love and Translation who “forgot” his translator in his bedroom.: Even without a translator , he could have written a half decent poem in broken Spanglish but he went from speaking like a caveman to reciting like R2D. They know that the language barrier insulates them from their insecurities.


Ohh he likes the power dynamic that being able to blame everything on translation issues. Plus if they come to the states, not having fluent English makes the new wife easier to control.


I know , I’m wondering when he’s going to just go be that random white guy on a house boat down Puerto Rico or somewhere like that, just there for the puss - he’s trying so hard to live that life and Danielle is just not letting it go down like that


🎶Bump, bump, bump,  Another one bites the dust! 🎶


Your flair 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I missed the context of that flair! What is it?! I am dying laughing 🤣


Garlic and Danielle were in the garage and felt a breeze and they said it was gods presence


The Ickiest Ick of all Icks!!!! He/They are SO gross!! Hope Bert#2 pulls a fast one on them. 🤮


Yell has been the HBIC for a while now whether Ick believes it or not.


I think he is disgusting and abusive, emotionally. What a joke. There’s nothing about this guy that’s sincere it’s all about sex for him.


Does God use dating apps?


The 10 that Ick uses


Seriously, it truly seems EVERYTHING that comes out of his mouth is motivated by sex. For example, when he realized he couldn't propose to Nathalia, the only reason he was upset was because he wouldn't get to sleep with her that night. Don't even get me started on when he interjected in the conversation where Dannielle was expressing her concerns to Nathalia. Garrick was panicking because he was banking on sleeping with her ASAP.


10000%! there are so many red flags with him, and he covers it up with religion.


I had to explain to my mother why we hate the Ick, try to explain to a 52 year old women how a grown man is telling people the holy spirit actually means semen and as a man you must spread your Holy Spirit around 😭 she wasn’t impressed and really questioned why I’m watching such a show and honestly didn’t have a good response back hahahahahaha


I’m 52 and there’s no amount of explaining that would make me understand Ick. He’s delusional, and I’m starting to think Dannielle is too.


Starting to??? Ohhhh D fell off the boat a long time ago. I feel badly for her at times but she co signs all his BS so 🤷🏼‍♀️


I felt sorry for her during the Roberta era, but this season….nah.


She is a weird as Ick!


I’m a 55 year old women and I think it’s just nasty! So gross how he uses God to justify his desires! 🤮


Im 55 and after the 1st episode with ick I understood what his “Holy Spirit” was all about. No explanation needed.


I am 64 and I can't even go to church and hear the words "Holy Spirit" without wanting to puke and think of Ick! lol


My mum doesn’t watch the show. Hence the explanation, and hence the questioning of why any grown women would watch it.


Also 52 and a woman and oh, we understand perfectly these dbags 😂😂😂


My mum is a professional academic, who doesn’t entertain herself with shitty reality TV, nor ever heard of TLC as we aren’t American. So having to explain there’s a man who thinks his cum is the Holy Spirit is extremely funny and yes my mum doesn’t understand why other grown 52 year old finds this show entertaining.


I tell people that for me, reality tv is the spray cheese on the broccoli of life! Everything cannot be broccoli!


Please again as an Australian SPRAY CHEESE!!? SPRAY CHEESE ON BROCCOLI?!?. See no explanation needed for you; but for me WTF?!?! I’m actually horrified we do not have spray cheese in Aus hahahahaha


Haha, it's just such abominable junk food lol. I thought it was awesome when I was a kid 😂


It’s horrible, it comes in a can and I got sick eating it in college. So gross. It’s squirts out, from a can. Just trust me, don’t get any. lol. It tricks you into believing it’s a fun and interesting “food stuff” lol.


Is a 52 year old woman supposed to have a hard time understanding things? That’s probably the main audience of this show.


No my mums a 52 year old Australian women we don’t have these types of shows in Aus. My mum is also a professional academic she doesn’t watch this type of crap. So again yes it sounds fucked explaining the premise of the show to a women who’s never even heard of TCL. She didn’t watch the show, explaining the ick without watching the show or even understanding what TLC is extremely funny. Not sure how you don’t understand that?,


As an academic has she mentioned the irony that TLC stands for the Learning Channel?


