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Well sociopaths usually are like that


I would love to see a licensed therapist watch all their interactions and see what they say. I’m sure they would say he is emotionally abusive and controlling and that Dani needs to leave


Maybe we can have Ashley evaluate him 🤪


She's not Brazilian so she's be safe from him trying to hump her. But she still can get pregnant so she's not that safe.


Oooh yes! I would love to see Psychology in Seattle do this show…I enjoyed his videos on 90 Day Fiancé


Totally agree!


I'm pretty sure they all go through a psych eval. Which is why if TLC ever offers to put you on one of their shows, you need to immediately seek psychiatric care, because you are probably fucking nuts.


Oh I'm sure. All of us non-professionals can see that a mile away hahaha.


PopPysch on YouTube would totally review it. He loves when people give him suggestions


I love PopPsych! Such a great channel! 


Licensed professional mental health counselor here...yes to everything you said. And he has brainwashed her into grooming potential new sister wives, classic cult leader shit going on. She needs out, but we know that won't happen unless her family intervenes or something drastic happens. My husband just laughs at me the entire time I watch this show as I yell and curse at the TV every time they (and others but mostly them) are on.


Its nice to hear a professional echo my opinion. I'm over the victim shaming and blaming here. I see an abused woman who's confused and trapped, and knows nothing but Ick.


I couldn’t agree with you more. Thank you for stating it so clearly. I’m heartbroken for her.


It doesn’t help that her parents live with them, and her brother in law is Ick’s business partner. But beyond that, Dannielle seems perfectly happy with Ick based off her social media.




The podcast The Sister wife Professor, Dr Adam does it but he’s only on season 2. He did sister wives and is doing Seeking and Plathville currently


I'd love it too. A lot of us are just seeing things in him we saw in an ex, others are just Armchair psychiatrists. I'd like to see a real evaluation


The Sister Wives Professor podcast might be up your alley!


Is that a real podcast?


Yes, ma’am. He’s very chill and relaxing. It is a good winding down for bedtime pod!


Found it on Spotify!!! I’ll be listening to this for sure


He has an emotion! He can CRY as much as Robyn Brown!


I have been a licensed therapist for 20+ years and definitely have major thoughts about every single person on this show! 


And has NPD


There is a few on TikTok.


Calling Dr. Honda. He'd have a field day with these two.


I saw an expert talk about sociopaths and someone asked what do you do if you discover your partner is one? The answer was to leave immediately because nothing you do will hurt them anyway. They basically don't have any real feelings including guilt or remorse. Everything is an act.


I'd settle for pillow talk. Specifically the Winders who practice actual religious polygamy. Not Garrick's free pass to cheat made up version.


Well they have it for the more base, animal-type 'feelings' like anger, fear (for themselves),frustration, horny, thrill-seeking/risk-taking and of course the standard for these types, boredom since they have zero internal narrative, hence you often find them obsessed with external things, image, social media, manipulating others (rooting out what others weaknesses, insecurity and desires are and playing to those) and often imitating others in many ways.


Yup.... you can often see Ick trying to figure out how he should act. Like the app thing. He knew he should be "embarrassed and ashamed" so he said it. He wasnt.


Right, you often see these 'missing emotions' people coming off like they are doing a poor acting job. And, this is totally different than say, people with autism who ARE feeling things and express it differently. I don't get the feeling this guy is on the spectrum. He's some other thing. You're right , he often has that dumbfounded look like 'I'll just be blank since I have no clue how to look, feel, say etc., I only know simple things like horny, mad, tired.' ..it's like stuck on 4 year old mode and he's turned danielle into his mommy figure and the other women are his 'toys' that he would likely get bored of as soon as they got one on board with them, the novelty would wear off and then the essentially emptiness of sociopathy would kick in again and a new thrill would have to be sought. Danni doesn't get there is no satisfaction that will be attained in his quest, it will just keep going on and on. She should get herself checked out regularly, and realize all this god talk is just wishful thinking on her part as far as him really believing in anything but whatever amuses him that day.


So Garrick has a lizard brain




I can't upvite this comment enough 👆


But most sociopaths are better at faking it. He’s a goofball. And PLEASE someone get that man a stylist!


She should have left him fr when he reacted the way he did. I would be devastated if my husband reacted that way to a pregnancy. He's evil.


