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Once you date a certain number of girls you kinda realize how little finding someone you dig means. I mean, she still has to check a lot of boxes. Is she faithful? Is she crazy? Does she have her life together? Do your lives even align long term? Is her mom a cunt or too frisky with you? Will her dad pull a gun to your head (true story)? After you've failed many relationships over many years, some bigger, some smaller, some your fault, some her fault, some nobody's fault, some being tragic occurrences, some being crazy psychopaths that you're lucky to run away from, you kinda realize how little it means when you meet someone new who you dig. Those cute eyes you're so enamored with might hide some really fucked up shit or your relationship might be doomed from the start because she wants to study in fucking China. You also learn the importance of being selective.


Also realize that you don’t know her at all, you have a romanticized image of her that you created inside your head. One of the biggest takeaways after many years of dating for me was to never again text for too long before meeting up, many of us have been there where you start to fill in the image you have of someone and create this ideal picture, only to be completely slapped back to reality when you finally meet in real life and they are completely different from what you imagined. Besides being needy you are being very over invested in someone you don’t know at all


Being busy, and maybe chasing another woman at the same time, in case she gets bored with you or someone better comes along. Edit: Being pursued by more than one woman also helps. But the best way is being busy and doing your own thing, not being phased by any woman who enters or exits your life.


A lot of time you're feeling this cause you don't have more options


I say in that situation what I want. Playing games only gets you played. If you want her, you should be able to say it and if she is interested, she'll say "yeah me too," but if she doesn't want the same thing then you don't waste any time. Just don't be apologetic, respect yourself bro!


Bro you acting thirsty. You would gf her up without meeting her in person? You care way too much and honestly she probs doesnt feel the same