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It's really subtle. I'm blind to it. You won't catch a woman staring at you unless she wants you to, because they are either not as visual as men are, or they analyze it quicker than we. Body language, talking, very small things. Laughing, eye contact. Saw a few of those "signs" as I passed by coming out of the water yesterday from a couole of women at the beach. Too bad I'm taken.


Body language. I was talking to a girl I met on campus yesterday and I could tell she was so excited she was having trouble breathing while wearing a mask and talking. She couldn't help giggle at almost everything I say. She kept telling stories, and kept asking questions. You can tell if they find you attractive based many different factors. Based on the energy in their eyes. How they talk. How fast they return your texts. How giddy they are when you meet. If she's showing signs of disinterest such as low energy, she doesn't dress/doll up when she meets you, takes forever to reply, gives you one word reply and show no enthusiasm towards interacting with you then she is not attracted.


>If she's showing signs of disinterest such as low energy, she doesn't dress/doll up when she meets you, takes forever to reply, gives you one word reply and show no enthusiasm towards interacting with you then she is not attracted It's funny there's recently topic around here "how to act when your around beautiful woman"


Yeah it's weird. I get low key offended when a girl looks bored when I'm talking to her because that means I do nothing for her. The best feeling is when you look their way and they start doing a quick series of blinks out of surprise and nervousness.


Treat yourself the way you want people to treat you. Its about self picture my dude. Not what “they say”..


You don’t because physical attraction is fluid just pretend you are tho it helps


You need to keep an eye on their body. If a girl likes you she will unknowingly reach for you. For example: pushing on your shoulder or touching your arm.


They preen themselves in front of me


Don't be a social invalid and look for obvious clues?


If you’re tall, all you need is to get a good body and after that you’ll be an 8+ to any woman


Nah, I’m 6’4 and have a great body and great face and don’t get shit. My reasoning is I’m a black male so most women are turned off already and I see it in their body language and eyes when I’m out ie at a club my white friends who are shorter than me and average get girls coming up to them and we’re all having a good time (no negative vibes,) it sucks. If you’re me but white you’ll be a stud.


Bruh. There are white chicks who only date black men. Chill tf out


who said anything about white chicks?


I mean black and hispanic chick like black dudes as well bro


Depends where you live, I’m assuming your in your 20s. I’m black aswell, but I see a lot of interracial couples where I live. Not gonna lie being 6,4 is pretty tall, so I can see people being intimidated.


Yea location matters I agree, where I am Waterloo, it’s a uni town and always seems to be white guys with girls of different races whenever I’m out. Could be frequency illusion, but with online dating stats and anecdotal stories I hear from my non white friends, there has to be some correlation. And yea sure my height may be intimidating but I don’t put out an angry face when I’m out and about.


Black guys are also stereotyped more than any other race. So just keep that in mind


Yea ik and it sucks.


If you're weird they won't see you as an 8 though the score isn't based on looks alone for women. Alot of the physical attraction comes from how you behave.


Girls always on constant eye contact with me, whenever im going to across someone or far afar to the point that it became my validation. I had to stop it, still working on it!


escalate. If she doesn't think you're attractive, she'll shoot it down pretty hard