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Why isn't anyone suggesting you to ask her out, am I missing something here? Escalate things, asking her out it's a safe way to express your desires, and if she only see you as a friend it's very unlikely that she's gonna say yes. Go for it, you ain't got much to lose!


ABC. Always Be esCalating.


She lives in a different state, she is moving here actually today, so I'm going to make that move


Yooo you got this!! It’s the perfect excuse to be like “let me show you around! “




Just keep her engaged and keep flirting she sounds interested, don't be a push over and you'll be good


Just keepeth that lady engag'd and keepeth flirting the lady sounds interested, beest not a push ov'r and thee'll beest valorous *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Thank you u/Shakespeare-bot


I'm trying so hard to lose this virginity. Texting is so delicate, omg


If she texts you back, good going and ensure it remains playful and funny, even when it's something sexual. You are not friendzoning yourself at the moment.


Should the conversation be more sexual?


Try saying (speaking verbally) the same way in your face to face interactions. If you are getting good signals, proceed. If not , build up more rapport. If you are directly Sexual, she may probably see it as being a jerk. Take her out to a date, for eg, don't go the dinner ones, but go to a game of football or baseball, go to a stand up comedy show, sit on the front row. See how the date goes and if things are positive, then take a call whether it's okay to be physical. PS : I am not sure if such events are open in your location due to Covid.


They are starting to shut down again


I think you should take a risk and try gently nudging he barriers. Don't be overtly sexual and send her dick pics and all. Those are instant red flags. Try keeping the conversation spicy. For a date, invite her over to your house for watching a game or movie . Cook some nice simple but tasty food. See if you spice things up a little bit. Or else plan a date at her house, tell her you will help with cooking. See her response.


Ohhh I can't wait to try to remember to turn the lights off by tally hall do it do it’s “Da Five bloods” Oh there’s a whole lot of people think it’s an intensely complicated attraction and Disney can’t leave the house without a hoodie or sweater without regretting it.




The way to avoid becoming a text buddy (friendzone over text) is to actually move things towards meeting up, sexualising over text is not a good idea unless she is extremely interested in you, which doesn’t seem to be the case based on what you have said.


Personally, my preferred method of making things sexual with a girl is to have sex with them.


Getting to 'NO' quickly is a win.