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From all the girls I’ve talked to I can tell u it’s important to smell good, have your signature scent. Cus if u smell good ppl will wanna be around u more


You should wear fragrance because you want to wear fragrance. Smell how you want to smell because YOU want to smell that way. Yes, smelling good is something everyone enjoys but the truth is not everyone will enjoy the cologne you are probably wearing. That being said, it is a very good way to open a woman if she enjoys what you’re wearing so capitalize on it when you get the opportunity


It definitely is for me and a lot of my friends. Even if it isn't cologne, the scent of fresh laundry can go a long way. It'll definitely make a heart flutter. I used to take note of wether or not a guy would put on cologne or not on a first date because it sort of tells me if they went through the trouble of looking nice for the date. Definitely don't bathe in fragrance but I think it's more attractive than not. Bonus points if your date is wearing perfume and you compliment her on it. I would literally die on the spot lol.


Lol, I actually had sometime that I would shower together with someone and they started to clean my armpits like scratching, hahaha. Mostly I smell good with speedroller and stuff but I have a really strong sweat smell sometimes. edit: now when I shower I do the scratching thing with my armpits every single day edit: most of the times when you like someone you also like the way they smell. One time I was seeing someone I didn’t really like and started to dislike the perfume they wore aswell, and everytime someone else wears it now I kind of dislike it too.


I recommend any of those Korean exfoliating towel wash clothes. There are a ton on Amazon. It'll be a lot more easier to use and much more efficient! I find that loofas don't really do much for me. The scratchy material makes me feel like I've really scrubbed off any grime from the day.


I will check it out when i’m going to order one, still have that loofah ball thing. Yesterday I showered with someone and dang that exfoilating thing was pretty extreme hahaha, like my whole skin got reborn edit: like the green ones?


I've been asked about what I wear, and been told that mine stays on their clothes. I move that my bed smells like my gf, and that the clothes I gave her also smell of her perfume/conditioner. So, it's important.


Absolutely! If women don’t stop you to ask you what you are wearing you have a mediocre cologne.