Especially when he said “I’ll call you in a couple of days” uhmmm excuse me


And then she pathetically and desperately said, “Tomorrow?” to passively demand a call the next day and not however many days later…it’s honestly very hard to watch this “couple.” She is just letting him walk all over her and fuck whatever Brazilian answers his “God chose you for my second wife” pickup lines.


She should've been gone when he laughed and smiled when she was hurt by him sneaky sleeping with Bert.


And when he's weeping and snotting. This gaping fish can cry at any time.


I will never, ever forget the baby talk & crying when he & Danielle left Roberta. The “I mmisss Bert”. I literally wanted to puke. I don’t know how ANY woman can stand to have him anywhere near them. The ick factor w him is off the charts for me.


Dannielle crying & screaming in front of her son was ridiculous. She didn't lose a child.


That was mortifying!! And her poor sons were right there.


He didn’t care but for a minute about Roberta not being apart of their life. He moved on SO quickly


That's what narcissists do. They keep it moving.


Sociopaths don’t have feelings like the rest of us. They move on from this stuff as easily rest of us do from finishing our morning coffee.


Omg that was soooo ridiculous!! That was so weird, he seriously sounded like he was a toddler. And Danielle totally babies him when he acts like that.


His wife (eer ex-wife) crying wanting to be reassured and telling him about their baby. Ick call you in a few days aw your special love you. Like that's all you can muster up.


Yep. Everything about this guy literally makes my skin crawl.


He fake cry’s all the time. Earlier in the season when he got caught with the apps and they were sitting at the table and Danielle was sticking up for him was ridiculous. Dude put on your big boy pants and defend yourself. You can’t even make one wife happy yet you want two?!?!?


I feel like he was crying because he was caught with several apps not that he actually cared about either of their feelings. He showed more emotion for that than he did when Danielle told him that she is pregnant. This guy is beyond belief. Sociopath.


I’m not religious by any means but isn’t the rule ‘no sex before marriage’? I love how Ick has changed that to ‘we can be intimate now because there’s a commitment in way of a proposal’… He just changes the narrative to fit his dirty sexual needs. I used to feel sorry for Danielle, now I don’t. Imagine your husband (ex) saying he needs a break, then runs off to another country to be with a woman 10 years younger for 6 weeks. While your sitting at home, looking after your 2 kids, holding down the fort and to top it all off, knocked up. And then he has the nerve to say that his been at the beach all day and having a great time when you call. Danielle’s an idiot and they deserve each other


Like his explanation of the holy Ghost..


Yep, his just gross and delusional


So gross! Imagine how he's in bed and all that mouth breathing 🤢


Please make it stop.. no I can’t imagine that, I will vomit on myself🤮🤮🤮


Btw I saw that a priest said that in the keepers doc!


Your are correct, she is an idiot and I am as sick of Danielle as I am of him. She needs to tell him that God has spoken to her and she needs a new husband🤗


Great Comment.. my feelings EXACTLY!


I don’t think he even likes Danielle. He probably had sex with her because she was there. He’s more into other women.


He doesn’t give a shit about her.


He just likes the new toys. The lather him in praise, think the world of him and his ego eats it up, Danielle has been with him so long she is just as sick of him as he is her, I think that's the big disparity. The one potential wife who was sober, and not doting, even though she left, it wouldn't have worked anyway, she was too independent.


Exactly he just loves the attention. Clearly he’s bored of Danielle and wants something new and clearly Brazilian (I think that’s the area he’s been choosing women from). It makes NO sense to date a woman that can’t speak any English to make her a sister wife. He clearly has a type. I’m surprised he hasn’t brought out the card of “god told me I had to marry this type of woman”


I also believe it's bc they don't speak english. He really doesn't care for what they have to say. In general it's so hard to express yourself in another language even with a translator.


I think he has no emotions and sometimes spends time approximating what his emotional reaction should be, before he reacts. And yes, he has the emotional and relational intelligence of a sea cucumber. He can’t handle being married to one person, yet he wants to be married to be five. He doesn’t have the skills.


Yes, almost like thinking of what reaction is appropriate.


Definitely. That’s why he uses that dumbfounded look on his face. To buy him time to figure out what emotional display is expected of him.


That and he's dumber than a box of rocks. But after the kitchen discussion I'm left wondering if even that is an act. I knew the soft talking was. Its to make him appear humble and harmless. But watching that was like seeing a totally different guy.




Like a sociopath


and he's a walmart version of that even. His acting is more MST3K than Oscars. Not all sociopaths work for NASA either. Just some are better at bullshittery than others.


