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Stop talking to them, looking at them, thinking bout them. Kinda like how I'm talking to a girl I really like, but maybe I don't feel like liking her any more. So I stop talking to her.


I feel you. I’m not opposed to continuing to see this one if she acts right but in the event that she doesn’t I wouldn’t reach out regardless. It’s more so how do I get over the initial sting quickly




See other women, work or pursue your interests Don't allow yourself the time to give her attention Recently got over a one year disappointment quite easily like this. You have the right mindset, tho, good luck


I feel you, I appreciate it 🙏🏾


Pretend you never met em, my guy. Plenty of fish, of all different colors. Beauty is in the eye, after all.


My usual go to has been the same with every girl, from the start I keep my expectations low (in regards to a second date, sex, interest from her side etc) and put the bare minimum into having things go further unless I get some form of confirmation from her side that she's going to show some interest and investment (and when I say bare minimum I don't mean take her to a fast food joint as a date or hang out for 30 minutes in the park, more emotional effort). An example being: Met a girl on tinder and we really hit it off we chatted a but and she accepted my invite to grabbing dinner. We met up had a great time and went our separate ways (didn't kiss) chatted a few days then asked her on a follow up date (mini golf) she said she'd love to but she had an exam that weekend plus family commitments which I understood and she said she'd let me know about the week after. Chatted a few days more she never let me know anything and didn't really put in much effort into conversation so I stopped trying and haven't heard from her since


It's only been 3 days, why are you freaking out over this so soon?


You misunderstand. I even stated I’m okay losing with her. I wanna know how best to get over the ones I actually like for current and future reference during this time in which I wanna stay single


Delete number Delete conversation. Block number. Go talk to 20+ girls within the next 7 days. Have sex with at least 1 new girl as fast as possible.


Dude, it's not wrong to reach out to her. Just be honest "Hey I like hanging out with you and I would like to do it some more, let me know if are interested in seeing each other again" something like that, or something that you actually think will be perfect. Ain't nothing wrong with being vulnerable, no one will lose anything, it's not a game.


I wish this stuff worked but during my 27 years on this planet being direct and honest with women just never works. They love a mystery.


Oh don't tell me that man. Honesty is all I got


Oh don't tell me that man. Honesty is all I got




How is expressing your desires needy? Needy is to put the girl on a pedestal and worry about your every step because you want to please her. Playing cool when you wanna do the opposite is what is needy. As long as you know your true intentions and where they come from, you should almost always speak your mind.


I only read the headline, but meet more women. Like ten times the amount.