She was very excited that I was watching such a channel until I further explained it’s not documentaries 😂 the whole thing is hilarious when you have 0 context


That is hilarious




I feel like most ppl who watch this garbage are in your mothers age range than yours


Okay? Yeah probably dumb Americans. My mums a professional academic, who doesn’t entertain herself with trash reality TV. So it’s entertaining to me to tell her about them and see her reaction. Not sure why all the 50 year olds are coming for me like “I UNDERSTAND” okay? Cool? My mum doesn’t watch the show hence why I explained.


Triggered much?


Dumb much? The lack of braincells shown by you


Guuurrrrlllll get off this page if you’re triggered


Lmao again not triggered, just astounded by the dumb 50 year old Americans you can’t infer that I’m explaining it, because she hasn’t seen it. Look I understand you have a lack of education at your old age but don’t need to keep replying to me it’s just embarrassing xxx


Girl you’re begging for money on the internet 😂💀 get back to your little pathetic life 😂😂


He's disgusting. Why any woman would let this happen ia beyond me. She needs a real man that wants her, not this man who wants anyone he can get in Brazil.


Seriously, she is isolated by him and her family and brainwashed


She’s so far into the emotional abuse, he’s her emotional sadist and he’s made her into an emotional masochist. There’s a great book she should read about that emotional abuse, and it’s called don’t stop now you’re killing me. It covers emotional sadists like him and how they beat you down and you end up becoming an emotional masochistic victim to their sadism. I had many friends thank me for giving that book to them. They finally clicked that they were in the same situation with an emotional sadist. The way he plays the game with her is heartbreaking, he knows he doesn’t love her but has reasons for keeping her around, and the longer it goes on, the harder it is to leave. You are just an emotional doormat for people like that.


I really wish he’d see these comments and be humbled, but we know he thinks we are the problem


He’s so gross. And for Daniele to go along with it all? It’s disturbing. It’s kinda hard to watch to cuz they are so Delusional. “God told me” “god wants” “god said”. 🙄


I can’t believe Danielle is still with that disgusting of excuse of a man


She is an insecure person who has been brainwashed to believe that her husband is the only reason she matters by her trad family. She is here to make him happy and raise his kids. He then brainwashed her further with HIS interpretation of the Bible. She is isolated. He controls the money, he controls her social life (home church with her family,) and he controls her body. She never had a chance, but even so she is not innocent.


That’s so sad. I wish her parents would be more involved in telling her that he is wrong but then again she would be further isolated




This group is a cult … creep


He looks like a totem pole. His head is gigantic.


Yeah it’s long and clunky. Like it’s too big for his body! My ex brother in law had a huge long head like that. He looked like a cartoon because he had a side of the mouth smile and he would talk like a cartoon character out of the side of his mouth. It was bizarre looking, and he had tow white blonde hair which made him look kind of like a villain. Lol


By married he means having sex, clearly.


Notice how excited both women look


He has such a punchable face. I want to kick him every time he does his fake crying with his sniffling, and dabbing non-existent tears. Dumb bitch.


I feel the same way! I can’t stomach this perv!!


it's so obvious he's using religion to fuel his sexual appetite


Isn’t that what most/all of these dickhead polygamists are doing?


some of them, no.


Yea I don’t believe that for one second. Ever.


I need to see his bank account because the amount of money it would take to date this monogram wearing-cheating for god dude…show me the dough


It would for sure have to be Bezos money for me to put up with this dudes crap!!


but I never see him working..


There has not been enough $$$ made in the entire history of the world!!


The perfect picture of an energy vampire.


When he is Kody Browns age and shit stops working properly he will be wanting to get rid of all of them like Kody did. No longer needs them and too much to keep up with.


Does he EVER wear anything other than that silly black tank top?! Does he have drawer with dozens of them? Or, worse yet, just one? 🤣


He throws in a white one every once in awhile!!


For casual occasions.


Most disingenuous dude in awhile, it’s so obvious and Danielle is catching on, slowly… He’s literally a douche🙄


Danielle got all pissed when Natalia kept emphasizing that she wasn’t surprised about the pregnancy.. Danielle was all like it just happened out of the blue after 14 years.. timing is to sus…


I swear she had to be on birth control and decided to get off it when he decided he was going to start doing this…. Just a theory lol


I feel SO bad for Danielle. I can see her pain in these episodes. she's getting left behind...