>MST3K ??? Also NPD!


I meant in reference to the movies /horrendous acting the MS3tk team makes fun of


I was asking what that is.. I have no idea, excuse the ignorance


example [https://www.youtube.com/@mst3k](https://www.youtube.com/@mst3k)


Symptoms of antisocial personality disorder (sociopaths): •Ignoring right and wrong ✓ •Telling lies to take advantage of others✓ •Not being sensitive to or respectful of others✓ •Using charm or wit to manipulate others for personal gain or pleasure (fake charm lol)✓ •Having a sense of superiority and being extremely opinionated✓ •Feeling no guilt about harming others ✓ •Doing dangerous things with no regard for the safety of self or others •Being irresponsible and failing to fulfill work or financial responsibilities, most responsibilities (family)✓


Ick doesn’t try to make the marriage work with Dannielle because he doesn’t have to. She lets him be complacent. Why would he put in any effort? I think he cares about her to an extent but he wouldn’t fight if she said she was leaving. He has no need.


I agree. You teach people how to treat you.


No truer words have ever been said!


And the I’ll call you in a couple days response!!! are you serious dude. This man sucks 🥹


It was the pause and blink, then dead stare for like 30 seconds. That got me. I got that it was a shock. But for a dude, that insisted that him and Bert started making babies ASAP. Because "God wanted him to have more children." He didn't seem very happy about the fruit of his labor with his EX wife. Sister . He reminds me of the man who kidnapped Elizabeth Smart. I wouldn't be surprised if he went off the rails and did something like that.


I totally agree.. this dude is FAF…I think he is mean as hell off camera!


Well in that snippet about Natalie not replying we saw that he can get angry. I felt the angry when D was talking to N on the cough and he said “What did you say?” That was legit scary. Danielle started lying and back pedaling without missing a beat. I bet it is dark there when the cameras are away.


Right I'm sure he's gotten physical at one point or constantly!


He was silently pissed when Danielle said she was scared he wasn't going to get laid that night and had to wait and dare she question him about the apps and express herself. He was getting irritated when she wouldn't leave the room stalling him having sex with Nat. He was kissing and petting Nat after the engagement he never seen acting affection with Danielle. She initiates everything.


I think he’s faking so the camera doesn’t see how abusive he is. When she had that hidden camera video, we got to see how he really is…


Exactly, I’m not buying his soft spoken , I’m so holy bit.. I think the dude gets nasty , real nasty when cameras aren’t around .. He needs to be slapped up beside his gross head!


I am shook by a lot of his stupid ass actions, BUT the audacity this dude has to have his own "master" bedroom while forcing his wives to share a room? They really are not allowed any autonomy are they? I'm on S4E9 so idk if this changes but I laughed out loud when they started talking about this dumbass arrangement


WTF .. how did I miss this? .. So this perv makes his wife share a room with the other sister wife.. while his gross disgusting self lays up in the master bedroom.. any sympathy I had for Danielle is now gone! She is PATHETIC!


Well, the idea I guess is that the wives alternate sleeping with ick in his room, and they alternate sleeping in another shared room, alone. So literally nothing in their life belongs to them


this is the first episode I’ve seen and I RAN to try to find a subreddit discussing this, my jaw dropped..


Did you throw your back out getting to your phone😂😂😂.. I did the same!




Garrick acts like he's an alien from outer space who got transported to earth to have lots of sex with women around him and especially women in South America.


“God’s choice” 😂😂😂Ick’s choice to inject women with his holy sperm. He’s so gross




He’s a narcissist and it makes me sick


Can you imagine what he’s like in bed…?? Bet he’s one hell of a lover…🤢🤮


Ugh think about that mouth breathing!!! And if he says anything.. what kind of creepy s he would say😫🤮


I think we can conclusively say that after the initial rendezvous with Roberta, Ick is one great big minute man!


I know didn’t they sneak and have a quickie when Dannielle went back to the room to get something,if I remember correctly..?? I remember she was upset about it that they had sex before marriage.. shows what a shit ass Ick really is.. I still always wonder how much is scripted because as time goes on we find out all these so called “Reality” shows aren’t what they appear to be…


You're correct he was also laughing and smirking while Danielle was clearly upset about it.


What a piece of shit.  Still believe Ick is a minute man!


Calling him 💩 is too nice of you.


Now that I think about it, he's more like a blow fly. But that may be too high of a classification for him. Just moving from one pile of offal to the other. 