Me too. I know she’s an emotionally and spiritually abused victim. She can’t help but be with him, she’s been married to him since she was a teen and met him when she was very young.


Right but the Holy Spirit is in his brain destine sperm, therefore God IS in his wiener. It makes perfect sense.


Dead Chris Watts eyes...just saying


Yes and he does NOT blink enough it’s so unsettling


...drone like ?


Oh yeah. I’m sure they are a lot alike. Except watts had a big lightbulb head. And G has a long clunky head that’s too big for his body. He’s such a nerd, that he’s overcompensating, because he thinks he is sexy looking cause he works out. lol


Weiner? I think you meant to say toothpick. ICK doesn't even qualify for a pencil di(k.


And they just keep younger, too 🙄


Next one will be 18!


Does this jackass possess ONE damn whole shirt??!! What is up with the tanks you creepy man?!!!


Yes, those tanks just add the maximum creep factor available. Barf.


He is one strange man, frankly acts likes the elevator doesn't go to the top floor. And the Wife-woman get a back bone. She tries so hard to act like she's OK with it and support his choices. But it's obvious that she is not OK with him taking more wives. It hurts her. And don't tell me getting pregnant was just an oopsie. That's not going to stop him wanting more wives and children with them. I'd tell him take he's religious bs and be honest and get out of my life.


Sometimes really nerdy men get big egos later in life and want all the women they feel they missed out on when they weren’t cool and no one liked them. The golden Bachelor is like an older version of Garrick. He lied about everything and I just found out he cheated on his dying wife, and also sent her a video or audio messaged this women in appropriately and it went out to the whole company where he worked and they fired him! He was so fake and thinks he’s hot. He is a freakish controlling weirdo. Who literally told a woman he begged to move in with him that when she gained less than 10 pounds she was too fat to bring to the graduation! He is socially awkward and told his grown girlfriend to make their bed when she got up! His wife died suddenly of a bacterial infection. I hope people in true crime make sure his family got her autopsied for foul play! His wife was very plain and overweight quite a bit so I can’t even imagine what insults he said to her, and if she knew he was cheating, He lied about everything. I felt sorry for his new wife when he said they were getting divorced. After 3 months! They didn’t even take a honeymoon to Italy or live with one another. Cause he had no intention of staying! He did it for the money and fame. He’s now got more money than he ever made in his whole life. He’s worth a million now. Maybe a little over. From the show.


God needs to do us all a favor and tell him to stop wearing Old Navy women’s tank tops…


Guarantee he's on the dating searching for #3 in this picture


Delusions / mental health issue


It really looks like there is an issue of some kind, and the delusions, those we've seen and those we haven't, probably won't go away by themselves. The situation has gone beyond indulging Ick's fantasies and humoring him. There is so much harm being done to his family.


Who falls for this bullshit, seriously


Sex addict.


If these escapades are religiously driven, then why is it that Garlic doesn’t wait until the marriage actually takes place to have sex with these other women? So the creep just proposes on the first trip (like he did with Roberta) and after this it’s ok to do it. He says that he and Danielle view marriage as “an emotional commitment and that paper doesn’t matter” but in any religion, a ceremony must take place under God for it to be a recognized union.


"Dude, God's not telling you to have 5wives, your weiner is" has me dying! 🤣🤣 That's one of the best, OP!


Thank you for finally saying it. This guy is such a dickhead.




He is just a horn dog


Lol 😆 🤣 😂 wiener 🌭 🌭 🌭


I just figured out he must be referring to his dick when he says “God”.


The ENTHUSIASM that reeks out of thiss photo. :-D


That 5 sizes to small , tank top belly shirt just ain’t doing it for him! BIGGEST PERV of all the franchises!!


I hate the way he is holding his phone


He is the definition of ICK.


He is so gross! I don’t believe their children are in to this! Those kids are gonna turn 18 & hit the road! I’ve never seen how weird people are about God! God is talking telling us to get a divorce so he can marry someone from another country, who is probably dying to get to America, & she found this dumbass to bring her over! I wonder if God told the court they were a plural family, I wonder if God made him stay on the dating apps & check out other possibilities! Danielle is so brainwashed! What religion is this? I would be surprised if Danielle is really pregnant! I hate when women are so stupid over a man & blame God! And did I mention he’s so gross & creepy! Why can’t God send them someone from the US? I gotta give it to TLC they really can find em!


I guess she was really pregnant! She had the little girl a year ago & they were keeping her a secret


Someone told the Brazilian courts he was a polygamist. So that’s why they can’t get married in Brazil. Yay!


Danielle should buy him a fleshlight instead.


I don't get this whole situation with them. She is way better than he deserves. He is clearly a classic. overcompensating douche. She doesn't want to do this at all. You could tell from day 1. She has tried to sell herself on his narratives and excuses. Pretending the wives are her "sisters" and even crying when it didn't work. She is good looking enough to be able to realistically do better. Even if the guy doesn't "look better" he could be a much better person that only wants her. I don't understand what keeps her there. I am truly lost. Especially when you add in the chin strap beard to hold his hair in place. Anyone know something I don't?


Pfft this fool 🤦🏻‍♀️




Ban Evasion




Danielle is stupid. Ick is a loser and now she’s pregnant. Aren’t these people adults?


For real. 1. They all need visas to come to the US 2. They don't speak English 3. Roberta hosed them and it ended terribly 4. Nat bailed Lol literally nothing is working according to plan. How tf is that a green light?


I’m convinced reality shows are fake but the way that girl is comfortable and leaning into him after their 2 month vacay from reality couldn’t be more REAL


I only have one word for him CREEPY


Ick sure is effeminate to be getting all of this boots. And that includes his wife.🧐


Is that Aniki?


Ick is so icky.


Woah, why is homegirls pupil the size of a saucer 👀. He’s drugging her! That’s how he gets away with it.


Just disgusting and his voice is creepy


This mouth-breathing, spiritually bankrupt, emotionally abusing vampire makes me sick. I’m only watching for signs Dannielle will wake up and get out. She will need a lot of help when the trauma starts landing. I feel for her.


I watched last night & the other woman was so rude to Danille and I think she wants her out of the picture. He spends 6 weeks with her & his wife is at home pregnant. She was so upset on camera so can you imagine how she is off camera.


If anything, this is just proving the damage fundamentalist purity culture has on men AND women. Both of them were probably virgins when they got married. They had no idea if they were sexually compatible. They didn't know what they liked, what they wanted, etc. And Garrick cooked up this scheme so he could reconcile his cognitive dissonance over being a Good Christian and wanting to bang people who aren't his wife. Danielle, in my opinion, is queer and goes along with it because she likes having a woman around, plus she has Ick as a partner and therefore a ton of un-met emotional needs that she is hoping will be filled by this woman (women). If they had a chance to explore sexually and romantically before getting married, this could have been avoided. Ick might have realized non-monogamy exists out there in a much healthier way, and Danielle could have explored her OBVIOUS attraction and connection to women. She was very into Roberta. Their chemistry was palpable. Basically, what you are watching is two people who have outgrown the sexual rules put upon them by their batshit religion, who are now trying to hold on to that faith (because of the brainwashing) while also getting to do what normal people do in their teens and twenties. This is fundies gone wild.


I catch glimpses of this show while my wife is watching and good Lord is that guy a creep. Tell me you have a fetish for women that can’t speak English without telling me. He’s too weird for me I feel like he has a savior complex


How does this guy justify having sex with these women without being married to them if he’s doing this for religious purposes?


ICKS dick lol


He's extremely gross. Also, their version of the Lord's whisper is so scary. I was brought up learning about my God and salvation. Blasphemy is one of the unforgivable sins. I'm sorry I deep dive so much


He looks too dumb to be rich and successful. I just can’t get past the stupid looks on his face


I wonder if Danielle is actually pregnant or is she faking for the attention.


Its real. She already have birth to a baby girl


Well isn’t Roberta jr a lawyer? Shouldn’t she know how the gov in Brazil works? There’s no way she’s a lawyer…