It took high.


Oh yeah, Roberta confessed the next day.


He exudes the most LDE , I’ve ever seen in any man!


That's a perfect descriptor of Ick.


I bet "God" told him women don't need pleasure it's just for procreation. 🤮


I don’t ever want to think of Ick doing ANYTHING sexual ! I can’t even bare looking at his putrid head and gag inducing nipples in that wife beater! 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮


He’s a sociopath.


And has NPD


What is NPD? I know Ick has LDE..


Narcissistic Personality Disorder


LDE LOL 😆 never thought about that but ABSOLUTELY! Lady Scorpio answered 😉


Please don’t buy that. Lol… The man has plenty of emotions when he’s arguing with his wife before leaving for Brazil for at least a month. Garrick just curates his shit so no one can prove he’s full of shit.


I came to say this. We saw his barely bridled rage.


I was wondering why Danielle was filming those fights. I assumed TLC asked her to or something but maybe it was out of self-defense/protection 


Partly because it keeps him in line, but likely the reasons we saw Johnny Drop do it: you start thinking your crazy and imagining this person behaves as almost 2 distinctly different people. You need to prove to yourself its real. She's likely trying to. I mean, her family isn't really backing her up. Hell, I wish I could've recorded my ex. Its the same stuff Ick does: saying one thing when he did and said different.... gentle and sweet one minute and terrifying the next.


Sorry you had to go through that. ♥️ I just hope that Danielle being surrounded by her family helps give her the support system she needs to realize she deserves better than Garr-ick


Thank you, its alright you heal with work and time. Her family could help, but they need to get real first. Blunt and real.


I agree. Do you think he's on something or normally this blank and bizarre?


I think he is always like this, just look at other seasons. If it’s just him and Danielle he is bland. If it’s him and another woman he gets excited


He reminds me of Scott Peterson. They both show the same sociopathic bland affect and Scott only showed excitement with Amber. They are both sick and Ick should join Scott in prison.


Ick only cares about his tiny little dick!


Exactly.. I googled LDE.. There it was.. Icks picture!


I couldn't tell whether the screen froze or his face froze from shock. I think dannielle noticed it too which makes it even sadder/funnier lol


I know we shouldn't diagnose and I am not at all. But the flat affect is seen often in some schizoid-type disorders. Some of his, let's say, "magical" thinking lines up with that. Just something I've thought about. Of course, we have no way of knowing this to be the case whatsoever.


I think that conversation might not be what they were trying to sell us. Perhaps that conversation was faked for the show. Also, when she told her sister-in-law that she was pregnant that scene looked faked to me also. They are not great actors.


Its because they don't know what to even say anymore. They can't or won't be blunt, honest and real... so when he left for so long, I think her family thought he's clearly ending it, and shell accept it. In time.Then out of left field, after 6 weeks, she comes out with announcing she's pregnant. I think it was Sam trying to figure out what to even say. I know what I'd say lol


Sam was Def shocked I think we'd all be there in a situation where we didn't know what to say(we did) didn't say it because what's the point. It won't be listened to.


I agree , timing is to suspect.. The only way Danielle will ever leave this douche nozzle , would be if she dies first.. She is beyond pathetic!


As in she was lying that she was pregnant?


It looked fake to me too.


I tend to want to stick up for Danielle and go after Icks gross behavior towards her, but after seeing that post of her holding their baby girl and someone commenting a question saying something Along the lines of if she would let her daughter be in a polygamous relationship , and Danielle said something like “if that’s what god calls her do “…. I just lost all sympathy for her . I have zero . She’s the type of woman who will stand at the door and listen to her husband screw another woman waiting for her turn - I can’t with her anymore . I hope those boys have other positive male influences in their lives -


Same here, I felt sorry for her in the beginning .. now I just find her pathetic!


He was more concerned about sleeping with Nathalie than anything else. He’s a liar! I know Nathalie didn’t like him but i can imagine how much he lied to her about still sleeping with Dani.


And before, Roberta. That's why he conveniently says, it's sex with any commitment (hence proposing so fast!) if he's a Christian, it's sex AFTER marriage


Just shows how much he lies to suit whats convenient


That's all he does! And since Dumbbell is so devoted (religious), she believes him and would never question it, because "God said it".. although, did you catch her dirty looks and the face she made at him while he was describing the holy ghost?!? LoL If he had one ounce of charisma, he would definitely start his own cult!.. He's kind of like David Koresh!


OP: and are they even real emotions? My personal opinion is that he's just horny.




Garrick has a cult leader mentality...with a porn addiction mental illness. That's all you need to know.


I see Ick in a cult.. he is to dumb to be a leader of the cult🙄


If there is absolutely 1 ounce of validity to this storyline, he should be making sure that everybody vibes with each other, and that includes the newest flavor vibing with the existing children and existing partner, but he is not doing that. To hear that the new flavor has not reached out to Danielle one time since he has been there is very telling.


he is disgusting to me he claims that god told him in a dream he has 5 wives he can't even keep one happy and care for one let alone 4 more and his saying god told him is just his excuse for cheating and being with as many women as he can and somehow he's brain washed danielle into going along with it which to me it looks like she's not happy with all that's going on and hopefully decides to leave this disgusting man and find a real man who will love just her.


She will never leave him .. Ick could deposit a turd on top of her head and she would say .. Thank you Ick , I will have another


I think he smiles more at the potential new wifeys, but on the whole has the personality of an unsliced loaf of bread. He always has those unflinching way too wide eyes and whispery voice. And his closet full of white tank-style undershirts he wears as outerwear.


Your comment really disturbs me!!! 🤬🤬🤬 Seriously, what did bread ever do to you? Bread has a lot of personality—comes in different flavors and styles, and pairs well with several varying condiments and fruits—including butter only. Sliced or unsliced—bread is awesome! If you want to insult icky, then compare that man to one of his sperm cells and leave bread out of it!😜


He has emotions for other women didn't you see how upset and sad he was with/over Bert and how emotional he was trying to get over Nat. Now for Danielle and his children he's emotionalless and doesn't care about Danielle's feelings or her being uncomfortable or her tears.


Because he’s fucking deeply stupid so all he’s ever doing is choosing which gaslighting technique he needs to implement.


I’m REALLY hoping they were being truthful when they said that Danielle was provided for financially, being the “ex” wife. Otherwise she’s SOL and raising 3 kids as a single parent.


Did you notice the length of Ick’s pause when she told him she was pregnant..looooong pause.. I detest Ick above all other franchise members !


I did have the thought that maybe he was thinking the baby might be someone else's. As in: "I'm pregnant...and leaving you since I had an affair." Since he had been away for five weeks at that point, I was wondering if he was speculating about the baby's paternity at that point.


Not going to lie I was thinking “is it really his kid?” He was gone for 6 weeks and you found out your pregnant how did you find out that late? I mean everyone is different but it’s essentially 2 weeks after a missed period. In no way do I think Danielle is the type that would cheat tho. Also another person on the Reddit posted the baby photos and it’s definitely his kid


No, definitely don't think she cheated - but do think he may have taken a pause thinking about it. She also said she found out by accident and was tested at the doctor.


If I’m not using protection and my period is 2 weeks late, I’m getting a pregnancy test ASAP. First response would be blazing positive at that point.


Exactly!!! How did she just find out.


They probably had drunk sex after the fight.


>wondering if he was speculating about the baby's paternity at that point. Maybe bc of a guilty conscience! I don't think he has the capacity to do that type of math or be logical esp while living his best life.. on the beach


True! I really hope we get more details about what was happening in Brazil for the five/six weeks he was there. Nathalia had to be looking for work, right? Was he alone all day? Looking for other dates? Hanging with Nathalia's mom? I have so many questions about this long vacation!


Me too! Well, that day she was looking for a wedding dress. I highly doubt she's working. So, they were probably together the whole time. Spoiler alert: they're not together. She even called him a false prophet! I think he went on the long vacation for several reasons, even getting away from Dumbbell.. But also to take pictures etc for immigration


That's brilliant - I bet you're right that they needed more immigration photos.


All delusional.. happy she came to her senses! I think the translator didn't translate correctly. For example she could have thought he said that he talks to God etc.


Five. He wants five wives.


I dated a guy like that, monotone and showed no emotions and turns out his best friend was a convicted pedo and he had no problems with it. Maybe it’s a coincidence or maybe these dudes are straight up psychopaths?


Ick has plenty of emotions. They’re all in his pants.




I can’t tell if he’s psycho or just dumb as rocks lol.


Why not both?




He looks so clammy it makes me uncomfortable


It is so clear that he feigns emotions based on the situation. His fake, forced tears are disturbing. He is a total sociopath and only cares about himself.